Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1596: On gambling

When Barbara saw this reply, she was also very happy for Leng Shuangning.

"Madam, you must be able to break through the realm of Holy Fairy this time."

She said, Bi Leng Shuangning was sure of herself.

Time passed slowly, and it was the agreed time.

"Barbara, I ’m going to go to Little Clock Star, I do n’t know when I can return. Next, Teacher Li Guizu took over my position and continued to look for industry to invest in the universe. I have full business and a unique vision. I believe that the assets of the college will continue to increase. You only need to cooperate with him. If he is not clear about some of the industries I invest in, you can explain to him. .

She is more familiar with Li Guizu, and currently there are two of them, one outside.

She is responsible for investing outside, and Li Guizu takes stock of the college's various industries to maintain the asset circulation of the college.

But then she has to enter the mysterious realm of Hour and Space Origin, so she can only work hard for Li Guizu.

"Barbara, please trouble you," Li Guizu said.

He knows that Leng Shuangning has invested hundreds of thousands of industries in the universe these years. Although he also knows it, it is far less detailed than Barbara knows.

Next, many places really need to rely on Barbara.

"Yes, Teacher Li." Barbara nodded.

Leng Shuangning was relieved, and confirmed that there was nothing else left.

Small clock star.

This is a planet that exists in the boundless darkness. The history of its existence cannot be traced back. Once this planet was a huge star, but now the energy of this star has been exhausted.

It is said that an cultivator of space law passed by here immortally, and found the mystery of the hourly and spatial origin hidden in its depth.

Later, for no reason, this immortal sold this mystery to Star Bank.

After the Star Bank obtained the ownership of the mystery of the Source of Space and Time, in order to attract investment and return its customers, it opened it completely.

Therefore, there is also a matter of trillions of immortal coins that can enter the mysterious realm of Hour and Space Origin to cultivate.

"The fairy ship?"

Above the small clock star, a man froze slightly: "This is the cold and frosty spaceship of the Xianhe Group, ready to meet."

The man is called Danny Deere, and is a six-level governor of Star Bank outside Shenhe.

He was transferred to take charge of this secret practice, and he was also cautious.

"Master, it seems that the Xianhe Group has only been established for 100,000 years, right?" Said a woman with a strange tattoo on her face next to her. This woman was called Ansti, a slave bought by Danny Deere. Nedir dismissed slavery, but she still called Dannidir the master. In fact, she is the stop of Danny Deere, and she has the same realm as Danny Deere.

It is amazing that you can have trillions of immortal deposits in Star Bank in 100,000 years.

As far as she knows, there can be trillions of immortal coin deposits, generally those of the giant country of the universe, or some of the supreme factions.

"Yes, the Xianhe Group has a history of about 100,000 years, which is completely incomparable with those of the old-fashioned groups. However, the Xianhe Group's development is extremely fast, and its assets double every 10,000 years. This is also mainly Thanks to Leng Shuangning's investment vision, more than 90% of the industries she invests in are currently profitable, even I can't compare. "Danny Deere nodded.

He can see the potential of Xianhe Group, and it will definitely become a large customer of their Star Bank in the future.

Such people must associate.

"It's really powerful, but I think she only has the cultivation of creation." Ansty frowned. This cultivation is actually very low for an investor who controls the supreme wealth.

The general clique, whoever is at the helm is not the emperor.

"What's weird about this is that for an investor, the most important thing is not cultivation, but investment vision. The Sabina of the Shenguang Group is not the same young, the same creation peak, Now the amount of investment she controls is a hundred times that of Leng Shuangning. Of course, although their cultivation is low, it is not yet within the realm of the kingdom, but in fact, their cultivation is comparable to the realm of the kingdom. This cold frost, I just received the news, she was in front of a group of emperors on the giant ship star, and nearly destroyed the beaumont emperor of beaumont battleship company, and this beaumont emperor has a third-order kingdom It's quite the same as you. "Danny Deere said, he would not despise people like Leng Shuangning.

In his view, Leng Shuangning, including that Sabina, has great potential, and it is hopeful that it will become immortal in the future.

"The cold frosted spacecraft has landed. Let's meet."

Danny Deere said, and walked directly.

He is the president of Star Bank, and only looks at the other person ’s worth deposit, but does not care about the other ’s cultivation.

Even if you are an ordinary person, if you have a deposit of hundreds of millions of immortal coins in Star Bank, he will look down on you.

"Miss Leng, welcome to Little Clock Star."

He looked at the cold frost coming out of the spaceship and smiled.

"President Danny Deere, it's been a long time. Star Bank really fancy you and arranged you here to take charge of this secret cultivation practice." Leng Shuang smiled.

She has seen Danny Deere.

When Xian Xueyuan deposited more than 100 million universe coins, the other party contacted her and personally upgraded the account of Xian Xueyuan to the platinum level.

"Haha, what is valued is not valued, and in the end it depends on personal performance." Danny Deer replied, "everything depends on the support of your customers, especially big customers like Miss Leng."

Leng Shuang smiled, not knowing what to say.

"Ms. Leng, if your deposit at Star Bank can be maintained at more than 10,000 billion universe coins, I can apply to upgrade your account level from platinum to black gold. Hey, black gold and platinum The treatment is completely different. Not to mention anything else, at that time we will open a five-star branch in your universe, and all your banking business can even contact me directly. "Danny Deere said.

He is a very qualified president, and he does not forget to pull business at this time.

Lengshuang froze for a moment, but nothing seemed to come over.

"let me consider it."

Leng Shuangning didn't say no, but went back and thought about the feasibility of this matter.

Making various investments in the universe, she does not have much dealing with Star Bank. Among them, the treatment enjoyed by different levels of accounts she knows is not small.

For example, she is now at the platinum level, and some investment messages that Star Bank pushed to him are only one-tenth of the black level.

It ’s like Danny Deere just said that she opened a five-star bank in the universe of the universe. As far as she knows, there is only one quasi-five-star bank in the entire Wuxingshan star field. country. Don't underestimate this five-star bank, which can handle many businesses that other banks cannot handle. If there is a five-star interstellar bank in a universe, many citizens can benefit from it, thereby driving the business development of the entire universe.

Danny Deer didn't say anything next, and came to a huge room with cold frost.

There are many people here, and they all want to enter the mystery.

Leng Shuangning took a brief look, and there were actually thousands of people, and this was only entered this time.

There are so many cliques in the universe. It's really ridiculous, but some of them are too low-key and unknown.

Leng Shuangning was about to sit down, but at this time he heard a voice coming.

"Leng Shuangning, did you Xianhe Group invest in Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company?" That was a woman, and her face was extremely unsightly at the moment, with a bit of aggressive taste.

After hearing this, many people also cut it off.

Even Danny Deer was stunned, because this person is Sabina, the young investor who is similar to the cold frost realm.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Leng Shuang frowned, she also knew this Sabina.

The two have several conflicts in investment in the universe, and they have won and lost each other.

"What problem do you say, do you know that our Shenguang Group is already in contact with Yuanhuoyuanli Weapon Company? To this end, we have negotiated back and forth hundreds of times, which took hundreds of years. Seeing that the negotiations will be successful. But you suddenly intervened, injecting hundreds of millions of coins into Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company, causing them to terminate their negotiations with us. "Sabina was angry.

Although she and Leng Shuangning had a victory and defeat before, the profit and loss of both parties was not large.

But this time it was different. She lost at least tens of billions of immortal coins. This was her biggest failure in investment history.

She was so angry that it was at this point.

Many people were stunned when they heard this. They really admired Leng Shuangning's guts, and even the target selected by Shenguang Group was daring.

"Is this still complaining to me?"

Leng Shuang smiled, and was a bit scary: "As far as I know, your Shenguang Group has been suppressing the Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company, delusion that it has fed up with this company at a very low price, regardless of the rules of the industry. And you bought this The purpose of the price company is not so simple. It just wants to change hands and sell to Shenhuoyuanli Weapon Company. This Shenhuoyuanli Weapon Company and Tianhuoyuanli Weapon Company are originally deadly opponents. The method of refining is also quite wide. If they accept them, In the past, the first thing to do was to reform the system. At that time, at least hundreds of millions of people under the Yuanhuo Force Weapon Company would lose their jobs. "

At the words of Leng Shuangning, everyone was silent.

They can all understand what Leng Shuangning said, but as an investor, it is understandable for the benefit.

"Our Xianhe Group's investment method is more suitable for Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company. Before you sign the contract, the other party accepts our capital injection. What's the problem. Do you think that the investment object, others can not intervene, what? That makes sense, "Leng Shuangning laughed.

Others nodded secretly. Sometimes a good investment object will have many groups competing.

This is a normal state in the universe, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just obvious that Sabina is just frustrated, she thinks it was Leng Shuangning who deliberately snatched her investment object.

"I don't argue with you about this, after all, our investment philosophy is different. It's just that you deliberately retaliate against me, only you know it." Sabina said, "In the universe, flattery speaks with strength, you dare Bet with me. If I win, you must stop injecting capital into Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company. "

She said, somewhat arrogant and strong.

"What bet?"

Leng Shuang frowned, and felt that the other party was a lunatic, unreasonable.

"Let's win or lose the first battle."

Sabina said indifferently, but she was full of confidence: "You and I are both at the pinnacle of creation, and we are still practicing the laws and mysteries of space. We can also advance to the enemy. We will be fair and fair in the first battle How dare you bet? "

Everyone, including Danny Deere, was dumbfounded.

Can I still play like this?

"Bet us win or lose in the first battle?"

Leng Shuangning laughed in her heart. The same cultivation is a realm. She doesn't say she can win steadily, but she can stand completely invincible.

Bet on this with her, Sabina really did a good job.

However, the other party is from the Shenguang Group, and there may be some hidden means, and they have to guard against it.

"What if I win?"

Leng Shuangning asked, in fact, he had already agreed.

"You can't win. Of course, if you win, you can stop one of my investments." Sabina thought about it.

"This is what you said. If I win, I want you to exit the Coley Pharmaceuticals and let me take a stake." Leng Shuangning said almost without thinking, and everyone was shocked to hear this.

Ray Pharmaceuticals is now a well-known pharmaceutical manufacturing company in the universe, and Sabina's investment in Corey Pharmaceuticals is also known as the most discerning investment.

It was also the success of this investment that allowed Sabina to succeed.

Leng Shuangning used this as a condition, and it was a general salary draw. If Sabina lost, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Why, dare?"

Frost frosted indifferently, a little despised.

"Dare ~ ~ Anything dare, I can't lose anyway."

Sabina gritted her teeth, but responded.

At this time there was no possibility of shrinking, and she was indeed confident in her cultivation.

But at this moment, the space in the distance suddenly opened a gap.

"this is?"

Someone froze, then said excitedly: "The door to the mysterious source of the hourly sky opens."

Danny Deere also said at this time: "Okay, behind this gap is the mystery of the hourly space origin. This mystery is opened from the inside and requires an immortal to open. Each opening time is one hour. In time, if you do n’t go in, you are giving up this qualification. "

Hearing this, Leng Shuangning and Sabina were stunned.

They are now incomparable. They can only wait to come out of the secret realm. At that time, their cultivation may not be heaven or earth.

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