Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1602: Horror

In the known universe, because of the restrictions of the Shenhe Law, the immortality that can stay outside the Shenhe is not high.

At the beginning, it was just the immortal first-order god.

Later, the immortal second-order median **** could stay outside the river of God as long as he was careful to hide.

Later, exactly ten epochs ago, the higher gods could even go beyond the Shenhe River, and some of the main gods could even project beyond the Shenhe river.

But from this era, the complete God can even go beyond the Shenhe River.

Gerda is also in this situation, the ancestral religion from the Shenhe came out of the Shenhe, and became a member of the ancestral religion.

Gerda looked at Wang Xing at this moment, a little shocked.

He couldn't see through the practice of Wang Xing, but felt that Wang Xing was like a mist: "Who are you from the River of God?"

He said, his heart was already terrified of Wang Xing.

On Wang Xing, he felt a huge danger, and it seemed that Wang Xing could suppress him by simply waving his hand.

"Is Shenhe?"

Wang Xing looked at the endless void, a little confused.

The entire Shenhe River is like a long river running through the universe.

Those immortal gods traced their origins back in the river, and some bodies were approaching the limit of the Shenhe River.

"I'm not from the Shenhe River, but I read a lot of information from you." Wang Xing said slowly, "The ancestral religion sent you here. It seems that some of the ancestral religion has seen some of the universe Secret, you or many of you are here to make arrangements in advance to prepare for the next era. "

The next era!

Hearing this, including Leng Shuangning, was shocked.

Gerda's face changed greatly, because he knew that Wang Xing was not bad at all. At the time, many of them came to God outside the River of God, as said above.

But this is a secret that few people know. How can this person in front of him speak out.

Wang Xing didn't speak. If it wasn't for this retreat, it would make him feel the origin of the universe and let him see the changes in the origin of the universe. He wouldn't realize it.

"What are you talking about?"

Abel was extremely angry, and felt that Wang Xing was fooling around.

"The Shenhe era is coming to an end, and the law of the origin of the universe is collapsing." Wang Xing continued, and he can now see that the law of the origin of the universe is collapsing a little bit, as if a star had come to the end of life. Quite a lot, even if I say to listen to you, you will not understand. "

He said, looking at Gerda.

"The ancestral religion is also considered to be the Supreme Religion in the Shenhe River. No one can fight against the Shenhe River, but you are just a small complete **** of the ancestral religion, but you also want to catch my woman. I do n’t know if I live or die. To give you a lesson, how can I be mixed in the universe in the future? My Xian Academy is expected to be looked down upon by others. "Wang Xing said indifferently. It's impossible to leave. Rest assured, I won't kill you, I will only imprison you. "

Gerda's face suddenly changed, he knew that Wang Xing was absolutely true.

When Abel heard this, he immediately growled, "Who are you, and want to imprison us, dream it!"

Then, he rushed to Wang Xing.

He didn't even think that Wang Xing was a master. He felt that Wang Xing was making a mystery.

"Abel, don't go, you are not his opponent," Gerda shouted, but it was clearly too late.

Abel was less than a thousand miles away from the planet.

At this time, Wang did not see any action at all, but Abel seemed to hit a wall and spit out blood.

"what happened?"

Abel shook his head, and he touched his hands but nothing.

He wanted to continue, but when he saw a black hole suddenly appeared in front of him, he was sucked into it without responding at all.

Followed again, only saw a man appeared in the palm of Wang Xing, it was Abel.

At this moment, Abel was the size of an ant. He looked around and thought that he was on a large 6.

At this time, Wang Xing smiled, took out a small transparent glass bottle to cover the ant-sized Abel, and shook it into him.

"Abel was arrested."

Sabina couldn't believe it, the scene before her couldn't understand her.

Gerda was shocked. He always felt that Wang Xing exhibited the laws of space, but he didn't think so.

He couldn't understand his cultivation.


He thought about it and didn't dare to hesitate, grabbing Sabina and leaving.

Staying here again, he felt that his end would not be much better for Abel, the person in front of him was too scary.

"Can't get away."

Wang Xing smiled, but reached out his hand.

His hand seemed to extend indefinitely, and it seemed like it was simply stretched out. Gerda, who fled towards the distance, did not pull away from him, but was getting closer.

Seems to be flying to the palm of his hand.

Gerda didn't know it himself, he was shuttled hundreds of times.

He felt that he had left for at least hundreds of millions of light years, at which point he stopped and then took a few breaths.

"Should escape, he didn't catch up."

Gerda slowly said: "That man is really terrifying. At his word, he seems to be a cold frost man."

Sabina nodded, and she didn't expect Leng Shuangning to have such a terrifying man.

This time, she was a big loss.

"I think that guy is just average, Master You leave with me, he can't catch up, it is probably the perfection of God, it is not much better than Master You." Sabina thought.

Great perfection is one order higher than perfection.

"Maybe, if he is a great consummation god, and he is not proficient in the laws of space, it is not surprising that he can't catch up with me. This explanation is also reasonable. When I came out of the **** river, consummation **** can already be in Staying outside the river, it is possible that Great Perfection can stay outside the Shenhe River now. "Gerda analyzed, he still prefers that Wang Xing is also from the Shenhe River, but it is repaired one step higher than him.

"It's just a pity Brother Abel has been arrested." Sabina sighed, and she felt that Abel must have been more ferocious.

But even if Abel was dead, it was nothing to her.

Maybe it's a good thing.

"Go back first, and then contact the ancestral gods in the Shenhe River. If the great consummation **** can stay out of the river for a long time, then when the great consummation **** of our ancestors **** arrives, this person can only be arrested." Da slowly said, he already had plans.

Sabina nodded, which is only the case so far.

She lifted it and looked around: "Master, where is this?"

Gerda is also a bit confused. He has not moved in any direction. The place he visits is random at all.

He didn't know where they were in the universe at the moment.

"Master, look, there are actually five flat stars over there." Sabina pointed suddenly, only seeing the distant void, the clouds were lingering, and after the clouds there were five flat Stars flickered.

Gerda also saw it at this time.

His consciousness explored the past, but was surprised that the five flat stars were actually connected to one below.

Where are the five stars, which are five mountains connected together.

"Such a place can be said to be a miracle of the universe."

Gerda slowly said: "Each of these five peaks is billions of feet tall, row after row, like five sharp swords heading straight into the sky. Especially the universe is rich in energy above. Definitely the most suitable. Although it was escape, but it was good luck to be here, I left a space mark here, obituary, see the decision above. "

Speaking, Gerda left a space mark on the middle peak.

"Let's go."

Gerda had done all this and would take Sabina away.

But suddenly the time and space changed, and the two did not react at all, and now they returned to where they left off.

Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning in front of me are watching them at this moment.

"how is this possible?"

Sabina exclaimed, "Master, haven't we left billions of light years, so where is this now?"

She couldn't believe it, someone could take them from hundreds of millions of light years away, because even the Lord God couldn't do it.

Hallucinations must be hallucinations.

Gerda was also extremely ugly, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Obviously he has left for hundreds of millions of light years, but suddenly the time and space change, why is he back again.

"What exactly is going on?"

Gerda looked at Wang Xing, and now he just wanted to know why: "I obviously have run away. How did you get me?"

At this time, Leng Shuangning laughed without waiting for Wang Xing to speak.

She slowly said: "Gelda, do you really think you have run away?"

What does it mean?

Gerda was angry: "I don't know if I have escaped. I have moved several times and left here at least hundreds of millions of light years. By the way, I also went to a strange place where there are five The mountains connected by the oblate stars cross the void and are extremely towering. I think it is very good there, and I want to use it as a branch of our ancestral religion, so I left a space mark on one of them. "

With that said, he was going to communicate that space marker.

Just following that, his face changed greatly, because the direction of the space mark was Wang Xing.

"how can that be?"

He exclaimed, and the whole man was pale for an instant.

What exactly is going on.

"Is this space mark."

Wang Xing stretched out his right hand at this time, and there was a white mark on the middle finger, which was very eye-catching.

Gerda couldn't be more familiar with this spatial marker.

Exactly what he left behind.

"Don't we just leave?"

Sabina murmured, and finally realized something: "This is like Abel just now, he must have thought in your palm that it was the entire universe. And we are the same, we thought we had left, in fact It's just moving back and forth in your palm, never leaving your palm from beginning to end. Once your palm is turned over, we fall down, and we are still in place. "

She said, shocked in her heart.

She condenses the first-order law of space and thinks that this should be the application of the law of space.

If that's the case, isn't the rule of space practiced by the planet planet a rule of first class.

"It's terrible. It's terrible."

Gerda murmured, looking at Wang Xing like hell.

He thought that Wang Xing was the Great Perfection God, and now it seems far more than that, because even the Great Perfection God can't play with him in the palm of his hands.

"In the Journey to the West, Dasheng showed 72 to become a magical somersault cloud. One somersault is eighteen thousand miles. Not to mention how many somersaults he can turn on in a second, but he cannot escape the palm of the Buddha. My husband's magical power you just cast is exactly the same. Is this what you realized after the retreat. "Leng Shuang couldn't help but was curious.

She really wanted to know what Wang Xing had realized during the 100,000-year retreat.

Today's star is really like omnipotence.

"That's right, but this magical power is not esoteric, it's just the world in the palm of your hand." Wang Xingdan said indifferently. "Limited to the law of the origin of the universe, it is not easy to practice this magical power. You must practice the laws of space to practice Success. However, in the future, when the law of the universe's origins collapses and the restrictions of the law disappear, the next era will come, but anyone who has enough understanding can practice ~ ~ Leng Shuangning heard this, and was a little fascinated.

I have to say that this supernatural power is really great.

"I said I was going to imprison you. You can't run away. Now follow me obediently." Wang Xing said, reaching out and grabbing Gerda and Sabina into the palm of his hand, then using two small glasses The bottle filled them too.

"Ancestorism will not let you go."

"Let me out."

Both were shouting, but as Wang Xing closed the stopper, he could no longer hear it.

"Let's go."

Wang Xing thought about it: "I have a lot of things to do this time I go out of the customs. I will go back to the college and talk about it."

Leng Shuangning was a little worried at this time: "Three of them have been arrested by you. What if the ancestral gods have appeared?"

Wang Xing smiled, but saw no worries.

"For the time being, the high-level immortality of the ancestral religion can't reach beyond the river of God. Even if they are present, they are helpless to us. Moreover, when the three of them came to arrest you, they were sneaky, and no fourth person knew When the ancestral gods found out that they had been taken by me, I didn't know how many years had passed. "Wang Xing said lightly, and then just moved his mind, and the two returned to the college.


Three days later, Wang Xing's spirit was very good.

In his office, three glass bottles were placed on a shelf below the bookshelf, as if they were decorations.

"During these years of my retreat, the system has actually deployed so many Raiders of the World. This reward is shocking enough. But unfortunately, it is rewarded with some items, especially this talent fragment is more than a hundred. Wang Xing muttered. "And then, all that remains is the task I need to complete."

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