Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1595: Qualify

Beamon felt that his purpose had been achieved and came out from behind the crowd.

"Leng Dong, why are you here?"

He said, with a smile on his skin.

"Come, let me introduce you to these executives of our company."

He didn't wait for Leng Shuangning to answer, and then he said, "This is called Kannus, and the Emperor Realm of Tier Nine is repaired. It is our honorary director of the battleship of Beamon. And an honorary director of our company ... "

He said one by one and introduced all twelve kings and emperors.

As for himself, he now has the third-order cultivation of the realm of the realm of the realm of the realm. When Leng Shuangning invested in him, he was just the pinnacle of creation.

It took him less than 100,000 years to cultivate to this realm, and it was precisely the resources that were exchanged for the profits of the Beamon battleship company.

Cold frost nodded.

Barbara whispered next to him: "It's a triumph to think that no one has ever seen the emperor."

Beamon's face changed slightly, but there was nothing to show.

"Leng Dong, I have arranged your accommodation. Would you like to stay first?"

He continued, in fact, he was anxious that Leng Shuangning would leave early.

At this time, Leng Shuangning shook his head: "No need. The purpose of my visit this time is to check the accounts. Now I will take me directly to the company's finance room. By the way, all the accounts I want should be prepared for me. Right? "

Beamon's complexion changed slightly.

He did not expect Leng Shuangning to dare to walk alone, and he did not take his warning seriously.

"Leng Dong is really dedicated."

Beamon almost bit his voice and said, "The accounts are ready, always come with me."

Leng Shuangning ignores all this, she only does what she should do.

Soon, a group of people came to an office, and a host computer placed here was used to keep accounts for years.

As for what is stored on paper, it has long been banned in the universe.

"Open a port to Leng Dong."

Beamon said, someone immediately did the same: "Leng Zong, there are tens of billions of accounts here, you can check it slowly."


Leng Shuang nodded, and a virtual computer appeared in front of his hand.

"Leng Dong, let's leave first. If you have any questions, you can always ask me."

Beamon said, taking someone away.

His face was ugly, but he was soon replaced by sneer.

"Check, what can you do if you find out."

Beamon thought to himself that he did not take this matter to heart at all.

In the room, Leng Shuangning was not joking, but was really checking accounts.

Fortunately, her computer is very powerful and was specially developed by Mu Liuli for her. It only needs an interface, and she doesn't need to do anything.

Time passed slowly.

Three months later, Leng Shuangning stood up, his face was unsightly.

"Madam, is there any result?"

Barbara asked, and she saw something.

Leng Shuangning is definitely angry.

"Yes, I didn't expect Bimen to greedy me with so many dividends." Leng Shuangning slowly said, forcing himself to calm down. "I thought this Bimen was a little unreliable at first, but I didn't expect him to be so bold. May It is he who feels that he has broken into the realm of the emperor and king, and the world is invincible. Such a person has only a little interest in front of his eyes, narrow eyes, and really is not worthy of friendship. "

"What next?" Barbara asked.

"Of course, let him return the dividend owed to me, and then sell the shares, let Beamon battleship company take its own life." Cold frost calmly said, she would not have any feelings for a company.

She invested in unknown companies, all lost for profit.

Without interest, the company she would rather invest in goes bankrupt.

"Go call Beamon."

She continued, slowly sitting down again.


Barbara responded.

Soon, Beamon arrived, and all the so-called company executives were also present.

He had clearly expected something.

"Leng Dong, what's wrong?"

Beamon laughed and looked like he knew nothing.

Those high-level kingdoms he brought were also looking at Leng Shuangning with all their spare time.

"Beamon, my audit results are coming out."

Leng Shuangning said blandly: "Since I took a stake in Beamon Battleship Company, you have to give me a total of 120 billion immortal coins, but now I have only seen you 40 billion immortal coins. Under the 80 billion immortal coin, when are you going to give it to me? "

Eighty billion immortal coins, that is an extremely scary number.

Not to mention Beamon's unwillingness to give, even if it is replaced by ordinary immortality, it must be given to greed.

"This is the details of the account I checked, and I have to say that you are not good at doing anything fake. Of course, it may be that you don't care about the problems in this account that I found. Now, you have to look at Is the account? "

Leng Shuang waved his hand, and began to roll the accounts in front of him.

At the moment, Beamon had a killing intention on his face: "Leng Dong, what do you mean?"

He wouldn't think he was wrong, or even take it for granted.

"Well, I admit that there is a problem with this account. But you don't want to think about it. You only invested me less than one million immortal coins. Now you have got four million immortal coins from me. Isn't that enough? What? "Beamon said indifferently, and at the moment did not intend to quibble anymore," I was deceived by you before I signed the extremely unequal contract terms with you, and now I regret it. "

He said, extremely firm.

"I wo n’t give you your eight million dividends. I wo n’t give you any future dividends. Beamon battleship company is mine. I earn all this money and give it to you."

He grunted coldly, this was a complete showdown.

Leng Shuangning heard it here, and it was no surprise that he expected it when he came.

"Bimon, you are so brave. You also do n’t want to think about what happened to your Bimon battleship company when our boss was a shareholder. At that time, you owed a big debt and sold the Bimon battleship company. It can be said that it was our boss who saved your company, and the first contract that you won was also signed by our boss to help you. You are better now, and you have become a white-eyed wolf, and you do n’t recognize it. Barbara was furious and yelled.

"You shut up for me."

Beamon yelled when he heard this.

To him, his condition at that time was like his scar.

"Why, you can do it, let me not say it." Barbara was not polite at all.

She followed Leng Shuangning and was also a person who had seen the world.

What is she afraid of.

"Kill them, kill them."

Beamon shouted, and could no longer control himself: "You want to take my company, there is no door."

He was completely mad, and just wanted to let Leng Shuangning and Barbara disappear forever.

Hearing what he said, an emperor of the realm of kings immediately shot.

But at this time, the cold frost was gone.

She disappeared abruptly like that, and then came to Beamon when she appeared again, and Beaman was completely unaware.

The other kings and emperors also showed horror.

how can that be?

Beamon was terrified too, but when he didn't respond, a knife flashed.

Blood splatter.

Beamon only saw his arm cut off, and the pain spread through his body.

"Catch her, grab her!"

Beamon shouted, as if going crazy.

However, several emperors blocked the space, and when they were going to catch Leng Shuangning, Leng Shuangning completely ignored the lock on the space and disappeared again.

"what happened?"

Everyone froze, immediately looking for the cold frost.

Just followed, another flash of light passed.

Everyone saw that Leng Shuangning appeared abruptly again, and the other arm of Beamon was also cut off with a knife.

"What mystery is this?"

Kannus said with a tremor, so invisible and invisible, almost like a ghost.

Even if he practiced the ninth order of his kingdom, he found that there was no way to condense the cold frost, and he couldn't even stop it.

"This is not a mystery, it is a rule."

Leng Shuang said quietly: "If I want to leave, no one of you can leave me. If I want to kill anyone, no one below the fourth level of the kingdom can stop it. I didn't want to do this. But you are too much. "

She said indifferently, but it was extremely tough.

Beamon's body was trembling a little, and he was really scared.

He had never seen Lengshuang Ning's hand, thinking that Lengshuang Ning was just an ordinary Creator.

But at this moment, he knew he was wrong.

Leng Shuangning's cultivation is very strong, even if it is the peak of creation, it will not be much weaker than the third order of his kingdom.

Coupled with Leng Shuangning's magical method, it is easier to kill him.

If the two knives were aimed at his key points just now, the results would already be conceivable.

"Now give you two options."

Leng Shuang said indifferently, looking at Beamon coldly: "The first one, obediently pay me back the owed dividends. The second one, I killed you, and then I came to manage the company, and when I got it, My dividend. "

Beamon clenched his fists and no longer knew what to do.

"Kanus, you can't stop her?"

He preached, still thinking about it.

Kannus nodded and replied: "It can't be stopped. Her method is so amazing that I can't understand it. Even now, I look at her right in front of me, but if I do it, she may It's just a few light years away. I feel that she seems to be in control of the space. Her strength is not as simple as creating a realm. Her speed and attack intensity are absolutely comparable to the emperors of the fourth and fifth tiers of the kingdom. "

The words came, making Beamon even more apprehensive.

He looked down on the cold frost too much, and now he suddenly found himself ignorant of the cold frost.

His arrogance harmed himself, making him completely uncomfortable at the moment.

Leng Shuangning no longer said anything, she was waiting for Bimen's decision.

She dared to walk alone in the universe, relying on this ability, and this is her current practice method.

This is a method of condensing the body's wormhole, which came from the original idea of ​​Wang Xing.

Wormholes are everywhere, and space can be shuttled through wormholes.

She has accumulated numerous wormholes in her body. These wormholes constitute the wormhole cloud. Now these wormhole elements are continually converging, and a dark space within the body will soon be formed.

This technique also gives her many special abilities, such as the ability to create wormholes at will, move them at will, and block countless spaces.

At present, no one can keep her unless she is successful.

"If you don't choose again, I will choose for you."

Leng Shuangning said, the knife in his hand was horizontal.

The knife seemed to appear on Beamon's neck at any time.

"I give you a dividend."

Bimeng gritted his teeth, still his own life was important, he didn't want to die like that.


Cold frost condensed on ice.

Beamon dared to hesitate wherever he was, and he did just that.

In less than a minute, Leng Shuangning received a transfer of more than 80 billion immortal coins, which made her one step closer to her goal.

"Barbara, let's go."

Leng Shuangning said, and the two left.

Beamon looked at Leng Shuangning's back, and now he was a little afraid.

Just didn't go far, Leng Shuangning suddenly turned back and said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you that I have put the shares of Beamon Warship Company in the auction house for auction. If you really want to get Beamon Warship company You can bid for your own sake. "

When Beamon heard this, his eyes almost fell down.

This is really vicious.


Three years later.

"Madam, Bimon's shares have been auctioned off, but unfortunately, only 160 billion immortal coins were photographed." Barbara said, "It's that Bimon, he transferred the Bimon battleship after you left. The company's assets have caused the value of the Beamon battleship company to continue to fall. I knew that you shouldn't remind him at the beginning, we just sold the shares secretly. "

"Is your little girl stupid, can you afford to buy as many shares as the Mongolian Warship Company? ~, and whether it is auctioned or sold to someone in private, he will know for sure, because He still needs his signature on it, "Leng Shuangning reluctantly said," But with this 160 billion immortal coin, one trillion immortal coin is enough, and you can apply for the entry qualification of the mysterious source of the hourly space source. "

With that said, she went to Star Bank's personal page.

Then clicked Apply.

It only needs to check the assets of Star Bank, that is, after the capital verification, it will give a response.

Ten days later, a reply message finally arrived.

"Dear customers, congratulations on your qualification to practice the mystery of Hour and Space Origin. Please go to the small clock star one hundred years later. At that time, we will have staff to arrange your practice in the mystery. The following are the instructions for entering the mystery, please You read it carefully. "

Leng Shuangning looked at the information above, and finally a stone in his heart was put down.

It can be said that she is the most important opportunity for her to practice in the mystery of the hour and space. If she really guessed to her, this time will be enough for her to have a huge improvement.

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