Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1603: main mission

First, it is a branch task.

Task description: Establish 10,000 affiliated middle schools in the universe. Mission requirements: Each large galaxy has at most one secondary school. Quest rewards: Randomly get a twelve-star character card, a hundred deduction cards, and randomly unlock a new world of experience

Affiliated middle schools are no more than affiliated primary schools. The students enrolled in secondary schools are human wonderland, earth wonderland and heaven wonderland.

Corresponding to the realm in the universe is the sky, the void, and the cosmic light.

However, there is at most one large galaxy, which means that even the Milky Way can only have one such secondary school.

For Wang Xing, this task is not difficult to complete, because a Wuxingshan starfield does not know how many large galaxies there are.

There are so many affiliated middle schools that can be established only in Wuxingshan Starfield.

Looking on, Wang Xing was a little shocked.

Because following a main task, the task content is very similar to the side task.

Task description: Set up one hundred high school affiliated high schools in the universe. Mission requirements: There is at most one affiliated high school in each star field. Mission rewards: Randomly get three character cards from the Journey to the West, one thousand epiphany cards, one hundred deduction cards, and the title of emperor dean The proportion of people increased to 6o: 1).

A side mission allows the establishment of an affiliated high school. This main mission allows the establishment of an affiliated high school.

In fact, it can be attributed to a task.

However, the difficulty of completing the sideline tasks is not very high, but the completion of the mainline tasks is extremely difficult.

One hundred affiliated high schools, one for each star field.

This is a hundred star fields.

This represents the immortal college's extension of its power into one hundred star domains. It can be imagined that those giant universe nations in these star domains will not agree, and those with long-standing martial arts will not agree.

The main task of the system is to make Wang Xing break the current situation in the universe.

Wang Xing frowned, thinking.

Whether he wants to do this or not means that it is against the unknown forces.

But soon, Wang Xing laughed, how he felt afraid of himself.

The ancestral religion sent people to lay out in the universe in advance. He would then spread the immortal civilization to the universe. This is certainly a step that must be taken.

The Immortal College must not be fixed in the Earth Federation, fixed in the Milky Way, fixed in the Wuxingshan Star Field.

Sin is all-encompassing, omnipotent.

Immortal Academy will go out and let the whole universe know the existence of immortality.

In the current situation, Wuxingshan Starfield knows that there is an immortal college. Out of Wuxingshan Star Domain, who knows what Immortal Academy is. At the time, Liu Fan was in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. If Xian Academy was famous, Liu Fan would not be under siege by many parties.

The key is too little fame.

The influence of the Immortal Academy is only in the tip of the universe.

Wang Xing figured this out, and naturally knew what to do, wasn't he going to set up a hundred affiliated high schools and a hundred affiliated high schools.

Simply, select one hundred star fields around Wuxingshan star field, and set up one hundred junior high schools in each of the one hundred star fields.

As for who dares to stop, then suppress anyone and show no mercy.

Finally, Wang Xing took a look at the rewards of the missions. The most attractive person for the rewards of the branch missions is that they can unlock a world of experience, and the main mission is the title of emperor-level dean.

Wang Xing then left the office and first put the rewards from the system in the 100,000 years into the College's Resource Management Department.

Then he went to understand the situation of the students and teachers.

In 100,000 years, students have made rapid progress, and there are hundreds of Shengxian students in the third grade of high school.

The leading figures for Wei have a few more former ones.

The situation of the teachers.

Although the number of teachers has not increased, all of them have reached Jinxian level.

The most dazzling is the situation, he is about to finish his life in the world after the ascension, he has become the Jinxian level five mixed Yuan Taiyi Jinxian, only one step to reach the mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian, that is, Lord God Realm.

However, his combat power is not much weaker than the main god.

Dugu Wushou and Ximen Yibei also became Jinxian Jinxian Jinxian Jinxian, and even late injury reached Jinxian III Daluojinxian.

Other teachers, such as Fazu, Junqian, Lucifer, Blood Ancestor, Qingdi, Qin Yu, and three brothers, have already been cultivated at Jinxian level.

There is no shortage of teachers in Jinxian Realm.

As long as one student can become Jinxian, the university department can be unblocked immediately.

The news of Wang Xing's exit was not widely publicized. Even in Xian Academy, only a few people knew about it.

"Mr. Qingdi, this is what we are going to do next."

Wang Xing pointed to a work plan in front of him, which listed the establishment of the high school and junior high schools of Xian College.

The Qing Emperor looked at it a little, and was shocked.

"Dean, if we set up so many affiliated high schools and junior high schools at once, we will definitely touch the interests of many people." Qingdi looked dignified.

The most obvious problem is the battle for genius.

There are so many junior high schools attached to the Immortal College. I don't know how many geniuses to take away.

Those forces in the universe also need these fresh blood to supplement. This is the source of their power. Naturally, they cannot watch the establishment of affiliated junior high schools and high schools.

"I know, but it is imperative."

Wang Xing resolutely said, "What's the problem? I'll solve it. Now you go to each star field to choose a place and set up a branch."

Qingdi nodded.

Although this matter is difficult, if it succeeds, the benefits to Xianxian College will be obvious.

That will definitely push the reputation of the Immortal Academy to the entire universe at once.

The Qing emperor was busy with this matter. He was very quick, but it would take a considerable amount of time to build 10,000 affiliated junior high schools and 100 affiliated high schools among a hundred star fields.

So, in a blink of an eye, 120 years later.

The Qing emperor came this day, and he has hardly stopped in these years. Now he has finally completed the task.

"Dean, I have set up affiliated high schools in the territory of the Big Mac universe in each star field. The affiliated junior high school refers to the area of ​​this star field and allocates it according to distance to radiate the entire star field. In that case, the construction of one hundred affiliated high schools and ten thousand affiliated junior high schools was completed. "Said the emperor, and a star map appeared in front of him.

The star map is exactly one hundred star fields around, and it has been marked with red and blue dots.

The blue dots represent the locations of affiliated high schools, and the red dots represent the locations of affiliated junior high schools. It happens that these blue and red dots almost cover the entire hundred star fields.

"Now we haven't stated the purpose of building these affiliated middle schools and high schools. Those forces do not even know that you have built these. But things must be continued, so let's first explain the admissions and see these forces At that time, those who disagree and want to prevent us from setting up affiliated junior high schools and high schools, I will give them a lesson so that even if they are unwilling, they can only watch. "

Wang Xing said lightly, it seemed that he expected.

Qingdi nodded, and immediately knew what to do.

A month later, Xianxian College published enrollment instructions at the same time among the 100 star fields.

That enrollment text covered the entire star field, dazzling, dazzling, traversing the void hundreds of thousands of miles, everyone can see.

Fairy College?

In the first place, everyone was confused.

After all, most people still don't know Xianxian Academy, but they can pull out a list of stars that cover the stars. This school must not be underestimated.

Then, I do n’t know how the news spread, the news that this list appeared in one hundred star fields spread throughout the universe at the same time.

Among the one hundred star fields, one hundred affiliated high schools and ten thousand affiliated junior high schools enrolled students at the same time.

But then, some people showed their madness and boldness.

The genius of these one hundred star domains has already been demarcated by some forces, without interfering with each other, these years have become a foregone conclusion.

Now that Xianxian Academy has come in, this stable situation is bound to be broken.

The culprit of Xianxian Academy will certainly become the target of all forces in these star domains.

Immortal College has become the target of public criticism.

Sure enough, many of these forces have begun to investigate Xianxian College. They want to know what kind of college they are, and dare to provoke them.

In the space of the Lord God.

"Dear guests, do you want to buy the information of Xian Xueyuan?"

A waitress asked, seeming a little surprised.

This is not to blame her, because thirty-seven customers have purchased the information of Xian Academy today, and the identity of each guest is not simple.

"Don't talk nonsense, please report to me."

The man's name was Getak, from a faction called Sankayama.

At this moment he frowned, a little impatiently.

The waitress did not dare to delay, and immediately compiled a piece of information: "All the information of the Immortal Academy is priced at one million immortal coins."

For a moment, Getak was not very expensive.

However, he knew that the price was not high either because the intelligence content was not detailed enough, or that the intelligence content was simple.

If the latter is okay, this shows that there is no secret in Xian Xueyuan, so the content is simple.

But if it is the former, then the problem is big, because it can only show that there are too many secrets of Xianxian Academy, and the main **** space cannot be found out.

Getak paid and left after getting the information.

He checked it immediately after he went, and the information inside him frowned.

"This immortal college seems to have the Lord God?"

He murmured, and then sneered: "All of our forces are backed by Shenhe, and the main **** does not know how many are behind. This fairy college wants to establish an affiliated junior high school and High school, robbing us of good geniuses is really whimsical. "

Getak wanted to find the stronghold of the Immortal Academy in their affiliated junior high school and high school, and immediately destroyed it.

But soon he shook his head.

Xianxue Academy still has some strength. If he did this, the so-called gun shot the first bird, then don't be targeted by Xianxue Academy.

For the time being, he intends to remain the same.

While he was waiting for the news, someone couldn't sit still.

It was a universe country called Giant Axe Mountain. Almost all the geniuses of this star field were recruited by the Giant Axe Mountain Country. Even the Universe Arena is hard to use here.

However, the Immortal College suddenly recruited students here, and even set the high school point in their universe country.

To them, this is provocation.

So for the first time, the giant axe mountain universe destroyed the affiliated high school of Xianxian College.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing is not surprised at all.

This giant axe mountain universe is very strong, he knew it before.

However, Juxian Mountain Star Field must set up an Immortal College High School, and Juxian Mountain Cosmopolitan Country is more suitable, so the Qing Emperor finally decided to set up this subsidiary high school in the territory of Juxian Mountain Cosmic Country.

"Dean, the situation is not good now."

The Qing Emperor was a little worried, and he was afraid that someone might start.

Next, if there is no indication of Xianxian College, then the affiliated junior high school and high school set up in a hundred star fields, it can be said that all points will be destroyed.

"It's okay, I have a sense."

Wang Xing smiled, he was trying to kill the chicken tamarin, this giant axe mountain universe is quite suitable.

"I'll just go."

Wang Xing said, and left the college within a few steps.

The giant axe mountain universe, he came here, and at a glance, he saw the ancestor of the giant axe mountain universe.

Without any hesitation, Wang Xing shot.

With a big grasp, Wang Xing captured the ancestor of the giant axe mountain universe in an extremely terrified look.

A line was left in the sky.

Capturing Man, Dean of Immortal College!

The news is of course not concealed ~ ~ soon spread to the surrounding star domain.

After learning that the forces that had originally planned to destroy the junior high school and high school affiliated to Xian College were all terrified.

The ancestor of the Giant Axe Mountain Universe was arrested. If they did it, would it be the same result.

For a while, no one dared to do it again.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing fiddled with the small glass bottle in his hand, and it was the ancestor of the giant axe mountain universe that was imprisoned inside.

This ancestor's strength is not as good as Gerda of the ancestors, and he has no resistance in Wang Xing's hands.

"This is the ancestor of the Giant Axe Mountain?"

The Qing emperor asked, he couldn't believe it, it was just an hour, and people caught him.

Is Wang Xing's strength so scary?


Wang Xing smiled: "This is the fourth person I arrested at the customs. For the time being, I will be imprisoned."

Then, he placed the small glass bottle on the shelf, next to the three glass bottles of Gerda, Abel and Sabina.

The Qing Emperor leaned in and looked curiously, and he could see the little men inside from outside, which made him wonder what to say.

The dean put everyone in a bottle and put it on a shelf. It wouldn't be a special habit.

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