Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1584: The origin of the demon

Asura enjoyed this feeling.

"Well, come with me."

He said that he grabbed the lord and disappeared with the old lord of the Creator.

Inside the palace, everyone felt like they were dreaming.

Ten years later.

"Amon, Arwin, I'm going back to college, and I'll give you the lost land in the future."

Qin Yan said, looking towards the college.


The two answered.

They knew Qin Yan was a student of Xian College, and they were actually curious about Xian College.

But Qin Yan didn't say that they didn't dare to ask.

"Asura, let's go."

Qin Yan took the leash and stepped into the void.

He left, but he will return one day.

Because he is the lost master, the only master here and even millions of years later.

"Master, what are you doing now?"

"What do you ask so much for?"

"Curious, curious."

"It's a second-class Saint."

"Oh, so coincident, I'm in this state too."

"You are like this, I can hit a hundred, dead dogs."

"Master, where is Xianxian College?"

"A training college, I study in it. When you get to the college, it's best not to cause trouble, and there are many students who like to eat dog meat."

"What, isn't a dog your best friend to mankind? You eat your friends even more evil than me."

"There is so much nonsense."

One person and one dog talked and laughed, and the way back was not so lonely.

At this time, some unknown space in the universe.

Hua Tianjun came here with hundreds of people, all of whom were the seeds of the True Demon Dimension, offering sacrifices to him.

They are also called demon.

Wang Xing previously suggested Hua Tianjun to let him completely cut off the connection with the real demon dimension, in case he was controlled by the real demon dimension.

However, Hua Tianjun did not follow suit. He had greater ambitions.

"The Lord sent us so many demon to come and look for the origin of the demon. I can see the value of the origin of the demon. I also read some information during this time. Although it is not very detailed, it seems that the origin of the demon seems Related to some kind of first-class rule. "Hua Tianjun thought secretly, this is why he risked coming, everything is for the first-class rule.

He also wanted to practice first-class rules, and he could pay any price for them.

"After capturing the origin of the demon, I completely cut off the connection with the real demon dimension."

He secretly made a decision.

"Hua Tianjun, this time to come to fight for the origin of the demon is the demon of the bone demon dimension and the spirit demon dimension. You said that the devil's origin was so amazing that day, you can understand some kind of first-rate law. After that, the man was covered with hard armor and looked like an insect.

Hua Tianjun doesn't know the real name of this guy, he only knows that he is a bug demon, and his relationship with him is OK.

The two have worked together before, and they both know each other better.

"Where do I know, as long as we honestly complete the Lord's task and get the Lord's reward at that time, this is the key." Hua Tianjun said.

"Haha, you're right." The Worm laughed.

At this time, a void was suddenly ripped through the void in the distance.

"The Lord has shot."

Hua Tianjun's look moved and he felt something.

As for the open place, it is not a dimension world, but a small universe.

In the universe, the dimensional world is just one world, the space is imperfect, and the laws are missing.

But the universe above the dimensional world has its own set of energy circulation system, and can even run on its own without relying on obtaining energy from the outside.

But if you want to break the crystal wall system of a universe, even the higher gods can hardly do it.

It can be seen that the strength of the true demon master is above the higher gods.

"Go in!"

An indifferent voice came, and all the demon were familiar with that voice. This was the voice of the true demon master.


Including Hua Tianjun, all demon are Ying Tao.

Don't hesitate.

"If anyone finds the origin of the demon for me, he will be the first demon in the future, and I will tank top him for him to help him become immortal."

The true Lord said that this reward moved everyone.

Hua Tianjun's expression also changed slightly, and he can feel the importance of the origin of the demon even if he can give out such a reward.

He must get the origin of the demon.


The Worm Monster said that he entered the small universe with Hua Tianjun.

After a group of people entered, three energy-focused ghosts appeared in the void.

That is the will of the three-dimensional world.

They shrouded more than half of the starry sky and looked at each other with hostility.

"True demon, in order to get the origin of the demon, you even sent in the hard-earned realm king realm devil." The bone demon said indifferently.

He said, his body slowly solidified.

It was a **** of bones, and the flames were still burning on the bones.

"You're not the same." The real devil hummed, who would hide in order to get the origin of the demon.

"Due to the limitation of the universe's original laws, the cost of trying to cultivate a demon in the realm of the realm of the realm is too great. But if we can get the origin of the demon, this cost is still acceptable." We ca n’t enter the small universe, otherwise we will be swallowed up by the sleeping small universe's origin, but these demon go in and it's okay, as for who can get the origin of the demon, it's up to its own ability.

"Everyone is afraid of who they are!"

"Wait and see!"

The three-dimensional world master said, the figure slowly disappeared.

After all, it is outside the Shenhe River, and they dare not stay too long. Who knows the origin law of the universe will not find them.

In the small universe.

This is still a growing small universe, and the individual spaces are still evolving, but many innate souls have also been born.

"Hua Tianjun, how about us together?"

The Worm said, he knew that he would definitely encounter the other two dimensional worlds. At this time, it is better not to act alone.

Otherwise, you may not know how to die.

And he knows that Hua Tianjun's strength has reached the sixth level of the kingdom, and he is at the forefront of all the devil, even he is not an opponent.

Working with Hua Tianjun should be safer.

"it is good."

Hua Tianjun nodded, no reason to refuse.

"How about taking us?"

"Yeah, I want to be with you too."

Seeing the Worm Demon follow Hua Tianjun, there are a dozen others who want to talk together.

Hua Tianjun all agreed, and their small team eventually brought together almost twenty people.

Some other demon are also forming their own team.


A devil looked at Hua Tianjun coldly, and left with more than thirty people.

"Drag what."

The worm devil looked at the demon and sneered.

This demon is called Utrecht, and his strength has reached the seventh level of the kingdom, but his status is now endangered by Hua Tianjun.

"Well, let's find out the situation of this small universe first, and then immediately look for the origin of the demon."

Hua Tianjun said, also led people in one direction.

After three days.

"Jun brother, the origin of the demon described by the Lord is too abstract, we just saw it, and we don't know it." A female devil said in a whisper, she called Gigilia, only the peak of the creation of the realm, but She had dealt with Hua Tianjun before, and the two were also familiar with it. "And this small universe is full of danger. It's only three days that we have suffered more than a dozen attacks. Now we are lucky to have no attrition. "

"Who dares to disobey the orders of the Lord, you know the consequences." Hua Tianjun said in a deep voice, "Continue to find, if we are close to the origin of the Lord of Heaven, I believe we should have some sense."

"Let's go," said the worm.

At this time, everyone saw the void ahead.

A giant tree is rooted in the small world, but its branches have torn the space of the small world and grown into the main space of the small universe.

That huge leaf is the size of a football field, so everyone is ashamed.

"You said that the source of the demon would be absorbed by this tree."

Gigilia guessed, after all, this big tree is really strange.

"It should be impossible."

Hua Tianjun thought about it, anyway, he had no sense at all.

"No matter, I'll see."

Ji Ji Liya thought about it, she felt that even if the tree had nothing to do with the origin of the demon, maybe there was something hidden in it.

Looking at him in the past, some other demon who also had this speculation followed.

Hua Tianjun wanted to stop, but finally shook his head helplessly.

A group of demon wandered above the tree, looking for the traces of treasures, all of them forgot the danger.

"No, what's going on with this wind, it seems like something's breathing!"

What Hua Tianjun thought of, his face changed greatly, and he would call these people back immediately.

But at this moment, I only saw that the big tree suddenly trembled, and the big tree that had been bent actually stood up slowly.

In the middle of the big tree, a pair of eyes appeared.


The big tree even made a roaring sound like a fierce beast, and then slowly pierced a huge head out of the small world.

This is not a big tree at all, but a huge and incomparable innate spirit beast.


Hua Tianjun yelled, and at this time the beast had already bitten.

"help me!"

Many demon shouted, terrified.


Hua Tianjun saw Gigilia, he was even under the mouth of the blood of this fierce beast.


There was something flying out of Hua Tianjun's hands, and it turned out to be an imitation bundle of immortal rope.

Ji Ji Liya stunned, and reached out to grab.

But even this is too late.

Fortunately, Hua Tianjun had expected this to be the case. At this time, he yanked the rope, and the reactionary force took him towards Giglia.

Looking at Gigilia, who was about to be swallowed, he finally arrived.

Indiscriminately, he slammed and kicked the beast's teeth.

The beast's teeth were immediately misplaced, and this gave Jigilia a chance to escape.

But others were not so lucky, and five demon were devoured by the fierce beast and became food.


Hua Tianjun saw this ferocious beast a little bit, and fled quickly with people.

After a million miles.

Hua Tianjun exhaled, "It's all right."

At this time, everyone was scared and scared.

"What is that? Its body should be tens of thousands of feet tall, and I feel his strength exceeds the realm of the kingdom." Worm Road.

"This small universe is still in the stage of evolution. It is not surprising that any monster is born. Next, we have to be more careful." Hua Tianjun thought for a moment, and looked dignified.


In an instant, it was three years later.

The entire small universe was also searched by as much as one-tenth.

"A genie of the spirit demon?" A man with dozens of people stopped Hua Tianjun and others. He had a few white bone spurs on his body, and it looked horrifying.

"We are the real demon dimension." Ji Ji Liya rushed to say.

"True magic dimension? Forget it, it doesn't matter, tell me the way you travel." The man hummed.

Because everyone starts from different locations, as long as the other party's route is determined, you can know which areas have been searched.

In this way, you will not go wrong, and you will have a greater chance of finding the origin of the demon.

"Why do we tell you, why don't you tell us?" Jiji Liya snorted, very dissatisfied.

"Why? Because of the knife in my hand." He said, a bone knife appeared in his hand.

At this moment, Hua Tianjun frowned.

In fact, he doesn't even know where the source of the demon is now. He really doesn't want to do anything with other people in the dimension world ~ ~ What should I do? "

The Worm Monster said at this time: "This guy is a seventh-order practice for the realm of the realm of the kingdom, and in addition to him, there are six realm of the realm of the realm of the kingdom, and we have no advantage."

Hua Tianjun didn't speak, how could he not know this.

"it is good."

Hua Tianjun thought for a while: "The route we have traveled can tell you."

"Count your acquaintance."

The man was very proud: "Come on!"

Many demon behind him all looked at Hua Tianjun with a mockery.

Seems to be saying, it is really a scam.

Hua Tianjun did not hesitate, and immediately drew the route he had walked.

The man glanced and was very satisfied.

"Is that all right?"

Hua Tianjun said indifferently: "If it's okay, let's go first."

But at this moment, the man stopped Hua Tianjun again: "Go, where do you want to go?"

"What do you mean?"

Hua Tianjun frowned. He had made a big concession in handing out the map, what else would the man do.

"Nothing else, since you are also looking for the origin of the Devil, I do n’t look like we are together. After all, this small universe is dangerous, and someone will die if you are careless. If we are crowded, we can also reduce casualties, you said is not it?"

The man said very blandly, it seems really the same.

However, Hua Tianjun and others saw the men's sinister intentions at a glance, and said that they were together, but in fact they wanted to let them explore the way.

"What is your name?"

Hua Tianjun looked at the man and asked suddenly.

"I am raving."

The man said, looking at Hua Tianjun with contempt.

But at this moment, a sword flashed, and it was directly merciless to the man's head.


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