Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1597: Dark universe

Danny Deere then said, "Okay, everyone is ready to go in."

After hearing this, many people began to enter the mystery through the cracks.

Danny Deere looked at Leng Shuangning and Sabina again, and said helplessly: "Two people, it is still important to enter the mystery, after all, this mystery will only open once in hundreds of thousands of years. I missed this time and do not know next time When will it be? "

Leng Shuangning and Sabina naturally knew.

"Leng Shuangning, after coming out of the mystery, let's fight again." Sabina thought about it.

In fact, she feels that entering the secret world is more advantageous to her, and she can only consolidate the rules to achieve the emperor.

As for Leng Shuangning, her practice time is very short, and she seems to have reached the peak of creation, but her accumulation may not be

If after entering, she directly broke into the realm of the emperor, and Leng Shuangning could not break through, then she would be able to win with an overwhelming advantage.

"it is good."

Leng Shuang contemplates for a moment, but shows no weakness.

The two followed one after the other into the mystery, which left Danny Deer a bit speechless.

"Master, who do you think comes out of the mystery, who will win the first battle?" Ansti asked for a moment.

She herself is very optimistic about Sabina, because according to the information she has learned, Sabina is a super genius under the Supreme Patriarch ’s Patriarchy and is almost invincible in the realm.

As for Leng Shuangning's mysterious origin, it should be worse than Sabina.

"Sabina is practicing the first-class law of space. If she can consolidate this law in the mystery of the origin of space and time, her chances of winning will be more than 90%. After all, the first-class law is almost in the same realm Invincible. If she can't consolidate the law of space, then the two should win five or five, and Leng Shuangning still has some cards. "Danny Deere expressed his views.

He is also optimistic about Sabina, but he does not despise Leng Shuangning.

But Sabina's ancestral religion was even full of awe.

In the mystery of the origin of spacetime, east and west are indistinguishable.

When you come here, you come to the origin of space, where space is fully exposed and anyone can observe it.

Just a glance, everyone who practiced the laws of space feels that they have benefited a lot. This is their paradise.

Even Sabina was very excited.

She originally taught from the ancestral gods and took over the Shenguang Group for this opportunity to enter the mystery of the origin of space and time.

She waited, this time she will fly into the sky.

She will realize the first-class rules and become the greatest genius in this era of ancestral religion.

To enlighten, she must seize the time to enlighten.

Other people are almost the same, quickly looking for a place to start enlightenment.

Leng Shuang thought for a while, but was not so anxious.

Although what she needs to enlighten also involves space, it is the dark space behind the space. This is not the best place to enlighten.

This mysterious space is large enough that there is a solar system too small, she looks at it a little bit.

Deep in space, an old man noticed Leng Shuangning, who was in charge of the immortality of this secret realm, but soon he closed his eyes and did not take it seriously.

A month later, Leng Shuangning came to a place.

In front of her eyes, the layers of space cascade, and the dark energy shuttles through each other, like a dragon passing through the clouds and fog.

She thought about it and threw a slap-sized thing into it, only to see that this thing flashed back and forth in the space, completely teleporting.

Leng Shuangning can't see where, this is exactly the wormhole in the dark space at work.

The big slap was caused by the wormhole moving back and forth, and this is the most suitable place for her to find out.

She sat down with her knees crossed and finally began to practice.

No one around, quiet.

No one was bothering her, and her mind was fully integrated into the space.

One year, two years ...

In the blink of an eye, three thousand years have passed, and some people have found nothing and eventually choose to leave the world.

Some people have just entered the state, as is Leng Shuangning.

Countless thoughts flowed in her mind, colliding, making her thinking impossible.

Dark space, what is dark space?

That is the world after space, and it is the root of space.

Without dark space, there is no law of space.

Without the dark energy in dark space, the power of space cannot be motivated.

Wait, she thought that Wang Xing had said this before.

She could not understand at first, but now she gradually understood something, and an enlightenment suddenly came to her mind.

She was not shocked at this moment.

What realm of Wang Xing was at first was able to see the secrets of space so clearly, it was horrifying.

Realizing this, her realm rose rapidly.

Her figure began to fade and slowly disappeared.

She is completely integrated into the layers of space, and merges with those dark energy, which seems to be her original power.

At this moment, she felt even more.

She realized more things, which directly drove the energy in her body.

I don't know on which day, she showed a shocked look: "Dark space is derived from the body. This dark space is a universe in the body, which can be called a dark universe. This universe communicates the dark space of the main universe. When endless power is available. The universe is immortal, and I should be immortal. This seems to have been said by my husband. Did he allow me to practice this mysterious method at the beginning, this day has been expected. "

Cold frost is hard to imagine.

She felt that what she had realized had transcended first-class rules.

That ca n’t be measured by rules. It can be said to be the true origin of the universe and the real mystery of the universe.

Such a realization made her feel a sense of epiphany and soaring.

Time is still passing.

Ten thousand years after Leng Shuangning entered the mysterious source of hourly space, someone came out.

That's Sabina.

She's different all over, and she looks very spirited.

"You ... have you broken into the realm of kings and emperors?" Danny Deere looked at her in shock.

He knows what it means.

Sabina either doesn't break through, and if it breaks through, it must be a real condensing of the laws of space.

There are only a few monarchs who practice first-class rules in the entire universe.

How lucky it is.

"Yes, I would like to thank you for the space-time origin mystery of the Star Bank. I learned the space laws in it, and the mysteries of the space laws were fully displayed in my eyes, which allowed me to break through. It is said that this space-time origin mystery If the law of space contained in it can be fully comprehended or even immortal, I will definitely enter the mystery of the origin of space and time again in the future. "Sabina thought about it.

"It's okay, as long as we meet the requirements of our Star Bank, you can enter it for the second time." Danny Deere looked at Sabina at this moment, more respected than before.

This is not only because Sabina is a big customer of Star Bank, but also because Sabina's future potential is really too great.

If she can truly become immortal, she will be able to dominate the Shenhe River in the future.

And for her breakthrough this time, the Patriarch will definitely train her with all her might, and may even train her as an heir.

Such people, Star Bank must definitely make good efforts.

"Is the cold frost condensed?" Sabina asked, thinking.

She is now confident that defeating Leng Shuangning is an easy time.

In the same realm, the first law is the existence of invincibility.

"Not yet." Danny Deer replied, "Everyone is here now, except for the cold frost. Although the secrets of the origin of the hour and the air are good, it is likely that they will be lost in the space, so the longest The enlightenment time is about 10,000 years, and I believe she will come out soon. "

What he said was true, and this was also written on the secret notice to Leng Shuangning.

Once there were practitioners lost in it, and in the end they almost became crazy.

"The more I understand, the longer I can practice in it. It took me 10,000 years to practice the first-class rule at the highest level. There is no reason for Leng Shuangning to stay longer than me. I think most of it She knew that she would lose, so she forced herself to become enlightened, to deliberately break through the practice, and compete with me. "Sabina thought for a moment, coldly.

Although this speculation is somewhat arbitrary, it also has some truth.

"Forget it, I'm waiting for her here, just happen to be stable, wait for her to come out, defeat her again, and let her withdraw from Yuanhuoyuan Weapon Company."

Sabina will not let cold frost condensate, she will make cold frost condensate this time.

She said that she began to cultivate directly in the space.

Danny Deere was shocked. The law of space was so mysterious that he couldn't even find out where Sabina was hiding.

Soon, Sabina condensed the seeds of the law of space, and the news that the emperor had achieved the first-rate rule spread throughout the surrounding stars.

The people who got the news were shocked.

Immediately, Sabina was given a lot of rewards in the Patriarchalism, which made people envious.

After 12 thousand years.

In the mystery of the origin of space and time, an old man came to the place where the cold frost was closed to practice.

This old man is the immortality in the mystery of the origin of space and time.

He looked at the space in front of him and wondered: "What's going on, from 3,000 years ago, I feel that this space is separated from the whole mystery and is no longer part of it. I remember right , There used to be a woman practicing here, but now that woman has not gone out, and I searched and changed the whole mystery, and I couldn't find her existence, it was too weird. "

He is an immortal, but also a second-level **** of immortality.

In front of him, it is impossible for a lord of creation to hide his tracks.

He thought about it and wondered if there was something wrong with this space.

As soon as he grabbed his hand, he would set aside this space and see what was behind it.

But his hand just passed by, only to see that the space in front of him suddenly condensed and slowly formed a figure.

It is cold frost.

She felt the danger and immediately woke up from her cultivation.

"who are you?"

She frowned and looked at the old man.

If she didn't have an old man, she might have to enlighten for thousands of years.

Now interrupted, no one will be happy.

The old man 'grumped' for a moment, and did not know that he was pregnant with Leng Shuangning, shocked and looked at Leng Shuangning: "How is this possible, what means are you doing, why do I feel this space is like you? Is it the same? Are you practicing spatial laws? "

On the cold frost, he felt a breath overriding any law.

This made him a little scared and a little scared.

"What I cultivate cannot be explained clearly with you, but it's really not a space law, it just has a great relationship with space." Leng Shuang contemplates, "I seem to know who you are, you should just guard this The immortality of the mysterious film is the one you opened from the inside. Three thousand years ago, I condensed the dark world, and once communicated the dark space world of this mysterious film, and peeped at your hiding place. "

"What?" The old man was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

At what time, how did he not know that he had been peeped.

"It was already 12 thousand years ago. If I had to go on for another three to five thousand years, I should be able to go one step further. Now you are interrupted, but I can no longer enter that state. In this case, I will leave This time, the goal can be considered to be achieved. "Leng Shuang contemplates, and closes his eyes slightly.

The old man was a little confused, but he watched Leng Shuangning about to leave, so he said, "I have blocked the secret realm, you want to go out, I will send you away."

He is about to open a secret exit and send Leng Shuangning away.

But at this time, Leng Shuangning smiled at him: "No, I can leave the mystery by myself, and I will not bother you."

Speaking of waiting for the old man to open the mysterious exit, Leng Shuangning walked towards the previous steps. The previous step was still in the mysterious state, but the next step was already in the main universe.

The old man was aggressive and stood there staring at the boss as if he was a ghost.

This is simply incredible and impossible to understand.


Leng Shuang had condensed, and her 10,000 years of practice finally made her reborn.

As for her current state, it is beyond description.

Like Wang Xing, she embarked on her own path.

Within her body, there is no world of kings, and there is no godhead in his mind.

Her body is now a dark universe.

She closed her eyes slightly ~ ~ The whole dark space seemed to be connected to her, and countless wormholes clearly appeared in her mind.

She felt as if she only needed a few steps to get back from the dark space to the academy or into the river of the gods.

The universe has never been so intuitive to her.

"Cold frost!"

At this time, an amazing voice sounded through the sky.

That's Sabina.

She always had a distraction in her secret place, and when the frost frosted, she felt it.

"Miss Leng, you are finally out."

Danny Deere said the same thing, but he looked at Leng Shuangning as if he hadn't improved, and didn't feel worried about Leng Shuangning.

In this battle, it seems that Leng Shuangning is losing.

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