Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1560: You just shocked me

Luo Yu was stunned, and Ye Ye was stunned, as was Yue Yue and the Creator who remained silent.

Finally, Ying Yue couldn't help it first.

He was extremely angry and growled: "Asshole, I don't know who you are, but the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord is mine, it's mine, and you roll me off that seat."

He said, grabbing Liu Fan with one hand.

Liu Fan looked at this great emperor, but also turned into a sword light and killed the past.

There was a fault in the void, and layers of space were swallowed up. He seemed to be teleporting in front of Yueyue.

Then, a sword killed the past.

"What mystery is this? Let me die, and I will swallow it and absorb everything."

Yue Yue was so angry that he looked at Liu Fan, who was close at hand, and immediately transformed his tactics into a giant beast and sucked at Liu Fan, as if to swallow Liu Fan into his stomach.

But Liu Fan's sword came over, but formed a black hole.

The devouring of the beast, that and the devouring of the black hole is not at all a level thing.

Suddenly, I only saw that the beast that Yue Yue had turned into was like a balloon that was dying, as if all the flesh had been drained and dried up.

"No, it's impossible, what is your law, I feel, I feel ..."

Ying Yue is struggling. It is a kind of repression on the level of law, just like the law of space can crush the law of making air. This is the situation.

He was scared and looked at Liu Fan in horror.


He stepped back 100,000 miles, and the whole man was already pale.

At that moment, he found that even one tenth of his roots had been plundered by Liu Fan, and what kind of exercises or secrets could be absorbed by others.

"You and I practice the same kind of rules ... Don't you ..." Yu Yue thought more, "The law of swallowing, are you practicing the law of swallowing, the same as the rule of true dragon masters. I understand, no wonder You have to fight for the inheritance of the true dragon master. It turns out that you practice the same rule. If you get the inheritance of the true dragon master, it is hard to guarantee that you will not become the second true dragon master. "

As soon as this word came out, many people around were horrified.

Does he practice the law of devouring?

Liu Fan smiled at this time, but sneered: "The frog at the bottom of the well, you think I practice the law of swallowing, then you just continue to think so."

He was full of disdain for Yue Yue, and was too lazy to pursue, but returned to the deity again.

He looked around, and was about to say who else was there.

"Prince Ye Ye, we are here." At this time, a voice came, and it turned out that the two emperors were carrying more than a hundred emperors and the lord of the highest state of creation.

"It came in time, and took this guy down from the inheritance seat of the True Dragon Lord to help me get the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord." Ye Ye looked at Liu Fan, at this moment is full of killing intention.

"Yes, prince."

More than a hundred people answered and immediately shot at Liu Fan.

"Wait a minute, Prince Ye." At this time a person also stood up. "My name is Karlia, under the command of the Dragon and Demon Commander of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. The second-level killing order is bound to kill him. Since you want to kill him, it is better that we join forces, but after killing him, this Brahma corpse will be handed over to our Blood Mountain Universe. "

"Okay." Ye Ye agreed almost without thinking.

The two sides are mixed together, and there are almost three hundred men. This can be said to be the strongest strength of the two universe nations.

Faced with the joint efforts of these people, even Rainfall and the Mang Cang State behind him have to retreat.

Everyone looked at Liu Fan. At the moment, there is only one idea, that is, this Liu Fan is over. Even if you are more powerful, but besieged by so many people, you will definitely die.


"kill him!"

"Brahma, your good days are over, let's die!"

A group of people shouted and launched a horrific attack on Liu Fan.

Liu Fan grunted coldly, but he was not afraid at all.

He also knew that the situation was not good at this moment, in fact, not only these enemies in front of him, but also many hidden enemies. It can be said that he is victorious, but if he is injured, it will probably cause other people to rush into it.

He must tell others with unparalleled strength that this inheritance must be him.

At this moment, he is naturally out of all means.


He slashed out with a sword, and at the same time also flew out a fairy charm from his hand. This was an explosive fairy charm made by the college teacher, which was comparable to the full blow of the sixth-order emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom. At this moment his sword did not hit the target, but this fairy amulet exploded, but it killed or injured a dozen people instantly.

"What the **** is this?"

"Why is it a horrible power?"

"Damn, there are many hidden means in this Brahma."

Naturally, Liu Fan would not explain these to others, just like this fairy amulet is also the only one of the academy.

Fighting continues.

Liu Fan's horror was gradually revealed. It seemed that he didn't know tiredness. The immortal power he consumed seemed to be in one breath, and he could fully recover.

In fact, it is exactly the same. His practice of devouring magical magic can not only devour the origin of others, but also huge energy, so that he can obtain far-reaching and immortal power every moment and at a peak.

The blood was flowing and the sky was red.

More than 300 lords and emperors besieging Liu Fan began to fall.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two hundred people remaining in the three hundred people, and only one hundred people remaining in the two hundred people. The corpse was smashed into the starry sky, and many of them were gone.

"Devil, this guy is a devil!"

"How is this possible? His strength is still so strong, he seems to be tired."

"What the **** is going on, who are we at war with, and we are not his opponents at all."


Ye Ye was also stricken at the moment: "It's impossible, why are we so many people together, not even his opponent ~ ~ Many people have already resigned, and this is no good in any way.

Next, I don't know who gave up first, and other people who were alive fled around.

Who can live, who wants to die.

Liu Fan looked at all this indifferently, and did not pursue it.

At this time, a voice sounded, and it turned out to be Yu Fei: "I can see that what you cultivate is not the law of swallowing at all, nor is it an approximate rule of other swallowing laws, but the origin of all such laws, which is legendary. The rule of devouring. As far as I know, in the last era, no one has broken through the realm of emperor by virtue of this rule. You are shocked. "

Everyone was shocked to hear what Luo Yu said.

Brahma practice is actually a first-class law.

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