Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1601: This is not intimidation

Hearing this, Gerda was glum.

"Can Xianxian be comparable to our ancestral gods?" He said spitefully, in his opinion Leng Shuangning didn't know what to do.

He had a disciple to accept his disciples, but the other party dared to refuse.

It was literally hitting his face.

"Xiang Academy can't be compared with our ancestral religion. Leng Shuangning is a disrespect to the ancestral religion." Sabina chanted.

"Yes, this woman is really abominable," said Abel.

Leng Shuangning can ignore this, and it is impossible for her to join the ancestral religion.

She thought about it, knowing that she couldn't stay here more: "Three people, we at Xianhe Group still have a lot of things to deal with, goodbye."

Then she turned to leave.

"Barbara, let's go."

She took Barbara's hand to communicate the dark space, spurring the dark energy, and the space suddenly distorted.

At this time, without mentioning Gerda, Abel couldn't sit still.

He just yelled, "Our ancestral gods will accept you as a disciple. That is your great luck. You promise and you promise. If you don't, you also promise. Now you don't want to go, just leave me."

He said to block the space, trying to stop the cold frost from condensing away.

Gerda nodded, acquiescing Abel to do this, he was actually a bit disdainful.

"You guys are really shameless. Our boss does n’t want to worship the teacher. You have come hard. I can see that it ’s just a guise. You just want to take our boss to the Patriarch. You have n’t been kind since It's a big bad guy. Just wait. Our boss may be on the way. When our boss comes, you all can't escape the blame. "Barbara was extremely angry.

What she said, Leng Shuangning couldn't see through.

The other three came at her, and worship was just one reason.

Now that reason was rejected, the other party jumped off the wall.

Abel sneered, even though Leng Shuangning could see their purpose, but in the face of absolute strength, Leng Shuangning could only be arrested obediently.

As for the boss Barbara said, none of them took it seriously.

Leng Shuangning has just broken through to the realm of emperor and emperor. How powerful this boss can be. It may be an emperor if he is dead.

"Barbara, don't talk to them about this. They want to catch us, it's not so easy." Then, the cold frost suddenly dragged Barbara, the two ignored the blockade of the space, and in a moment it was Disappeared.

Gerda was at a standstill at this moment, and looked at the scene unbelievably.

"Master, what's going on?"

Abel exclaimed, "I'm obviously blocking the space. She can't teleport."

The same is true for Sabina. This means of coming and going without a trace is really incredible and cannot be understood at all.

Gerda's face was somber and he frowned tightly.

After a moment, he slowly said: "In the case of the closed space, she communicated with dark space. It must be like this. At that moment, I felt a slight change in the dark energy around me. She manipulated it. But I have never heard of any law that can manipulate dark energy. This cold frost condensation really has a big secret. If I grasp her secret of manipulation of dark energy, I will be dominated by this space in the future. "

He said, already very excited.

Even Abel and Sabina are horrified. Is there really a way to manipulate dark energy? Is this a rule or a mystery?

"Master, but that cold frost has already left, and they have escaped from the scope of our consciousness, how can we catch her now?" Abel reluctantly said, he searched for hundreds of thousands of miles around him In space, there is no trace of cold frost condensation at all, which means that the other party may have escaped long ago without knowing how many light years.

The next step is to catch cold frost, which is difficult.

Sabina is the same. Missing this opportunity, Leng Shuangning must be vigilant, maybe it will be completely hidden in the future.

"She may have fled for dozens of light years now, but to arrest her, I have stayed back long ago. When she entered this room, I just stayed with her just in case Next is a space marker for tracking. As long as there is a space marker in it, no matter how far she escapes, as long as she is still in the universe, I can locate her in an instant. "Gerda confidently Said.

He is not in a hurry right now, precisely because of this.

Everything is still under his control.

After listening to Sabina and Abel, they were also excited. It seems that this cold frost is completely incapable of escape from the palm of their Master.

Hundreds of light years away, Leng Shuangning and Barbara suddenly appeared in the void.

A single move can easily span hundreds of light years. Generally, the lower gods may not be able to do it, but Leng Shuangning uses dark space to move, but it is extremely easy.

"Madam, we escaped."

Barbara was so excited that she never expected that Leng Shuangning would be so powerful that she could escape in the hand of the perfect god.

If we say this, we can all shock the universe.

"not yet."

Leng Shuangning shook his head.

She is good at leaving the mark of space on her own. The space mark left by Nagelda on her was immediately noticed.

Just because of her cultivation, it is too difficult to remove this space mark.

She is the emperor who entered the kingdom of the kingdom for the first time, and the mark is under the fulfillment of a god. Unless she can have at least the median god's cultivation, she can remove it.

"Why, didn't we escape?" Barbara wondered.

"I was assigned a space marker by Gerda, and he can locate me at any time." Leng Shuangning did not hide, "I can't remove this space marker now, and they must be chasing it. There is nothing else for the time being. I ’ll leave the Fairy to you, and take the Fairy back to the college yourself. As long as I ’m caught by them, they should just want to get my secrets of cultivation, and they wo n’t kill me. By that time As long as my husband takes a shot or asks Jiang Lan to take a shot, naturally I can be rescued. "

Leng Shuangning didn't worry much about it.

Outside Shenhe, Xianxian Academy is not afraid of any ancestral religion.

"Madam, I won't go, I'll be with you." Barbara thought for a while, but wanted to advance with the cold frost.

"Don't be stupid, I'm useful to them, they definitely won't kill me, you're different." Leng Shuangning laughed. "Well, the nymph is for you, I will lead them away."

Speaking, wait for what Barbara is saying.

Leng Shuang released the fairy, but she moved away again, and then appeared again in a place and moved again.

After so many dozens of times, she has been far away from Cory Star for thousands of light years.

Only she knew that for Gerda, the perfect distance, this distance was just a matter of space shift.

Sure enough, as soon as she appeared, the surrounding space fluctuated.

"Have you caught up?"

Leng Shuangning couldn't help crying or laughing. This is the gap between cultivation. If she has the cultivation of the next god, maybe today is another situation.

Only in the void, three people suddenly appeared.

"Leng Shuangning, I left a space mark on you, you cannot escape."

Gerda appeared, and he slowly said, "Is this the kind of power that the law allows you to ignore space and manipulate dark energy at will? It's really good. If I had your secrets, I learned yours In this way, I feel that even the Lord God has no way of taking me. "

He didn't hide his purpose at the moment.

Sabina and Abel also have some hot eyes, and they also want to gain this ability.

"You catch me, you have to say that your courage is really big." Leng Shuangning slowly said at this time, his eyes were cold, "you don't know what kind of existence of the fairy college behind me, you are doing this Patriarchism provoked the enemy. "

She was so angry that she spoke relentlessly.

It only sounded to Gerda that they didn't take it seriously at all.

They have never heard of Xianxian Academy, and they have long recognized that Xianxian Academy is a non-influential force, and the ancestral religion is the supreme faction, which crosses the borders of God and Hanoi, saying that Xianxian Academy will be the enemy of ancestral religion. Just a joke.

They didn't believe it, they just felt that Leng Shuangning was talking nonsense.

"Master, wait for me to capture her," Abel said, anxious to express himself.

Sabina was silent. She was not Leng Shuangning's opponent. At this time, she could only watch from one side.

Gerda nodded, and at the same time he urged the power of his kingdom to lock up Leng Shuangning, even if Leng Shuangning wanted to move again, he would be dragged by the power of his kingdom.

"Stop it!"

Abel said, towards Ningshuang Ning, he rushed over.

He practiced the law of space distortion, grabbed it with one palm, twisted the surrounding space, and wrapped the frost in it.

Leng Shuangning gave a glance, but was not afraid.

With both hands in the void, she made several imprints to drive the dark energy in the dark space, but the originally distorted space returned to normal instantly.

This change made Adam immediately emptied.

"what happened?"

Abel was horrified: "The power of my law has failed?"

Sabina really saw it, and she had experienced the same situation at the beginning. Now she sees Abel eaten, but she has a kind of scene recurrence.

Gerda looked carefully, but her eyes were getting brighter.

Yes, he is more and more affirming his own judgment. Leng Shuangning has mastered the law that can change the law of space.

This rule is simply the nemesis of the law of space.

"I don't believe it, but I am the emperor, can't I catch you?"

Abel growled, and started again.

But with dozens of tricks coming down, each of his moves failed, and Leng Shuangning seemed to be performing a peerless body technique, always avoiding his attacks.

"Abel, don't try, you can't catch her."

Gerda slowly said: "She can ignore your rules, and make the surrounding space like her realm. It is estimated that even if the general immortality comes, he may have no choice.

Hearing this, Abel's face was gloomy.

Sabina was so shocked that even ordinary immortality could not be condensed with cold frost, or should it be so powerful.

"Leng Shuangning, come with me."

Gerda thought for a while and thought, "I won't kill you, I just want to know what rules you have realized. I have stopped several epochs in the realm of perfection, and in your body, I see a breakthrough Opportunity. I promise, as long as you follow me to the ancestral religion, I will truly treat you as my disciple and do my best to train you. If I have the opportunity, I can even send you to the ancestral headquarters of Shenhe, so that You can be a disciple of those adults. "

Hearing this, both Abel and Sabina were envious.

Because even they cannot get this kind of treatment now.

"I said, I'm from Xianxian Academy, and I can't follow you to the ancestral religion." Leng Shuangning reluctantly said, he also can see it, this Gerda is probably trying to break through and want to go crazy, "And you It ’s really unwise to arrest me today. You really regret it. Our immortal college is not so easy to provoke. You ca n’t provoke it, and your ancestors may not be able to provoke it. "

"At this time, you still want to use this excuse to intimidate me?" Gelda said lightly.

Yes, he thinks this is a threat.

What can Leng Shuangning say, she's telling the truth.

"This is not intimidation."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded. I didn't know where it came from, it might be a certain dimension, or it might be from a small universe. I don't know when it sounds, it seems to be in the past, and it seems to be in the future.

After this voice fell, the space of hundreds of millions of miles was calm and terrible, everything seemed to be still.

"What is not intimidation, you ..."

Abel screamed angrily, but as soon as his voice fell, he found something wrong: "This is not you talking, who is it?"

Yes, she thought it was Leng Shuangning.

"it's me."

The sound rang again, only to see a path suddenly appear in the void, a road paved with colorful clouds.

A man stepped on the road and came step by step.

The man is extremely majestic and sacred, so that people can't help but want to bow down.

It seems that he is the incarnation of the gods, the source of everything, the birth of all things, and the greatest existence of the heavens and the universe.

Leng Shuangning already had a smile on her face. Others didn't know it, but she knew it well ~ ~ The person in front of him was Wang Xing.

She was a little happy, she hadn't seen her for 100,000 years, and at this moment she met again. It really felt like she was crying.

"Husband, you are finally out of customs."

Leng Shuang chuckled, with some anger and some shame.

Where did Wang Xing see Leng Shuangning? He smiled and said, "Let my wife wait, and when I clean up these three people, let's go back and talk about the old."

Narrating the old?

Leng Shuangning couldn't laugh or cry, what did you want to say.

At this moment, Wang Xing has looked at the three Gerdas, his eyes were cold: "A perfect **** dare to be so arrogant now?"

As soon as this word came out, Gerda shivered.

Is it not arrogant to complete the gods outside the Shenhe?

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