Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1551: Blood disaster

They are not stupid, either one of the Creator or the Emperor of the Realm, where the strength of this beast cannot be seen.

The sixth level of the kingdom of kings may face upwards.

In this dimensional world, the strength of the fierce beast is not suppressed, so that the fierce beasts of the sixth level of the realm of the realm of the kingdom can fight the emperor at the peak of the realm of the realm of the realm.

And the strongest of them are only the fourth and fifth steps of the realm of kings, where are the opponents.

"Damn Brahma, this is too vicious."

"What are you doing? Run away, this beast is too strong."

"Run and run!"

At this moment, where a group of people can take care of Liu Fan and Bart, they immediately ran in all directions, but the whole hall was enveloped by the field of this ferocious beast. It was completely a swamp quagmire, and those who were repaired as weak points could not escape.

The fierce beast originally wanted to chase Liu Fan and Bart, but now seeing so many prey, they have long left them behind.

Roar Roar!

It was so excited that it began to hunt wildly, and the Creator and Emperor one by one became his food.

The whole hall was soon red with blood.

At this time, Liu Fan and Bart had already disappeared.

A day later.

The news of a major bloodshed at the supply point spread throughout the dimensional world, and more than 100,000 people died as a result.

This is not a bloodshed, but a blood disaster.

"What, that Brahma again?"

"I'll go, how did he do it alone, I'm still young, don't lie to me."

"It turned out that the beast had entered the hall of the supply point. This is too crazy, no wonder so many people have died."


Everyone was talking about this, and they were already a little afraid of the name Brahma.

The Dragon Demon naturally also received this news. He hated and said, "One third of the 100,000 people who died are from our Blood Mountain Universe. This Brahma is simply our scourge. In this case, then It is even more important to kill him at all costs. According to my command, it is equally important to fight for inheritance and kill Brahma in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe in the dimensional world, and double the reward of Brahma's hunting. "

Hearing here, even Moro was shocked.

Almost everyone else is the same.

In the heart of a big tree that did not know where, Liu Fan and Bart were quietly hiding here.

"Fan, how many treasures did you grab in the hall?" Bart asked curiously.

"This number." Liu Fan raised nine fingers.

"Nine." Bart couldn't help laughing when he saw this. "Then you're far from me. I grabbed twenty-two, almost three times yours. I said I was single. Million years of hand speed is no better than you. "

"I'm talking about ninety." Liu Fan said at this time a bit of a hit.

"Ninety ... Ninety!" Barth said unfavorably. "How is this possible, how can you rob so much more than me. Fan, how many years have you been single?"

"You care about what this does. The reason why I snatched ninety pieces was mainly because I snatched other people. After all, even if it was fast, I didn't **** others quickly. I remember one guy that I snatched, and he was alone. There are thirty or more treasures. "

"Fan, you are a real cow." Bart was convinced.

"Well, I'm going to study this defensive magic weapon, you can help me alert." Liu Fan thought about it, and then he looked at Bart a little unwillingly, adding, "It's not for you to do it for nothing. You are a first-order original artifact. "

"Fan, what are you doing so politely? If you don't send me anything, I won't give you the same vigilance. What is our relationship, friends? You also look down on me too much." Barth was right. He said, but he was handsome for three seconds, and then said, "I want that knife, is it okay?"

"No." Liu Fan froze a bit, and said with some sorrow.

Next, Liu Fan began to study the defensive magic weapon, but Bart summoned Xiao Chong: "That little Chong, your master, I will be in retreat for a while, you will alert me, and I will give you a bag of specials Worm food that is worth millions of cosmic crystals. "

"Uh-huh." Xiao Chong nodded in excitement, full of energy at the moment.

"Have a good job, I'm optimistic about you." Bart said, and such a dark, dark-hearted businessman could not find a second one.

A month later.

Liu Fan has thoroughly researched the entire defense magic weapon, and has refined it into his own magic weapon.

This defense is indeed very powerful, said to be liquid, but after refining, it can completely change the shape, softness and hardness of the host, and even adjust the thickness of any place to increase the defense strength.

With such a defensive magic weapon, Liu Fan's confidence increased greatly. He felt that even if he had encountered the sixth-order emperor in the kingdom of the kingdom, he could still protect himself.

"Van, are you awake?"

Bart's voice came, and Xiao Chong reminded Liu Fan the first time he woke up.

"Well, I'm awake." Liu Fan nodded. "How are you? I think you're practicing, but it's been a month. Many people may have found a second supply point, and we also Can't hold it anymore. "

"The second supply point is good. There must be a second supply point when there is a first supply point." Barth's eyes heated up, and he gained a lot at the first supply point. Go inside and search for it.

"Let's go." Liu Fan stood up, knowing that time wasn't waiting, and the defense magic weapon had been turned into a black windbreaker and worn on him.

"Um." Ba said, and the two set off immediately.

In an instant, the two went hundreds of millions of miles.

The second supply point was indeed found by the two, but now this supply point is completely empty and everything in it has been snatched away.

Now ~ ~ only left an empty hall.

"I should have thought about it. After the first supply point came out, everyone would want to find the second supply point, so this made the time of the second supply point significantly shorter. Look at the traces inside It is estimated that this second supply point was snatched out within three days. "Liu Fan sighed helplessly.

"Okay, we are really late, but I don't believe that nothing was left for us." But Bart didn't hesitate, rummaging in the hall, but it was really empty, something valuable None of them, "I see, the entire palace is worth a little bit of this monument, or I'll carry it back."

"Are you so poor?" Liu Fan couldn't help crying and laughing, but watching Bart actually wanted to start, but his eyes brightened, "Wait a minute, there is a word on this stele."

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Chapter 1551 Blood Disaster (Page 1/1)

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