Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1567: Central Dynasty

The true state of God is already on the planet.

However, in the entire universe, the true **** state is still in the initial stage of the original force cultivation.

It can be said that any cosmic cultivator in the flying realm can rule here and become the master here.

Liu Fan thought and walked into a shop.

The name of this shop was Huofeng Pavilion, but after entering it, it turned out that it was actually selling weapons.

"This guest, which weapon do you like?" The boss asked with a smile. "The weapons in our Huofeng Pavilion were among the best in the central dynasty. You can see that this big knife is made of heavenly meteorites. Iron shavings are indestructible and definitely a must-have for your home travel. "

Liu Fan sniffed, shook his head, and left.

"Master, what's wrong?" Longji couldn't help asking when he saw that Liu Fan was not very satisfied.

"I didn't expect that with so much information I left, the level of the refining equipment here is not as good as a junior high school student of the Earth Federation, which is really disappointing." Liu Fan sighed helplessly.

After listening, Longji didn't know what to say.

The two went out and continued to visit several shops, and one street was almost over.

"The civilization seeds I left on this planet, I don't know what's going on, let's go and see." Liu Fan thought for a while, and the figure of Longji gradually faded, and finally disappeared in the street just a little bit like that. on.

When they appeared again, the two came to a huge palace.

Three words were written on the palace.

Brahma Palace!

This palace is actually a library.

Now here is occupied by the most powerful dynasty on this planet, known as the central dynasty, but since history, the Brahma Palace belongs to all living beings on the planet. No one can take the Brahma Palace as its own, and this is also written No one has dared to violate the ban at the entrance to the Brahma Palace.

In addition, there are some rules to protect the Brahma, such as prohibiting fighting within a hundred miles of the Brahma.

After 13 thousand years, Liu Fan saw this palace left by him again, but found that it hadn't changed much. The only thing that may change is that many totem-like structures have been built around the Brahma Palace. One of the most eye-catching buildings was that everyone who entered the Brahma Palace would go in, and this caused Liu Fan's curiosity.

He and Longji came to this palace.

It was found that the word 'Temple' was written on it, and a person enshrined in it was somewhat similar to Liu Fan.

In that temple, many people bowed down in prayer, shouting 'Great Brahma' in their mouths, with all praise.

"Master, this seems to be a place to worship you," Longji whispered.

"Well, it seems so." Liu Fan nodded. "When I came here, it was the Great Brahma."

The two walked out of the temple and arrived at the Brahma Palace.

I saw that the books were vast and contained various categories, and the practice books were just one of them.

At this time, the two also heard some people talking.

"We don't know how many more times we can come to this Brahma palace, but unfortunately there are so many holy books in it."

"No way, the new king insisted on building a city wall around the Brahma Palace and surrounding the Brahma Palace as his own, how can we resist."

"The decree for mobilizing people's husbands has been issued. In order to ban the Brahma Palace, a million people must be mobilized."

"If the Brahma really exists, I hope to manifest it."

A group of people said, sighing, this may be the last time they entered the Brahma.

Liu Fan frowned when he heard this.

He immediately read the memory of several people and knew the cause and effect of the matter.

It turned out that the central dynasty has been passed down for a thousand years now. This new king was originally a brother of the king, inconspicuous and cowardly, but who knows that everything is disguised by this king. He used the name of worshipping Brahma to withdraw from the throne battle before, but secretly stayed in the Brahma Palace to study various kinds of cultivation books. As a result, it took him only 60 years to cultivate to the peak of the real state of God. After returning, he launched a coup and sought North Korea usurped the throne, and no one could fight, and it became the most powerful existence of the central dynasty.

He himself became the new king of the central dynasty by this method. Just like Zhao Kuangyin's robes, he was very insecure. He always felt that a second person would be like him at the Brahma Palace, and eventually replaced him. position. Therefore, if you do n’t stop doing it, you have to control the Brahma Palace firmly in your own hands.

"Longji, let's go to the palace of the Central Dynasty to see this new king." Liu Fan thought for a while.

The space has changed, and the two have arrived in the palace.

But at this moment, the gate of the palace was knocked open, a purple-haired woman in white flew up, and purple blood sprayed all over the place.

Because the woman fell right in front of Liu Fan's feet, Liu Fan was frightened.

"Long princess, you have such a daring courage that you dare to pretend to be the showgirl assassin's king." An old man flew out in anger.

"Brother Ye usurped the throne, Ye Ye also deserves to be the king." The princess yelled angrily, "I hate that I just killed this despicable villain with no sword ~ ​​ ~ Brahma can't help me either."

At this time, a burly man came out of the palace door.

He is Ye Wang, the new king. At this moment, he looked at the princess and sneered: "My brother has a good daughter, but now he still wants to avenge him, but unfortunately his daughter is just a puppet of true Yuanyuan, thinking Assassination can only be done to kill me. "

"Ye Ye, you are going against the sky, and you want to give the Brahma Palace as your own, the Great Brahma will not let you go." The princess gritted her teeth and said.

"Great Brahma, where is he? I will not be as foolish as the emperor. I will uphold the will of Brahma and allow everyone to go to the Brahma to watch the classics. He doesn't want to think that those lowly poor people have seen the classics in the Brahma. , Have gained strength, are they still willing to be a poor? So, if we want to make this country stable, we must let the people be foolish, not let them easily gain power. And for the vantage foundation of our Ye dynasty, the Brahma Palace is closed. After that, I will continue to collect the cultivation books scattered among the folks and destroy them all. In this way, no one can easily subvert my mountains and rivers in the future. "Ye Yan said coldly, this long princess It was shocked.

Such a policy is even more vicious than the burning of books in the history of China.

Maybe this really makes Ye Yan's throne extremely stable, but it also makes the development of the entire planet continue to lag, and even appears to be back.

"Doctor Wang, kill this woman." Ye Xuan threw a sword. He was able to fight his elder brothers, and he would have no sympathy for his brother's daughter.

"Yes, King." The old man took the sword, his eyes were fierce, and he was about to start.

But at this moment, the long princess noticed Liu Fan and Longji appearing in front of her eyes, and the ghost made a difference and said, "Save me!"

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