Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1615: Admission

Zhong Shan's eyes glowed with expectations, and he needed someone to answer his doubts. & 1t; /

"After the thousand worlds, there is the universe." & 1t; /

Wang Xing slowly said: "Although we are in two different worlds, the cultivation methods are interlinked. The dimension of the world is the small thousand world, and then the small thousand world is evolved and promoted to the middle thousand world, and finally the middle thousand world Re-evolving can reach the world level of your world. The world's master is the master of the realm and the strongest master. It is called the master **** in our world, but it is called the mixed yuan in our college. Luo Jinxian. "& 1t; /

Wang Xing said according to his own understanding. & 1t; /

The small thousand world, the medium thousand world, and the large thousand world are gradually progressing. & 1t; /

Until the small universe! & 1t; /

Such a division of the world is actually a division of strength. & 1t; /

His words also benefited a few teachers. & 1t; /

Zhong Shan thought for a while and nodded secretly. & 1t; /

He originally had some speculation, and it was not difficult to accept this, but he followed up with a second question: "How can I live forever?" & 1t; /

This is the main purpose of his coming today. & 1t; /

He just wanted to live forever, and wanted to know the way of eternal life, just like Sun Wukong asked Bodhi ancestors. & 1t; /

Several teachers were startled by Zhong Shan and couldn't believe it. You dare to ask anything. & 1t; /

Zhong Shan didn't speak, he looked straight at Wang Xing. & 1t; /

Among so many people, he knew that only Wang Xing could give him an answer, and no one else could. & 1t; /

Wang Xing was silent, but in fact he didn't know how to answer. & 1t; /

"This question is difficult to answer?" & 1t; /

Zhong Shan asked, is it true that no one can give him a definitive answer. & 1t; /

He was a little disappointed, and it seemed that he had come wrong. & 1t; /

"Yes, it's hard to answer." & 1t; /

Wang Xing thought about it, solemnly: "I think even the cosmic **** may not dare to say that he can live forever, but if he can jump out of our universe, maybe he will get the answer he wants."

Zhong Shan froze, wondering what Wang Xing's words meant. & 1t; /

"We are the main universe here, and your world is nothing but a dust of the Hengsha world. You want to find the answer to eternal life in your own world, I think you will never find it." Wang Xing said lightly. It's definitely incomparable, "Since you're here, I suggest you still consider becoming a teacher of our college, so that one day in the future, maybe you can witness eternal life with us." & 1t; /

The college needs a teacher like Zhong Shan, not only because of Zhong Shan's cultivation, but also his ability and knowledge. & 1t; /

Wang Xing wanted to recruit him, this is for sure. & 1t; /

"To witness eternal life together?" & 1t; /

Zhong Shan was somewhat skeptical, mainly because Wang Xing's cultivation was not enough to convince him. & 1t; /

Wang Xing smiled. Where can he not see Zhong Shan's doubts: "Naturally is true, you are now only the realm of the Lord God, and the world connected by our college has the existence of the universe God Realm. Even in the future 100 million years Within there will be three cosmic gods who will become our teachers. The cosmic gods are the closest to eternal life. Through their words, you will definitely know more about the mysteries of eternal life. "& 1t; /

The three cosmic gods naturally refer to Qin Yu who Hongmeng and Lin Lei have not grown up. & 1t; /

He was sure that the three universe gods were very attractive to Zhongshan. & 1t; /

Sure enough, Zhong Shan was silent. & 1t; /

He did want to see the three cosmic gods, but this obviously had to be a teacher of the college. & 1t; /

He can understand that this is the condition of Wang Xing. & 1t; /

After a moment of contemplation, he slowly said, "Yes, I am willing to be a teacher at Xian Academy. If you have anything to interview me now, you can start." & 1t; /

He said with certainty that it was not difficult for him to make this decision. & 1t; /

Wang Xing laughed at this time: "You don't need an interview, you passed directly. Please go to the office next door to rest." & 1t; /

Zhong Shan nodded and said nothing. & 1t; /

A few teachers were stunned, and this passed, isn't it too childish? & 1t; /

The first day of Xingtian frowned: "Dean, what kind of interview is this? We haven't asked any questions yet, but he asked two questions in a row." & 1t; /

Several other teachers also looked at Wang Xing and wondered why. & 1t; /

"Some people need interviews, others need special recruits. Teacher Zhong Shan belongs to the latter." Wang Xing said lightly. He knew the value of Zhong Shan. Such teachers did not need an interview when they came to the college. & 1t; /

Zhongshan's cultivation, Zhongshan's knowledge, Zhongshan's ability is like a dazzling diploma, no one can match it. & 1t; /

This is like recruitment in society. A group of undergraduates interviewed with a Ph.D. This Ph.D. puts out his degree certificate, and the undergraduates next to him will be overshadowed. & 1t; /

After hearing this, several teachers stopped talking. & 1t; /

They also have to admit that this Zhongshan is very powerful, which can be seen from the questions he raised. & 1t; /

"Well, I have the next interviewer." & 1t; /

Wang Xing started to communicate with the fifth interviewer. & 1t; /

Speaking, the familiar white light flashed. & 1t; /

A man appeared, and the man looked around curiously, with some vigilance. & 1t; /

Wang Xing frowned slightly. He looked at the man carefully. Now the man put his hand on his space belt. There seemed to be something terrifying inside. & 1t; /

The Qing Emperor looked at the interviewer who appeared, and was a little speechless. & 1t; /

Everyone here, who is not higher than your cultivation, can shoot you anytime, are you so alert? & 1t; /

"This interviewer, you are welcome to come to our college to recruit teachers. We are interviewers today. It is up to us to decide whether you will be accepted. Now, please give me a brief introduction. Time is within three minutes. "& 1t; /

The Qing Emperor still said, after all, people are here for interviews and they must be respected. & 1t; /

"Interview?" & 1t; /

The man thought about it, as if he had accidentally received a recruitment notice, and then chose to agree, and was taken here. & 1t; /

"Please introduce yourself." & 1t; /

The emperor repeated again, he felt that the man might not have figured out his situation. & 1t; /

The man came back to God, since it is safe to come. & 1t; /

Isn't the other party hiring a teacher? He doesn't really hate becoming a teacher, but has some expectations. & 1t; /

"My name is Tang San, and I am from Doula 6 World, one of the first Shrek Seven Monsters, nicknamed Thousand Hands Shura, my father Haotian Doula Tang Hao, and my mother 100,000 years blue and silver emperor A Yin. I was awakened when I was six Out of two martial spirits, the third twin martial spirits in a century, the martial spirits are blue silver grass and Haotian hammer. Now they are the actual masters of the divine realm and the strongest in the divine realm. "& 1t; /

He said, somewhat proud. & 1t; /

After all, in the Douro Big 6 world, he is already invincible. & 1t; /

Just listening in the ears of Wang Xing and others, why is it so awkward? & 1t; /

"Well, I will also introduce the situation of our college in accordance with the usual practice." The Qing emperor was somewhat lacking in interest, but he said the situation of Xianxian College without fail. "So you understand, what you want to do is Such a college. "& 1t; /

After Tang San heard it, he nodded solemnly: "I would be happy to come to work at Xian Academy, and I can join at any time." & 1t; /

Fazu shook his head helplessly at this time. & 1t; /

"Why, is there any problem?" & 1t; /

Tang San finally realized what was wrong and asked. & 1t; /

"Yes, the problem is big." & 1t; /

Fazu had to say, "There are already four interviewers before you, and your cultivation is arguably the lowest." & 1t; /

Hearing this, Tang San was like thunder on a sunny day. & 1t; /

He finally understood that this was because he hadn't cultivated enough, and the other person didn't look down on him. & 1t; /

But is he really that weak? & 1t; /

Fengyun Wuji also slowly said at this time: "Perhaps you are already the strongest in your own world, but in our world, your realm is only equivalent to the Tianxian realm, which is the level of our junior high school students." & 1t ; /

Tang San was dumbfounded that he was just a junior high school student here. & 1t; /

He just heard the introduction of the emperor. Above the junior high school, there are high school and university. & 1t; /

That being said, he is really too weak. & 1t; /

If everyone ’s practice is his education, then Zhong Shan ’s education is a Ph.D., and Tang San is at most a junior high school graduate who has just completed nine years of compulsory education. & 1t; /

This gap is not generally large. & 1t; /

Tang San finally understood some of the teachers' look at him, and that was definitely an aversion to him being too low. & 1t; /

"Continue interviewing." & 1t; /

Although Wang Xing is also a little disappointed, he knows that it is no wonder that Tang San is because the practice level of the Doula 6 world is too backward. & 1t; /

Next, Tang Sanhun had an interview and finished the interview. & 1t; /

"Please go to the office next door to rest. The interview result will be announced after everyone's interview is over." Qingdi still said, it is to comfort Tang San. & 1t; /

Just a few teachers knew in their hearts that basically this Tang Santie was going to be brushed. & 1t; /

This repair is low, and I don't know how to get into the team of the powerful world. & 1t; /

"What are you doing, anyway, this Tang San is still the first of several interviewees to volunteer to be our college teacher." Wang Xing looked at several disgusted expressions and couldn't help saying. & 1t; /

If he is recruiting a primary school teacher, he really wants to give Tang San a chance. & 1t; /

Unfortunately, this time it was mainly recruiting high school and university teachers, so Tang San could not meet the requirements. & 1t; /

"Please the next interviewer." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said that the communication system started to attract the sixth interviewer. & 1t; /

Familiar white light came over, and there was even a golden lotus in the white light, and a kind figure of merit halo appeared behind him. & 1t; /

A few teachers were all together, and they recognized the person. This is definitely the Quan Yin. & 1t; /

"Sergeant Guanyin, welcome to Xian College." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said that he could feel the cultivation of Guanyin, and even reached the fourth peak of Jinxian. & 1t; /

Comparable to punishment day. & 1t; /

This training is enough to be a teacher at Xianxian College. & 1t; /

"Hello donors." & 1t; /

Avalokitesvara watched several people as a gift. & 1t; /

Next, the emperor began to conduct interviews. & 1t; /

The same process, although the answer to the first two questions of Guanyin is not the perfect answer, it is quite satisfactory. & 1t; /

This is the third question, Xing Tian asked: "If you become a teacher of Xian Academy, someone will destroy the college, what would you do?" & 1t; /

This question was answered without any questions from other teachers, even without consideration. & 1t; /

But Guanyin froze. & 1t; /

Wang Xing was a little confused. What is the situation and is it difficult to answer this question? & 1t; /

At this time, only listening to Guanyin's dignified face, he slowly said, "I will persuade the other party to put down the butcher knife to become a Buddha."

Her answer made Wang Xing aggressive. & 1t; /

Everyone is going to destroy the academy, and you should persuade the other party to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha. & 1t; /

"Cough!" Wang Xing couldn't help but cough a few times, which made some teachers wake up. This answer was too unexpected for some people, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully. "I also have a question, if There is a bad guy, and if he kills you, you will become a good guy. Will you kill him? "& 1t; /

This question is very second, but it is also very direct. & 1t; /

Several teachers nodded secretly, waiting for the answer from Guanyin. & 1t; /

"The Buddha said that I would not go to hell, who would go to hell. If I could save a lost life, what would I sacrifice myself for?" Guanyin said with a sad expression on his face, and the compassionate star was about to explode. & 1t; /

This answer really is Guanyin, and no one who can make such an answer can find a second person. & 1t; /

"Then what do you think of the Buddha cutting the meat and feeding the eagle?" Fazu thought of an allusion he saw, and asked. & 1t; /

"This is good." Guanyin said almost without thinking. & 1t; /

"I don't think I have any problems," Fazu said at this time, as did the other teachers. & 1t; /

"Sergeant Guanyin, please take a rest in the next room. The interview result will be announced later." Qingdi said, without any expression on his face. & 1t; /

After Guanyin left, the whole room was quiet and terrible. & 1t; /

At this time, Fengyun Wuji said slowly: "I think this Guanyin priest and our college have some ideas that are not suitable to be our college teachers." & 1t;

A little out of place? & 1t; /

Several teachers laughed bitterly. Is this a little bit different? & 1t; /

If you let Guanyin serve in the academy and really teach the students a group of saints, then you are really finished. & 1t; /

"Guanyin is really not suitable to be a teacher in our college." & 1t; /

Wang Xing made a decision with a little consideration ~ ~ Such a person can't be recruited even if he is so high. & 1t; /

Therefore, Guanyin must be brushed. & 1t; /

In this case, if only one person is removed, Tang San will be on the admission list. & 1t; /

"The last interviewer." & 1t; /

Wang Xing said, the communication system began to be picked up. & 1t; /

Then, I only saw a familiar person in front of me, and it was Nezha who hadn't seen him for a long time. & 1t; /

"Dean, I'm back." & 1t; /

The first sentence that Nezha appeared was that he was originally hired by Wang Xing with an external card, but he did not expect to appear in the college again in this way after leaving the college. & 1t; /

Wang Xing paused, and then said: "Welcome back, Teacher Nezha." & 1t; /

Fengyun Wuji waited for someone to cry and laugh, this last one seems to be unnecessary for an interview. & 1t; /

"Dean, what is the final admission result?" Qingdi asked for a moment. & 1t; /

Several other teachers also looked at Wang Xing. & 1t; /

After all, it is Wang Xing who ultimately decides. & 1t; /

"Everyone except Guanyin accepted." Wang Xing thought about it, but this result will make many people think of it. "You go and inform them and let them all come over, and then we will announce the admission results in ten minutes." & 1t ; /

"& 1t; /

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