Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1578: You ... Are you trying to destroy the law?

Qin Yan heard the words of destroying the tyrant, but he hummed, "Eat other lives as food, or wise life, that's **** it. Our cultivation of immortals is to conform to our heart, Su Yu can't see **** you, I can't see nature. To kill you, no matter if it's your captive. "

Killing you is entirely by your own heart.

Su Yu and Qin Yan are completely of the same type. They have no other motivation at all, they just want to kill.

"You guys are too bullying, I provoke you to provoke you." The Destroyer yelled, "After all, you are not Su Yu, I don't believe you have that power. If you want to kill me, then stay and make my food. This You brought it to your door, no wonder others. "

He said, his body was shrouded in black gas.

Many nearby matter disintegrated and turned into the most primitive cosmic particles.

"Sure enough, you do have the shadow of the law of destruction."

Qin Yan saw here, and at a glance he saw that this was the law of destruction he was pursuing.

The so-called destruction is to return everything to the original particles without leaving any traces.

"I ate you today, maybe I can go further."

Destroying the tyrant said, punched Su Yu.

The huge fist carries the force of destruction, tearing the space and turning the space into a particle.

If this punch hit Su Yu's body, it would be enough to seriously hurt him.

However, Su Yu was well-prepared. Although he is also the peak strength of Yuanxianjing in these years, his idol's prison power has undergone several transformations, enough to sweep anyone in the same realm.

He grabbed it with one hand, it was the hand of God.

Under this grasp, the violently was torn a large space from the heaven and earth, and the destroying tyrant was also led uncontrollably.

His attack was even crushed.

"how is this possible?"

The Destroyer exclaimed, and found himself in a prison space.

At the periphery, the surrounding space began to crystallize.

Then including the material in space, everything is shattered a little bit, which is also a kind of destruction.

"Are the students of Xianxian College so strong? In the same state, Su Yu couldn't do this."

The Destroyer's heart was already terrified: "I don't want to die, break me!"

He blasted out, heading towards the crystallized space around him.

With countless punches, a crack finally appeared in that space.


He was pleasantly surprised and immediately escaped through the crack.

Speed ​​is extremely fast.

Countless people were stunned in the square.

The high-minded destruction tyrant thought how powerful it was, but it was impossible for the student of Xianxian College to resist one move.

It is even more rushing now, not to mention how embarrassed.

"Okay, strong!" Said Aya, and she felt that Qin Yan had just caught the planet they were living in and crushed it.

"God, this is the real deity." Arwin trembled. "Where is the Immortal Academy? I think there must be a place to cultivate God. Otherwise, a person out there can let the evil monarch take it away. Run away. "

Others share the same idea.

Su Yu watched the destruction tyrant actually want to escape, but he gave a cold drink: "You can't get away."

A pair of wings suddenly grew behind him, extremely white, about tens of meters long, with holy light flowing on it.

This is truly an angel wing.

There is flying in the power of idols. The first stage is the wings of demons. The speed is very fast, but it looks full of evil. However, after understanding a certain degree of space god, the wings of the demon will be transformed into the angel wings of the second stage. In one breath, it has been hundreds of thousands of miles past, and it is not weaker than the somersault cloud of Xianjia Supernatural Power.

Swinging his wings, Qin Yan caught up in an instant.

"What kind of magical power is this? It's so fast. I feel like this, and I will soon be caught up."

The Destroyer noticed this scene and was shocked.

"no no!"

Destroying the desperate tyrant, he tore the space with one hand and wanted to enter the space and run away.


Qin Yan sneered, and the wings of the angel fanned quickly.

At this moment, all the spaces within one light year of Fangyuan were imprisoned.

The Destroyer looked at the cracks in the space that had been torn in front of him, as if hit by a big wave, healed again, and his heart was even more frightened.

At this time, Qin Yan had already caught up.

One man is the one who keeps away.

The Destroyer looked up, the road was blocked, and he wanted to run away.


Cold drink came, only to see a spear flying out of Qin Yan's hands, and there were countless figures of Hengsha destination prison.

Horrible, people will be taken away at a glance.

At the same time, a melodious movement sounded in the space.

This is the movement of Huang Quan, the voice of death.

This spear is the spear of the **** of gods, the supreme supernatural power in the idol's prison power. I don't know how many gods died under this spear.

In front of him, the spear broke through the space, traveled through time and space, carrying the power of the supreme mighty shore, and immediately came to destroy the tyrant.

Destroying the tyrant seemed to feel something, and it was too late to look back.

The spear had penetrated his body, and he felt the pain of heartbreaking.

It's stabbing!

The spear passed through his body, then flew into his planet and pierced the earth.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the comet struck the moon and Changhong broke the sun.


The earth of the planet cracked and turned upside down.

Countless people in the square started to flee. For them, this is the end of the world.

Qin Yan saw it here, but he grabbed it violently. The trembling planet stopped trembling, and the cracks on it stopped expanding.

He then flew back to the planet.

Reaching for a hand, the Destroyer was captured by him from the earth of the planet.

on the square.

Countless people were shocked when they looked at Qin Yan, who looked like a god, and the monarch who had no power to fight back.

"Rave your life, let your life go!"

Shouting the Destroyer, at this moment he has no power to fight back, and his life is completely controlled by Qin Yan ~ ~ He knows that this is still Qin Yan's mercy, otherwise he would have died long ago.

"Tell me where you were born."

Qin Yan stood high and asked slowly.

Destroying the tyrant was born from the law of destruction. There must be such a place where he was born, which is more valuable than studying the tyrant itself.

"You ... are you trying to destroy the law?"

The Destroyer finally realized what, and his face was horrified.

"Know if you know."

Qin Yan frowned: "Don't tell me that place is ruined, otherwise I can only study you slowly, which is also the advice given by Su Yu."

Hearing this, destroying a tyrant's spirit.

Su Yu, who was so hard, wanted this Qin Yan to study me.

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