Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1559: Fight for heritage, come on!

Countless people looked excited at the place of inheritance.

Anyone wants to sit in that position at the moment.

"Mine, the inheritance of the Lord of the True Dragon belongs to me." A man shouted and rushed to the throne in the starry sky, but at this time a figure rushed out, killing the past with one stroke.

The blood-stained starry sky was quiet all around.

All I saw was a man in white, who had just killed the guy who dared to take over the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord.

"It's him. The peerless genius of Mangcang Cosmopolitan Kingdom has fallen. It is said that he is practicing the first-class rule of the world. He can soon consolidate this rule and become the first-class ruler." Someone exclaimed.

Luo Yu's name is very loud in several star fields around.

Everyone looked at him at this moment, but also a little fearful.

Luo Yu walked step by step, towards the position of the Lord of the True Dragon: "Huh, what kind of character is the Lord of the True Dragon, beheading the Lord God, and standing by the galaxy, his inheritance is also something you can do. If anyone wants to inherit the True Dragon Lord, he must uphold the will of the True Dragon Lord, go all the way, and devour the earth. "

Everyone couldn't help nodding his head when he heard him.

That voice also sounded again: "Yes, our Lord's inheritance is naturally not available to anyone. Our Lord rises from the killing step by step, and eventually achieves the highest position. If you want to inherit our Lord's inheritance, then go to fight Let's kill, when all the seventy-six deities are filled with people, the inheritance will officially begin. Those who do not sit on the throne will naturally not be able to obtain the inheritance. "

The voice fell, countless people couldn't help it anymore.

One by one, the gods in the starry sky rushed to them, which may be the biggest chance for them in their lifetime.

Liu Fan also moved, his goal is only one, that is, the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord.

A few people are all staring beside this throne.

It can be said that those who dare to fight for the True Dragon Master's inheritance are certainly those who are more confident in their own strength.

Now Liu Fan counts, there are four people in total, and that Luo Yu is one of them, there are two other Creators and one Emperor.

"This inheritance is mine." The Great Emperor sneered. "I practice the law of whale swallowing, but it is the same as the Lord of the True Dragon. If he inherits his inheritance again, it will not be difficult to achieve the immortality even afterwards. "

"Big Yuedi, this inheritance is not what you say is yours, that's yours." A man said, his name is Bian Ye, the prince of the Heavenly Burial Cosmic Kingdom, only to see him step by step to Big Big Emperor In front of him, “The contention for inheritance depends on strength. In this dimensional world, your strength is suppressed even if the fifth level of the realm of the realm of the kingdom is not reached. It is only natural that you want to take this seat.”

"Yi Ye, do you want to **** the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord with me?" Yu Yue said coldly, his face gloomy.

"Yes." Ye Ye said nothing. "This inheritance of our heavenly burial universe nation is required. Whoever dares to **** it is against our heavenly burial universe nation. Don't blame me then ..."

It was just that he hadn't finished speaking, but he saw a person walking towards that seat, and it was Liu Fan.

Liu Fan didn't hear him at all.

Slap, what does it mean, this is it.

Even Luoyu next to him couldn't help laughing: "Prince Ye Ye, it looks like your threat is useless at all. Haha, but also, who can get the inheritance of the true dragon master, who would be afraid of you? A heavenly burial universe. "

"You!" Ye Ye looked at Luo Yu with a bit of anger, but he hated Liu Fan even more. Now he has Liu Fan's heart, "Asshole, stop me, Lord of the true dragon." Can you inherit your heritage? "

When Liu Fan heard these words, he ignored them.

He was almost there.

"You're looking for death!" Yan Ye was angry and punched out at Liu Fan.

He wanted to kill Liu Fan, and his punch was naturally his best shot.


Liu Fan felt the attack from Ye Ye, and the sword in his hand was stabbed out.

Yan Ye looked at the sword, and it seemed that an ancient beast opened his mouth sharply towards his head. He could not help but tremble in front of this mighty ancient beast.

"No no no, how could you give me that feeling."

Yan Ye was so shocked and awake, his hand slammed into Liu Fan's sword.

A harsh sound came.

Seeing only the sky, half of Palm's palms were chopped down, and blood was flying.

"No!" Ye Ye shouted, as if scared like a hedgehog, backed away quickly.

"How is this possible? Ye Ye can't catch this man's sword." Emperor Yue Yue also said with a bit of horror, but he knew the strength of Ye Ye, and he could fight against the fourth-order emperor in the kingdom of the kingdom.

But in front of this person, he didn't even catch the opponent's one move.

"Brahma!" Luo Yu said slowly, he remembered a man, that guy is almost a legend in the dimension world. Immediately, he retrieved Brahma's information, and then carefully compared it.

The appearance is exactly the same, and the swords used are exactly the same. The person in front of him is Brahma.

"It really is him."

Luo Yu was also a bit shocked. He and Liu Fan were not entering the dimensional world from one position, and the inheritance point of the fight was not on the same line. Before, I just heard others say how powerful Liu Fan was, and he was still a little unbelievable at that time, but Liu Fan With this shot, he really felt Liu Fan's horror.

Liu Fan's strength is definitely not under him.

"What, he is Brahma?" Meng Ye murmured, and then he was so angry that he roared towards Liu Fan. "You have been issued a second-level hunting order by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, and now you dare to kill me. Do you know what my identity is? I am the prince of the Heavenly Burial Cosmic Kingdom. If you hurt me, you will also be hunted down by our Heavenly Burial Cosmic Kingdom, and we will surpass the country of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. "

When Liu Fan heard this threat ~ ~ he had come to the god.

At this moment, he slowly turned back and looked at Ye Ye with contempt: "Only the weak will threaten others, and you think your threat, I will care. Wait, I will make magic blood one day Mountain Universe was removed from this universe. "

"It's up to you?"

Ye Ye laughed. He felt that Liu Fan was totally whimsical and wanted to overthrow a universe of stars and universes. He didn't have to think about it if he hadn't fulfilled himself.

Liu Fan, now even the king emperor is not.

"You'll see that day." Liu Fan just said blandly, and then he looked around, smashing the world, and sitting on the inheritance seat of the True Dragon Lord ass, "Who wants to compete for the True Dragon Lord?" Inheritance, come on! "

He spoke arrogantly, ignoring anyone.

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