Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1561: This inheritor, you have ideas

"Shocked, it's because your pattern is too small." Liu Fan said indifferently, so many students in the college are attacking the first-class rules, but in this vast world of stars, many people even put the first-class rules As a legend. It has to be said that this is a gap in the pattern. The high requirements of the college for students have made students dare to fight now, and the first-class rules are not as far-fetched as the outside rumors.

Of course, the college's faculty also plays a vital role here.

Listening to Liu Fan's words, no one can hear them, which undoubtedly acknowledges that he really cultivates first-class rules.

Rule of Devour!

Devouring, this rule feels terrifying when you think about it.

At this time, it seemed a little acceptable that everyone was so powerful against Liu Fan.

"The law of devour can devour everything into his own divine power. As long as he moves his mind, he can get a continuous supply of energy. This is why he has been fighting until now and can still maintain his peak state. Faced with such an opponent, he is always Being able to give a full blow without worrying about energy consumption is invincible. "Luo Yu said, watching Liu Fan a little more awe.

Other people are the same.

The news was also passed to the outside world for the first time, and the sensation caused was huge.

"His cultivation is actually devouring the law. If he is allowed to condense the seeds of the law and break through to the realm of the emperor and king, he will definitely become a number of great emperors in history. By then, before he becomes immortal, it will already be our magic blood mountain The disaster of the universe nation. And he threatened to destroy our demon blood mountain universe nation, which is even more unbearable. At all costs, we must eradicate this Brahma. "The dragon and demon hate the way, when he learned that Liu Fan He was shocked when he practiced the law of devouring.

Almost everyone else is the same.

Liu Fan sat on the seat of the god, like an overwhelming god. He looked around, and everyone dared not look directly into his eyes.

Facing Liu Fan, everyone here felt a heavy pressure.

This is true of many powerful men in the realm of the Emperor. Here, Liu Fan is definitely the strongest deserved, and even they dare not challenge the slightest.

"Does anyone else want to try?"

Liu Fan looked at the crowd, and finally locked his eyes on Luo Yu and the creation man who had not spoken: "What about you?"

Luo Yu showed an extremely serious expression, and after a moment he made a decision: "I am practicing the first-class world law, and the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord has little meaning to me. I originally wanted to obtain the True Dragon Lord Inheritance is just trying to get the cultivation resources left by the Lord of True Dragons. Now, I have decided to give up. It is unwise to offend a Creator who cultivates the law of devouring. "

Luo Yu said generously, and didn't think it was a shame at all.

After he finished speaking, he walked towards a seat near the Lord of the True Dragon: "If I have not guessed correctly, this deity should be the inheritance of the nine great consummate Shenmu Mountains under the Lord of the True Dragon. What Mushan cultivates is The law of no-air is the same as the law of my world. In fact, this is the most suitable for me. Now, this deity belongs to me. If anyone does not accept it, please try it.

With that said, he stepped up to the **** of the wood mountain step by step.

"You!" Someone couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to stop Luo Yu.

"Get off!" Luo Yu ignored it, and the man who dared to stop him split into cosmic particles with a single stab. "I don't know who is going to die."

When a group of people saw the means of falling feathers, no one dared to step forward anymore.

The only creator of the Creator, who gave up after thinking about it, gave up. He may also have some hidden means, but he did not have absolute confidence whether he was dealing with Liu Fan or Luo Yu.

On the other side of Liu Fan, he sat on the other throne who fulfilled God's heritage.

Looking around, there are already many people sitting on the thrones, and the rest are few.

"Damn, this seat is mine." A familiar voice came, only to see that it turned out to be Mossido, and he was sitting on a deity, but was strongly driven away by a man.

"Look for death." The man looked at Mossido and wanted to recapture him, and he punched in the past, but Mossido was not an opponent at all, but he was blown out directly, and a blood spurted out.

Bing Lan came from one side at this moment and immediately supported Mosido.

"Don't go any further. His strength is much stronger than ours. If he goes again, he will be killed." Bing Lan stopped Mosido.

"But ... that's the inheritance of the lion lion. This lion lion is the same as the law I cultivate. If I can get this inheritance, I can break through the realm of the emperor and even become immortal in the future." If I miss this opportunity, I feel that I will not be able to become immortal in the future, maybe the limit is the emperor of the kingdom. "

"This ..." Bing Lan was silent.

"Huh." The man ignored it, and looked at Mosido coldly. He wouldn't let him out.

But at this time, a voice came.

"Go down."

The voice had a terrifying killing intention, and it was a shocking spirit that scared the man. He followed the sound, only to see that Liu Fan was pointing at him with a sword.


The man couldn't help but trembled. He just saw Liu Fan's method, which was just terrible.

Facing Liu Fan, he definitely could not walk a round.

"I'll let you go aside, did you hear me?" Liu Fan said, one sword slashed in the past, but it was the gentle sword that brought endless pressure to the man. It was as if he was going to be devoured.

"I'm rolling, I'm rolling!" Where did the man dare to stay, he rolled away and left the god.

"Brahma, this ..." Mossido froze, wondering what to say.

"Sit up." Liu Fan said faintly, as if just doing it.

"Thank you." Mosido no longer said anything, but was moved by his heart. At this crucial time, he never thought that Liu Fan would help him win this god. Already.

Bing Lan lingered for a long time, still some unbelievable.

Liu Fan did not move any further, but he sat there, and no one could ignore his existence.

"Brahma, do me a favor." A voice sounded. It was how long the snakeman hadn't seen him before. He came to Liu Fan and looked at him now.

Liu Fan looked at the snakeman and squinted his eyes, "What are you doing?"

In fact, Liu Fan had noticed the snakeman long ago.

The snakeman gritted his teeth. He had parted ways with Liu Fan and Bart. If it hadn't been possible in the last place, he really didn't want to ask Liu Fan for help.

In his opinion, Liu Fan should be a mortal person, but now he has become the master of this inheritance of the starry sky.

And just now Liu Fan took the shot to win a seat for Mosido. He saw it in his eyes. That's how he finally decided to ask Liu Fan for help.

He also wants to inherit, even if he loses a little face, he will not hesitate, after all, face can be worth a few dollars.

"I want a god." Snake simply said.

"Do you want a god?" Liu Fan smiled, but looked a little scary. "Then why do you think I want to help you, you are my friend or my classmate, you don't seem to be. Abandon me and Bart from you At that time, we are not all the way, of course I will not embarrass you for this, blame you, after all people have their own aspirations. But if you ask for me, I will not help you, do you understand? "

"I ..." The snakeman did not expect Liu Fan to say so straightforward, and he really regretted it at the moment.

"What if it's Bart?" Snake couldn't help asking.

"If it was Bart, I would do everything to help him **** a deity, and I believe he would do it for me, because Bart and I are friends, but you are not." Liu Fan said lightly, too lazy to bother. The snakeman.

Now the snakeman has become a stranger with him, and he is just a passenger in his heart.

The snakeman gritted his teeth and left.

He knew that with his own strength, it was impossible to seize a deity, and he had to give up.

But did he regret it? Vaguely, he did regret it a bit. If he insisted on standing behind Liu Fan like Bart, maybe he will have his share today.

Soon, the seventy-six deities were filled with people.

Inheritance is about to begin.

However, at this time, Shi Fan stood up, and many people looked at him.

I saw his eyes slowly sweeping, and then said with an extremely cold voice: "The man in the Blood Mountain Universe who is sitting on the God seat can now roll away."

Hearing this, everyone was horrified.

"Why, you are too bullying."

"Brahma, don't go too far."

"Damn, the Demon Blood Mountain Universe will not let you go."

Liu Fan listened to the cries of many people and ignored them at all. He simply cut off with a sword. One of the fiercest was immediately divided into two sections.

Suddenly, the entire inheritance of the starry sky quieted down.

Many people in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, despite being extremely unwilling, looked at Liu Fan's ready-to-hand appearance and had to get up and leave.

In an instant, more than twenty deities were vacated.

At this time, the group of people who could not have obtained the throne once again raised hope.

But at this moment no one dared to act rashly, these thrones were seized by Liu Fan, how dare they sit up.

Liu Fan looked around slowly and said, "No one is sitting on it, but unfortunately it must be full. This inheritance has only begun, which is a bit difficult. So, if the highest bidder wins, whoever pays the highest price, then the rest Whose inheritance is the God, let's begin. "

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Finally, someone gritted his teeth and started quoting.

"Two second-order original artifacts."

"A first-order source magic weapon."

"A thousand immortal crystals!"

Liu Fan listened to the quotations of everyone. When all the quotations were over, he pointed to some people: "Well, these gods are yours."

Having said that, he took away all the things from these people, which is a big profit.

From the beginning to the end, people like Luo Yu and others looked at each other. I didn't expect to play this way, but if they replaced them, they would be desperately bidding, because once this is inherited, the return will be at least 100 times thousand. Times.

"Very well, there are inheritors on each of the thrones. The inheritance is about to officially begin. Please pay attention to all inheritors." The familiar voice sounded again, and at this time, the inherited starry sky, which had been shining, suddenly became dim But, following that, the deity of the deity was shining brightly, like a scorching sun, and everyone felt that they could not open their eyes, but the strong light was only flashing away, and soon all seventy-six deities were all Disappeared, they entered another space, and the entire inheritance of the starry sky was completely dark.

The inheritance has officially started.

Outside, ten days later.

When the dragon demon got the news, the whole person was furious: "None of the entire Demon Mountain Universe has been inherited because of this Brahma, this is a shame, a great shame."

The people trembled and dared not speak at all.

It is absolutely unprecedented for a creator of the Creator to force their colossal universe into this state.

"The nineteenth prince, how about you?" The dragon demon asked.

"That Brahma is really terrific. Where can I dare to go in and fight for the lineage. If he finds me, it is estimated that the first one will kill me. So from the third lineage point, I did not enter the lineage of the sky at all." Luo said helplessly.

The dragon demon was silent, and ordered a moment later: "Set up layers of containment outside the dimensional world. This Brahma after accepting the inheritance, will definitely come out, and then it will be his dead time. Well, inside, he can fight the emperor But outside, it ’s easy for us to kill him. As long as I gently move my fingers, I can make him kneel for mercy. "


In some unknown time and space ~ ~ Liu Fan came here.

He looked around and had a strange feeling, as if he had entered someone else's life.

"Congratulations, heir, you have inherited the inheritance of our Lord True Dragon Lord. Here, you will be able to feel the life of our Lord True Dragon Lord, realize his laws, his realm, and you will also Be the second him. "

"I won't be anyone, I'm me."

Liu Fan couldn't help interrupting the road, and this made the consciousness of the world inherited.

"This inheritor, you have a lot of ideas." The consciousness said slowly, "Well, the inheritance has begun, this inheritance may last a long time, and after you feel my Lord's life, I believe you will The harvest is great. Then, I still have something and things to explain to you. When these are completed, my mission will be over. "

Liu Fan no longer said anything, just faintly looked forward.

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