Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1585: Receive the source

That shot was not someone else, it was Hua Tianjun.

He didn't want to have a bad relationship with Jay, who knew that Jay had to go in, and finally made him intolerable.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to draw a sword.

And a shot is a one-shot kill, straight to the point of the crow.

He is a seventh-order emperor in the realm of kings. He thinks that he is well-informed. At this moment, he did not expect Hua Tianjun to be so decisive.

Get started, without any ambiguity.

"you wanna die!"

Roar roared, at this moment he was unable to perform effective defense at all, and could only use his palm to stop.


The sword was chopped on the palm of his hand, and his palm was brushed down.

It's just that Jay still underestimated the power of this sword. Hua Tianjun shot with all his strength. In fact, he is not much weaker than the seventh-order emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom.

Otherwise, Utreid would not feel that Hua Tianjun threatened his position.

Therefore, after this sword cut off the crow's arm, Yu Wei did not diminish.

He was terrified and felt despair.

This was a complete blow, and he was unprepared.

He twisted his body instinctively to avoid the key, but even so, the sword fell from his shoulder and was cut directly along his lumbar spine.


Jay was paralyzed and sat on the ground, half of his life had gone.


He begged for mercy, terrified.

The sword in Hua Tianjun's hand stopped slightly, he was overjoyed, thinking that Hua Tianjun would spare him.

But following a sword light flashed, his body was shattered.

He died and was killed like this.

People around looked at Hua Tianjun in panic.

Such fierce people really make people afraid.

Hua Tianjun finished all this, and looked at the other bone-devil people, said coldly: "Kill them all, one is not left!"

Everyone froze and couldn't believe it.

Kill it all, or do you want it so.

"it is good."

Bone Demon was the first to speak at this time, and immediately raised his hand.

Hua Tianjun also rushed to the past. Except for Jay, everyone else was his opponent. In a blink of an eye, it was already a dead body.

"All are dead and no one lives."

The Worm Devil is proud of himself: "Hua Tianjun, you are still awesome, I am really convinced. A seventh-order demon in the realm of kings died in your hands like this, I guess he didn't even think about it. It was enough. . "

"Stop that, deal with their bodies, don't be found to have been killed by us. By the way, search them, there should be a road map of their actions."

Hua Tianjun said lightly, as if nothing had happened.

"found it."

Giglia said, and found a map that was exactly the walking route they marked.

Hua Tianjun took a look, and already knew which direction to go: "Go."

A group of people left quickly.

Time passed quickly, and Hua Tianjun has been in this small universe for almost ten years.

"The place to look for is actually almost the same. Where will the demon's origins be?"

Hua Tianjun thought about it, he didn't think that the three masters were mistaken, it was just that they hadn't found it yet.

In front of him was a map marked with dense places, but these places were now crossed.

"As soon as ten years have passed, the Lord will lead us back."

The worms thought for a while, this is what they agreed upon when they came in.

"Keep looking!"

Hua Tianjun stood up, but the ghost sent God to look at the sky.

He froze.

I saw a huge black cloud in the void, and when he came in, he noticed that the black cloud circled there.

It is still alive now, very evil.

"Wait for me, I'll go up and see."

Hua Tianjun said, soaring straight into the vast void.

Worm monsters and others also looked at the past, and then thought of something, soared into the sky.

"I feel it, I feel it."

When Hua Tianjun approached the cloud, he just felt that the enlightened Jiuyou Law in his body was shaking violently.

That's a kind of original attraction.

His speed is faster, and at this time many demon who are still in small cosmic nations have seen it.

"So, there!"

"We all thought that the origin of the demon fell to the ground, but we did not expect that this origin was in the void."

"Hurry up and **** the origin of the demon."

Many people rose up into the sky and flew towards the black cloud.

Hua Tianjun, as the first to discover, has arrived at this moment.

He stood on the edge of the black cloud and looked inward with horror.

Where is this black cloud in front of me, but a mass of black energy, and at the center of these black energy is a strange piece of debris that looks like solid and liquid.

This is definitely the original fragment of the demon!

He couldn't help feeling excited, and finally found it.

Inevitably, he was going to get it, but at this moment, a spear stabbed from behind.


He hurriedly dodged, then looked back.

I only saw that it was a man wearing black gold armor. At this moment the man held a gun in one hand and was invincible.

"The Shard of the Demon Origin is our genie dimension."

He said lightly, imposing.

"Santler, what you think is beautiful, first asked us if the Bone Demon dimension didn't agree."

Another man came over and sneered.

"Huh, this seems to be the first thing our true demon has discovered." This man is called Kermit, who is currently the highest demon who has been cultivated by the true demon.

Hua Tianjun saw here and knew that things were in trouble.

At this time, he wanted to obtain the origin of the demon, and it was already difficult to ascend to the sky. It was only possible to find a way to disturb the situation.

"Come on, whoever grabs it."

Santler said, rushing directly to the original fragment of the demon.

"Stop him!"

Many people, including Kermit, took immediate action.

A group of people rushed into the dark mass of energy, and immediately after entering, they found something wrong.

The mass of energy entangled them like a liquid, weighing hundreds of thousands, making it difficult for them to move.

A dozen people were trapped in this way.

When Hua Tianjun saw this, he was overjoyed. It was a good opportunity.

Others also saw this opportunity, and immediately launched an attack on these people who were trapped inside.

"Do not!"

Santler yelled, but it was too late.

All I saw was a big bronze hammer falling on his forehead and smashing his brain out.

This is dead and cannot die anymore.

"Save me."

Kermit looked at Hua Tianjun and shouted.

Although he was also caught in it, fortunately, all other attacks on him were intercepted by him, otherwise he was like Santler and must be dead.

"it is good!"

Hua Tianjun said, rushing towards Kermit against the cloud of energy.

He seemed to be grabbing Kermit, but immediately followed by a backhand sword to cut off Kermit's head.

After this change, everyone was unexpected.

Since he intends to capture the origin of the demon, how can he still keep Kermit, this guy is a threat to him.

"Jun, what are you doing?"

Gigilia lost her voice and was totally incomprehensible.

"There is only one chance to get the Lord's reward. I won't kill him. If he is rescued, it will be his chance."

Hua Tianjun said indifferently, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, this opportunity is only one."

The Worm Demon is also Tao, but then Haha laughed: "These people have the best chance, but now they are beheaded by accident, they are now being obtained by us."

Everyone nodded.

Hua Tianjun pondered for a moment: "Everyone, don't hurry to start. The source of this day's demon is guarded by this layer's unknown energy. None of us can get it now. If you kill you for this reason, no one will live. Take the source of the demon out. "

Others nodded after hearing this, which is indeed the truth.

"The key now is to join forces to break through this protective layer of energy."

"Yes, it makes sense."

"But how do you break it?"

The crowd nodded.

At this time, Hua Tianjun said again: "It's very simple. I took a look at this mass of energy that can be absorbed by us. As long as we work together to absorb this energy, the source of the magic will naturally be exposed that day. Who will then If we can get the origins of the demon, we will have our own skills. "

At this moment, Hua Tianjun has complete control of the entire situation.

"OK, I have no opinion."

"If so, everyone really needs to work together."

Someone took the lead, others agreed.

Next, Hua Tianjun arranged, and a group of people began to absorb the layer of energy outside the origin of the demon.

Time passed slowly, and it was half a year.

The day when the specific demon master was attracted was very close, and the mass of energy in the outer layer of the devil's original source was almost absorbed that day.


I don't know who shouted, only to see that the source of the devil began to tremble because of the weakening surrounding energy that day.

When Hua Tianjun saw this, he stepped back immediately.

The Worm Demon and Jiji Liya noticed Hua Tianjun's movements and also stepped back.

"The origin of the demon is mine."

"Grab it!"

A group of people rushed up.

But at this time, the magical source suddenly emitted a fierce light that day.

Under the shroud of this light, all the nearby demon are completely out of control, and the energy in their bodies is quickly drained.

They themselves quickly became corpses one by one.

"Here, what's going on?" Jijiliaa exclaimed, completely incomprehensible, and then she looked at Hua Tianjun in shock, "Jun, you already guessed this would be the case, didn't you?"

"That's right." Hua Tianjun didn't have anything to hide at this time. "According to the records, the source of the demon possesses a powerful energy-depleting property. In this universe, there is no energy being absorbed by this small universe. I guess, this should be because the will of this small universe feels the threat of the demon fragments, and cannot drive him out, so I used a layer The strange energy has isolated this piece of the demon, that is, the energy we just absorbed. "

"What, is that so?"

"Then we just absorbed this energy, it's not like we are unblocking the demon's origin."

"That's right, so the moment when the source of the demon escaped from the ban, the energy devouring property erupted and drained all the energy close to the demon." Hua Tianjun said indifferently, although he did not kill these people, but People are indeed in his calculations.

At present, there are only three of them.

"Look at the source of the devil that day?" Jijilia pointed, and found that an invisible force had wrapped it again, but she was desperate to break free but was helpless.

"How do I charge it?" The Worm frowned.

But at this time, Hua Tianjun moved.

Behind him showed his own dimension world, and then the dimension world opened his mouth and swallowed it, then swallowed the source of the demon.


Gigilia was very surprised: "Jun brother, this thing is a bomb, you absorbed it into your own dimension world, after it is released, everything you will be swallowed by it."

"I have my own plan."

Hua Tianjun said lightly, and then looked around: "No one else at the moment, I want to tell you something."

The Worm Monster and Gigilia nodded.

Hua Tianjun pondered for a while ~ ~ slowly said: "Actually, the Lord has no good intentions for us. In our body, the Lord has parasitized a demon species, waiting for us to achieve immortality. At that moment, this kind of demon will awaken and finally rob us. This is the information I got from one of the demon. I have a backup, you can see it. "

Then, he took out a document.

After seeing the worms and Gigilia, their faces changed slightly.

"Actually, I already knew." Worm sighed. "But I had to become a demon in order to become stronger."

"It's best, but the non-stick pan is what I want to tell you right now. It's not terrible that we are implanted with a magic seed. As long as we find a powerful immortal to help us remove it, we can completely Cut off the connection with the real demon dimension. In the future, the Lord can't help us. You may not know such people, but I know it. Among them, our dean can do it. Now as long as you promise me, you won't take me after you go out. The matter of obtaining the source of the demon was leaked, and I asked the dean to help you remove the devil. "Hua Tianjun finally said what he wanted to say at this time.

"If you can really help me remove the monster species, I'll be fine," said the worm.

"Without Jun, I died early. Even if Jun didn't tell us to remove the demons, I wouldn't betray Jun." Jiji Liya said, very sincerely.

"Okay, I believe you." Hua Tianjun said, in fact, the best way is to kill the two, but now they have not done anything to be sorry for him, and naturally he can not let go.

At this time, they felt a gravitational pull.

"The demon master led us back." Hua Tianjun felt something, slowly said.

"It's finally time to go back," Gigilia said, her eyes flashing with an imperceptible color.

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