Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1600: I am from Immortal College

Abel was excited when he heard this.

Time passed slowly. I don't know how many days later, a space-level spaceship suddenly appeared in the void.


Leng Shuangning finally came to the star field where Cory Star is located, which is a matter of space jumping from Cory Star.

"Madam, Cory Star is in front of me. This planet is so big. I think it's almost ten times the size of the Earth." Barbara said, as she frosted in the universe, she operated the Xianhe Group. , Have been to many life planets, but there are really few life planets like Cory Star.

Leng Shuangning nodded.

In fact, if you want to increase the area of ​​a planet, practitioners have some means.

Wang Xing wants to integrate the small world around the earth into the earth and expand the area of ​​the earth. This is one of the means, but Wang Xing gave up later.

However, she was sure that the Cory star in front of her was definitely not someone who transformed it into such a large size, but that its area was so large.

"Sabina is already waiting for us at Corey Star, and I hope that there will be no problems with this transfer." Leng Shuangning was still a little worried.

She always felt that there was something wrong, but she couldn't tell.

Barbara didn't feel anything, and suddenly asked, "Madam, isn't the boss coming over, it's been almost two years since he last spoke to you, why hasn't he arrived yet?"

After hearing this, Leng Shuangning didn't know what was going on.

Maybe, on the way.

Just then, her communications watch rang.

She immediately looked and felt a little disappointed. The call was Sabina, not Wang Xing.

"Leng Shuangning, how long has it been, do you not want to accept our Shenguang Group's share in Core Pharmaceuticals?" Sabina was a little angry, and according to her calculations, the distance of one hundred light years is not too much It was half a day's effort, but Leng Shuangning hadn't arrived for three days.

This **** cold frost is not playing her.

"I've already arrived."

Cold frost replied faintly, at this moment her spacecraft just entered the towing orbit of Cory Star.

Sabina froze and looked back at her teacher and said, "Leng Shuangning said she was here."

Gerda nodded, his senses shrouded.

Soon he found the Fairy, and Barbara and Leng Shuangning in the Fairy.

A joyous expression appeared on his face, anxious to condense the cold frost directly and take it to the ancestral religion.

But instead, he gave up.


Sabina yelled, seemingly asking Gerda if she wanted to do it.

Gerda shook his head at this time: "Although I want to get the secret of Leng Shuangning, if I directly catch people, it will have a great impact on the reputation of our ancestors. So, this Leng Shuangning is a Waiting for a cultivating genius, I plan to use another method and directly accept her as a disciple, so that taking her to the Patriarchalism will be justified. In addition, my Patriarchalism is also considered to be the supreme sect in the universe, and I certainly will not It's the best of both worlds because of the cold frost. "

He thought so, and felt that he had not taken advantage of the cold frost.

In the universe, I don't know how many peerless geniuses want to join the ancestral religion, but unless those geniuses understand the first-class rules, others want to join the ancestorism, but they have to go through various layers of evaluation and experience.

He directly recruited Leng Shuangning into the ancestral religion, and given his discipleship, it was regarded as Leng Shuangning.

Hearing this, Sabina and Abel were also shocked.

They remember that when they entered the ancestral religion, they all struggled from hundreds of millions of people, and the price they paid was unknown.

But cold frost, this is a special trick at all.

Although their master Gerda is in a perfect state of God, the number of students who can be specially recruited is only two or three.

Gerda also seemed to realize something, and looked at the two of them: "Rest assured, even if you accept this cold frost as a disciple for your teacher, there will be no bias for her."

Hearing this assurance, Sabina and Abel both smiled bitterly.

You might as well be biased. If you are fair, you must know that even Sabina, a disciple who understands the first-class rules, is not an opponent of Leng Shuangning, and all the resources will not be inclined to Leng Shuangning.

What and what is this?

Gerda doesn't say anything anymore, he doesn't feel like he's saying anything wrong anyway.

In fact, Rao realized that Sabina had learned the first-class rules, and it only allowed him to take a closer look. She would focus on training her in the future.

After all, the emperor of the first-class rule cannot be immortal, but there are many people.

The first-class rule wants to be immortal, but it is several times more than the other rules. Sabina has just embarked on her own path.

In the future, if immortality cannot be achieved, any level of law is useless.

Immortality is the most critical step.

If Sabina is now a first-class immortal realm, even the next **** is enough to sit on an equal footing with him, making him afraid to despise the slightest.

"Go and bring that cold frost."

Gerda thought about it and felt that everything was still in his plan.


Sabina nodded and went out immediately.

Abe was on the side, and at the moment he could not insert a word, and his status was now inferior to Sabina.

"Master, let me go together."

He thought about it, or said.

Gerda waved his hand: "Go, but don't be rude to the cold frost."

They both met and went immediately.

As soon as he left the door, Abel's face changed: "Sister and sister, our original training resources are not enough. If the Master accepts another disciple, it is estimated that the life will be even worse."

Sabina paused, but said indifferently: "I didn't expect Master to suddenly change his mind, intending to accept this cold frost as a disciple, and now say everything is late, do as Master said. Teacher After all, Zun is a **** of fulfillment. If we dare to come up with some small ideas, we will have a hard time.

Abel nodded, helplessly.

"Sabina is here."

Leng Shuangning looked up and saw the figures one after the other: "Who is this man? He has been trained to absolutely reach the pinnacle of the realm of the kingdom."

She noticed Abel.

Although she is also the emperor of the kingdom, she is definitely not Abel's opponent.

But now she wanted to escape, and no number of Abels could stop her.

After she condenses the dark universe and communicates the dark space of the universe, unless it is the high-level deities of immortality who manipulate the power of the dimensional kingdom to block her, otherwise no one can stop him.

The general **** wants to stop him.

"Cold frost, you're finally here."

Sabina came to Wang Xing: "This is my brother, Abel."

She said, and introduced Abel's identity.

Leng Shuangning bowed his head: "I'm sorry, there was a delay on the road, so the two waited a long time."

For this Abel, Leng Shuangning was still vigilant.

She could feel that Abel was not very friendly to her, and she only thought that it was Sabina who lost to herself and lost the share of Corey Pharmaceuticals.

"Are the documents ready?"

Leng Shuang thought for a while and asked.

"Well, I'm ready already, I'm not a loser." Sabina was angry at hearing this.

"All right, let's go through the formalities." Leng Shuangning said.

"Come with me." Sabina stopped saying anything, and the figure flew towards Gerda in a flash.

Leng Shuangning and Barbara followed, not knowing that they had fallen into the trap.


Sabina looked at the front and turned back with a weird smile.

Leng Shuang was immediately vigilant: "No, this is not the headquarters of Corey Pharmaceuticals at all."

If the shares are really transferred, it must be at Corey Pharmaceuticals, but it must be approved by other shareholders.

Now here, obviously not.

"You play us."

Barbara was furious at this moment: "Madam, let's go."

Cold frost nodded and left immediately.

But at this time, suddenly the time and space change, both of them did not react, they came to another dimension.

"Where is this?"

Leng Shuangning was so shocked that he looked up and saw a middle-aged man in the distance.

It was Gerda.

At this point, Sabina and Abel were behind Gerda.

"Master, people are here."

Sabina and Abel said, very respectfully.

But in the cold frost's ears, it was inexplicable. This middle-aged man turned out to be Sabina's master, and it must be a strong ancestor.

Gerda turned slowly at this time, he was shocked to see Leng Shuangning.

Although from the video image, when he saw Leng Shuangning's shot, he felt that Leng Shuangning was very mysterious. But now that the real person was in front of his eyes, he could not see the slightest secret of Leng Shuangning, it was like a mist hidden in the depths of the void.

This feeling made his interest in Leng Shuangning rise again.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Gerda, and one of the members of the Patriarch's Division outside Shenhe.

Gerda said slowly at this time, very politely: "Ancestorism is one of the supreme sects in the universe, and it is comparable to forces such as Star Bank, Orc Alliance, Temple of Desolation, Machinery Association, and Cosmic Arena Super forces. Among the ancestral religions, there are collections of cultivation books from the birth of the universe to the present, as well as the high-tech in the universe, and there are even many secrets of non-transmission. The ancestors are even stronger, even if In the branches outside of the Shenhe River, there are several perfect gods, and the ancestral gods in the Shenhe river are even more horrible.

With that said, Gerda was full of pride.

Leng Shuangning did not know what the other party meant, but she was shocked by the strength of the ancestral religion.

At present, the superficial strength of the Immortal Academy is really not as good as the ancestral religion, or far worse.

However, she knew that if the strategy set by Wang Xing was not a problem, when Xianxian College completely controlled the stars to change the world and recruited the most powerful of them to Xianxian College, the ancestral religion would not be enough at that time.

"What do you mean?"

Leng Shuangning had not spoken yet, but Barbara said.

She had no respect for Gerda, not to mention the other party was a perfect god, even if the other party was a **** king, so was she.

"There is no place for you to speak."

Gerda hummed, and Barbara felt like her mouth was blocked, and she couldn't say a word.

He wanted to get the secret of Leng Shuangning, so that he would be polite to Leng Shuangning, which did not mean that he could accept a little niece to question himself, which was the dignity of God.

"Master Gerda, I just came here to hand over the shares of Corey Pharmaceuticals with Sabina. I didn't expect you would be here." Leng Shuangning slowly said, "If I guess correctly, you should be in Here is waiting for me, and this is a trap. "

Gerda nodded, there was nothing to hide.

Sabina is a bit ashamed. If it wasn't for Gerda's order, she would have been disdainful of doing such things.

"So can you tell me, what are you doing so much for?"

Leng Shuangning asked, his eyes burning, a little scary.

Gerda was surprised, and no longer concealed, bluntly said: "This seat learned that you have defeated my disciple Sabina, and after watching your fighting video, I think you have great potential, so I want to accept you as a disciple. You should worship. In the future, you will be the core disciple of Patriarchalism. I will cultivate you well. "

He said, full of confidence.

A complete **** of ancestral religion recruits disciples in person, who can resist this temptation.

Only then did Leng Shuangning feel a sense of awakening. She always thought that this was a business thing, and now it seems not at all.

The other party is not working on the idea of ​​Xianhe Group, but is working on her idea.

She was able to defeat Sabina, and the talent she exposed was too terrible, but she didn't realize it until now.

It is no wonder that Gerda will first introduce some ancestral religions, originally they wanted to recruit her into the ancestral religions.

If she has no clue, then forget it.

But she is from Xianxian College, and is also the wife of the dean of Xianxian College. If you join the ancestral religion, and wait for the reputation of Xianxian College to spread to Shenhe, it is estimated that Wang Xing will be laughed to death.

So I almost didn't want to think about it, Leng Shuangning just said, "I'm sorry, I can't worship you as a teacher. I don't need to say anything about this."

Hearing this ~ ~ including Gerda, all three were stunned.

She refused, and she refused.

Unconsciously, Gerda's face had changed greatly, almost roaring: "What did you say?"

"I can't worship you as a teacher, nor can I join the Patriarch."

Leng Shuang repeated it lightly, without fear at all.


Gerda drank angrily, and a cold horror shrouded the cold frost.

"The reason is very simple, because I am from Xianxian College." Leng Shuangning slowly said, "In this life, I am a member of Xianxue College. It is impossible to join any ancestral religion."

"Immortal Academy, what Immortal Academy?" Gerda looked at Sabina.

"Yes, the forces behind the cold frost, Xianhe Group is Xianxian College." Sabina said immediately, a little apprehensive.

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