Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1605: All caught

Delin Xing, and Mi Lien, as the initiator of this Fairy Fair, naturally attracted much attention.

She caught everyone's attention as soon as she appeared.

Mi Lien stepped in front of everyone, and then slowly said: "Within our sphere of influence, Xianxian College founded 10,000 affiliated junior high schools and 100 affiliated high schools, and did not take us all into consideration. Today we are gathered together to unite everyone's strengths to discuss an argument with Xian Academy. "

After hearing her words, everyone nodded.

This is the purpose of their gathering together, is to find the trouble of Xianxian Academy.

Milion slightly hesitated and continued: "In response to this action against Xian College, we can go in three steps. The first step is to destroy all affiliated junior high schools and high schools established by Xian College in our one hundred stars. All the efforts of the Immortal Academy were destroyed once. The second step is to marry the galaxy and let the Immortal Academy surrender the captured ancestor of the giant axe mountain universe Barf. The third step is to let the Immortal Academy publish a statement and promise not to be in the future. The counterparts outside Wuxingshan Starfield founded affiliated junior and high schools. "

The three steps she said weren't too much in her opinion.

The crowd also saw it, and Mi Lien did not intend to take the opportunity to destroy Xianxian College.

Only Mi Lien knew that destroying Xian Academy would not be of any benefit to her. What she wanted was that Xian Academy had no choice but to ask her.

At that time, she can put forward her own conditions and let Xianhe Group give up Star Bank and switch to their Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Although everyone had doubts, but since Mirion said so, they were not against it.

Next, it is natural to start acting.

But at this moment, the entire Delin star was covered by a shadow.


Someone shouted immediately, and unconsciously looked up at the void.

The same is true of others.

But no one responded in the void, only a huge palm grabbed at Delin.

The palm carrying the mighty power of the shore was daunting.

Even the two perfect gods are the same, each one shocked.

"Come on!"

One of them fulfilled shouting, "Great fulfillment, this is the power of great fulfillment."

Great fulfillment!

Hearing this, everyone was terrified.

How could there be a great fulfillment **** outside Shenhe? This is impossible.

Milion also changed her face immediately: "Xian Xueyuan, the strong man of Xian Xue shot. We are all miscalculated, Xian Xue hidden behind the gods in the river of great consummation. Now everyone flees, can't He was arrested, otherwise we would be all done. "

One hundred and thirty-six of them are the strongest of all forces. If they are arrested, the consequences will be unthinkable.

A group of immortals almost didn't want to, just scattered.

When they came here, they were so upset. Where would they think of such things, now they are really embarrassed.

The palm continued to fall, and it seemed that the owner of the palm had no one on the planet who had fled.

But outside the planet, someone saw it.

The palm kept approaching Delin Xing, the palm was still that palm, but Delin Xing was getting smaller quickly.

In a flash, it was already the size of a ping-pong ball.

Each of those immortal who fled from Delin Xing, watched and fled billions of miles, seemingly far away from Delin Xing, but on that palm.

The world in the palm of your hand!

It was the magical power when Wang Xing captured Gerda.

In the void, Wang Xing looked at the palm of his hand. The 136 immortals above were like little bugs.

He smiled and took out the glass bottles he had prepared and covered them one by one.

Soon, all 136 immortals were put into glass bottles by him, and none escaped successfully.

Having done this, his palm was retracted.

Naderin appeared again in the universe, everything above was intact, and no flower or grass was damaged.

Catcher, Dean of Xian College.

A line of familiar text appeared in the void and disappeared long after.

Many people were shocked after watching it.

One hundred and thirty-six immortals were all arrested, among them there were two perfect gods. Is this immortal college going to heaven?

After learning about these immortal forces, people's hearts are even more disturbing.

They contacted the ancestors in the Shenhe River one after another, and those ancestors were all very angry.

But no matter how angry they were, they were beyond control.

Among immortal colleges.

Wang Xing is back, and he is setting up glass bottles in his office.

"Dean, you arrested everyone?"

Qingdi panicked, he was taken aback when he heard the news.

One hundred and thirty-six people are immortal. This is the one hundred and thirty-six forces. If each of the forces has the main **** behind them, they will offend more than one hundred main gods.

Is this too crazy.

He knows what Wang Xing said a little by name. It turns out that what's more crazy is what it means.

This is basically God blocking the Buddha and blocking the Buddha, and die with these forces.

"Well, I caught them."

Wang Xing said lightly, saying very lightly: "Look at my shelf, after these glass bottles are put on, the first floor will be full."

The emperor smiled bitterly. Dean, when you are playing games.

"No one should dare to hinder our admissions plan anymore. Your job should be a lot easier." Wang Xing has put all the bottles on the shelf. "Be prepared, don't think about the others."

The emperor did not know what to say.

He told himself in his heart that I didn't think too much, I dare not think about it.

The ending of the Puxian Conference also spread to each of these star fields, and everyone who heard the news was unbelievable.

Many people were shocked by the strength of Xian Academy, and this naturally pushed the reputation of Xian Academy to a peak.

The geniuses who were still hesitant to apply for admission to Xian College have made up their minds to become students of Xian College's affiliated school.

Over time, thirty years have passed.

The 136 immortal arrests are still spreading, and the forces behind these immortals are silent.

They didn't want to get in trouble with Xian Xueyuan, but they didn't dare.

The immortal college can capture the strong people behind them, and they can destroy them.

At this time, who dares to go to the trouble of Xianxian Academy, that is really looking for death, so they all chose to be silent.

Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, home base.

"Sir, you've finally figured it out," an old man said excitedly.

"Well." It was a middle-aged man who spoke. His skin was white, revealing faint fluorescence, and it was very magical. "Where is Milen, let her come and see me."

The man is called Cahill, and is actually the secret chief of the Pan-Eastern Business Alliance.

Million was just her men.

"Sir, I am about to report this to you. Milion has been arrested, it has been sixty years." The old man said immediately, he was waiting for the middle-aged man to leave the customs, for this matter.

The other forces have no way out, they can't deal with the Immortal Academy at all.

But the old man knew that the adult behind their Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank must have a way.

Because the person in charge was a great fulfillment god, Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank spent a huge price in order to send the great **** outside Shenhe.

It is also because of this adult that the business of the Pan-Eastern Business Alliance can be so large.

"Mirien was arrested?"

Cahill was a little stunned, he really didn't know who could catch Mi Lien, after all, Mi Lien was also a superior god.

The old man didn't dare to make nonsense, and immediately said it again: "It was this immortal college who caught. At that time, Lord Milian was responsible for presiding the conference of the immortals. A total of 136 immortals were spared.

Cahill took a deep breath and was scared.

Where did this immortal college come from? It's really bold.

"Sir, the one who has captured the 136 immortals, such as Mirion, must be a great consummation. Now there is no other power, and only you can rescue Lord Mirion." The old man said.

Cahill nodded.

He himself is a great fulfillment god, and naturally understands the horrors of great fulfillment gods.

If it were him, then one hundred and thirty-six immortals could be caught.

However, Cahill didn't rush to answer the old man, but thought about it. He thought it was a good opportunity.

If he can rescue all the 136 immortals captured, the forces behind these immortals will surely be grateful to him.

In this way, he can fully use these forces to put his banking business on the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

In this way, the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank will truly become the largest bank in this hundred star domain, and even pass the three major banks in the universe.

"Give me a copy of Xianxian's information first, and I'll study it before I say it."

Cahill thought about it, and he went to save people as soon as he had no head.

The old man nodded, afraid to say anything.

A month passed in an instant, Cahill studied all the information of the Immortal Academy, and now he is sure what the old man said.

Immortal college is outside Shenhe, there must be a great consummation **** hidden, it should be the dean of the immortal college who arrested people.

As for being impossible to be the Lord God, he rejected it.

Because unless it breaks into the realm of the Lord God outside the Shenhe River, otherwise the Lord God wants to come from the Shenhe River, and the difficulty is really too great.

It is also a great consummation god, but he cannot guarantee that he must be the opponent of the dean of Xianxian College.

Cahill had other plans.

He feels that even if he is not an opponent, there is definitely no problem in saving his life.

In this way, he can completely discuss the conditions with Xianxian College.

His intention was this.

Fairy College released the 136 immortal arrested, and he agreed to the Fairy College's admission plan on behalf of all forces in the 100 star domain.

At that time, the 136 forces still want to thank him, and he can achieve his purpose.

At the same time, he did not offend Xianxian.

Compared to Milian's previous plan, their benefits are more than a hundred times greater.

This is definitely a win-win situation. It doesn't make sense for Xianxian College to disagree.

Immediately after the decision was made, Cahill contacted these immortal forces and asked for their opinions.

"What, you are a great fulfillment **** who can save our ancestors."

"We agree, but only if you rescue someone."

"Well, then we will transfer all our business to Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank."

Almost all forces agree.

Cahill was so happy that he set off for Silver Sin College immediately.

Milky Way.

"Here is the galaxy where Immortal Academy is located?"

Cahill has been here already, feeling some surprise in the galaxy.

Because this big galaxy is no different.

This is what Cahill didn't understand. The previous galaxy was oppressed by the surrounding large galaxies, and the emperor kings together were less than ten people.

But now more than 100,000 years have passed, and the entire galactic system emperor emperor has passed two hundred people, and there are several immortal gods, although these immortals are all from the Immortal Academy.

The changes in the Milky Way can be said to be earth-shaking.

"Your Excellency Cahill, the head of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank?"

A voice sounded suddenly, it was the emperor.

Wang Xing had already learned that Cahill was coming over, so he arranged the emperor to wait here.

"Are you the dean of Immortal College?"

Cahill looked at the Emperor, wondering.

Because he is now, the Qing emperor did not have the practice of great consummation, which is somewhat inconsistent with the information.

"Of course not. I am a teacher at Xian Academy." Qingdi slowly said, "please follow me, the dean is already waiting for you."

"OK ~ ~ Cahill nodded.

The emperor took the lead, and Cahill followed.

However, Cahill is also extremely careful. If it is not right now, he will definitely leave immediately.

At any time, he would not put himself in danger.

The two went all the way to a very desolate planet.

"The Dean is waiting for you on this planet."

The Qing Emperor said, and left with a smile.

He actually knew a little about why Wang Xing was willing to sword Cahill.

I have to say that Cahill is definitely not pleased this time, maybe he will regret it.

Cahill froze a bit, and his consciousness swept the entire planet, but there was no one at all.

Did the emperor lie to himself?

While he was thinking wildly, a voice came: "Is the chief of the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, please come and tell me."

Cahill froze and looked at the sound but saw two people.

One man and one woman.

The man is naturally Wang Xing, while the woman is Leng Shuangning.

Cahill couldn't believe it, his consciousness looked again, and he was still empty.

But with the naked eye, it was true to see, there were really two people doing it and still watching him.

Just this, he felt it.

Wang Xing's cultivation was far above him, which made his plan half aborted instantly.

After a moment of contemplation, Cahill gritted his teeth to the opposite of Wang Xing.

"Please sit down."

Wang Xing said indifferently: "I'm not talking nonsense anymore. What conditions do I need to invest in your Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank?"

Just this sentence, Cahill almost fainted.

Leng Shuangning smiled at the side and seemed to tell Cahill that this was not a joke.

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