Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1614: Interview in progress

This is not someone else who came for the interview, it is the Ox Demon King in the Journey to the World.

After all, I don't think he can find a second person for this image.

"This interviewer is welcome to join the Faculty of Xian."

The Qing Emperor still said very politely and would not take lightly to the Devil King.

After all, the demon king's cultivation is not low, and he has reached the level of Jinxian Jinxian, which is the same as Xingtian.

"Interview, what interview?"

The Bull Demon stunned a few people, and then shouted, "Give me my old cow's wife and children, and I've got the news. They just came to your broken college."

After hearing this, several people were stunned.

This is not for interviews, but for someone.

Wang Xing couldn't laugh or cry, and immediately communicated with the system: "System, what's the matter?"

He was really speechless. How did the Bull Devil know that Princess Iron Fan and Red Baby had come to the academy, and now they even came to the door.

Isn't this a pit, the system will cause him trouble.

"Host, this is not to blame me. It must be Princess Iron Fan and Red Baby who told the Bull Demon before going to the Academy. Then the Bull Demon happened to receive the recruitment notice from our cloth, so they found the Academy."

The system said it was very innocent, but Wang Xing felt that he was intentional.

No longer paying attention to the system, Wang Xing looked at the Demon King and simply admitted: "Yes, Princess Iron Fan and Red Baby are indeed in our college, and they have now become our college teachers. If they want to leave the college, I don't Will block. If they are unwilling to leave, you will not be able to take people away. As far as I know they definitely have no plans to leave recently, you go first. We are a job fair for recruiting teachers, there is no time to entertain you . "

With that said, Wang Xing is about to catch people.

This Bull Devil is not here for an interview, and naturally cannot stay in the college.

"You want me to go like this, there are no doors." The Devil King hummed angrily. "I know I can't beat you, aren't you recruiting teachers, look at me? I want to be you too College teacher. "

How can the demon king's mind be concealed from Wang Xing, this guy just wants to stay away.

As for the teacher?

Don't make a joke, he absolutely doesn't mean that, and he can only blame being a teacher.

"Are you sure you want to apply?"

Wang Xing smiled at this time: "It is not impossible to give you a chance, after all, you also came through the recruitment channel."

Several teachers nodded.

The demon king's cultivation is not low, if he can really become a college teacher, it will be enough.

"Of course, my old cow said no one else, how do you want to apply, let's get started."

The ox devil urged.

However, looking at his eyes, and constantly staring at Boyahan Cook, several of them were speechless again.

Well, they still made this guy think simple.

The reason why he didn't leave is probably because he wanted to take a closer look at Han Cook.

It really is a color embryo!

"Start the interview."

Wang Xing said helplessly, holding a ox devil is really no way.

Qingdi nodded and started the interview: "This interviewer, please introduce yourself briefly."

"Introduce yourself? Do you mean to introduce yourself?"

He looked at the Qing Emperor, and now the Qing Emperor nodded his head and said, "Then I will introduce you. The old cow is called the Devil King. He lives in Bajiao Cave of Cuiyun Mountain and Moyun Cave of Jielei Mountain. His wife is Princess Tieshan. The child Red baby, there is a little wife outside called the Princess Jade Face. By the way, there is also a title called Pingtian Dasheng, and the monkey is a fellowship of eight worships. I think that our Seven Holy Fathers were righteous, how touching it was. "


The emperor interrupted the words of the demon king: "Okay, that's enough, let me introduce you to our college."

He was really scared that the ox devil would go on and on forever.

The Cow Devil is a little upset. He was about to brag about it, so why not let him say it.

After the introduction by the emperor, Feng Yun said without exception: "Now I will ask you the first question, and you have entered the course of our college's acting university. In your teaching, if there are students who have different views from you , Hit you, what would you do? "

The same problem, but the subject has been replaced by the Bull Demon King.

Several people looked at the Demon King, waiting for his answer.

Boyahan Cook wanted to remind the Ox Lord that he had five minutes to think about it, but she seemed to speak late.

The Bull Demon King has blurted out at this time: "What else can I do, oh ye, dare to hit the teacher, it is owed. For this, I have special experience. We have a college in Cuiweishan, and students of the college dare not listen to the teacher In that case, the teacher would be a board, and then the students were very honest, what to do. "

When they heard him, a few people couldn't help crying.

Sure enough, this answer is really awesome.

"Second question, what do you think is the significance of our cultivation?" Fazu asked at this time.

"What's the point? Of course it's getting stronger, or you'll just wait to be bullied by others." The Cow Devil said for granted, "Don't say anything else, look at the monkey being pressed under Wuzhishan for 500 years. He can defeat the Buddha, and the Buddha can also suppress him on Wuzhishan? Besides, if I can be stronger, maybe I can set up a teaching, a court, an immortal as the ancestor.

This answer is really realistic.

Several people have nothing to say, after all, many people go for this purpose.

"Finally, I will also ask a question." Wang Xing thought for a while, "You have a monkey with a mouthful. I heard that the monkey and his wife have a leg, do you know?"

Hearing this, including Fazu, was dumbfounded.

This question is really a bunker, this is not telling the ox demon king, you have been put on a green hat.

"What?" The bull devil really shouted, his face flushed with redness, "Well, you stinky monkey, dare to seduce your uncle, I and you are not finished."

He thundered like a dynamite bucket.

"Wait, what time is this?" He was angry for several minutes and scolded Sun Wukong, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Oh, I may have misremembered it, that's a big story about traveling westward." Wang Xing pretended to pat his head at this time, but he slowly said, "But the world is all connected, don't really have such a thing. it is good."

Cow Demon King dumbfounded, what kind of answer do you think, is there such a thing or not?

"Well, your interview is over. Go to the office next door and wait."

Wang Xing no longer said anything, and people led the serious Demon King to the next office.

At this time, several people could not help but be able to bear it.

They can imagine that the Demon King must now urgently ask Princess Iron Fan, and this question is a fat meal.

"You all look at what I do. I just look at this old cow. It's too much. My eyes cannot be separated from our Hancock teacher, so I will punish him a little." Wang Xing said lightly, I was a gentleman. Look like.

The Qing Emperor nodded a few people, this effect is quite good.

The Demon King is worried about it now, where will he stare at other women.

"Please the next interviewer."

Wang Xing answered the question, this is the big thing today.

He said, starting to communicate the system.

A familiar white light appeared in front of me, and at this time only a woman slowly appeared.

This woman has a pair of white feathers, which is no different from the angels in the Earth Federation, but just too beautiful.

Even Boyahan Cook was stunned, slightly surprised.

"This interviewer, welcome to see the Faculty Recruitment of Xian Academy. We are the interviewer today. The decision on whether you can be accepted is in our hands. Now, please make a simple self-introduction first. The time is three. In minutes "

Qingdi said, he was worried that he would chatter like the Demon King again, so he limited the time.

But in three minutes, it is already a lot.

The woman nodded and slowly said, "My name is Angel Yan, from the Angel Nebula. I was born 7ooo years ago. I was a sacred left-wing guard and one of the two guards who tried Angel Kasha. I have participated three times in angels and demons. The war was defeated twice, and the enemy was defeated by more than 1ooo. Once defeated, the whole body was seriously injured, and 3o8 comrades were killed. Queen Kesha fell behind, and I inherited the throne of the king of angels, and is now the new king of angels.

She introduced, the sound is beautiful, the sound is extremely clear.

Wang Xing and several teachers all looked shocked.

Turns out to be Angel Hiko!

The world of the seminary she came from is a very strange world, which explains the laws of the universe entirely with technology, and is also the direction of Mu Liuli's research now.

Wang Xing gestured to the emperor and asked him to briefly introduce the situation of the college.

Angel Yan listened, very quiet.

But after Qingdi finished speaking, she said, "I didn't come to Xianxian to apply for a teacher, but to ask for help."

That's what she came for.

In the world she is in, the situation of angels and humans is very bad, and she wants to find a way out from here.

"After I received your recruitment information, after analysis, I came to a conclusion that you are from higher-level creatures and master higher technology and physical evolution methods, so you must be able to help us." She said, Extremely sure.

And after he came here, he even verified his guess.

The interviewers who appeared in front of her all looked like real gods, and she could not read any information.

"I admit that we do have the ability to help you. The world you live in is nothing but a dust in the endless world of sand. But unfortunately, I cannot help you." Wang Xing shook his head, he just wanted to recruit a teacher There is no reason to help Angel Hiko.

"So, that's really disappointing." She said, leaving.

"Wait a moment, if you can apply for teachers from our college and learn some advanced technology and cultivation methods from our college, it may not be able to reverse the situation in your world." Wang Xing thought.

He is still very friendly to Angel Yan, and still intends to give her a chance.

Angel Yan Yiyi also thought of the key.

"But whether you can apply for a teacher in our college depends on your own performance." Wang Xing smiled. "If you are not in a hurry to leave now, I think our formal interview can begin."

"Okay," she answered, and began to take this interview seriously.

Half an hour later, Angel's interview was over.

Her interview performance even surpassed Athena, the goddess of wisdom, mainly because Angel Yan had a previous idea, which coincided with many places in the college.

Even after Wang Xing interviewed Angel Yan, she had to admit that she would be a good teacher.

"You go to the office next door and wait for everyone to finish the interview, and we will announce the interview results." Qingdi said, letting people take Angel Yan to the next room.

Then came the fourth interviewer.

A white light flashed in front of him, and a man appeared. This man turned out to be a very majestic man.

The man was wearing a dragon robe, and at one glance he was an emperor.

But the breath of the emperor was not weak, or terrible.

Who is he?

Wang Xing was a little curious, and this interviewer seemed very difficult.

"Then you first introduce yourself."

Qingdi Dao, when he couldn't see through the man's cultivation, he also respected a lot.

Fengyun Wuji and Fazu are actually the same.

There is only Wang Xing, at this moment he can see some details of the man.

At this time the man slowly said: "The world of immortality, the Lord of the Great Heaven ~ ~ Zhongshan."

Upon hearing Zhong Shan's words, Wang Xing nodded secretly.

It really is him, no wonder the power on him is so strange.

In other words, what Zhongshan originally rewarded was exactly what Zhongshan had.

"It's him!"

The Qing emperor finally responded at this time: "The world of immortality is a very magical world. The cultivation of this world requires one life, two games, three Fengshui, four accumulated yin and five merits. I never knew what to do. "

Hearing these words, the situation of the three fearlessly also made a faint impression.

"You know our world, it seems that I am right. After our world was promoted to a thousand, I always felt that this was just the beginning, and you should be able to give me an answer here," he said slowly.

It is mainly because he is here. Even if he becomes a detached person, it does not mean that he can live forever.

If it is destroyed by a thousand, he will fall likewise.

He was looking for a stronger way, and a recruitment notice from Xianxian Academy showed him the new Big 6.

So he came and came to Xianxian College for an interview.

"You're right."

Wang Xing nodded, even if it is a world of thousands, in fact, compared with the current main universe, it is not worth mentioning.

Zhong Shan's request, he was completely clear.

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