Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1572: Redemption task points

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I saw that Liu Fan also stretched out a hand and grabbed it suddenly. The latest update of the book network saw a black hole appearing in the vast void, and the surrounding light, darkness, space, matter, everything was swallowed up. Long Tianyu's palm was fragmented and swallowed in front of this black hole. "Bang bang!" Long Tianyu's attack was swallowed up like this, Xianli was forcibly cut off, the power could not keep up, and he suddenly stepped back three or four steps. Liu Fan grabbed it gently at this time, and a force entangled the receding dragonfish, which did not let him fall to the ground. "Sliding, President Long pays attention to his feet." Liu Fan smiled lightly and did not continue to make moves. At this moment, Long Tianyu's heart was already inexplicable, and a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead: "Heaven's, now follow me." "President, let's go?" Isn't it okay? "Don't talk nonsense, go." Long Tianyu's voice was cold, and he took the lead and left. There was a great deal of anxiety in his mind, which made him want to leave here quickly. No one at Dianxiansha dared to question, and they all retreated with Long Tianyu. In the Brahma League, a group of members laughed. "Get out, get out." Someone even shouted. "Let's go," Liu Fan said to Meng Qingzhi, and the two walked into the office area of ​​the club. ... Yixiansha, the place where the community works. "President, what just happened?" Someone asked. "Strong, this Liu Fan is too strong." Long Tianyu gritted his teeth. "I didn't see how he resolved my trick of tearing the sky, and I felt that my attack suddenly disappeared in front of him. The presidents of the six major societies are really not so easy to deal with. "" How strong is Liu Fan? "Someone still didn't believe it. "You do n’t understand, but fortunately, this time with Liu Fan, I clearly realized my shortcomings, and then I must become stronger. Wait, I broke through the day of the Holy Fairy Realm This is the time to defeat Liu Fan again. "Long Tianyu thought about it and set a goal for himself. ... "I left for fifteen thousand years, and the Brahma League has worked hard for you." Liu Fan looked at Wen Qingzhi and said lightly, "Now that I am back, I will make the Brahma League stronger, and no one will be in the future It can shake. "" As long as you are there, the Brahma League is as stable as Mount Tai. "Munchyeong thought and said. "Here are some of the things I have collected over the years. You have left some of them as development materials for the community, and I use them to redeem mission points." Liu Fan thought for a while, "Yes, these are for you personally. . "Then, Liu Fan took out two items. A long sword is a second-order original artifact. A magic weapon in a drop of water, which he obtained from the inheritance world of the True Dragon Lord, is suitable for Mungyeong. "Okay, I accept it." Munchyeong did not hesitate, and received things in his own space magic weapon. "The development of the society over the years, I have compiled a file, you can take a look later "" Um. "Liu Fan nodded. ...... After being busy, Liu Fan wanted to go to Teacher Jiang Lan to unseal his Long Xudao. However, Teacher Jiang Lan is not in the college. Liu Fan was helpless. At this time, he went to the mission hall of the college, where all matters related to the mission of the college should be handled here. "I have something to exchange for a mission." Liu Fan said. "Your student ID and the items you interrupted?" The intelligent robot said in the window. "Here." Liu Fan first handed over his student ID. At this time, Liu Fan was already noticed. "Look, aren't you Liu Fan, senior?" "Senior Liu Fan went out to practice for more than 10,000 years. It should be that he got some treasures and came to redeem the task points." Unless there are a lot of treasures, you can't exchange for many mission points at all. "" I don't know how much Liu Fan can redeem? "A group of people whispered, all watching Liu Fan silently. "I may have a few items to exchange." Liu Fan thought about it and said. "At least five-level items can be redeemed for the task points." The intelligent robot reminded, "If there is no problem, put the items you want to redeem into the redemption window." "OK." Liu Fan no longer said anything. Many things flew into the window. That window is actually not large, but it is the power of the law of space, even if you put a globe in it. The intelligent robot took a look, and everything inside was actually a weapon, with almost a thousand pieces. After scanning, he slowly said: "There are 542 fifth-order original weapons, 106 first-order original artifacts, and eighteen second-order original artifacts, which can be exchanged for 3402 mission points." This number ~ ~ people around have already taken a breath of air. With more than 3,400 task points, average high school students rarely have so many task points. But at this time, he only saw that Liu Fan brought out many things again: "There are still these, and they have been exchanged together." He put fourteen magic weapons into it, the highest level of which has already reached Second-order original magic level. "There are ten fifth-order original magics, three first-level originals, and one second-level originals, which can be exchanged for 1400 points in total," said the intelligent robot slowly. "Is this the only thing?" Liu Fan frowned, but was not very satisfied. "I still have these, and exchanged them for me." I only saw that he put a bunch of things like hills in them . These are mostly some materials for alchemists and alchemists, other rare treasures, and many of the exercises he collected. "Among them, there are 1,642 items of fifth order, 380 items of sixth order, 94 items of seventh order, and three items of eight order. However, the exchange price of items is different from weapons and magic weapons. Specific item pricing. "Said the intelligent robot, and many items were displayed on items as high as hills. A group of people were shocked when they saw this place. They only thought that Liu Fan had gone out and robbed the cosmic nation of the Big Mac level, otherwise there were so many treasures. "A total of 12292 task points can be exchanged, and the accumulated number is 17094 task points." The intelligent robot gave a value. When they heard this number, everyone took a breath. many. Mainline mission rewards issued by the college are generally thousands of mission points. With more than 17,000 missions, no more than three people can now have so many missions. But at this time, a notice about Liu Fan was posted on each student's terminal. Seeing the content of the notice, all students were shocked. .

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