Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1580: The evil dog from hell, Ashura!

Qin Yan was also secretly shocked.

If it is outside, it will become the original cosmic particle, even the main **** will surely die.

But here, space creatures such as destroying tyrants can condense again, just like the cycle of survival and destruction.

He seemed to feel something, and the first-rate law that was already about to condense slowly faded out of the mystery.

Everything is great.

"Qin Yan, don't want to go out after you come in."

Destroyer said, countless space life surrounded them, these life has various forms, like ghosts.

"Eat him, eat him."

The Destroyer yelled, excited.

Qin Yan saw his countless space creatures come over, and frowned.

"Eat eat!"

These creatures made murky voices, one by one as if they smelled honey.

Qin Yan was surrounded in the blink of an eye, and no trace was visible.

"Dead, die!"

The Destroyer yelled and leaned forward, hoping to get a share.

But at this moment, among the group of space creatures enveloping Qin Yan, a sudden burst of light broke out. I saw a sacred oven rising slowly, the furnace burning, the flames flying, soaring into the sky, the flames of fire, burning everything. The life that destroyed the space was devoured by this oven, all screaming screams, and they couldn't help it.

This is the world oven!

The supreme supernatural power in the idol's prison power, even the gods can easily consume the refinement, not to mention some of the low-level creatures infected with the law of destruction.

Seeing this scene, the Destroyer exclaimed, "What the **** is this?"

He was contaminated by the flames of the heavens and earth's oven, and one arm was devoured, and his heartbreaking pain made him scream.

Xu Du still felt threatened in the space that flew over, and fled.

Qin Yan snorted coldly, watching the Destroyer desperately: "I reminded you when I came in. It is okay if you succeed, and you will bear the consequences if you fail."

On him, there was an amazing killing intention.

Destroy a horror who was scared by the tyrant. He turned his head and ran away, and his heart was regretful.

This time is really over.

He never thought that Qin Yan would have such a means, and he could show his might in this destruction space.

In particular, the magical power of the oven that day made him think that it was trembling, and even those lives that could be transformed into cosmic particles could not be broken, and they could only go in and be refined.

Qin Yan watched the destruction of the tyrant flee, and the angel wings unfolded to catch up.

Destroying the tyrant should be the only highly intelligent life in this space. He is impossible to let go of each other.

If this guy goes out to leak the location of the destruction space, it will be a huge trouble for him.

This space can only be monopolized by him, and must not be leaked.

Destroying the tyrant watched Qin Yan getting closer and closer, a hand had been grabbed at him, and the frightened instantly dissipated into cosmic particles.

Qin Yan grasped the air with one hand, knowing that it was impossible to capture and destroy the tyrant.

So he directly sacrificed out of the heaven and earth oven, held up with both hands, and fanned his wings and continued to chase after the particles that destroyed the tyrant incarnation.

The particles kept running, one after another.

"You can't escape."

Qin Yan said that a lot of particles were swallowed into the heaven and earth oven as soon as it was sucked.

The other particles saw it escape faster.

Qin Yan continued to hunt, and swallowed up many particles formed by the destroying tyrant.

"I was wrong, let me go!"

The remaining particles condensed again to destroy the tyrant, turning back to kneeling towards Qin Yan, shivering.

He did not dare to escape again, and was swallowed a few times by the Heaven and Earth Oven, then he would really return to the universe.

Now, he is actually almost covered with bones. His three-meter-high body has less than two meters.

"Give me a reason?"

Qin Yan did not rush, but said slowly.

Destroying the tyrant is now one of the worst, and there is no way to escape.

All his means have been seen through by Qin Yan.

"I, I can research for you. Yes, it is for you to study. When you came to me, Su Yu didn't say to let you study me. I was born of the law of destruction. It is definitely of great benefit for you to understand the law of destruction. "

the study?

Qin Yan nodded secretly, this destroying tyrant is indeed of great research value.

With so many souls destroying space, why did he give birth to high-level wisdom, and only he was closest to condensing the law of destruction.

The research value is indeed very great. If he verified each other when he realized the law of destruction, he would do more with less.

"it is good."

Qin Yan thought for a moment and said.

"I won't kill you, but I won't let you go so easily." Qin Yan said, grabbing the Demon Demon in his hands.

The Demon Demon trembled, but was afraid to resist the slightest.

He knew well that resistance was death.

Anyway, Qin Yan said he wouldn't kill him, so what's the other punishment.

Qin Yan's fairy power entered the Destroyed Demon's body and changed his body structure. The two-meter-tall Demon Demon had slowly bent his body, his hands became feet, his head was stretched, and the teeth in his mouth were bare, and his horns disappeared into his body and disappeared. In the end the whole person became a black soil dog over one meter high.

Destroying the Demon feels his current image, and he is very aggressive: "What the **** is this?"

"Chinese pastoral dog, a loyal creature of our mother star."

Qin Yan replied, then added: "And brave, smart, and our best friend."

"What do you want to do to change me into this biological image of your mother star, is it that you want me to recognize you as the master?" The Demon Demon speculated.

"You can think so, this is the only condition you can live on." Qin Yan is extremely indifferent.

"Master." The Demon Lord shouted without hesitation. In order to survive, this was nothing, and there was no image in the life that destroyed the space. Now it is not much for him to transform into this image.

Qin Yan nodded, drawing a flame from the heaven and earth oven.

"Master, what are you doing?"

The Devil exclaimed, terrified.

He was scared of this flame.

Qin Yan ignored him at all, and a layer of fairy power wrapped the flame, condensing into a golden rope.

Then he put one end around the neck of the destroyer.

The other end was in his hands.

He is holding the terrified dog that the Demon Demon turned into, and he can completely control his life and death. In the future, the Demon Demon cannot escape his palm.

"You're called Destroyer?"

Qin Yan asked, what seemed to come to mind.

"I sealed it myself. Does the host feel very domineering?" Destroyed the Devil said flatteringly. There is no way. Now life is in Qin Yan's hands, and he will have endless years in the future. Please the host.

Qin Yan shook his head.

Domineering, how a bad dog deserves the name.

He ignored the destruction of the demon, but slowly said: "I once served a hundred years in hell, after eighteen layers of hell, a century of reincarnation, see through life and death. I heard that **** has an evil **** called Ashura, non-god, not ghost And non-human, between gods, ghosts, and people. Asura looks ugly and is brave and fierce, but also has great powers. There is still a **** called Asura. "

"Master is really knowledgeable and knows a lot. But master, what do you tell me about this?"

"You will be called Ashura in the future."

Qin Yan said lightly, apparently thinking long ago.


Destroyer stunned, you said such a long string, it turned out to give me a name.

"The evil dog from hell, Ashura!"

Qin Yan murmured, leading Asura to the depths of the destruction space.


All spaces will have a core area, including the dimensional world.

It is easier to comprehend the law of destruction when you are enlightened at the core of the destruction space.

"Master, the glowing area in front is the core of the destruction space. But once there is a certain range there, all matter will disintegrate on its own and transform into the most basic cosmic particles. And disintegration there, even if we can't do it again Unite. "

Asura said, he was afraid of the place.

Qin Yan nodded, naturally he would not easily die.

After trying it, he found the closest place and sat down cross-legged.

His consciousness began to infiltrate, but it only supported for a few seconds in it, and it would dissipate.

However, although it was only a few seconds, the feedback from him gave him a lot of information.

He saw a lot of things.

In fact, there is a fist-sized gray crystal suspended in the center of the core area. Those decomposed cosmic particles are now revolving around it, just like the moon orbiting the earth, and it seems to be firmly absorbed by it.

In this way, it is no wonder that life in this space is decomposed in it and cannot be condensed again.

Qin Yan has a speculation that the crystals should be the result of the law of destruction in this space of destruction.

It's like invisible water vapor, transformed into tangible water.

In this case, this is definitely the best area for enlightenment. If he can understand the principles and condensate the laws of destruction, he will have no trouble at all.

"I want to learn about the law of destruction here ~ ~ You follow along."

Qin Yan said, after all, Ashura is a good reference for him.


Asura answered, he was helplessly lying in front of Qin Yan.

One person and one dog entered the state of enlightenment.

Time goes by.

In an instant, it was six thousand years.

"The master doesn't know how long it will take to enlighten him. If I run away now, he probably won't find it." Asura thought deeply.

From a thousand years ago, Qin Yan no longer used him as a reference, as if he was ignored, which made him think again.


He made the decision and he still wanted freedom.

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