Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1613: Wanjie Recruitment

In the dean's office, Wang Xing is finalizing the recruitment with the emperor.

"Did the other three teachers participating in the recruitment interview of Wanjie?"

He inquired that arranging teachers to participate in the interview was also to make the interview as formal as possible.

It's just that he feels a bit arbitrary and arbitrary.


Qingdi said: "Mr. Fengyun, Mr. Fazu, and Mr. Xing Tian indicated that they would all be present, and I would definitely be there at the same time. At the same time, Mr. Boyahan Cook volunteered to act as the recorder for the recruitment of Wanjie. Interview process. "

Together with Wang Xing, there are five interviewers.

A recorder.

In fact, this is also a system requirement. After all, all the powerful people who participated in the interview could not be accepted.

According to system regulations, it must be eliminated to show the impulsiveness of Xianxian Academy.

After confirming these, Wang Xing planned to arrange a specific interview time. At that time, the system would lead these powerful people from all walks of life to the college.

"System, in the end how many million world strong candidates have applied?"

He thought for a while and couldn't help asking curiously.

The one-hundred-year-old Wanjie recruitment opportunity, the ten-year registration time, this is 110 years to complete one Wanjie recruitment.

He naturally hopes that the more powerful Realm enrolled, the better, so as to grow the college faster.

"A total of seven people."

Systematic way, there is no need to conceal anymore.

In fact, this number is not much, even too small in Wang Xing's view.

However, he can also understand that few of these powerful players have received the recruitment notice from Xianxian Academy, and few people will definitely take it seriously.

"Seven is seven, but at least one must be eliminated, and only six can be admitted." He thought to himself, and waited for the day of formal recruitment.

Time passed, a month later.

Wang Xing prepared everything. In his office, several teachers participating in the interview arrived.

"Teacher Hancock, you worked hard."

He specifically said that for Boya Cook, the Pirate Empress, many in the college called her goddess teacher.

Poyahan Cook was surprised that he could come as a recorder.

"Jin Shen is just curious about the recruitment of Wanjie. Find a reason to come and see. If it is not interesting, he will not come again."

She said, that posture can not be overstated to charm all sentient beings.

Fortunately, several teachers such as Wang Xing have already been immune and will not be affected at all.

It was just that she said so directly, that she was curious to see it, which really made Wang Xing cry and laugh.

The Qing emperor said at this time: "Dean, I think it's good to have Boyahan Cook to participate in the interview, and then it's time to try out those **** people."

Hearing this, Wang Xing was speechless. He now understood why the Qing emperor agreed with Boyahan Cook as a recorder.

It turned out to have no purpose, but it really sounded like that.

Wang Xing no longer thought about these useless things. He confirmed that everyone was here. He signaled to several teachers and started the communication system.

"System, can lead the first powerful person from all walks of life."

He said, looking forward.

The same is true of several teachers. After all, these powerful powerful people from other worlds come from different worlds, each of which may be unique and unique.

"Okay, host."

The system replied, and then saw a white light in front of it.

In the white light, a vague figure was pulled from another world by a force and appeared in the office.

Gradually, the figure became clearer and more solid.

Wang Xing and several teachers finally saw the true face of the first powerful man of the world at this time, but it was really incredible, it turned out to be a beautiful woman.

The woman is still a Westerner, and she is also curiously looking at Wang Xing and others at this moment.


Wang Xing pretended to cough a few times: "This interviewer, you are welcome to come to the interview of Xian Academy. The five of us are today's interviewers."

He said that Feng Yun and others were also a little stunned.

At this time, Wang Xing did not need to speak. As the host of the interview, Qingdi had already understood some of the interview process before, and then said: "This interviewer, please introduce yourself first."

Qingdi said, everything is in the chest.

The woman nodded, and seemed to have figured out what was going on: "My name is Athena, from the world of Greek mythology and legend.

She was talking, and even when she heard her name, Wang Xing was stunned.


That is not the legendary goddess of wisdom.

"Hello, Athena."

The Qing Emperor slowly said that he also knew that Athena was very famous, but in the end, whether he could be admitted had to be comprehensively considered.

"Next, we will ask you a few interview questions, and you can answer them truthfully. But before that, I will introduce you to our college. After all, these questions are also related to this. . "

The emperor said again, and then began the introduction.

After about ten minutes, he briefly introduced the situation of Xianxian College.

"So, if you become a teacher of our college, your future job is to teach the college students and answer their doubts." Qingdi concluded.

Although Athena was a little shocked, she also knew what the recruitment was all about.

"All right, teachers can ask questions."

The emperor looked at Wang Xing's people, naturally it is self-evident, this is to let a few people ask questions.

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, and spoke first.

"Ms. Athena, to be honest, your cultivation is not high, and it is likely that you will be enrolled in our college on behalf of high school courses. For high school students, you may not know their situation, their thinking is mature, all They all have their own ideas, so it is common for them to collide with teachers. If this is the case now, when you are teaching, some students collide with you because of a different question from yours. What would you do? "

He asked, and the first question was extremely sharp.

The student hits you, what should you do, say the student is wrong, give the student a meal?

The Qing Emperor looked at the situation with no worries and gave him a thumbs up secretly. This question is really good.

"You have five minutes to consider."

Boyahan Cook reminded in good faith at this time, and watching her had recorded a lot of content.

Athena meditated, she thought a lot.

Soon, five minutes were up.

"Please answer."

The emperor said, several people looked at Athena.

Athena was a little nervous. She was a **** in the world of Greek mythology, but that **** was more like a title.

She and the true immortal are still a realm.

But all of Wang Xing's people are Jinxian Xiuwei, that is the real god, and she has a natural oppression.

She took a deep breath and slowly said, "If I follow the teachings of this fairy college teacher, the course for future generations of high school students, and the minimum of high school students are all chaos, and the highest third year of high school The students are even the same as me. In this case, I ca n’t guarantee that I am right when encountering different opinions, so if a student hits me, I will not punish him, and I respect his Point of view, although I disagree with his behavior against the teacher. "

What she said was true and did not seem to be cheating.

Wang Xing looked at each other and was somewhat surprised.

Especially Wang Xing, he thought of a sentence from Voltaire ‘I do n’t agree with what you say, but I swear to defend your right to speak’, which is almost a meaning.

However, Wang Xing knew that in fact Athena did not directly answer the situational question.

Because the problem that was originally unscrupulous is a very pitfall problem. Students are against you. If you say that students are taught right or wrong, they are likely to be considered to have no ethics. If you leave it alone, you will be considered incompetent.

No matter how you answer, there will be some shortcomings.

"Let me ask a question, too."

Fazu spoke at this time, and he seemed much calmer: "Ms. Athena, what do you think is the significance of our cultivation?"

This question is actually simple, and the answers are diverse.

Some people cultivate to become stronger, some to get revenge, and some to protect their family and friends.

What would Athena answer?

"You still have five minutes to think about."

Boyahan Cook reminded again: "You don't have to rush to answer, you can think clearly."

Athena nodded, thinking slowly.

Actually, she hadn't thought about this problem much before, and now being asked by Fazu, she now feels a little confused.

"Is this difficult to answer?"

The Qing Emperor looked at the time was approaching, and could not help asking.

If asked to answer, he will soon be able to give an answer.


Athena nodded: "I used to practice, I always felt that I would lose to other Greek gods, but then when I became as strong as them, I didn't stop myself. , I ’m just practicing for the purpose of cultivation. If I have to give a definition to this cultivation, I think it is the expectation of the next realm. The sacred point is to be curious about all things in the universe, only to become stronger In order to gain insight into the secrets. "

After she finished speaking, she felt that her answer was terrible.

But this is exactly what she thought. She was out of curiosity about the unknown, otherwise she would not be called the goddess of wisdom.

Just when she thought the interview might be brushed up, one of the young-looking interview teachers took the lead and applauded, and all the teachers then applauded.

This young interview teacher is naturally Wang Xing.

She was a little confused and didn't know why.

At this time, Wang Xing slowly said: "Yes, the purpose of our college is exactly the same. We cultivate to explore the mysteries of all things in the universe. Battles, killings, and everything are just flavors on this road.

Athena was stunned, she did not expect that she accidentally hit the key point.

"Let me ask a question, too."

Xing Tian suddenly said at this time: "If someone wants to break the college, what would you do?"

Boyahan Cook also reminded Athena that he had five minutes, but at this time Athena had blurted out: "If I am a teacher of the academy, that is a member of the academy, whoever breaks the academy is me Enemy. "

In her opinion, this was taken for granted.

Several teachers nodded, and at this time Wang Xing thought about it and asked, "Finally, I will ask a question, can you substitute for a full-time class at the college?"

Full-time is the norm for almost all college teachers.

Although Wang Xing doesn't force it, Athena is definitely best to be full time.

Under the same conditions, she will certainly be admitted to full-time.

This is the current society's recruitment, almost the interview situation, the general recruitment of female employees will recruit children.


Athena thought about it, she didn't need the world very much.

"Well, then I'm fine."

Wang Xingdao, then smiled: "Now, you can also ask us a question."

This is basically a routine question for an interview, and this is also part of the interview.

This question is a good question, but it can add points.


After hearing Athena's joy, it seemed that she really had a question to ask.

"It's true, but only one question can be asked."

Wang Xing said: "You think about it, don't just ask."

Athena nodded, and basically said without any hesitation: "My problem is to become a teacher of the college. I want to break through to Jinxianjing. Is there such an opportunity?"

She said, and that's why she came for the interview.

She just wanted to break into the Golden Wonderland and become a true immortal deity.

Wang Xing froze, looking at Qingdi Road at this time: "Teacher Qingdi, come and answer for him."

Qingdi nodded ~ ~ slowly said: "Naturally there is such an opportunity. Many of our college's Jinxianjing teachers are not as good as you before entering the college. By the way, do you recognize one The **** of the Greek mythological world called Poseidon. When he came in, he was modified to be similar to you. Now he is about to hit the second-grade Taiyi Jinxian of Jinxian. "

Hearing this, Athena froze.

How could she not know Poseidon, but she did not expect that Poseidon also came to the college.

Of course, this Poseidon was previously summoned by a king of cards.

"Well, your interview is over. The interview results can only be determined after we have combined the interviews of other interviewers. For the time being, you should wait in the next room." Wang Xing said, letting Athena be brought Go out.

Several teachers exchanged opinions and thought that Athena was not bad. The only thing that was a little lacking was that it was lower.

"Please hire the next interviewer first."

Wang Xing thought about it and secretly contacted the system.

Then, a familiar white light appeared in front of me, and then a man with black hair and a stinky smell, the first two corners of the man came to the college office.

The moment he saw the man, several teachers took an air-conditioner.

How could this guy be?

This is almost everyone's idea.

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