Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1607: mission completed

Wang Xing said nothing and looked straight at Cahill.

Cahill struggled for a long time, but said helplessly, "Okay, let me try."

He now has no right to bargain with Wang Xing, what else can he do without trying it.

Really aggrieved.

Wang Xing nodded, and 136 glass bottles appeared in front of him.

Crystal and dazzling, but also this strange light, filled the table in front of them.

"this is?"

Cahill took a closer look, then couldn't help his scalp: "President Wang, you've closed all those people in this glass bottle."

Through the bottle, he had seen the little men inside.

It was just that he couldn't believe it, it was too casual.

Especially this glass bottle looks ordinary, it will break with a little force, and I don't know how to imprison those immortal.


Wang Xing stood up and said, "When our affiliated college enrolls students, if those people don't go, I will put you in this glass bottle."

Hearing this, Cahill took a breath.

Lock him in and think about making him a little hesitant and scared.

He looked up and wanted to reassure Wang Xing, but now Wang Xing doesn't know when he has disappeared.

In a hurry, Cahill also went.

Where he lived, he rummaged through the bottles carefully, and finally found the one with Million closed.

Opening the stopper, he poured out and no one came out.

After a moment of contemplation, he knocked directly from the outside, and the bottle was almost effortlessly broken. It did not use much power at all.

This further proves his guess that this bottle is an ordinary item and nothing special.

When the bottle broke, Million fell out of it.

Her body seemed to grow a hundredfold suddenly, but Cahill knew it wasn't that Milen had grown, but that space had changed.

There is a space inside the bottle and a space outside the bottle. Only in this way can Miriam be imprisoned in such a small bottle.

"grown ups."

When Million came out, she saw Cahill.

At this moment, she thought it was Cahill who saved her, and immediately said: "Thank you for your help, I want to come, and it ’s the God of Perfection, and only adults who are God of Perfection can save me.

She said, grateful to Cahill.

But Cahill smiled bitterly now: "I want to save you, but I can't save it at all."

He himself is definitely not an opponent of Wang Xing, and it is estimated that he is not even an enemy of Wang Xing.

Helping people, he's not bad without being locked in this bottle.


Mirion couldn't believe it, wondering: "So what's the matter, since the dean of Xianxian College has shot, how could you let me go?"

This is simply not reasonable.

She even thought she was dead.

"Things are more complicated to say, but you are qualified to know." Cahill thought for a while, and did not intend to conceal Mi Lien, "The main reason is that Xian Academy has invested in our Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank and currently holds 12 shares. %. "

Hearing this, Million was dumbfounded.

Why did she come out of the bottle, Xianxian College became a shareholder of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

"Do n’t ask more, you just need to know that there is such a thing. In the future, Xianxian College is also one of our bosses, and you have a lot of dealings with them. Especially when Xianhe Group of Xianxue Group wants to exhibit, it will definitely come from us. Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank carries out a large amount of capital flow. When you are in contact with people at Xian Academy, try not to offend them, otherwise I think even the adults in Shenhe can't hold you back. "Cahill lightly Talking.

He said, also reminding Mi Lien.

He knew the conditions under which Xianxian College had invested in it, and certainly there was the existence of the God King Realm, which was a fear of the strength of Xianxian College.

"Xian Academy is so terrible, I know what to do in the future." Mirion nodded.

She's not a fool, especially Cahill said about it.

Next, Cahill hit Million, thinking about it, and opened another bottle.

There was a man coming out of the bottle, which was Getak from Sankayama.

"you are"

When Getak came out, the whole man was very vigilant.

However, he roughly guessed that it should be the people in front of him who rescued him.

"My name is Cahill, the person in charge behind Fandongyu Commercial Bank." Cahill said indifferently. "You were taken away by the dean of the Immortal College. I saved you."

He obviously lied, but it was also acquiescent by Wang Xing.

Otherwise, how to make these people grateful to Dade and let them transfer all their banking business to Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

"Thank you."

Getak immediately believed.

Because Mi Lien had revealed to him at the beginning, if they really had an accident, there would also be someone rescued from Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank.

Moreover, it is still a great perfection.

"Don't be so thankful, I haven't finished talking." Cahill thought for a while, and already had a plan, "I want to save you, but the dean of the immortal college who captured you is also a great god. , I ca n’t help him. In the end, I negotiated with him for half a year, exhausted my words, and finally reached a condition.

"What conditions?" Getak said almost blurtly.

"If he spared your life, we would agree with the admissions plan of Xian Academy in your star area. At that time, you were arrested, and I agreed on your behalf." Cahill reluctantly said, "I am useless and have no strength to suppress It's a shame to live at the dean of that college. "

Gatak hesitated, he seemed to really feel the helplessness of Cahill.

How dare he blame Cahill at this time, and he can only blame himself for muttering the strength of the dean of the Xian Academy: "No need to blame for adults, we have been arrested, and no one can stop the admissions plan of the Xian Academy, You did not agree at that time, but they were all the same. On the contrary, you promised to save our lives, but instead saved us, indeed our benefactor. "

He didn't even know the transaction between Xianxian College and Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, and at the moment felt that Cahill played a key role.

It must be Cahill's strength that the Dean of the Immortal Academy is also daunted, otherwise it is impossible to negotiate.

"Well, this thing can only be like this, unless the Lord God comes, no one can help the Dean of the Immortal Academy." Cahill sighed, "Although you were released, I think it is still We must have an attitude. Immediately, Xianxian College will start enrolling students in affiliated schools. If you don't take a stand by then, we will probably be targeted by Xianxian University in the future.

Hearing this, Getak was also deeply convinced.

"Yes, Xianxian College is very powerful now, and our fellow clan members in Shenhe are beyond our reach. We can't really offend Xianxian Academy anymore. For the time being, we must endure this Xianxian Academy first." Gaitak's eyes were extremely savvy. Light.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and he knows the truth.

When it's time to dress your grandson, you must dress it.

"At that time, I will enroll students at Xianxian College, so I should be able to numb Xianxian College and make them feel that I am afraid of them."

Getak thought about it and looked very wise.

"Yes, that's how the universe lives."

Cahill nodded, a bitch-like look, but in fact he was full of flowers.

Getak nodded, and said, "Thank you for your help, I will let every disciple at Sankayama open a card at your bank, and all future banking operations will be transferred to your bank."

But when it comes to Cahill's heart, he only feels that he is making a lot of money.

"That would be best."

Cahill smiled, then sent Getak away.

In this way, Cahill actually gave Huyou all the remaining 134 people.

Seeing these people still thank themselves for Dade, Cahill was so happy.

Time soon came to the day when students were enrolled in the junior and senior high schools.

Because the immortals of these forces were arrested, there was no large-scale enrollment in this force in the past 100 years, so there were many enrollment in the affiliated junior and senior high schools attached to Xian College.

Those immortals who were released in order to show their favor to the Immortal Academy had arrived, and this caused a huge sensation.

"What, the ancestors of Sankayama are here to join the show."

"Isn't he arrested?"

"It was arrested and later released. I heard that Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank has made great efforts in it, and now these forces have transferred their business to Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank."

"Look at it, isn't that the president of Mirion, Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, she is here to join the crowd."

"Look at the interstellar network, those immortals who have been arrested have come out to the Xianxian platform, it is incredible."

"Think of the original Xian Fair, and look at the current situation, the strength of this Xian College is really unpredictable."

"Excuse me, is it too late to register now?"

The enrollment of the junior high school and high school of Xianxian College has reached a peak.

Tens of thousands of nearby star domains know this.

However, the enrollment of Xianxian College was not so simple. There were trillions of people enrolled in the junior middle school and high school. After entering the assessment venue, everyone was drawn into a dimension world.

The content of the assessment is a simple battle for survival, which is longer than who can live in this dimension.

Of course, this meta-world is actually a virtual world based on their consciousness, but they don't know it.

Time passed slowly.

The assessment lasted for a full ten years, at which point it was finally over.

"Why am I here, am I not in my own palace?" A man left the world of assessment and looked around blankly, "I have been practicing in it for 100,000 years. My adventure, my magic weapon, and my wife are all fake, which is like having a long dream. "

He said, completely crying.

Dare to love yourself just to participate in the assessment, everything is false.

"No, I still remember those exercises." The man thought of a exercise that he had obtained during his adventure, and it was still imprinted in his mind at this moment. He tried to run it, and now it is completely cultivatable. "Really, and my cultivation experience seems a bit vague, but it can also correspond to the current cultivation situation. Oh my god, what kind of assessment did I experience?"

At this time, a voice came out: "Student Ao, congratulations on your admission to the second grade department of our junior high school, please report to the school as soon as possible."

Others showed up at this time.

They were all pleasantly surprised, especially those who were accepted.

Cahill, who has been paying attention to this assessment, was also deeply stricken by the earthquake at the moment: "It's a big deal, a big deal."

This assessment method is unprecedented.

In particular, some of the exercises and secrets, and even practice experience, are still true.

He didn't know how Xianxue Academy did it. It was the dean of the Xianxue Academy, or the **** king of the Xianxue Academy.

It turns out that the assessment can be like this, and many forces are crying and laughing.

But even if they want to refer to it, they will not be able to come up with so many exercises and secrets. Secondly, they may not have completed the practice of God, and they will not be able to arrange such an assessment world.

Among immortal colleges.

Wang Xing has done all this, what he will do next is actually very simple, and that is to arrange for teachers to teach in these places.

Fortunately, Xianxian Academy was doing this before.

Those junior high school students who have previously graduated from Xian College, those from the Earth Federation who are affiliated with Xian College ~ ~ have been hired to teach.

Fairy College will give them salary and rewards according to their teaching situation.

Of course, this is mainly for junior high schools of affiliated colleges.

As for the high school, Wang Xing just let Jiang Lan make only one hundred cymbals. These magpies are all cultivated by the higher gods, and they can easily handle the affairs of affiliated high schools.

After one year, all affiliated junior high schools and affiliated high schools officially started.

Everything is normal, and no more troubles.

At this time, Wang Xing's main and side missions were completed.

"Host, please claim your mission reward."

Don't ask Wang Xing to ask for it, the system has already reminded Wang Xing.

Hearing this voice, Wang Xing also had some expectations: "I know, let me see what rewards are provided."

First mainline mission.

The mission reward is to randomly obtain three character cards from the Journey to the West, one thousand epiphany cards, one hundred deduction cards, and the title of Emperor Dean.

Wang Xing collected the epiphany card and the deduction card, and three character cards appeared in his hand.

First, Wang Xing was a little surprised.

That turned out to be a horse, a white horse, and it was a great horse.

Is this really a character card?

But soon, he just understood that this white horse is really a character card.


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