Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1579: Destroy space

"Why, say or not?"

Qin Yan looked at the Demon Lord of Destruction, and once again a ghost of the **** of darkness condensed in his hands.

Looking at this spear, the instinct to destroy the Demon King was a little dazed.

"I said."

Destroyer gritted his teeth: "But even if you know that place, you may not be able to understand the law of destruction, and the place is extremely dangerous. If you die there, no wonder I am."

Qin Yan bowed his head.

Destruction Demon slowly said at this time: "I was born in a strange space, and that space evolved because of the law of destruction. In addition to me in the space, many lives were actually born, but the wisdom of these lives They are all low, only knowing that they devour each other, and finally self-decompose and return to space. However, the strength of these lives is not weak at all, and some even surpass me. "

Listening to the destruction of the Demon King, Qin Yan had a rough impression of the space of destruction.

"Okay, take me there now."

Qin Yan thought about it, and was extremely firm.


Destroy the Demon King answering, and immediately lead the way.

Just when he was about to leave, Qin Yan saw the sacrifice of the various ancestors. He couldn't leave these people alone, unless he wanted to let them die on their own.

"Are you here?"

Qin Yan pointed at Aya and Arwen and said in his mouth.

They shivered and came to Qin Yan half-knelt: "Yes, I have seen the true God!"

Qin Yan shook his head, he was not a god.

But there is no need to explain this now, he said bluntly: "The teleportation array that connects your respective planets has been completely destroyed by my battle with the destroying tyrants. You cannot leave this planet now. For the time being, I have no time to repair it Teleport. "

Then, Qin Yan threw out a scroll: "I don't know when I can come back. Here is the schematic diagram of the teleportation array. Please study it and try to repair it yourself."

After listening to Arya and Arwin, they were thrilled.

"You are such a benevolent god, unlike an evil monarch, you will only treat us as a sacrifice and eat us."

Ya Yan bravely said to Qin Yan.

"My name is Qin Yan, no more god. If you really want to respect me, many people in the universe call me Emperor Yan, you can also call it like this." Qin Yan thought for a while, slowly said.

"Yes, Lord Yandi."

Imam and Arwin immediately said, full of respect.

"In case you ca n’t repair the teleportation array, I will leave you a practice exercise, which I accidentally got from the universe. It belongs to the general practice. If you keep practicing, you can practice to the highest level, This is the realm of the monarch in front of you. In fact, there is no need to create a realm. You can try to cross the void and fly back to the planet you ’ve cultivated to the flying realm. .

The booklet says, Wan Xing Shen Guang Jue.

Ammon and Arwin were already terrified, their hands were shaking, and they were afraid to continue.

The monarch's strength is already god-level, and his home star can be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

But now, a practice given by Qin Yan has enabled them to cultivate to the realm of the monarch. This is a tremendous gift.

"Hold it!"

Qin Yan stopped saying anything and threw the exercises directly to the two.

"Master Xie!

The two immediately thanked him and nodded.

The destruction tyrant on the side is a bit difficult to understand. Is it worth it for a group of ants?

"Let's go!"

Qin Yan explained everything, grasping to destroy the tyrant just disappeared.

The people below bowed down again, and sent Qin Yan away.


In an endless stream of chaos, you can't discern things.

Qin Yan grabbed and destroyed the tyrant, they were moving fast.

"It won't be far away."

The destruction tyrant was cautious, but there was a hint of subtlety in his eyes.

He brought Qin Yan over with no other plans.

"Fortunately, I caught you, and you can sense the location of the destruction space, otherwise I wouldn't find it if I knew the approximate location."

Qin Yan said, fortunately.

This turbulent space is not like the outside world, and it is impossible to leave position coordinates, even if immortal comes in, it will be lost.

"Just ask my lord to save my life after he reaches the destruction space."

Destroyer took the opportunity to say, flattering.

Qin Yan nodded slightly.

An hour later, the tyrant of Destruction showed an excited look, and he pointed to the road ahead: "Here, the light spot in front is the entrance to the Destruction Space."

Qin Yan looked and found that it was a space entrance hidden deep in the space.

Ordinary people don't say it is him. Rao is a great consummation. It is useless to come. It is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

"Go, take me in."

Qin Yan said, grabbing the destroyer and flew to the entrance.

Standing in front of the entrance, Qin Yan did not rush in, but looked at the tyrant of destruction: "I know what you are calculating in secret, but if you think about it, it is okay if your calculation is successful. If it fails, you have to Bear that consequence. "

This is a threat and a warning.

Qin Yan had already seen the idea of ​​destroying the tyrant, and now reminded the other party that he naturally did not want the other party to ruin his plan.

"Adult jokes, what can I calculate."

The Destroyer was terrified, but his mouth was utterly sincere.

"There is no best."

Qin Yan knew he could not persuade the other party and was too lazy to say anything.

"walk into!"

He grabbed the Destroyer and entered the Destruction Space.

As soon as he entered, Qin Yan felt a familiar breath, and that breath even resonated with his body.

This is exactly what he was looking for, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

But at this time, he also noticed the existence of many ghosts in this space.

This should be the destruction of those lowly intelligent lives in the tyrant's mouth.

At the moment he appeared, these lives were like smelling **** sharks, flying towards him one by one.

Qin Yan frowned ~ ~ was trying to ask something about the Destroyer of the Destruction, but found that the Destroyer of the Destruction tyrant captured by him, but turned into a universe of particles, freed from his hands.

Naturally, his hand could not catch the particles of the universe.

"what happened?"

Qin Yan was shocked. Could this destroying tyrant die?

This is absolutely impossible, but this guy's will to survive is very strong, how could he die so easily.

Sure enough, his consciousness locked these particles, and then saw that the particles transformed by the destroying tyrant had condensed again in space.

An exact extermination tyrant appeared.

"Qin Yan, didn't expect it!"

Destroying the tyrant is so proud that he finally put together Qin Yan: "In this space, all of our lives are immortal beings, and our shapes can be turned into cosmic particles, and they can also be condensed at any time. Not only that, here in this transformation At the same time, even my injuries will fully recover. "

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