Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1594: Spacetime Origins

Hearing this, Kasha was stunned.

Go to Xianxian College for ten thousand years?

This was something she never dared to think of before.

She studied with Hua Tianjun for thousands of years and already knew the magic of Xianxian Academy.

"Why, you don't want to go?"

Hua Tianjun laughed and looked at Kasha with all his spare time.

"Yes, I definitely do."

Kasha almost blurted out, and the surprise came so suddenly.

In the next few days, Kasha arranged everything for the Shia Empire, and the Worm Demon was willing to stay in the Shia Empire for thousands of years in order to repay Hua Tianjun's life-saving grace, waiting for Kasha to return.

Time is like water, and a battleship in the starry sky is slowly moving.

"The Milky Way is where the college is."

Hua Tianjun said lightly, his eyes were a little deep: "This time you will be studying at the Academy as a loan student. I have already told you about some of the circumstances in the Academy, and you must remember . "

Kasha nodded, once again silently studying the college's system.

She was brought by Hua Tianjun and cannot cause trouble to Hua Tianjun, so these systems must be kept in mind.

She cherishes this opportunity to study at Xianxian College.

After the spacecraft entered the galaxy, it continued to fly towards the territory of the Earth Federation.

Along the way, Kasha noticed that the Milky Way was different from other galaxies. It was peaceful, no slaves, no oppression, no cosmic pirates.

Very peaceful and very secure.

"Teacher, I feel someone is watching me." Kasha said suddenly, she looked around, but did not see anyone.

She was nervous and a little overwhelmed.

Hua Tianjun froze and looked at Kasha in surprise: "You feel it."


He looked up at the starry sky outside: "There was a will born in the territory of the Earth Confederation. This will is the spiritual cohesion of our earth ’s human beings. It is called the Emperor. The Emperor always guards the safety of the Earth Federation. Everyone ’s life will be carefully examined to confirm whether it will pose a threat to humanity. As far as I know, Emperor Tiandi already had the strength of an emperor 30,000 years ago, and now I don't know how strong it is. "

Upon hearing this, Kasha was somewhat surprised.

The birth of the planet is too difficult. Shea Star has been in existence for so many years and still cannot produce will.

"Let's go and follow me into the Immortal College now."

Hua Tianjun said, the two disappeared.

Fairy College World.

As soon as Kasha came in, she was stunned. The cosmic energy here was too strong.

The environment here is also particularly beautiful.

Hua Tianjun smiled and took Kasha to visit the college.

"This is where the junior and middle school students are. You will practice here in the future."

"There is a dormitory for borrowed students. Although our college has a borrowed student system, in fact, so far, no more than 10,000 students have been admitted, and most of them are some great people from the federal government. They are all short. "

"Here is the college's library, which ranges from immortal exercises to all levels of mystery. Borrowed students can also browse in."

After some introduction, it's been a long time.

"I remember everything, teacher."

Kasha said, feeling that she had really come to a holy place for cultivation.

She must treasure this 10,000-year-old cultivation world.

"Okay, now I'll take you through the formalities and arrange a course for you."


Kasha was looking forward and excited.

Time passed slowly.

Kasha's progress in the college is fast, even surpassing some college students.

A hundred years later, she successfully broke through the chaos, and then went all the way to the creation.

"Kasha, the phantom and spirit of phantom Shinto, remember?"

The Phantom Emperor said, and she was Kasha's exclusive teacher.

After Kasha broke through the chaos, the college found that Kasha had amazing talent for illusions, and it would be easier to become an emperor in this area.

The phantom emperor's accomplishments in this area were very high, so Kasha was handed over to the phantom emperor for training.

In addition, Kasha also majored in the Dream.

This is the advice given by the situation.

"Students understand."

Kasha said, although she had the talent in illusion, in fact, she preferred to practice some of the great dreams.

The ghost emperor seemed to see Kasha's thoughts slowly and said, "I know that you think the Dream of the Great Sutra is even stronger, and there are rumors in the Academy that there may be a first-class rule in the Dream of the Sutra. However, you Do n’t underestimate illusions. Although there are only one or two second-class rules of illusions, the dean once said that illusions are the most magical. If they can study illusions to some extent, they may even surpass the first-class rules. "

Kasha, who was still a little bit unconscious, suddenly froze.

Especially she heard the word dean.

Hua Tianjun was promoted to the emperor directly because of Wang Xing's guidance.

If the dean's statement is true, then this illusion must have unlimited potential.

The Demon Emperor thought for a while, and said, "The dean once gave me an idea, and probably said that since illusion can demystify everything, can it demystify a first-class rule and demystify a world. The person who cultivates illusion is the creator and should be omnipotent. Even if illusion is cultivated to a certain extent, it may not be impossible to turn the illusion into reality. That is, one thought for my heart, derived from heaven and earth; one thought for my heart, the universe capsizes. "

Kasha froze for a long time before responding.

"Just think about it, sometimes the strongest path has already appeared."

The ghost emperor said, and then she took two steps and said, "Don't waste the borrowing opportunity that Hua Tianjun has won for you. You may not know how much it cost him to borrow ten thousand years in college . "

With that said, the Phantom Emperor left.

What Kasha wanted to say was finally stopped.

Ten thousand years later.

Kasha left the college and returned to the Shia Empire.

When she came, she was in the realm of light, and when she returned, she was already in the third stage of creation.

The ten thousand years of practice at Xianxian College laid the foundation for her future to become immortal, and Hua Tianjun's kindness to her made her unforgettable.


After fifty thousand years.

In the distant starry sky, a spacecraft is moving fast.

There are two people in this spaceship, one is Leng Shuangning, and the other is Barbara who usually exists as her secretary.

"Madam, now is not the best time, why do you want to realise all the industries you invest in." Barbara could not help but asked.

Leng Shuangning manages the Xianxian Academy's industry and continuously invests in the universe, earning a lot of wealth for the Xianxian Academy.

But these days, she is constantly selling some industries, as if to cash out.

"The secret space of the origin of space and time of Star Bank is about to be opened. I want to get a place to go in." Leng Shuang contemplates for a moment, without concealing. The mystery of the source is the best for me. Now that the students have broken through to the realm of the Holy Fairy, I have to work hard. "

"The mystery of origin of space and time?" Barbara froze, and she was the first to hear about it.

"Yes." Leng Shuangning said, "The only condition for you to be eligible to enter this mysterious realm is that you have trillions of immortal deposits in Star Bank's account. Although I have run the college for almost 100,000 years, However, Xianxian College ’s deposit at Star Bank is actually less than 800 billion immortal coins. Now I do n’t want to wait for another 10 years to verify the capital. Before that, I have to collect so much money, and the realization of the liquidation industry is for this . "

Hearing this, Barbara fully understood.

Cold frost condensation needs to be broken, and the mystery of the origin of space and time must not be missed.

This is not to say selfishness. Leng Shuangning has made so much money for the college, which has allowed the college's wealth to multiply. I am afraid that even the teachers of the academy will know and support her in doing so.

Besides, what is the relationship between Leng Shuangning and Wang Xing.

No one dares to talk.

"There is a giant ship star in front." Leng Shuangning looked towards a huge planet in front, which is a million times the size of Earth.

Previously, nobody knew this planet.

But now, the Starship is famous in hundreds of nearby star fields.

Not because of anything else, just because there is a huge battleship manufacturing company here, they have the ability to make star-class or even universe-class warships, and this company has only just been 80,000 years since its establishment.

As for the name of this company, it is called Beamon battleship manufacturing company.

No one knows that the only investor in this battleship manufacturing company is Leng Shuangning, which holds 70% of the shares.

"Giant Star?"

Barbara thought of something, and her face was angry: "Madam, I remember when we signed the contract with Beamon, I promised to pay dividends every 10,000 years, but I remember this for 30,000 years, he Did n’t give us any dividends. In fact, we should have come to him for a long time. That guy is a wordless man. We should n’t invest in him at first, and even gave him a part of the battleships of Wuxingshan Starfield. technology."

Beamon, this is the owner of this battleship company.

This battleship company existed 100,000 years ago, but at that time it was on the verge of bankruptcy, and it was Leng Shuangning who rescued the company at a critical time.

"Not only that, in the first two years of the beginning, Bemon gave me a fair share, but in the next three years, although it was more than the previous two years, it was completely inferior to the profit of the Bemon battleship company. Proportion. As for these 30,000 years, it is even more ridiculous. Beamon even refused to divide because of the reason to expand the company. "Leng Shuangning said, his face was a bit cold," I have to say that I read wrong that year, this Beamon is definitely not a good collaborator. "

Come here this time, Leng Shuangning is to solve this problem.

No one can greedy her money, and this is still a huge sum.

"Lady, what are you going to do this time?" Barbara asked.

"It's very simple, first check the account and let Beamon spit out all the money that should be distributed to me, and then sell all our shares in the Beamon Warship Company." Leng Shuangning said almost without thinking, this was her decision early on Alright.

She is short of money now, and this Beamon really does not need to cooperate anymore.

"Yes, I just can't make this better than Mon." Barbara hummed.

Above the giant ship star at this moment, in a large office.

"That frost is condensing?" A man frowned, and he was Beamon, looking like a burly orc.

"Yes." One responded, "According to the email that Director Leng Shuangning sent to you, this time she came to check the accounts so that you can prepare the accounts for all these years."

Hearing the account, Beamon looked a little uncomfortable.

He made it so obvious, let alone Leng Shuangning, that a fool knew he didn't divide Leng Shuangning according to the contract.

"Hum, check it."

Beamon waved his hand and didn't care: "When the contract was signed, she was not required to participate in the management, but she can check the account at any time, then let her check it. What if she did find out. She was How much money was invested in me, but it accounted for 70% of our company, and the share I gave her actually exceeded his previous investment. "

Beamon felt that Leng Shuangning was insatiable. At the beginning, he had hit Leng Shuangning.

He later dared not honour the contract for exactly this reason.

"Sir, what if Director Leng Shuangning disagrees?" Some of his men were worried. "I heard that Director Leng Shuangning has invested everywhere in the universe. There is a big background behind him."

"Big background?"

Beamon sneered: "You think I'm still afraid of her now. I now have twelve Emperors and thousands of Creators. It's not already the general who was the bare pole at that time. By then we'll get together and break up. It wo n’t make her so ugly. If she bites, I will make her inseparable from the giant star. "

The servant was silent at this time.

Sure enough, the wealth is moving, no matter who sees that amazing amount of wealth, he is unwilling to share it with others.

Beamon is to take these wealth as his own, everything is greedy.

At this time, a voice came: "Master, Director Leng Shuangning is here."

Beamon heard this and stood up.

He took two steps and said in a deep voice: "Call the top of the company, and let's meet Director Leng together."

"Yes ~ ~ The next person said, and at this time twelve emperors and monarchs gathered.

Such a powerful force, those star-level universe nations dare not despise, and this is the confidence of Beamon.

Cold frost freezes and waits silently.

Suddenly, he felt thirteen powerful breaths.

These breaths shrouded her, observing her unscrupulously.

"Good one off."

Leng Shuang frowned, and she couldn't see Beamon's thoughts.

Barbara was also impatient: "Madam, why don't we go back and call the boss and chop this Beamon."

Leng Shuangning shook her head. Wang Xing is now retreating. She can't bother.

Today's business is enough for her.

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