Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1611: Immortality

A man appeared in the void, and it was Alfie.

How can the three men's battles be hidden from her just now, and she has already locked Zhang Xiaomeng.

"In such a remote starfield, it is unexpected that there is an emperor who has practiced the first-class rule of devouring," she said lightly. "But you are not even immortal. It is impossible to keep Zhang Xiaomeng."

She said, her tone firm.

With her strength to take away Zhang Xiaomeng, Liu Fan could only watch.

"I admit that you realize that the first-class rules are very powerful, and it is not an exaggeration of the heavenly pride of the entire universe, but Zhang Xiaomeng's incredible rank of Taigu Zhenhuang's bloodline can at least be cultivated to the realm of the Lord. If you are Can't become immortal, stepping over this crucial threshold, and stopping here, the emperor is your highest achievement. "She continued, this is also true.

In the universe, how many geniuses who understand first-class rules finally stop at the emperor-kingdom realm.

Liu Fan still only has the highest potential for success, but far from reaching the true sky-high sky, Megatron.

"Today, Zhang Xiaomeng must follow me."

Alfi pondered for a moment and said slowly, "She stays here just to waste her potential. If you stop it again, I'll be polite to you."

If it wasn't for Liu Fan who understood the first-rate devouring rules, she would not bother to talk to Liu Fan about these.

She is a superior god, and her combat power is comparable to that of a perfect god. She has her own pride.

"I won't go with you, you die this heart." Zhang Xiaomeng hummed, "and why do you say that I will only waste potential here, you are completely self-righteous. I think I can only Here, the potential can be better tapped. "

She is definitely not willful but full of confidence in the college.

It took her more than 100,000 years to cultivate to the present state, which is the best proof.

Alfie shook her head slightly. She felt that Zhang Xiaomeng was reluctant to Liu Fan: "You are still young and have been deceived by a little affection in front of you. When you break through to immortality, you will show how childish you are now .Since you have merged the blood of Taigu Zhenhuang, I will be responsible to you. I cannot watch you waste your talents here and degenerate yourself. "

She said that she had planned to take Zhang Xiaomeng forcibly.

"Of course, I know that you still don't want to follow me. As a last resort, I can only use some means. This is also for the benefit of you. You will be grateful for me in the future." She said, her face was cold, "This is what you like People, if you do n’t follow me, I will kill him now. If you do n’t follow me, I will kill the woman next to him, and then I may destroy all the planets. ”

Hearing this, Liu Fan, Liu Hongmei and Zhang Xiaomeng were all very angry.

Alfie looked at the harmlessness of humans and animals, but the means were so vicious.

"These people will die because of you then. Think about it yourself." Alfi said indifferently, in order to bring back Zhang Xiaomeng, she could really do such a thing.

In her opinion, even if the galaxy's souls are dead, it is not as valuable as Zhang Xiaomeng.

In order to bring back Zhang Xiaomeng, she can do it at all costs.

Alicia and Alden sneered next to each other, as well as Alfa's approach.

They don't even think it's necessary to just catch people.

But at this time, Liu Fan thought of something, but he laughed: "Then you come to kill me, I see if you can kill me."

The dean and teachers of Xianxian Academy must have locked these in for a long time, and what he was afraid of.

"Xiao Meng, don't be afraid."

Liu Fan said, his eyes glanced towards the academy.

Zhang Xiaomeng immediately understood and smirked: "Then you come to kill, first kill Liu Fan, then kill his mother, and finally destroy our earth. If you can really do this, I will Follow you. If you ca n’t do it, how far away it will be. The Earth Confederation is not where you can come, you take it for granted. "

She said nothing at all.

Alfie froze, his face complexion: "Unlucky, then I'll kill them and show you."

Alicia and Alden looked at Liu Fan and Zhang Xiaomeng coldly, and thought that the man and the girl must be crazy, and they dared to provoke Alfi.

Alfie did it without hesitation.

For Liu Fan, Liu Hongmei, or the entire Earth Star, she does not have any feelings.

She punched out with one palm and headed towards Liu Fan. This palm was packed with powerful laws and could destroy everything.

Liu Fan did not move, just looked at Alfi.

It was also at this time that time and space suddenly changed, and an incomparably powerful force came across many spaces.

This force is indescribable, indescribable, vast and unpredictable, and sacred.

Alfi's face changed.

Alicia and Alden were also terrified and didn't know what was born.

"The earth is not a place where you can spread wild, get out!"

A voice came.

It was a man's voice, like Hong Zhong Daluo, shocking,

Following Alfie, she felt that power hit her and blasted her out of the solar system.

She was powerless to resist. In the face of this power, she was like a child.

Several figures appeared in the void at this time.

They are Xing Tian, ​​Hong Haier, Ao Lie, Fan Ye, Feng Yun Wuji, and Xing Yuan.

There are a total of six golden immortals. They sensed the change of the earth as soon as possible and immediately rushed over.

However, like the immortal gods in the universe, they can leave the academy, but if they motivate the nature of the kingdom of God, they will also be locked by the law of the universe's origin, and will be drawn into the river of God.

However, with the collapse of the universe's original laws, the end of the Shenhe era will eventually disappear completely.

Alicia and Alden were both stingy, and they couldn't believe it.

Especially on the Xingtian people, they felt an extremely powerful breath, which was definitely an immortal spirit level breath.

Especially the two breaths are even stronger than the breath of Alfie.

Six immortals!

They were shocked inexplicably, none of them was immortal in the Wuxingshan universe, and there were six of them.

No, the one who just shot was not among the six.

That man could defeat Alfie is certainly immortal. This is the Seven Immortals.

How can there be so many immortals in such a lonely star field, a place where they think they are all hunks.

"Liu Fan, are you okay?"

The Qing Emperor asked, looking at Liu Fan: "You are expected that the Dean will try to save you, but it is best not to do this in the future. If the Dean is just retreating and has not taken care of you, then you are not really going to be The woman killed. When you were in college, you took the cosmic survival course, and it said that you should not place hope on others at any time, even the dean ca n’t do it, everything is on your own. ”

Liu Fan was embarrassed, and how he came up was learned.

"So just now, you should run away the first time, rather than waiting for the Dean to act silly." Qingdi said earnestly, definitely not joking.

Xing Yuan and several other teachers also nodded, feeling that Qingdi was right.

Liu Fan also knew that he took it for granted.

Although he was certain that the Dean would take a shot, there was a 1 in 10,000 or even a 1 in 10,000 chance. The Dean had no time to take a shot. Did he really have to wait for death at that time.

I really did not do enough, and I need to change this.

"I know."

Liu Fan still accepted the criticism with an open mind and did not dare to talk back.

Although he is sometimes self-sufficient, stubborn, and uneasy, he has always been full of respect for college teachers. This is where many students are inferior to him.

The void suddenly trembled, only to see a red figure appearing, this figure shrouded in a cloud of fire, like the **** of flame.

She was Alfie, and that blow was far from her life, which was naturally a sympathy for Wang Xing's men.

"grown ups."

Alicia and Alden said immediately, and they could feel that Alfie suffered a minor injury.

The two quickly came behind Alfie, facing the seven immortals, where can they get upset now, only hope that Alfie can take them away.

"I'm fine."

Alfie slowly said: "The guy who shot me just now has mercy, or I'm dead now. I didn't expect such a powerful existence in such a barren star field. I feel that it is at least a complete person It ’s not surprising that God, even the Great Perfection God. This time we came to the earth, and we did not think about it. There are peerless geniuses who understand the first-rate engulfing rules, and Zhang Xiaomeng, who has integrated the blood of our ancient blood The miracle itself can no longer be described. "

She looked at Xing Tian and others again, and proved her speculation even more.

It's not easy here, it's not easy.

"Who was the one who just shot, and who are you?" Alfi asked for a moment, after thinking about it.

Where is she now?

She must now figure out what's going on, or she won't be able to make a difference if she goes back.

"That is our dean, and we are all teachers of the college." Qing Di slowly said at this time, "Zhang Xiaomeng is a student of our college, she was trained by our college, naturally it is impossible to follow you, now You should just leave. The dean has not killed you just now.



Alfie was lost in thought, and she felt she must have overlooked something.

"Get out of here!"

The red baby said, humming in his mouth, "Otherwise I will burn you to death and make you dare to come to earth to cause trouble."

He said, there was a real flame of Samadhi in his mouth.

"We must not take Zhang Xiaomeng today, let's go!" Alfi thought for a while and said.

There are so many teachers of Xianxian College watching, and the dean of the mysterious Xianxue Academy is here. She is destined to return home.

It's better to leave quickly and check out what's going on in this college.

Not dare to hesitate, Alfie left Alien with Alicia and Aldenshun, and then left the Wuxingshan star area before stopping.

In the silent galaxy, Alfie wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth.

"I thought it would be easy to take Zhang Xiaomeng away. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. This little adorable turned out to be a student of that college. Now I will immediately check what is going on in this college. I knew everything about this college before, "she said, her voice cold.

To be honest, she was really angry.

She was wounded and taken away, which was a shame and shame she had never experienced before.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing was still busy with his own affairs. He just made his own move and did not take it seriously.

"I thought you would kill the immortal woman of the Taigu Zhenhuang tribe, or just grab her and put it in a glass bottle as an ornament." Leng Shuang said aside, "I didn't expect you But let her go and let her leave. "

She is a bit strange, this is not like Wang Xing's personality.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xing raised his head: "Do you all look at me like this? In fact, as long as the other party is not too much, I generally do not kill anyone casually, but it is possible to put it in a glass bottle as an ornament. Of course, I put Alfie for another reason. Do you know why Alfy came here? In fact, it has something to do with me. I asked Teacher Jiang Lan to go to Shenhe, and one of the things was to visit Taigu Zhenhuang. Several ancestors ~ ~ let them give Zhang Xiaomeng a chance. "

Leng Shuangning was shocked when he heard this.

She looked at Wang Xing in disbelief: "Isn't it all you arranged?"

Wang Xing spread his hand: "Although it's not, but it's almost the same. I know that there are places like the Taihu Zhenhuang family that have Nirvana Pools, which should help Zhang Xiaomeng break through to the Holy Fairyland, so I want to borrow it. But you also know In the case of Xiao Meng, her blood level is so high. If she went directly, the other party would definitely not let her come back. Secondly, there is another reason. According to the rules of Taikoo Zhenhuang, each tribe can only enter once, and I If you want Zhang Xiaomeng to understand the law of immortality, it is difficult to succeed after only one entry. Naturally, you have to enter it multiple times. This requires the consent of the ancestors of the ancient Taihuang family in the Shenhe River. "

The law of immortality?

Cold frost murmured, unbelievable.

"The law of immortality is also a first-rate rule. Even if Zhang Xiaomeng can always use Nirvana Pools, he may not be able to comprehend them. I just checked that the entire Taikoo Zhenhuang family will be born from Nirvana Pools in each era. Such a tribe. "

She felt that Wang Xing was a little too taken for granted, and it was easy to understand the first-class rules.

"I know, but don't try to know how." Wang Xingdan said indifferently, "Zhang Xiaomeng has great potential, and now his talent has reached the level of the galaxy. There should be a high probability that he can realize the law of immortality in Nirvana Pool. Besides, this is like brushing questions. She enters the Nirvana pool again and again to break through the realm of Nirvana, and sooner or later she will realize the law of immortality. "

Leng Shuang smiled bitterly, is it really possible?

But now Alfie is gone, how can Zhang Xiaomeng go to the Taigu Zhenhuang family.

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