Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1620: Dean Wang is so good

After hearing this, Quinton watched Wang Xing take out a small glass bottle, and felt his body tremble.

Just now Wang Xing caught six aliens, but he was vivid.

"You're so bullying."

Quinton hated, naturally he was reluctant to surrender the innate deities that had been hard to come by.

He was thinking about how to escape, secretly looking for opportunities.

"No, don't blame me for doing it myself."

Wang Xing said indifferently: "I know what idea you have, you want to run away, but unfortunately you are destined to run."

After he had spoken, he grabbed a hand towards Quinton.

Quinton felt bound all over his body, completely unable to get rid of it, and immediately turned pale.

"Don't do it, I will."

He yelled hurriedly, and at this time the shadow covering his head disappeared: "It's too scary, what exactly do you cultivate. Why is there such a strong existence outside Shenhe? reasonable."

Wang Xing smiled and didn't explain anything to Quinton.

"Give you."

Quinton said, threw the innate godhead to Wang Xing and left unwillingly.

He was really hurt and he wanted to die.

"Yes, twenty-five."

Wang Xing muttered and looked somewhere.

It was a complete God of crystal family, very powerful. She killed three immortals and seized a full seven innate godheads.

"Good, it's her."

Wang Xing said, the figure flashed over.

The Crystal woman also found him and sneered: "It's so brave that I came to my door."

She has the practice of perfection, and her combat power is comparable to that of the great perfection.

She was not afraid of Wang Xing at all.

"I have noticed you for a long time. There are seven innate gods in your body." Wang Xing said lightly. "I heard that the Crystal family is very good at fighting. I just met today. By the way, I also prepared a good place for you , There are many people there who are probably interested in you. "

It is estimated that none of the students and teachers in the college have met the crystal family.

When he met the Crystal people this time, he naturally wanted to catch one back, and the Giant Protoss was also his object of arrest.

"Without your control, you are trying to die."

The crystal woman said, the sword in her hand was chopped towards Wang Xing.

Wang Xing clearly felt that when the woman launched the attack, a force emerged from the small crystals in her body, and it was terrible to gather together.

"It really looks alike."

Wang Xing murmured that the mystery of the cosmic flow method and the special body of the crystal family were almost the same.

Next, he couldn't help thinking about it.

The Jingzu woman's sword had been beheaded, and he was heading towards his neck, trying to give him a decapitation.

"Good job."

Wang Xing said, grabbing a hand towards the woman's sword.

Suddenly, an invisible space force firmly wrapped the woman's sword.

"what happened?"

The woman found something wrong. She felt her sword was in the mud, and the power above seemed to dissipate quickly.

She looked towards delusion and found the disdain in the corner of Wang Xing's mouth.

"He did it."

The woman was shocked. He didn't know how Wang Xing did it, but she already felt a danger.

Sure enough, at this time I saw Wang Xing's other hand bend a finger, and that turned out to be a sword spirit towards her brows.

"This person must be a first-class rule of practice, otherwise even if the realm is greater, our crystal family will be able to share with these indigenous immortals, instead of being controlled by him as soon as he comes up.

The woman thought in her heart, but immediately fled back.

However, her sword could not be pulled out, but she had to grit her teeth and abandon it. After all, life preservation was the most important at this time.

Suddenly, she just avoided a sword gas that Wang Xing would kill.

"I was really guessed. This sword can't kill her." Wang Xing was also a little surprised.

If it was Rudolph, this sword qi would definitely kill him, but the Crystal women obviously have a strong sense of fighting, but they easily hid away.

There was little consideration, and Wang Xing chased after the Jingzu woman, and the speed was extremely fast.

"You cannot escape."

He said in his mouth that a punch blasted at the Crystal woman.

This is a bland punch, but it ignores the space barrier and seems to lock the woman across countless spaces.

The woman panicked, but also punched in the past.

A loud noise came, and the woman was completely lost and flew out.

"This person is too strong, I am not an opponent at all."

The woman realized this, and flew towards the distance, she had to run away immediately, or she had to be caught alive by Wang Xing.

But at this time, she found that the world was dark, and she could see nothing around.

Not good!

She knew she must have fallen into some space, but she wanted to break free, but found it completely useless.


Wang Xing's indifferent voice came, took out a glass bottle, and put the woman in.

This is already the seventh alien he caught.

But at this time, someone noticed him, that is the man of the great completeness of the crystal family.

His name is Mikela.

"who are you?"

Mikela said, staring at Wang Xing with a grim look: "Leave Melissa, or I'll let you die."

Melissa was the Crystal woman just caught by Wang Xing.

Wang Xing shook his head, and he naturally could not let people go: "The crystal family is a very strange race, and I am very curious about it. I will take this Melissa back to study it, and it will not kill her."

Hearing this, Mikela couldn't believe it.

The person in front grabbed Melissa and turned out to study the crystal family.

When was their crystal family the object of other people's studies, especially by the other side so straightforwardly.

"You are the most aboriginal indigenous immortal I have ever seen, and you are delusional about studying our crystal family. In this case, I will let you know how terrible the crystal family is. I will arrest you, but I will not kill you, but I will keep Torture you until you can't bear it yourself, your soul collapses, and it turns into the most basic cosmic energy. That feeling will make you unforgettable. "McLaren said, and rushed to Wang Xing immediately.

Wang Xing is not afraid, it seems to have been waiting for this moment.

In the distance, Cahill has been watching Wang Xing.

He was stunned when he saw Wang Xing grabbing a crystal perfection god.

Now looking at Wang Xing's battle with the crystal perfection god, he feels that his brain is not enough.

"Sir, why did President Wang provoke the great consummation **** of the crystal clan, didn't he say that we should avoid the aliens?" Rudolph said in a deep puzzlement.

The same is true of the other two, which is too different from their plan.

In particular, the great consummation **** of this crystal family should be among the top five beings among all the people, giving them 10,000 courage to dare not provoke them.

"I don't know that President Wang is so scary."

Cahill couldn't laugh or cry: "He didn't take my words seriously from the beginning. What I said was to avoid aliens and fight for a little more innate personality. He has now arrested seven aliens, the weakest one is of the higher **** level, and he has more than thirty innate gods. This is not the case, he just caught another crystal tribe's perfect god, and was The great consummation **** of the crystal family has discovered, how can others let him go. "

Hearing this, all three of Rudolph were dumbfounded.

Picking out aliens?

Is there such an operation? I don't know if aliens are easy to mess with.

"President Wang is really amazing."

Gavin admired it a bit, and instead said, "The dean has acquired more than thirty innate deities. Have you got anything now?"

After hearing this, several people were embarrassed.

They didn't get one of the innate godheads, and they are still nothing.

In the void.

Wang Xing and McLaren fought, and I have to say that McLaren is really powerful enough to be comparable to the general god.

Hundreds of moves in a row, Wang Xing only slightly prevailed.

"So strong, in the realm, you are the strongest indigenous I have ever seen."

Shouting for Mikela, one blade evolved into countless blade shadows, breaking through the galaxy, cutting through the source of the law, covering Wang Xing.

This knife is horrible.

"It is worthy of the crystal family. Such an attack of this intensity has been performed ten times in a row, but the power has not weakened at all."

Wang Xing said that he knew that this was because the energy in the crystal family was extremely abundant, so he could unscrupulously perform such an attack.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing's hand suddenly vacillated.

Just looking at the depths of the endless space, the thunder is rolling, that is the thunder of destruction, but also the thunder of creation.

Everyone also noticed this scene at this time, and looked at Wang Xing in disbelief, wondering who motivated such a powerful secret technique.

In fact, this is the life and death illusions of the idols in the jail power. This is the germination of thunder, which can destroy the universe and create everything.

In one thunder, vitality sprouted, and all kinds of births.

In a single thunder, it can also shatter countless kingdoms of God and make all beings surrender.

The thrill of thunder and lightning in this method can evolve the illusionist's thoughts, but it is a mysterious magical power combining illusion and thunder.


In the depths of the void, King Mckrah was horrified: "God-level mystery, this must be god-level mystery!"

Unlike the little god-level mystery, the great god-level mystery, and the main god-level mystery, the god-king-level mystery is extremely precious.

The general master **** can master a kind of mysterious king-level mystery, which is already very good.

Now Wang Xing's life and death annihilation of the great gods of the heavens is considered to be a god-level mystery. It can be said that many people are dumbfounded.


The **** thunder fell, and all of McLaugh's attacks turned into nothingness, and he was twitched by a thunder himself.

Cahill and others were stunned at this moment, and Wang Xing's power once again refreshed their cognition.

"It just made him slightly injured, and the defense of this crystal is extremely terrible."

Wang Xing thought, manipulating Shen Lei again, and became fierce: "Catch one is also a catch, then catch another, this guy is a great consummation god, and it has more research value."

With that said, a thunder fell again.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of McLaren.

He held a mace and shook it violently towards the **** of thunder in the sky. The space was suddenly broken, and the **** of thunder was also shattered.

It is him, the great perfection **** of that giant deity.

Among them, no one is considered to be the most powerful being, and no one wants to provoke him.

"Thanks, Lamont."

McKela escaped, and thanked him immediately, then he was quite dignified: "This indigenous is too strong, I feel like he is a perfect god, but also a great perfect god, but the attack he played was simply appalling. Another battle Until now, his momentum has not weakened at all, and his divine power reserve seems to be more than that of our crystal family. Such people must not stay and must be eliminated. "

Hearing this, the Lagoon man also nodded.

Wang Xing also felt too weird.

"kill him."

Lamont thought for a while, and signaled that the great consummation of McLaren and another Horn tribe would besiege the planet.

But at this time a man and a woman jumped out.

These two people are the great perfection gods of this universe. At this time, they choose to protect Wang Xing, and they can't watch Wang Xing be killed by aliens.

"Are you OK?"

One of the men said, "My name is Culver. It is from the Cosmic Arena. Although these aliens are strong, they are not as good as us. With us today, he cannot kill you."

Hearing this, Wang Xing nodded, and he was still very grateful to this Culver.

At this time, the woman next to her also said, "I was sent here from the battlefield outside the Shenhe River, but I hate these aliens."

She said, showing a great hatred for aliens.

Wang Xing was a little surprised, but did not expect the woman to look very weak, without the slightest intention of killing, but returned from the battlefield outside the domain.

Lamont frowned when he saw this.

If no one helped Wang Xing, he really wanted to besiege Wang Xing to try it, but now he has jumped out of two Aboriginal perfection gods, making him lack of confidence.

At this time, suddenly a flash of light flashed.

Everyone looked at the past, only to see a whole six clusters of light that are much brighter than before in the small universe ~ ~ A perfect god-level congenital goddess! "

Some people exclaimed: "This must be the final original law of this small universe, grab it!"

Hearing this, almost no one hesitated.

The congenital goddess of perfection level, only one can make a person who has just cultivated become a consummate god, which is more precious than all previous congenital deities.


Lamont also yelled at this time, and had no time to take care of Wang Xing.

Suddenly, including Culver, rushed up.

If anyone is slow at this moment, they will lose their first chance, and they may be in conflict with a congenital deity who has a perfect **** level.

Wang Xing was no exception and immediately rushed up.

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