Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1630: Your task, kill him

When Wang Xing said so, several people had no opinion.

Silver Wing Cosmic Country, Yin Yize is sitting in a palace that is several times more magnificent than before, looking at a star map and thinking about what.

In the void, a woman was watching Yin Yize.

"Sure enough, this Yinyize also fuses a mass of the universe."

The woman thought, she had seen through the details of Yin Yize: "The law of the origin of the universe collapsed and countless origins scattered. Many people took this step to the sky and became immortal, even me is the beneficiary. But there is no absolute good thing in the world, some people find these origin It can be integrated with each other, so everyone has to grab the root of others in order to become stronger and to protect themselves. This Silverwing Ze Xiuwei has only reached the second stage of immortality, which is comparable to my strength. But he is in this way The backward Wuxingshan Starfield has not been discovered by anyone until now. "

The woman hit her idea on Yin Yize.

However, she can't guarantee to kill Yin Yize, so she has been waiting for an opportunity.

But at this time, she was surprised to find that someone walked towards Yin Yize's palace without any obstacles.

It's weird that this man is clearly there, but no one has found his existence.

The woman was shocked at the bottom of her heart, and she did not find out when the man appeared, but it did not cause any spatial fluctuations.

She immediately understood that this man must be a master.

She was motionless, trying to hide her breath, for fear of being discovered.

This person is naturally Wang Xing.

All the way to the palace, Wang Xing looked at Yin Yize, and said lightly: "Don't always think about occupying more territory, it's useless."

He has nothing to say about Yin Yize and no dislike.

Yin Yize just did what he wanted to do.


Yin Yize raised his head and saw the star who suddenly appeared in the palace: "Who are you, how dare you break into my palace?"

He said, looking at the guards around him.

No one found Wang Xing, and no one even heard his conversation with Wang Xing.

This is not that the guards are asleep, nor that they are hypnotized, but that they are no longer in the same dimension.

"You think you have become immortal, and no one is your opponent outside the Shenhe River, and you will be lawless. In fact, this is what you think. If you were not in the Wuxing Mountain Star Domain, you might have been hunted by people. Wang Xing continued, completely ignoring Yin Yize's shock and anger. "Don't you believe what I said, you can attack me with your strongest power and see if you can defeat me."

He said, looking at Yin Yize defiantly.

Yin Yize heard the words of Wang Xing and shot decisively.

"No matter who you are, let's die!"

He banged on Wang Xing with a punch, and was powerful enough to destroy a dimension.

Wang Xing saw Yin Yize's attack coming, without any fear, but was curious about this power.

Boom ~

This fist hit firmly on Wang Xing, only to see Wang Xing's body blasted into countless copies.


In the void, the woman was horrified to see the scene.

She didn't expect that Wang Xing looks very powerful, but was punched into a cosmic particle by Yin Yize.

But at this time, an amazing scene appeared, but those cosmic particles suddenly re-aggregated again, like a jigsaw piece together again.

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, not only Yin Yize, even the women were stunned, unbelievable.

"This is a cosmic force that brings together all the laws."

At this time, Wang Xing opened his mouth slowly. He has realized the power of Yin Yize ’s fist: "The law of the origin of the universe is a fusion of all the laws. The origin of his fall is not like the formation of a small universe. Innate Godhead. "

Then, he looked at Yin Yize.

The Yin Yize in front of him seemed to be transparent. Yin Yi Ze had no godhead in his body, and was replaced by a law of origin.

"Who the **** are you and why won't anything happen if you take my punch?"

Yin Yize's face was gloomy, and finally there was a trace of fear.

He didn't dare to do it anymore, and the feeling that Wang Xing gave him was really unpredictable.

"You can call me Dean Wang."

Wang Xing thought about it: "I founded Xianxian Academy. I came here this time to be curious about you, not to kill you, because you are not worthy of my shot. At the time, the original law of the universe collapsed, I observed There are three clusters of the origin of the universe scattered into the Wuxingshan star area, and one of them is exactly what you got. But obviously, although you have obtained a cluster of the origin of the universe, and after fusion, it becomes immortal, but you have no understanding of the immortal world. "

Yin Yize could not believe that the person in front of him turned out to be the dean of Xianxian College.

Regardless of this, Wang Xing continued: "It ’s like your current state, but also the second-order **** of immortality. Not to mention in Shenhe, there are a lot of large star fields outside Shenhe that can suppress you. Exist. You may feel that you have got a cosmic origin and whether you are the son of Destiny. In fact, it is just that you are lucky. Outside of the river of God, there are not a million people who have the origin of the universe at the same time. 100,000. "

Just luck?

Yin Yize felt all his pride and was crushed in an instant.

Wang Xing smiled, but suddenly he grabbed at Yin Yize, and suddenly a mass of things in his body was to be taken out.

"What do you want to do?"

Ginzawa was terrified, and he found that he didn't even have the resistance.

"Rest assured, I just want to study the origin of the universe in your body." Wang Xing said, and saw only a gray universe origin that was stripped from Yin Yize's body, "Sure enough, this The origin of the universe is a special piece of energy. "

His speculations about the origin of the universe have now been verified.

A day later.

With a wave of Wang Xing's hand, the origin of the universe returned to Yin Yize's body again: "The thing is returned to you, this thing is not useful to me."

Feeling the return of power, Yin Yize was a little dumbfounded, and the dean did not want it.

"I should go too."

Wang Xing said, thinking and thinking again: "You take people away from the Shenhe River galaxy, otherwise someone will come to your trouble, they will not speak like me. In addition, I will give you a suggestion, Don't care about the Silver Wing Cosmic Kingdom anymore, hide it, practice a lot, and see how to improve your strength, otherwise you will be killed soon. "

Then, Wang Xing looked at the position of the woman deep in the void.

The woman's body trembled, and there was only one thought, he found me.

But at this time, Wang Xing had disappeared, and the women did not know how Wang Xing left.

Yin Yize at this moment, his face was blue and white, and the arrival of Wang Xing today is really too great a blow to him.

After thinking twice, he accepted Wang Xing's suggestion, and simply arranged the matter of the Silver Wing Universe to make people evacuate from the Shenhe River galaxy and hide himself.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing secretly considered one thing.

That's how to get the current college student to break through the Jinxian realm, so he can unblock the university department.

According to the system, there must be three college students to break through.

In fact, this is also a side mission issued by the system.

The specific task content is this, the task description: help three high school students break through to the realm of Jinxian. Mission requirements: 100-year time limit. Quest rewards: Ten talent shards, all the cultivation methods appearing in the world.

For this side mission, the reward is still very good.

In particular, all the cultivation exercises that appear in the Cangman world are not one or two, but there are also at least one hundred high-order exercises.

Wang Xing thought twice and selected three students.

Mung Qingzhi, Hua Tianjun and He Yunze.

These three people's cultivation reached the peak of Shengxian Nine, and they could break through one step.

Among them, Meng Qingzhi cultivates the law of water, and the three forms of water are actually three laws. Now he is united into one, condensed into his own exclusive law.

This rule belongs to the top even in the second-class rule.

There is no need to say Hua Tianjun. He merged the origins of the demon. Later, he was directed by Wang Xing to directly condense the universe seeds. In fact, he was only one step away from Jinxian realm.

In the end, He Yunze, his cultivating bloodline talent is terrifying. As long as he breaks through the realm of Jinxian, he can be transformed into a real virtual dragon and roar the stars.

In terms of these three people, the difficulty of breakthrough is much smaller.

Just how to let them break through is not a simple matter, and even Wang Xing is not completely sure.

Pointing at them simply doesn't make sense anymore, what they need is experience.

Over and over again, Wang Xing came up with a good idea.

In front of his eyes came the information of a man called Mike, an immortal who had recently broken through.

"Dean, are you looking for us?"

Hua Tianjun, He Yunze, and Munchyeong were called by Wang Xing.

They were a little curious about what Wang Xing asked them to do.


Wang Xing nodded: "According to your situation, the college has arranged some special tasks for you. Please take a look."

Then, Wang Xing tossed Mike's information to three people.

The three looked closely.

Mike: Male.

Race: Serpentine.

Age: 30 million years.

Strength: Twenty years ago broke into the realm of the next god.

The following are some descriptions of Mike, including the evils of Mike. He has destroyed more than one hundred planets of life, and it can be said that he is an unforgettable person.

After the three of them watched, they were still at a loss.

"Your mission, kill him."

Wang Xing said lightly, which surprised the three of them: "I have sent Mike's position to you. As long as he is alive, I will push you his position every ten days until you kill him. "

The three were dumbfounded, what the **** was going on.

He Yunze couldn't help but asked, "Dean, although this Mike is abominable, what he has committed is not in our star domain. Do we have to run so far to kill him?"

Although Wen Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun didn't speak, they almost mean the same thing.

Wang Xing glared at He Yunze: "What does it mean to run so far to kill him? I don't understand."

Good people good things?

He Yunze couldn't laugh or cry, what a reason.

"Don't ask so much. You just have to kill him. At that time, the academy will not only reward you with mission points, but all the wealth of Mike will also belong to you." Wang Xingdan said, "If the three of you can't kill each other together, Mike, at that time I think you can't complete the task and inform you directly on the college bulletin board. "

Hearing this, the three could not help but tremble.

What is this, threat?

You dean, how can you do that.

None of the three could understand Wang Xing's intentions, but when it came to this, the three could only hold their noses dry.

Out of the Dean's office, they found that Mike's location had been issued to them.

"What do you think the dean thinks?"

He Yunze sighed: "I really don't understand the dean. Let us three go out and do good deeds. Do we want us to represent the Immortal College and make our college famous in the universe?"

Munchyeong shook his head: "It must not be that simple, maybe Mike has the three things we need."

Hua Tianjun is directly: "No matter what the reason, kill this Mike first and then say ~ ~ This person destroys the planet of life, causing the death of hundreds of millions of souls, which is even worse than aliens."

In this regard, the three are extremely unified.

This Mike really damn.

The three then set off, and they reached a star field called the Shuiwenshan Star Field.

Since it is now possible to reach any star field from the college, it didn't take long for three people.

The Nine Sin Star, a very rich life planet, is also a sin star.

Many practitioners hunted down by various forces in the universe hide here, and it is also full of blood and killing.

"The Dean gave a position to show that this Mike is in this planet."

Hua Tianjun said, God's consciousness swept the entire planet: "Here it is, this Mike is in the slave market of this planet."

"What are you waiting for, kill him."

He Yunze said, the figure flashed into the Nine Sin Stars.

Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun smiled bitterly and had to immediately follow up. After all, they were dealing with a lower god, even if it was a lower **** who had just broken through.

But God is God, and strength cannot be underestimated.

"Mike, your death is over."

When Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun arrived, they heard He Yunze's voice over there.

At this moment, He Yunze stood in the void, tightly locking a snake-headed man in the slave market.


Hearing this, Mike looked up and frowned.

He also knew that he was very guilty. Many people wanted to kill him, so he kept a low profile and even hidden his identity, but he didn't expect it was found.

It's just that the person who found him said that his death had arrived, but he was not an immortal at all, it was just the emperor of the realm.

Unconsciously, he was already extremely angry.

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