Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1621: invincible

There are a total of six congenital gods of perfect **** level, and the number is not large.

No one went to fight against Lamont's accurate one. He quickly caught up and grabbed it.

There are five more. The two great gods of the crystal tribe each stare at one, the great gods of the horn tribe stare at one, and the other is the great perfection of the universe.

Wang Xing hesitated for a moment, but headed towards the great consummation **** of the Jiao tribe.

He didn't want to attack the great consummation of this universe, especially the two who are fighting for the innate godhead or the two who have just stood up to defend him.

Then you can only start with the alien race, and the great perfection **** of the Horn race in the alien race is the weakest.

The life and death illusions of the great gods of thunder are once again exhibited. The great consummation **** towards this horned tribe is splitting, penetrating the space and being unstoppable.

The great consummation **** of the horns is about to seize the innate godhead, and at this moment is astonished.

"Do not!"

He shouted, urging the power of the kingdom of God to resist the might of the great gods of thunder.

However, this thunder landed down, incorruptible, tearing time and space, penetrating both realms and directly penetrating into his kingdom of **** dimension, shattering his kingdom of god.

He spit out blood, his expression terrified.

The kingdom of God is destroyed, and the source of his power is gone. There is still the power to fight again.

He was about to run away immediately, and he didn't care about the congenital godhead who fulfilled the perfect **** level.

"Come here!"

Wang Xing sneered, but grabbed one hand towards the man.

Covered by the world in the palm of the hand, the great complete God of the Horns was completely unable to break free and was directly caught by Wang Xing in his palm.

The glass bottle appears.

"Go in!"

Wang Xing loaded the man into it, all in one go.

After completing all of this, he grabbed again towards the innate Godhead who fulfilled God's level, and held it firmly in his hands.

But at this moment, the other two great consummates of the Horns rushed at him.

How could Wang Xing's actions just be concealed?

"Get away!"

Wang Xing drank, and his palms broke out to create an endless world of hell. The power was infinite. It seemed that they would be wrapped in them, and they would perish forever.

The two horned great fulfillment gods did not expect that Wang Xing could still play such an attack at this moment, but it was a reaction, but they were hit, each spit a blood, and the injuries were not minor.

"I caught you too."

Wang Xing's eyes were fierce and he would not miss this great opportunity.

He reached out with both hands at the same time, and grabbed toward the perfection **** of the two horns.

However, at this moment, Lamont stared at Wang Xing, and the mace waved, and all the thorns on the top penetrated into the depths of the space, and drew several dimensions towards Wang Xing.

Fortunately, it is deep in space. There are no physical planets, otherwise this mace can destroy several galaxies.

Wang Xing was shocked by this great power, and he did not dare to take it. He had to abandon the capture of the two horned gods, and after entering the space, quickly moved away.

However, Lamont did not stop there, but continued to hunt down toward Wang.

The mace in his hand kept waving, and one stick after another hit Wang Xing, collapsing the entire space plane.

Many people were shocked by this crazy scene.

After hundreds of consecutive bars like this, Wang Xing finally found a chance to escape.

"Principal Wang."

Cahill saw Wang Xing appearing before him, and at this moment he had already convinced Wang Xing.

Originally he thought that Wang Xing might be a little stronger than him, but now he knows that it is not a little stronger, but too much stronger.

Nothing else, Lamont's mace, he couldn't stop it.

But looking at the current Wang Xing, there is no trace of wolverine, which is completely easy.

"I'm fine. The immortality of this giant deity is really difficult to deal with."

Wang Xing murmured that he had just tried to urge the power of the law to resist Lamont's attack, but it was completely useless.

Lamont's power seems to be able to penetrate the law and reach the body.

"The statement that the Titans can ignore the rules is indeed true, but if I urge the power of the rules to escape, if he does not confront him directly, he will not be able to take me." He continued, having already understood the characteristics of the Titans.

Dealing with the Giant Protoss is really tricky. Only by relying on absolute power can they be suppressed.

"President Wang, you have already acquired so many innate godheads, otherwise we should withdraw."

Cahill thought about it, and he thought it was too dangerous: "Naramonte, no matter how great, wouldn't dare to reach our territory."

Rudolph also nodded secretly. Now the innate gods are almost snatched away, and they can indeed leave.

Some immortals have indeed left.


Wang Xing thought about it and felt that there was no need to stay here, and signaled Cahill and others to go first.

But just as he was about to leave, the aliens such as Lamont surrounded him.

"kill him!"

The crystal perfection **** roared loudly. There were six great perfection gods, and eleven perfect **** aliens attacked Wang Xing.

Cahill and others looked at this scene in horror, and did not expect that the aliens would suddenly focus their forces on besieging the star.

"You think you can kill me like this, it's a dream."

Wang Xing sneered, but he was not afraid at all: "If you want to fight, then even if you come, I will see how you can help me."

He said, pinching his punches in one hand, and printing in his other hand.

Life and death are disillusioned, and the breath of the reincarnation of the heavens is brewing in the palm of the hand: "In the moment of life and death disillusionment, the long night road is long and broken!


Several gods of thunder were released from the palm of the hand. It seemed that there were countless ancient gods holding big axes, splitting the heavens and the earth and establishing the cycle of life and death.

This is still life and death, but the power is several times greater.

boom! boom! boom!

A total of seventeen Clan tribe immortals, which were pouring down in a torrential rain, were immortal and fled.

Even Lamont resisted a breath with a mace, but also found that he could not resist at all, the queen queen retreated hundreds of thousands of miles, and looked panic.


After Wang Xing repulsed all the immortal siege of the alien race, the scepter of the dean turned into a sword and appeared suddenly.

This is the first time he has used a weapon.

With a sword in hand, cut through all eternity, no one can match.

He rushed towards the two great consummation gods of the Horns, and the sword cut through the void and cut out a vacuum world.

The two horned people were so shocked that they were fully satisfied and immediately urged all forces to resist.


The sword crossed, annihilating everything.

All defenses of the two horned great fulfillment gods are useless, and this sword cuts their bodies in half.

The other aliens came to kill Wang Xing again, but Wang Xing held the sword in one hand, killing the Quartet, and the world was even better at it.

Culver and others had originally wanted to come to aid Wang Xing, but at this moment they stopped.

Wang Xing was so powerful that one man did not fall into the wind against all the aliens. Where did he still use them?

Everyone watching this scene was deeply shocked.

After fighting for more than ten minutes in this continuous manner, Wang Xing fought more and more bravely, but seven people of the alien races were all drawn.

Even Lamont was hit in the shoulder by Wang Xing with a sword, and blood was flowing.

After fighting for another five minutes, the aliens finally saw that the situation was wrong, and never dared to fight against Wang Xing again.

All the aliens fled in a hurry, and were extremely embarrassed.

In a blink of an eye, the aliens, including Lamont, ran out, and where was the power when they first arrived.

"Escape fast."

Wang Xing stood in the void, sneering with contempt.

As the figure flashed, he came to Cahill.

"President Wang, you ... you are so strong."

Cahill said tremblingly that one person fought so many aliens alone, and those aliens who had finally been killed scattered and fled, who said that no one would believe it.

Culver and others also came and expressed their goodwill.

Wang Xing said nothing and said to Cahill after dealing with everyone: "Go, let's go back."

Cahill nodded, and several people left immediately.

Milky Way, Earth Federation.

Wang Xing asked lightly, "How about you, how many innate gods have you got?"

He naturally remembered his agreement with Cahill, to fill them with ten innate godheads, and it would not be a trick.


Cahill said a little embarrassed.

If everyone didn't fight for the six congenital astral gods at the end, and gave them a chance, they would really get nothing.

"Then I'll give you eight."

Wang Xing said lightly, with a wave of his hand, eight congenital gods appeared: "I only said that I would give you ten congenital gods, but there is no quality requirement. Now there are two of these eight congenital gods. God-level, six lower god-level, see if there is a problem. "

Cahill nodded, naturally knowing that it was impossible for Wang to give him a high-level innate godhead.

There are two median god-level ones, which are actually very good.

And the two innate godheads they obtained are actually lower **** levels.

While Cahill was examining the eight a priori gods for problems, Wang Xing was also examining his remaining a priori gods.

This time, he obtained a total of thirty-eight innate deities. Before that, he grabbed seven aliens and obtained thirty-two. Then he caught the great consummation **** of the Horns and searched for him. To five, and finally grabbed a congenital goddess of perfect **** level.

Add up to thirty-eight.

There are now eight innate godheads for Cahill, and there are exactly thirty left.

Among these thirty, there are ten innate gods at the lower level, thirteen at the middle level, six at the upper level, and one at the perfect level.

Cahill also finished the inspection at this time, and was a little excited: "No problem, thank you President Wang Xing this time."

Ten innate godheads, he was already satisfied.

He remembered Quinton of Wanyu Commercial Bank, and finally obtained a congenital godhead in disorder.

Nothing comparable to them.

"How many congenital gods have been robbed by all those involved in this contest?"

Wang Xing thought about it, but asked.

He remembered that about five hundred innate godheads flew out at first, and he got forty, and he didn't know if it was too many.

"Probably less than four hundred, more than one hundred escaped too quickly and were not captured."

Cahill thought about it: "But among all the deans, the Dean should have the most innate astrology, followed by the Lagoon of that giant deity. He obtained about thirty innate astrals. Then Calver at the Universe And a great consummation **** of the crystal family, they have all obtained about twenty innate gods. "

Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded secretly.

With less than forty pieces, he had captured one-tenth by himself, which was already very powerful.

Of course, this is also a good strategy for him. Instead of competing for the innate personality, Twenty directly robs those who have captured the innate personality.

Lamont, Culver, and the crystal perfection **** did the same thing.

"This is the end of the matter. You have obtained ten innate godheads, and you can also get resurrection." Wang Xing said, looking at Cahill, "Yes, recently, the Xianhe Group under our Xian Academy thought Is it okay to borrow money from Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank? "

"No, there is absolutely no problem. Xianxian College is still a shareholder of our bank, but if I make a loan, I can make a full loan without interest." Cahill assured, knowing that this was Wang Xing's condition.

"That being the case, let's first lend a trillion yuan of immortal coins, lending a billion years." Wang Xing continued to say nothing, but this surprised Cahill.

A trillion billion coins?

Repaying the loan for one billion years. If it is interest-free, there is no such thing.

For a while, he couldn't help crying or laughing. Where was the loan? It was a complete robbery.

"President Wang, I cannot do this."

He has a pig's face, and this 10 billion immortal coin is not a small amount. The entire Xianhe Group is not worth so many immortal coins.

Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank is rich, but it cannot be squandered like this.

"If you can't be the master, then go back and ask what you can do."

Wang Xing said indifferently, waving his hand to make Cahill get away, this guy is also a messenger.

What else could Cahill say, he had to leave.

After he left, ~ ~ Leng Shuangning appeared, and slowly said, "I just let you take the opportunity to ask for a little hard work, and you want too much."

Wang Xing shook his head.

Then he slowly said, "How much, not much. Cahill told me the news that the small universe is going to be destroyed, but this news is not worth the eight congenital goddesses. At that time, I thought they could win I got five or six, but I did n’t expect that there were only two of them. I asked them for one trillion trillion immortal coins, and if the inferior god-level innate gods are sold well, they can sell hundreds of thousands. 100 million immortal coins, not to mention the median **** level, so they eventually earned. "

Hearing this, Leng Shuangning nodded.

For the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank, a trillion-dollar immortal coin is actually only a small amount of money.

"Furthermore, Cahill sees my strength and naturally wants to sue up. The founders of the Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank also want to sell this favor in order to attract me." Wang Xing continued, and then stopped thinking Talk about this topic, "For now, think about how to allocate the remaining thirty innate gods."

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