Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1562: Acceptance

one year later.

A man came to the space of the Lord God. This man was under the control of the dragon demon, and his name was Li Ya. . . . . . . . . .

"Imperial Lord, I'm glad you can come to the Lord God Space. I am the head of the Lord God Space Division of the Demon Blood Mountain Space Country, code-named" Master 12323 ". I'm happy to serve you." The man smiled and gestured. Yadi Sit down, after all, this Lia Great is also a VIP customer of their Lord God Space, and naturally cannot be treated like ordinary customers.

"Do n’t talk nonsense. When you just sent me a message, you said that you had collected the information I wanted, that is, about Brahma, wasn't it?" Li Ya said lightly, and he still knew the origin of the space of the Lord God. Yes, this space is said to be a coalition of forces formed by the combination of the main gods. The strength is not very strong in the Shenhe River, but the ability to gather information is not trivial. Many immortals have to buy information from them.

The Lord 12323 smiled, and at the same time he took it seriously: "Then I will tell you the truth, the Brahma information you asked us to collect last time has now been collected. The origin of this Brahma is completely beyond your imagination. In order to collect this information, especially many of them, which are extremely hidden, we invested huge human and material resources and even verified with many gods in the Shenhe River before confirming the authenticity of these messages. "

When Li Ya heard this, she couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

beyond imagination?

Shenhe to verify?

What is the origin of this Brahma, and all of you need to go to Shenhe to prove it?

"What do you mean?" Leia frowned.

"One hundred million immortal coins!" "Master 12323" erected a finger, and when he heard this, Lia finally understood that he dared to increase the price, and knew that he had only paid ten thousand immortal coins. Deposit, and the estimated total price is about one million immortal coins, but now it has risen a hundred times out of thin air, in fact, it is almost the same as extortion. It's no wonder that the other person will meet with him in person.

"Why so many?" Li Ya could not help frowning. They must know that the second order of the killing order issued by the Magic Blood Mountain Universe to Liu Fan, the final reward was 100 million immortal coins.

"It's a little bit, but the information we investigated is worth the price, and you will understand after reading it."

"Such a huge amount of immortal coins are no longer in my control. You wait a moment."

Li Ya said, but immediately contacted the dragon demon: "Commander, you asked me to investigate the information about Brahma, and now there are results on the main **** space, but their asking price is too high."

"How much do they ask for?" The dragon magic drops received the message for a while, and immediately asked, in fact, he thought that even if the asking price is too high, how high can it be? After all, it is only the information of the Creator.

Like his own information, he knows that the price of the Lord God Space does not exceed 10 million universe coins.

"One hundred million immortal coins!" Li Ya thought about it, and said it truthfully.

"How much?" The dragon demon suddenly stood up from his chair, thinking he had heard it wrong.

"One hundred million immortal coins, the person in charge of the Lord God Space said that Brahma's intelligence is worth the price." Li Ya reluctantly repeated again.

"It turned out that the asking price is really so high. What is the identity of this Brahma? It seems that there is a big problem in it." The dragon demon thought about it and finally accepted this fact. In fact, if the asking price is low, he really treats Liu Fan's intelligence is not interested, because it only shows that Liu Fan's identity is simple, there is nothing valuable, and the asking price is so high, it has left him in the bottom of his heart, and only feels that this Liu Fan is somewhat inscrutable, "buy No matter how many immortal coins are spent, buy this Brahma information. "

He made up his mind and didn't buy it to see what exactly this Liu Fan was. He couldn't sleep next.

"Yes, Captain."

Liya responded, and this started buying intelligence.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The two men said that the transaction was finally ended, and after receiving the information, Liya passed a copy to the dragon demons as soon as possible.

"Finally, I'll see where you are sacred."

The dragon demon said that Liu Fan's information had been opened, and suddenly a lot of information appeared. Looking at these information, his face gradually changed.

"Brahma, formerly Liu Fan."

"Brahma is just a code name, derived from the Brahma League he founded."

The dragon demon didn't feel anything when he saw it here, but he was stunned when he followed the message: "What, so far this Liu Fan has only cultivated for 10,000 years. How can it be that 10,000 years can have this strength? , Who is the reincarnation of him, or what universe-like fetish he ate. "

It's just that this message has made some dragon spirits tremble.

He thought that Liu Fan should at least have practiced for millions of years, and he didn't expect that he would only be in his first 10,000 years. This is a genius among geniuses.

The Mo Luo, who is called a genius by their universe, is completely incomparable. This is simply a heaven and a underground.

Keep reading, the dragon demon is even more shocked.

"Immortal College, what Immortal College, this Liu Fan is a student of this college? What, this college has a number of immortal posts in it, even the immortal of the alien race."

"During the invasion of the alien race, the Xianxian University turned its head on the horror and killed countless alien races."

"What happened to this news, Wushan Jingu and the Xian Academy signed the Wushan Treaty. This treaty was signed by the ancestor of Wushan himself, and this ancestor of Wushan is said to have been the main god's realm. As for the content of this treaty ... … Apart from the land cut compensation, three immortals of Wushan Jinggu were dispatched to the earth federation where the Immortal Academy was located. "

"Damn, what college is this? It's too scary. Even the Lord God has to bow before them and sign such a treaty. The key point is that I have never heard of this college."

"The newspaper also said that he had a deeper relationship with the dean of Xianxian College, and that the dean of Xianxian College ... felt terrible to think about it."

After seeing all the information, the dragon demon felt afraid for a while: "The false accusation to the Lord, this matter must be false to the Lord."

He immediately passed on this information to the Lord of the Bloodworld.

After a long time, a cold voice came through the space: "This immortal college is indeed not ordinary, but this Liu Fan is just a student of this immortal college. If we are so afraid, we will be afraid in the future. How does the universe nation stand in the universe. Do n’t worry about it. This fairy college is just some background. Our magic blood mountain universe nation is not as simple as imagined. When you enter Shenhe, you will know us. How powerful is the power behind the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. "

After hearing this, the dragon demon understood it.

That is their Magic Blood Mountain Universe, and they are not afraid of any Immortal Academy.

This immediately made him full of confidence, no worries, and full of expectations for the forces behind the Magic Blood Mountain Universe in Shenhe.

"Kingdom, I know what to do." The dragon demon immediately assured him that he was at ease.

Time passed slowly, one year and two years, in a blink of an eye, three thousand years.

The entire inheritance is not over yet. Liu Fan is immersed in the life of the True Dragon Lord, and he sees the True Dragon Lord from humble to admiration by all people.

In the process, he seemed to have lived another life with the identity of the True Dragon Lord.

Outside, countless people are still waiting.

"Moxido, have you ended the inheritance?" Outside of the dimensional world, Bing Lan was a little surprised. She has waited here for 3,000 years.

At this moment, Moxido is a little different. He seems to be several times stronger than before, but just adapted to the outside environment and slowly said, "Bing Lan, thank you very much."

Bing Lan heard this, her face a little shy.

Mosido didn't say anything. He looked behind him, "What about Brahma, isn't he out yet?"


Bing Lan replied, and then he was a little worried: "Brahma used one person to make no one in the entire Blood Mountain Universe get this inheritance. Now this thing is still going on and on. It was a raging thunder, and even personally raised Liu Fan's hunting order to a level. Now outside of this metaworld, the Demon Blood Mountain Universe has laid the Tianluo Di Net. If Brahma dares to come out, it will certainly be given by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe Catch. "

Mosido pondered for a moment: "No, I'm here to wait for Liu Fan. I can still inherit and thank him for his help. I can't watch him being caught and killed by the Blood Mountain Universe here."

Hearing this, Bing Lan was unwilling: "You don't be stupid, this thing is not something you can stop, and even at the beginning you were on the Wanted Order of the Magic Blood Mountain Universe, or appeared in the arena, Magic Blood Mountain The universe nation hasn't pursued you, otherwise you must have been arrested by the magic blood mountain universe nation once you came out. "

Hearing this, Mosido clenched his teeth: "That won't work, I'm here to watch Brahma come out."

Bing Lan didn't expect Mosido to be so stubborn, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

She could only wait with Silly with Mocido.

Time went on, and in the blink of an eye five thousand years, six thousand years, and eight thousand years.

Most of the successors have come out, and each of these successors has made great progress and gained a lot.

This day, Luo Yu came out.

"It ’s still the outside world. Inside, I almost thought that I was a great consummation. But this way of inheritance is really wonderful. It makes me like walking through the life of Mu Kong. The whole soul is It was a wash. "Luo Yu said slowly, the figure flickered out and disappeared, and several people had noticed her, even the immortal deities, but no one dared to stop him from leaving.

Ten thousand years, ten thousand years.

All the inheritors in it came out, except Liu Fan.

At this moment, he had just walked through the life of the True Dragon Lord, and suddenly he opened his eyes and saw the true me.

He was not affected by the Lord of the True Dragon at all. At this moment there was a faint smile on his face: "It's interesting, following the path of the Lord of the True Dragon's life, I fully understand how the law of swallowing is, I know. How to cultivate this rule. Now as long as I comprehend the law of engulfment into my own law of engulfment and make the law of engulfment more complete, then I will consolidate the law of engulfment without effort. "

With that said, he immediately acted.

In his mind, the vaguely engulfing rules slowly became clear.

Gradually a model of the law of engulfment appeared, and everything came naturally, completely effortlessly.

However, Liu Fan knows that if there is no inheritance of the true dragon master, it may take millions or even millions of years to finally complete this breakthrough.


At the moment when the law of devouring condensed, the world of kings in his dantian was completely formed.

However, unlike other people ’s world king worlds, other people ’s world king worlds are a dimension world, or a planet or the like.

His dimension world is in a starry sky, the deep black hole.

At that moment the black hole was swirling, and began to absorb all the energy around it, and swallowed all of this energy relentlessly.

Even the energy of many dimensions has become the object of his plunder.

At this moment, Liu Fan accumulated a lot of money, but the kingdom of the emperor and emperor who had just broken through had just stabilized in an instant, and then pushed his cultivation to the second stage of the kingdom of emperor.

Followed, even did not stop, even went all the way to the third level of the kingdom of the kingdom.

Liu Fan was also pleasantly surprised at this time: "The third level of the kingdom of kings is equivalent to my understanding of the rule of three percent of devouring, and when I continue to digest the inheritance of the true dragon master, I will rush to the kingdom of kings in one fell swoop Level 7 or higher is not a problem. Next, it is not the realm that restricts me, but the time. Just give me enough time. "

"Heir, you are as good as my master." The voice continued to sound ~ ~ The Lord of True Dragons can also be compared with me. The law of devouring his practice is only the second-class rule, and the devouring of my practice The rule is the most powerful first-class rule, and my success will far exceed your master. "Liu Fan hummed.

The will of the dimensional world was stunned, and this is still not a good chat.

"Say, don't you still have something to tell me?" Liu Fan said slowly, but he looked a little impatient. "Come on, I'm still waiting to leave."

"Hey, the inheritor chosen by the host doesn't know which step he will take in the end." The hesitation was hesitant, and he said slowly, "Okay, now you have accepted the inheritance of the host, and I next What I want to explain to you is actually something left by the owner. "

Hearing here, Liu Fan was still a little moved.

It is definitely not easy to think about what a master **** left behind.

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