Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1566: Brahma

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Countless spaces crumble, and countless planets turn into dust. The fastest update of the book network. Fortunately, these are all unmanned planets. Most of those human life planets have strong defensive prohibitions, and only some buildings have been destroyed. But Rao is so. This blow is like cutting off the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. It's like splitting the Demon Blood Mountain Universe into two. In the distant Kingdom of the Demon Blood Cosmic Kingdom, the Lord of the Demon Blood Cosmic Kingdom got out of the depths of countless spaces, and he was awakened by this power. "Who!" He yelled, holding up a shield with both hands to block in front of the National Capital Star of the Magic Blood Mountain Universe. But when I heard a ‘click’, the shield was shattered, and he was blasted out. However, this knife originally came across countless galaxies, and its own power was also consumed. The remaining amount was finally exhausted at this moment. It is just that the cracked space cracks like a long river of time and space that cuts through the sea of ​​stars and stretches all the way to the gate of the capital of the Kingdom of the Demon Blood Mountain universe. With the blessing of the divine power of the perfect god, at this moment, it is completely unable to heal. Countless people from the Demon Blood Mountain Universe flew in front of the cracks, all of them showing fear. Everyone has a question, what exactly happened. Within the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, the only three commanders left also flew out. They were all inferior realms, and they could feel the horror of this attack. "Consummation of God is an attack of consummation of God's level." A man murmured, some unbelievable, because it was limited by the law of the universe's origin outside the Shenhe River, and it was too difficult to exert such an attack. Who is it that can play such a level of attack? But soon, the news spread. A name also spread throughout the Blood Mountain Universe, and then continued to spread toward the surroundings. The name is Liu Fan, an emperor who practiced the Law of Devour, and he brought this unprecedented disaster to the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. The name of Liu Fan spread throughout the universe, and the universe was shocked. ... But at the moment, Liu Fan has left the two realms with Longji and left the Blood Mountain Universe. He came out to practice for more than 10,000 times this time, and finally broke through to the realm of the emperor and emperor, which is equivalent to the realm of the holy fairy of the college, and finally achieved his wish. In the vast starry sky, he and Longji were sitting in a very ordinary spacecraft, and the surroundings were dark and they could see nothing. This is already a thousand years after they left the Magic Blood Mountain Universe. "Master, where are we going now?" Longji asked, looking at the star map around him, and now he had entered a zone that was blind on the star map. "Go to a place that belongs to me only. I call him Brahma." Liu Fan said, dazzling white light in front of his eyes. This was the first light that appeared one hundred years after they entered this dark starfield. "Thirteen thousand years ago, I stumbled across this place. At that time, it was still in the universe desert period, and the intelligent life was just born. At that time, I saw that the primitive life here was very similar to the origin of our human life, so The seeds of civilization have been left here. Now more than 10,000 years have passed, and I believe that the life inside should have evolved to a relatively wise stage. "Longji heard this with a faint expectation. After the light, a huge mysterious world appeared before the eyes, with a diameter of one light year. Ten huge planets are suspended in this mysterious world, each of which is 100 times the size of the earth. The largest one is already 1000 times the size of the earth. It emits a fiery glow and radiates energy towards the surroundings. Acts as a star. Longji was stunned when he saw this. "Let's go, the origin of life that started on the nine planets at the same time, and the evolutionary process is not much different. Let's go to a planet to see it." Liu Fan said that he was out of the spaceship with Longji and flew towards a life planet . The two hid and landed on the planet. "I didn't expect that the temperature on the planet has dropped a lot over the years. When I first came here before, the maximum temperature here could reach 60 or even 70 degrees. Look at the place where the planet is now. The rotation position should be the period when the temperature of the year is the highest, but the temperature is only in the forty degrees. "Liu Fan said slowly. Longji also felt it, he only felt that the energy concentration of the universe here was much higher than that of the ordinary planet. The most obvious manifestation is that the trees on this planet are very strong, which is thousands of meters high and short ones that are about 100 meters. "Let's go." Liu Fan said, a huge city had been seen in the sight, the wall was a hundred meters high. These cities had not yet appeared when he last spread civilization. In the city, Liu Fan saw the life on this planet. After more than 10,000 years of evolution, life here has evolved into a male about two meters tall ~ ~ females are about eighteen meters tall, with pointed ears, slender fingers, towering nose bridges, and humans on earth A very similar life form. If there are still some significant differences, it is that the human blood here is purple, and the hair also shows other colors such as blue purple green red. After a moment of contemplation, Liu Fan's costume began to change, and what he wore soon became the same as the locals. Dragon Machine also immediately followed suit. The two walked into the city. The inside was extremely lively. The wide street was 100 meters wide. Some people rode a docile animal that was more than two meters high, and someone was walking with a large knife. In these people, they can feel the vitality running. There are some shops on both sides of the street, and the characters used on the shops turned out to be the Chinese characters of the earth. These human outfits are actually similar to those of the earth ’s Qin and Han dynasties. The overall level of development was probably in the Qin and Han Dynasties. "When I came here, the life on these planets had just ended the Stone Age, but after 13 thousand years, even with the seeds of civilization I left, they have evolved to a level equivalent to our human Qin and Han dynasties. . But we humans on earth, from the end of the Stone Age, have entered the interstellar era after 10,000 years. "Liu Fan said lightly, he has traveled the starry sky for thousands of years, and has seen countless races, but has the life of the human beings Very few. After a pause, Liu Fan continued to walk forward. He added: "But why, thanks to the cultivation methods I left behind, the human self-cultivation process here is far beyond our human Qin and Han dynasties. I just covered the entire planet with my consciousness and found out There are thousands of human beings who have cultivated to the real **** realm. Some people have even reached this peak, but maybe because I have not left the real gods to become immortal, so far no one has broken this realm. "

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