Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1606: Successful shareholding

It was a long time before Cahill calmed his shock.

He knows that the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is the property of several adults in the Shenhe River, and no one else is allowed to get involved.

He slowly said: "I'm sorry, Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank does not accept anyone to buy shares."

Wang Xing smiled, not surprised.

At this time, Wang Xing no longer spoke, but cold frost condensed and said, "As far as I know, this is not the case. Some people have invested in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank before ten epochs, and they suddenly occupied 1o% Before the four epochs, a second force took a stake in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, which accounted for 6% of the shares. This is not convincing at all.

Hearing that, Cahill sighed.

He naturally knew the share distribution of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, but he did not think Xianxian College was eligible for equity.

"Since there was a precedent for stock ownership before, it is impossible now. I know you can't decide on this matter. Go and contact your adults in Shenhe." Wang Xing waved and stood directly. Arise, don't want to talk to Cahill at all.

He was willing to see Cahill, that is, he followed Leng Shuangning's suggestion and wanted to invest in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Business must be a very important part of the immortal college's layout of the entire universe.

Leng Shuangning continued to invest and accumulate wealth, but compared with the influence of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, it is still far behind.

"Why did Xianxue take a stake in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank?"

Cahill calmed down at this time and accepted Wang Xing's statement.

Yes, this is not something he can decide, he just sues up.

"Why?" Wang Xing said, paused, and then looked at Cahill indifferently. "Don't you all guess, we want the entire Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. It's just the first step."

Cahill froze, shocked.

He guessed it, but Wang Xing's bluntness made him a little awkward.

Even if you want the entire Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, don't be so straightforward.

"Contact me if you have news."

Wang Xing said, leaving with cold frost.

Cahill couldn't sit still at this moment, but he came with a mission.

"and many more."

Cahill said: "President Wang, I came to negotiate with you. You put 136 immortal arrested, I"

Just before he finished speaking, Wang Xing disappeared.

Cahill was speechless, and the rejection was too simple, at this time a voice came.

"You are not qualified to negotiate with me. Do what I say first."

Cahill smiled bitterly.

However, the strength of Wang Xing made him panic. He felt that even though Wang Xing was not a master god, he was also the peak of the Great Realm.

At the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing looked at the neatly arranged more than a hundred glass bottles and fell into contemplation.

"Is it really important to invest in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank?"

He thought about it and asked.

If it wasn't for Leng Shuangning's sudden arrival, he might have caught Cahill directly and put it on the shelf.

"Yes, it's important."

Leng Shuangning definitely said incomparably: "Everywhere, banks are profiteering industries, and they control a lot of funds. Xianhe Group has reached a bottleneck period, and the profit growth in these years is obviously declining. For growth, only by investing in a bank or setting up a bank to gather funds can you quickly grow yourself. Many large companies in the universe have their own banks, but they are all star-level, which is basically the same as Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. No comparison. "

Wang Xing nodded.

For example, in Wuxingshan Starfield, the former Wuxingshan Universe has established a small star-level bank.

This bank is also one of the means by which the Wuxingshan Universe controls the Wuxingshan star domain.

"If we set up a bank by ourselves, the truth is that it is at the star level at most, it is difficult to expand beyond the star field, and it takes too long, and it may not even be successful. Mature commercial banks are all reaching tens of thousands of star domains. We directly invest in the shares and then find ways to own this bank, which will save us a lot of time. And I have the potential of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank It's big, and it's hard to guarantee that it won't become the fourth largest bank comparable to the three major banks in the universe. "

Leng Shuangning slowly said that she had already planned this.

For Xianxian College to stand at the peak of the universe, there must be some pillar industries. Banks are one of them.

Wang Xing thought it over and thought it made sense.

It takes too long to set up your own bank.

After all, the popularity of a bank can only be built up over time, and a direct stake in a bank can ultimately shorten the time.

"You make sense."

Wang Xing nodded: "It is imperative to invest in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, which is related to the exhibition of Xianxian College in the future. However, the name of this bank is too mouthful. When our college becomes a major shareholder of this bank, I changed my name. "

Leng Shuangning also nodded: "At that time, it can be called Xianhe Bank."

The two were talking, and Cahill went.

"Sir, did Xianxian Academy agree to let go?"

The old man asked, some looked forward.

He used to follow Milion, and naturally thought that Milion could return.

"No, there are some twists and turns that I didn't expect." Cahill thought about it. "You go down first and let me calm down."

The old man left thoughtfully.

At this moment Cahill is really thinking, but thinking about how to blame it.

If you tell the truth directly, do you seem to be too incompetent.

In the end, hesitated again and again, organized the language, and put his responsibilities as far as possible, and then he began to communicate with several adults in Shenhe.

A vast space, not even knowing where.

In total, there are four figures who can't see their face and gender. At this moment, they are looking at Cahill through layers of space.

Cahill recounted the situation, with some trembling in his heart.

Others don't know, but he knows how horrible the founders of these four Pan-Eastern Commercial Banks are.

It can be said that waving his hand can make him fly away.

After he finished speaking, the four founders seemed to have communicated, and one of them just cut off the communication.

Cahill stood up slowly at this time, and he felt confident.

He headed towards the Milky Way again.

Still the last planet, he knew that as long as he entered the galaxy, Wang Xing would definitely be able to detect it.

Sure enough, when he just sat down, Wang Xing's figure appeared.

"What are the conditions required to invest in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank?"

Wang Xing asked, there were no corners.

He knew Cahill must have received the above reply, otherwise he would not come.

Cahill pondered for a moment and slowly said, "One, a **** king. Two, a trillion yuan of immortal money."

After Wang Xing heard it, he frowned.

These two conditions are to be honest with him.

Cahill didn't say anything, he thought these two conditions were too harsh, especially a **** king could let countless forces stay away.

The main **** is okay, the **** king is not Chinese cabbage, but they are all standing at the peak of the universe.

But at this time, I just listened to Wang Xingdao: Yes, no problem. "

Hearing this, Cahill felt that he had heard it wrong.

Does the Immortal College really have a **** king?

"Then how many shares can we have at Xian University?"

Wang Xing thought about it and asked a more concerned question.

Cahill thought of the words of the four adults and said without concealing: "Minimum 5%, maximum 1o%, the specific amount of shares that Xian College can occupy requires the God King of Xian College and our ancestors of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank to discuss in detail . "

Wang Xing understood this.

If the Immortal College really has a king of gods, their Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank has absorbed the Immortal College, and the strength will be even higher.

As for the range of 5% and 1o%, it depends on the strength of the **** king of Xian Academy. With high strength, the weight is naturally in the middle, and more shares are obtained. On the contrary, the 1 trillion immortal coin funds are actually difficult to buy even 1% of the shares, and most of them are symbolic.

Having figured this out, Wang Xing probably knows the strength of the four founders, and they should all be **** kings.

"Within ten years, someone will go to your founder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank."

Wang Xing said, slowly got up: "What you ask for, wait for our Xian College to take a stake in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank."

After that, he left.

Not giving Cahill a chance to speak at all, it seemed to really disdain what Cahill said.

Among immortal colleges.

"Mr. Jiang Lan, I feel that the law of the origin of the universe is collapsing, and the next era is coming. Prior to this, our immortal college must also be laid out early." Wang Xing slowly said, "I wanted to go to God early in the morning. River, collect some information of Shenhe, and prepare for the coming of the universe. But I really ca n’t pull away, and now I just need a person to go to Shenhe, and it is only the **** king, so I want to let you go . "

Jiang Lan's cultivation has reached the pinnacle of the realm of the King of Gods, and his strength is very strong.

If he enters Shenhe and negotiates with the founder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, he will definitely get more shares.

"it is good."

Jiang Lan pondered a little bit and responded.

In fact, he had thought about Shenhe for a long time. This Shenhe is a much wider place than the world of stars that changed the world.

"After you've gone to Shenhe, it shouldn't be difficult to find the four founders of the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. But you should also be careful. These four founders should all be Kings of God, and even this is probably a trap. But you are proficient in the laws of space. Even if the four of them join forces, if you want to escape, they will not be able to stop them. Of course, if the four are very sincere, you should try your best to get more shares. " Wang Xing said slowly.

He knew Jiang Lan understood this.

In fact, Wang Xing always wanted to directly threaten the four founders. Under any **** conditions, if you didn't give me a share, I would directly destroy Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

And your four founders are far away from Shenhe, and you can only watch.

Wang Xing did not do this, but felt that it was not worth it, and it was too rogue, and it was not conducive to the future exhibition of Xianxian College.

Time passed in this way, and Jiang Lan had entered Shenhe for seven years.

On this day, Wang Xing and the head of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank Cahill received the message at about the same time.

"Xiang College acquires 12% of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank."

Cahill murmured, totally unbelievable.

Immortal College has really succeeded in holding shares, and it also accounts for 12% of the shares, which is 2% more than the highest shareholding mentioned before.

This moment made Xian College become the sixth largest shareholder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Because according to the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank's share distribution, each of the four founders has 15% of the shares, but the four of them, which together make up 6% of the shares, firmly control the bank. The next fifth largest shareholder, accounting for 13% of the shares, is the same person who Leng Shuangning said before ten epochs, and then the Immortal College that followed.

In addition, Cahill saw a non-disclosure agreement.

It is said that the immortal college's investment in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank was not allowed to be leaked unless it was publicly announced by immortal college.

In this regard, Cahill did not dare to say anything.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing told Leng Shuangning the news for the first time: "Pandongyu Commercial Bank accepted our shareholding. We hold 12% of the shares. It is currently the sixth largest shareholder of Pandongyu Commercial Bank. I would also like to thank Teacher Jiang Lan, who must have taught the founders of the four Pan-Eastern Commercial Banks in Shenhe, or the other party would not give in so much.

Leng Shuangning also nodded ~ ~ to 12% of the shares of Xian College at once, indeed a lot.

"The more shares we have, the greater our say in Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank. Of course, the most important thing is that after becoming a shareholder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, we will be eligible to acquire other shareholders' shares."

Leng Shuangning said, apparently figured out.

Early in the morning, she knew that Pan Dongyu Commercial Bank's shares were forbidden from being sold. Xianxian College wanted to take over the nest, and it was necessary to buy shares.

This is just the first step.

The next step is to wait for the time to buy the shares of other shareholders one by one.

A few days later, Cahill came again.

He was still arrested for those 136 immortals, but Xian Academy has become the owner of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, and he dare not have any disrespect at this moment.

The point is that he already knew that there was a **** king in Xian Academy, which made him horrified.

"President Wang, do you think you can let go now?"

Cahill said humblely.

"Yes, but I have a condition." Wang Xing said slowly, "In a few days it will be the official enrollment of our junior high school and high school, and I want these immortals to be congratulated."

Carl Hilton froze.

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