Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1604: Xixian Conference

The enrollment plan for affiliated middle schools and high schools is set a hundred years later, but it is still too early for the time being.

As for the ancestor that Wang Xing captured on the Giant Axe Mountain, although it deterred all forces, it was not enough.

These forces all have the background of Shenhe, and there is no main **** behind them.

Wang Xing is not in a hurry for the time being, just waiting for the other party to take the lead again.

Somewhere in the universe.

Three people got together, one of them was Getak, and they were meeting to discuss the affiliated high school and high school plans of Xianxian College.

The other two are a man and a woman. The woman is called Mi Lien, and is the strong player behind Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

This Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is a regional banking organization. There are many such banks in the universe, and many star domains have their own banking systems.

As for the three major banks of Star Bank, Galaxy Bank and Xingyu Bank, they are universe-class banks, and all are supported by Shenhe Xeon, especially Star Bank is the Xeon among the three banks. , Almost occupying half of the universe. Of course, even if it is a regional bank, the business scope of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank also covers nearly ten thousand stars, and the locations of affiliated middle schools and high schools to be established by Xian College are within the scope of their business stars.

Every 100 years, Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank also selects geniuses from these star domains.

The affiliated middle and high school plans of Xian College now naturally touch their interests.

But in fact this is not the most critical.

Within these hundred star domains, the selection of Pan-Eastern Commercial Banks will be affected, but it is far from reaching the point of desperately working with Xian College.

The main reason is that the Xianhe Group of Xianxian College did not choose Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, but chose the Star Bank, which is universally recognized by the universe. This made Mirion a bit hesitant. .

Especially when she personally went to Leng Shuangning to negotiate the matter, but was rejected by one bite, which made her very angry.

Now that Xianxian Academy wants to lay out the universe, she doesn't mind letting things go.

As for the other man, he is the strong man behind the eight-barren mountain of the giant universe.

He is called a demon.

In the Barbara Mountain Starfield, although the Barbara Mountain Universe is not as talent-recruiting as the Giant Axe Mountain Universe, it does not let it out.

Now that Xianxian Academy is going to create affiliated middle schools and high schools in their star field, naturally he will not agree.

If the ancestor behind the giant axe mountain universe did not take action, maybe he would take the first shot.

"Xian Academy captured the middle **** Balf, a giant axe mountain universe. This is true." Milion said faintly. "Now all forces are watching the changes, and no one dares to rise. We It is ridiculous that so many forces among the hundreds of star domains were frightened by an immortal college that did not know where to emerge. However, our Pan-Eastern Business Alliance is okay, and the impact is actually not great. It ’s just that you are miserable. "

She said lightly, in fact, she wanted to provoke the anger of Getak.

They even wished they were going to work with Xianxian Academy now.

Getak is okay, he is not okay, calm down.

However, the demon was said to be angry, directly saying: "There are so many geniuses. The Immortal College has set up ten affiliated middle schools and one affiliated high school in each star domain, covering the sky, the void, the light, and the chaos. Six realms of realm, creation realm, and realm of realm. If they really start to recruit students, at least one tenth of their genius will be snatched away by them. This is simply too deceptive, and our forces must also develop. It also requires genius. "

He said, his teeth were rattling.

Gaitak pondered for a moment, and nodded: "I checked the enrollment of the Immortal College in the galaxy. They generally promise a lot of immortal skills, as well as many mysteries and magic weapons. These things are for those Geniuses are really tempting, and I do n’t know where these things were from Xianxian College, just like Chinese cabbage. Although Xianxian College has n’t officially started enrolling yet, many rumors have spread. Many people Immediately I felt that joining the Immortal Academy, even if it was an affiliated college, became immortal. "

Secrets and exercises are vital to becoming immortal.

The Immortal Academy sits on countless worlds, not to mention anything else, an immortal-level practice in a star-changing world is inexhaustible.

The Immortal Academy can come up with so many immortal-level exercises and secret techniques to attract geniuses, enroll students, and ask other forces who can do it.

Except for those who are supreme, those who are immortal skills and secrets are not hiding.

"You're right, I also checked. Although Xianxian Academy didn't say it directly, it has already revealed a news. As long as they can be admitted to their affiliated high school, they will guarantee an immortal handbook." Sighed.

In fact, he was still unbelieving.

But don't believe it or not, the geniuses in the universe believe it.

With such publicity, who can bear it.

Going on like this, they are really afraid that all the geniuses will go to the Immortal Academy in the future. Is n’t that because they do n’t have fresh blood and do n’t need other people ’s hands, they will be destroyed.

"So, we must not let the plan of Xianxian College come to fruition."

Milion thought for a moment: "Xian Academy is too bullying, and now everyone is afraid to get ahead, afraid of being targeted by Xian Academy. The only way is to join forces together. You must know that we have so many strengths, at least hundreds of them , This combined power, even a level force like the Cosmic Arena, dare not despise. "

In fact, there is no need for Milion to say that the union is the next inevitable situation.

And everyone has common interests, and it is easy to unite together, just need someone to contact.

Getak and the demon nodded, and they planned the same.

The three of them got together today, and they just wanted to move the matter, unite all the forces, and then impose sanctions on Xian Academy to prevent this admission plan of Xian Academy.

"Mirien, this is actually why we came to you. You are the strong player behind Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. Most of these forces have a cooperative relationship with your Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. If you have a proposal, I think everyone must be It will be a hundred responses, "Getak thought.

Behind the scenes of the various forces, they really do not know.

But Million knew it well.

Million thought about it, she didn't think there was any problem with this initiative, because once the alliance was formed, it wouldn't matter who was the initiator.

In addition, this alliance will certainly increase the popularity of these forces for their Pan-Eastern Commercial Banks, and will further their business.

Both Gatak and the Demon were silent, and they thought that Milion would agree.

When they contacted Mi Lien, they also considered that this would be a very favorable thing for Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

After a moment, Million said, "Yes, but you must promise me a condition."

They were stunned, wondering what Mi Lien was thinking.

At this time, I only listened to Million saying: "I know that the eight barren mountains and the universe and the three-day mountain behind you have some business in our Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, but a large part of them are actually with the three major banks. For one million years, you must transfer all your business to our Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, and you must also help me persuade other forces to transfer their business to us. "

When they heard this, they were shocked.

This is also a good thing for Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, but Mi Lien even opened conditions.

Fortunately, this condition is nothing, even if they transfer their business to the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, it is actually a little more troublesome.

Nothing was lost.

After thinking about them, they agreed, and they would be one million years anyway.

Next, Milion began to act.

She contacted one by one. Except for a few people who ignored it, most of them expressed their willingness to join forces.

After everyone contacted, Mi Lien planned to gather people together, and then it was difficult for Chaoxian College.

At that time, everyone will destroy the high school affiliated to Xian College, and see how Xian College can do. Would they dare to do so to many of them.

Unless immortal college is crazy.

"What, the conference will be held in Delinxing? OK, I will go."

"Dinglin, I remember."

"Xian Academy has committed anger this time. We must unite to teach them an unforgettable lesson."

Many people received the news and said they would go.

And this conference was also given a domineering name, called Xunxian Conference.

One hundred and thirty-one participants were all immortal.

There are two complete gods.

The party did not hide this, it can be said that the rumors are full of excitement.

At the same time as the news of the conference was spreading, the name of Xianxian College spread throughout the universe.

Many people know that there is such an immortal college, which has attracted one hundred and thirty-one immortals to unite in a crusade, which is also unprecedented.

"Everything goes well."

Sitting in her office, Million felt that she had done a good job this time, and she was a little proud.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing naturally received the news as soon as possible.

"Yunxian Conference?"

"One hundred and thirty-one is immortal?"

He murmured, then looked at the shelf behind him, the four glass bottles above it were a little eye-catching.

The Qing Emperor next to him did not know what Wang Xing had planned.

"Dean, so many forces are united, if we are still enemies with them, is it too crazy." Qingdi thought for a while and said that he now regrets a bit.

In his opinion, it was not as good as setting up affiliated high schools one by one.

This is like boiling frogs in warm water, and at the same time offending only one or two strengths, it can still be under the control of the college.

But who knows that Wang Xing has to accomplish such a feat at once, so much power has to be convened to conquer the Puxian Conference.

"Is it crazy, more crazy is still behind."

Wang Xing smiled, but didn't feel anything.

He knew that in the universe, after all, he still had to speak by strength.

Without strength, you can't do anything right, and others can find out the reason to bully you.

But if you are strong enough, even if you do wrong, even if you are arrogant, others will only take it for granted.

It ’s like the Cosmic Arena, it ’s the Patriarch ’s religion, it ’s the Star Bank, etc. They ’re all geniuses in the universe. Who dares to say that they are arrogant.

"Don't worry about them, and continue to promote the admissions program."

Wang Xing said indifferently: "The enrollment must be perfect this time, and it is a blockbuster. After all, our affiliated middle schools and high schools must be created until they cover the entire universe."

In his opinion, this was a matter of course.

In order to be recognized and become a mainstream civilization, Xian must do so.

Shenhe civilization is over, what will the next era be.

Wang Xing naturally hopes that it belongs to the age of immortals and belongs to the civilization of immortals.


The Qing emperor responded, and it seemed that he had seen a wave of the universe.

"By the way, when will the Xianxian Conference be held?"

Wang Xing asked the Qing emperor before leaving.

The Qingdi froze for a moment and thought, "It is said that it was ten years later, and he was in Delin Star."

Wang Xing nodded and let the emperor go down.

Time passed slowly.

With the deliberate propaganda of Xianxue College, many people are looking forward to this enrollment of Xianxue College.

It is said that students who become high school students can practice immortal exercises.

It is said that there will be immortal teachers to teach in person ~ ~ It is said that if you have outstanding results, you can truly become a student of Xianxian College.


In particular, there are several people at Xianxian College who understand the first-class rules, and they make many people yearn for it.

The first-class rule is still scarce. Anyone who understands the first-class rule can cause a sensation in the universe.

Xian Academy was just a place as large as the Milky Way, but three people realized the first-class rules, which shows the power of Xian Academy.

Everyone feels that the next person who understands the first-class rules will be himself, but only if he wants to become a student of Xianxian College.

It was ten years later.

Today's Delin Star is very lively, because today is the day when the Xian Conference is held.

Many immortals have come out and felt their momentum, all of them extremely powerful.

"How about, have all one hundred and thirty-one immortals arrived?" Milion asked.

"Here, it's all here."

Getak was a little excited and thought of himself as the promoter of the event. He was also proud: "In fact, not only did they arrive, but there were five more. These five were originally rejected, but they did not expect that there would be so many. People are united, and now they have the courage. "

"That said, there are 136 immortal gods. It is the first time that I have seen so many immortals outside of the Shenhe River." Milion slowly said, "Let ’s go, let ’s hold General Assembly, Crusade Academy. "

In the void, a figure suddenly appeared.

He is Wang Xing.

"Is this the Delin Star? There are so many immortals, five more than they are advertising. It seems that I have to prepare five more glass bottles."

He murmured and made five more glass bottles.

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