Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1558: Heritage Starry Sky

The battle between Liu Fan and the great emperor of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe naturally attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment I saw a great emperor fleeing, others looked at Liu Fan, and they were already full of fear and awe.

Liu Fan looked down at the crowd coldly, his voice was cold: "All the people in the Demon Blood Mountain Space Country, now immediately get out of the supply point, immediately."

Countless shocked to hear Liu Fan's shout.

On what basis is this?

You have to know that even the people of the Demon Blood Mountain Space Country are not under the control of the Demon Blood Mountain Royal Family, but Liu Fan doesn't care about it at all.

He is about to leave all the people in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, totally unreasonable.

"Brahma, you are against all of us."

"Damn, this guy is really lawless."

"He really thought that he expelled an emperor, and he was really invincible. The emperor's cultivation was suppressed, and his strength could not be exerted even in Chengdu. But we are different. We are the Creator and we can play a percent. One hundred strength. "

"Yes, we are in the same state as this Brahma, and there are so many people, wouldn't he be his opponents."

A group of people discussed and looked at Liu Fan who was already full of murderous intentions.

"kill him!"

I don't know who shouted the above, even thousands of people rushed to Liu Fan.

Seeing here, Liu Fan didn't have any fear, and one person killed the tiger in front of thousands.

In the sky, blood was flying.

Under Liu Fan's sword, these geniuses of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe fell, and they were not his all-in-one enemy.

Also in the realm of the Creator, Liu Fan's power has exceeded human cognition.

"Devil, this guy is the devil!"

"How the Creator Realm could have this kind of strength is simply terrible."

"Don't kill me, I'll leave the supply point now and give up fighting for inheritance."

The people of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe were afraid, and they retreated toward the hall outside the supply point, and ran away in a blink of an eye.

But unfortunately, Liu Fan is not able to recognize all the people in the Demon Mountain Universe, and there must be some muddy water left to touch the fish.


Seeing that no one had retreated, Liu Fan flew over the hall and took away the two remaining treasures inside the hall.

In fact, when he came in, he simply took a look. There were only about 300 treasures in the entire hall, but the levels were not low, and basically reached the level of seventh-tier treasures.

Two items he was collecting now, one was a blood-red spar, and one turned out to be a seedling.

By comparison in his heart, he has determined that the blood-red crystal is called blood source stone, which is a treasure that can optimize its genes and strengthen blood veins. As for that seedling, it is actually the seedling of the world tree, and even the world tree is an extremely precious **** tree. At the beginning, after Wushan Jingu was able to send people to Shenhe, it was the leaves of the world tree that shielded the origin of the universe.

After packing these two items, Liu Fan looked away.

Behind this hall, if he didn't guess wrong, it should be the place for inheritance.

But now, the gate of the inheritance land is tightly closed, not open at all.

Just then, a voice sounded inside the hall.

"After all the nine third supply points are open, the gate of inheritance will open, and entering it will have a chance to gain the inheritance of our Lord."

Hearing this voice made everyone tremble.

Inheritance is near.

However, the number of inheritances is limited, and only seventy-six people can inherit them. It is conceivable that what will happen when they enter them is to kill and snatch, which is more than a hundred times worse than the supply point.

Outside, the Great Emperor of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe returned.

"Commander-in-chief, at the third supply point, my cultivation is suppressed to the fifth level of the Realm of the Realm, which is no longer the opponent of Brahma."

"I have learned the news." The dragon demon said slowly, his face was gloomy, "Now I have to admit that this Brahma is really terrible. I feel that he must have realized some powerful one. This kind of rule, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to be so strong. Looking at his current situation, he is basically trying to completely expel the people in the Blood Mountain Universe and not give us any chance of inheritance in the Blood Mountain Universe. "

"This guy is poisoned, too," someone couldn't help it.

"The inheritance of the True Dragon Lord can be said to be the most powerful inheritance that has appeared outside the Shenhe River in these ten epochs. If we do not even have the qualifications to obtain the inheritance, losing face is secondary, and the lost resources are only It is the largest. It is almost conceivable that whoever can get the inheritance inside can get everything from the Lord of the True Dragon. Of course, I may say a little exaggerated, but it is definitely a lot of good to get the inheritance. "A man said seriously .

"It's true that the Lord of the True Dragon could hunt the Lord God at the beginning, and the legacy he left behind knew how amazing it was." Someone immediately agreed.

"That's what it says, but now that Brahma is here, the people in our universe must kill him if they want to inherit the tradition. The strong man in the realm of the Great is no longer an opponent of this Brahma. We have no way to do it. The dragon demon said with some resentment that the highest practice to enter this dimension world is the realm of the great emperor, and even if the great emperor is in their magic blood mountain universe, he can not let these great emperors die.

For a moment, everyone was silent.

"This matter must be decided by the owner." The dragon and the monster slowly spoke.

Things have developed so far, in fact, he is no longer in control.


Dimensional world.

The inheritance points were found one by one, and the treasures inside them also caused fierce competition.

Finally, all nine inheritance points were found.

At this time, the voice sounded again: "The gate of inheritance will open in three minutes, and there are seventy-six inheritances left by my master and His Majesty immortal ~ ~ each of you can only get at most one Inheritance. Alright, fight for it! "

The voice fell, only to see that the gate of one hundred thousand feet high behind the inheritance point slowly opened.

Through the gap of this door, everyone saw a bright starry sky, and suddenly a majestic **** in that starry sky appeared, making everyone shiver.

This is a legacy of starry sky.

No one is in a hurry to go in, because everyone knows that the inheritance was snatched, not that you can get the inheritance early.

Finally, the door of the inheritance was completely opened, and all the deities in the inheritance of the stars were also revealed. It was exactly seventy-six statues, and the most distant one, the most supreme one, the one shining with the golden light. Needless to say, it is the inheritance position of the True Dragon Lord.

Whoever sits on can get the inheritance of the True Dragon Lord.

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