Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1599: Husband, your cultivation is over?

Gerda took cold frost as a research object completely, and wanted to get the secret of cold frost.

He really saw the opportunity to break through in Leng Shuangning. We must know that he has stayed in this realm for several epochs.

The next step is how to get the secret of Leng Shuangning. The simplest way is to grab Leng Shuangning directly into the ancestral religion.

To this end, he can take all risks.

"Sabina, do you know where this cold frost is now?" Gerda made a decision in her heart, and hesitated.

He was about to start now and couldn't wait to get up.

Abel next to him was so shrewd that he had seen his Master's intentions, but in fact he himself thought the same way.

"I just inquired about it. She has left the small clock star and went to find her stopper Barbara." Sabina thought for a while before returning, "Master wants to see this cold frost?"

"Yes, I would like to talk to her about her cultivation experience," Gelda said lightly.

Hearing this, Sabina froze.

She didn't understand at first, but she was suddenly awakened at this moment, Master, this is to catch the cold frost.

Exchange ideas?

What good communication does a perfect God have with a Creator.

"Can you find her, she is very important for the teacher." Gerda continued, her eyes were already fiery.

Sabina was silent, she was proud, but she was unwilling to do such a thing.

But looking at Gerda's eyes, she knew that if she refused, she estimated that her impression of Master ’s heart would plummet.

Even if she understands the first-class rules, she still has to rely on her master.

"Sister and sister, Master will not hurt Leng Shuangning, but just want to know what rules she has learned." Abel said at this time, in fact, he also wanted to get the secret of Leng Shuangning. At this time, Sabi would be convinced Na.

Sabina took a deep breath and had a decision.

What is the relationship between Leng Shuangning and her life? This is also very good for herself, she refused without reason.

After a moment of contemplation, she said, "Master, Leng Shuangning will definitely have to hand over the shares of the Cole Pharmaceutical Company with me. She will definitely come forward at that time. If you want to gain insight into her secrets, then it is the best time . "

Hearing this, Gerda was delighted.

Yes, Leng Shuangning won the bet. Next, naturally, she will hand over the shares of Corey Pharmaceuticals with Sabina.


Gerda said excitedly: "If there is news, contact me immediately."

Sabina nodded, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she could only blame Leng Shuangning for being unlucky.

At this moment, the cold frost condenses through time and space, and in one step, I don't know how many light years have passed.

Soon she came to a planet.

This planet is called Blue Star. It is the planet she named and one of her residences in the universe. At the same time, this planet is also the residence of Xianhe Group.

Many blue ships come and go on Blue Star.

Most of these spaceships are employees of Xianhe Group, and the number of employees of the entire Xianhe Group has already exceeded one million.

On the other hand, the earth's humanity occupies half of them and still plays a leading role.

Above the blue star at this moment, Li Guizu was a bit anxious, not because he lacked the ability, but because he was too busy to be alone.

Leng Shuangning had been away for more than 10,000 years, but it really hurt him.

"This is the financial situation of the clover company for ten thousand years. The clover company is a company that the owner's wife invested 70,000 years ago, and it occupied 50% of the shares. At present, this company has the royal family of clover stars in management. Share and do not participate in management. I just checked the revenue situation of Shamrock Company for the past 10,000 years. Generally speaking, the profit is considerable, an increase of 122% over the previous 10,000 years. I believe it will break through in the next 10,000 years. One hundred million immortal coins, "Barbara said.

The profit is more than 100 million immortal coins in 10,000 years, which is a very profitable company in the universe.

Li Guizu nodded: "My boss's investment vision is even worse than me."

Barbara smiled, and she also admired the boss's business talent.

Just about to report the situation of other companies, suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the space.


Barbara looked back, with a look of excitement: "It's been more than ten thousand years, and you're finally back."

Li Guizu also stood up immediately, smiling.

He is finally free.

Leng Shuang sneered and smiled, "You have worked so hard for 10,000 years."

She said, glancing at the operation of the group.

"I left in the early years, and the company's assets increased by more than 20%, faster than when I was there.

Li Guizu and Barbara looked at each other and smiled, it seems that they did not let Leng Shuangning disappoint.

However, Li Zuzu said, "It is mainly because you have made our Xianhe Group famous. Many companies are now seeking to cooperate with us."

Leng Shuang nodded her head. She only participated in the management and did not participate in the management from the previous. In fact, it was for this purpose.

The universe is so large that they cannot manage all companies.

It's better to ignore it than one, and then select some good companies to invest in shares and enjoy dividends.

It seems that her strategy is quite correct.

On the contrary, Sabina ’s Shenguang Group is trying to annex other companies, so the business is getting harder and harder, so that many companies instinctively reject them later. For this reason, we finally chose to cooperate with Xianhe Group.

"In the future, it will still be my master and Master Li Guizu." Leng Shuang contemplates and says.

What else could Li Guizu say, he naturally wanted it.

At this time, Barbara couldn't help asking: "Madam, you haven't got your own purpose since you went to the mysterious realm of Hours and Spaces this time. I do n’t see how your cultivation is still a creation?"

Li Guizu nodded, and he was also curious about this. Didn't Lengshuang Ning break through and fail.

"You don't know about it, in fact, I am now considered to be the immortal realm, but it has just broken through, and it is only a breakthrough in the realm. It needs to be stabilized to be a true immortal." The explanation was vague, but it was her situation now.

Li Guizu and Barbara had no doubt there was him after listening, both were happy for Leng Shuangning.

Next, Leng Shuangning officially returned.

She began to work on the affairs of the Xianhe Group while practicing stability.

So ten years after she returned, her cultivation was finally completely solid, and the breath of the Holy Spirit appeared on the whole person.

In this regard, Leng Shuangning was not so surprised.

Just then, she received news of Sabina.

"Leng Shuangning, I have withdrawn from Corey Pharmaceuticals. When will you come to buy shares, I will directly transfer my shares to you at the market price." Sabina said, she could not wait for Leng Shuangning News, and her Master had already lost her patience, and finally had no choice but to take the initiative to contact Leng Shuangning.

Leng Shuangning frowned slightly when she received the news.

She initially bet with Sabina. Although she won, she could not guarantee that Sabina would fulfill her bet.

So she never contacted Sabina.

Now Sabina took the initiative to contact her, but she was somewhat unexpected.

"Madam, Corey Pharmaceuticals is a big universe pharmaceutical company. If you can invest in this company, the annual profit is definitely considerable." Barbara already knew about the bet, and it was a little excited at the moment.

She knows that at present there is no company comparable to Corey Pharmaceuticals under Cold Cream.

A shareholding in Corey Pharmaceuticals will definitely make Xianhe Group take it to the next level and truly become a universe-class big group.

"If Sabina really wants to give up the shares, I will naturally accept it, I'm afraid there is a conspiracy in it." Leng Shuangning slowly said, she is a very careful person, she won't really pass by as soon as her head gets hot Sabina handed over the shares, "Barbara, please check the situation of Corey Pharmaceuticals immediately, especially the profit situation of them over the years. Don't take over a shell company, and I won't make any money. You have to get money inside. "

Barbara nodded, and she knew she was careful.

Two months later, Barbara presented all the information found to Leng Shuangning.

"So profitable?"

"This Corley pharmaceutical company doesn't look like it has any problems. Is this Sabina really kind?"

After looking at this information, Leng Shuangning couldn't find any problems in it.

If she abandoned this investment, it would be a big loss for her.

"The address was sent to me. I'll hand over the shares in the past."

Leng Shuangning finally responded to Sabina.

On the communication watch, after Sabina received the news, she immediately confessed: "Master, Leng Shuangning agreed, she will come soon."

Hearing this, Gerda turned cheerful.

Abel was also looking forward.

In the starry sky, a spaceship was moving fast, and this spaceship was the Lengshuangning Fairy.

The planet they are going to is called Corey Star, the headquarters of Corey Pharmaceuticals.

"Madam, let's just go there a little bit, it is estimated that it will take more than ten years to get to the place." Barbara was puzzled.

According to the method of cold frost condensation, in fact, it can pass in a day.

"No rush, if we are too eager, it will only make Sabina think that we value the shares of Corey Pharmaceuticals, and even if she wants to transfer, she will definitely raise the price intentionally. We are now showing a In an anxiety, she didn't know what we thought, and she even thought that we had lost sight of these shares. "Leng Shuangning explained that it was now Sabina that was in a hurry, not her.

Since Sabina has decided to transfer the shares and fulfill the contract, her initiative is no longer in her hands.

If she can't sell it, she will be felt that she is deliberately cheating.

So there is a lot of room for maneuverability, and the idea of ​​cold frost condensation is completely correct.

But she did not expect that the sale of the shares was just a guise, in fact it was a huge trap.

The spacecraft was still moving, and Leng Shuangning thought of Xianxian Academy a little.

In fact, this time when she returned from the small clock star, she planned to return to the Earth Federation, and stayed in the Earth Federation for a period of time, but was unexpectedly delayed by such things.

Suddenly, his communication watch sounded.

A voice came: "Shuang Ning, I may be out of customs soon."

Hearing this voice, Leng Shuangning could not be more familiar, it was Wang Xing's voice.

Even Barbara next to her was shining,

Is the boss going to go out, remember that the boss has been in retreat for 100,000 years.

Then, the call became an image, and Wang Xingpan sat in a quiet space and smiled at her.

"Husband, your cultivation is over?"

Leng Shuangning was pleasantly surprised. For 100,000 years, she didn't know how many times to send a message to Wang Xing but she didn't reply.

She knew that it was because Wang Xing was still in retreat.

"Well, it's over. The cosmic furnace in the body has been constructed and the purpose has been achieved. The repair has reached an incredible level. It's time to go out of the customs, all for 100,000 years." Wang Xing slowly said, But it will take a year or two for the time being. My body is like a cracked earth and I need energy for irrigation. "

Talking, he showed the surrounding scene.

Only to see in his whole body, countless cosmic energy swarmed from various planes, forming a vast ocean of energy.

The horror of energy is simply appalling.

"How far has your cultivation reached?" Leng Shuangning finally couldn't help asking.

Barbara also glowed her eyes, waiting for Wang Xing's answer.

"do not know."

Wang Xing said with a bitter smile: "My cultivation has departed from the cognition of the existing universe, and cultivation cannot be measured by the current state, but if we really want to compare, how should we be in the immortal fourth-order perfect God Maybe even higher. "

Hearing this, Leng Shuang smiled secretly.

She had made rapid progress herself, but now it seems that the gap with Wang Xing is even wider.

"Well, don't talk about this, I will go to you after I leave the customs, but my husband wants to die for you." Wang Xing laughed, "wait for me, I will pass soon."

"Okay." Leng Shuangning seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't feel a flush on his face.

On the retreat of Wang Xing, he absorbed the cosmic energy even more frantically.

Suddenly, he was looking somewhere in the space.

His eyes penetrated the endless space ~ ~ to see the core of the entire universe.

There seemed to be something crumbling, dissipating, and being swallowed a little bit.

"The universe is about to undergo great changes."

He had a feeling that maybe after 10,000 years, maybe after a million years, but at the latest he would not exceed this era.

After the upheaval, the crisis will coexist with opportunities.

The cold frosting ship is still moving slowly, and she is getting closer and closer to Cory Star.

"Sabina, I'm less than a hundred light-years away from Cory Star. You must prepare all the transferred materials first," she said.

"Okay." Sabina responded quickly.

Behind her, Gerda smiled: "Are you here? It's really waiting."

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