Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1631: Good people good things

Immortality should be high, when the emperor of the realm of the kingdom can be provocative.

"What kind of thing are you? It is ridiculous that an emperor in the realm of kings would dare to come and kill me." Mike said indifferently. This is his pride as an immortal god. Once he becomes an immortal god, it represents life Leaping is not something that anyone can humiliate. "I was hidden in the Nine Sin Stars well, but it was discovered by you, and now everyone knows that if I don't kill you, I can't justify it."

He said, he came across from He Yunze.

At this time, Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun also rushed over, and they surrounded Mike with He Yunze.

"It turned out to be three people."

Mike was a little surprised: "It doesn't matter how many people you care about, as long as it is not an immortal god, I will crush you a little bit."

Under the stars, many people are watching this scene.

"It turned out that the Emperor Mike, who broke into the immortal realm 20 years ago, came to the Nine Sin Stars."

"It is said that this Emperor Mike is very fierce. There are more than a hundred life planets destroyed by him. Several forces are now pursuing him."

"What are these three young emperors? It looks like they are wearing the same clothes, they should be from the same organization. But the emperor and immortality seem to be only one step away, but their strength is very different."

A group of people were discussing and they were not very optimistic about the three Huatianjun.


He Yunze did not intend to waste any more time. He motioned to Hua Tianjun and Meng Qingzhi, and rushed towards Mike.

Hua Tianjun and Munchyeong also followed immediately.

"court death!"

Mike Leng hummed, thinking that the three were here to die.

He blasted in the direction of He Yunze with a punch, as if a sacred mountain smashed towards He Yunze. This holy mountain has an extremely horrifying power that can suppress everything, surrender everything, crush everything, and that kind of power shocks everyone. This is the power of immortality.

But He Yunze didn't see the slightest fear.

He didn't even dodge, but banged at Mike with the same punch.

He even dreamed that Yu Mike was fighting hard, which made everyone who was concerned about this war startled, thinking that He Yunze was crazy.

"It's ridiculous, do you still want to fight hard with me as an emperor?"

Mike thinks the same way, sneering: "The power of immortality can unite the kingdom of God, which is a small dimension world, which is not comparable to the small world of the kingdom of kingdoms. You and I fight for strength, see me How can I crush you in one shot? "

He said that the two had collided together.

At this time, he only saw He Yunze's arm suddenly emit a dazzling golden light, and at the same time a huge dragon groan came from his body.

Behind him, a virtual shadow dragon appeared, defying everything, and looked at Mike coldly.

Mike froze and watched the scene incredulously: "Too virtual dragon?"

He recognized that the virtual shadow was just too virtual Tianlong, the ninth existence on the star monster ranking.

He didn't know what was going on, and thought it was a secret technique practiced by He Yunze.

However, the strength passed through He Yunze's fist had changed his face suddenly. The strength was as high as the solstice, far more than the Emperor. It seemed that He Yunze's body was really hiding a too virtual dragon.


Mike stepped back hundreds of thousands of miles, his face was extremely ugly: "It has such a great power that it is comparable to mine."

It is not that no emperor can possess the power of immortality, but it is too rare to be encountered by him so easily.

He looked at He Yunze, already full of vigilance.

The people watching the battle below were also startled and couldn't believe their eyes.

What they saw was that an emperor was evenly divided in strength with an immortal god.

Although this is just the immortal inferior **** who has only broken through two decades, it is also amazing.

Except for those peerless geniuses and arrogant sons in the universe, who can have such power can contend with immortality in the realm of the emperor.

"I don't know which force's peerless genius is really shocking." Someone said slowly, already guessing whether He Yunze came from the extreme cultivation forces in those universes, because there is only such a place to cultivate such arrogance.

Others have almost the same idea, but they searched on the interstellar network and did not find any information about He Yunze.

In the void, the battle continued.

After Mike flew back, Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun simultaneously turned into horns and beheaded at Mike.

"Goblin Dance!"

"Water, freeze!"

They used a knife and a sword to manipulate Mike with two different forces.

Mike looked up, horrified.

Seeing only the shadows of the sky, it seems that the **** demons one by one are coming towards him, and they are going to devour him and his kingdom.

At the same time, an ice-cold power shrouded his whole body, causing his blood and divine power to freeze.

He wanted to resist, but his power was not working smoothly, and his body became stiff. This is exactly the power of Munchyeong's law.

"Do not!"

He yelled, and the power of the godhead and kingdom was at its best.

However, the strength of Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun fell down, but it directly shredded all his defenses, and a piece of the first-order original artifact armor on him was broken into several pieces.

He spit out blood and was shot down.

This scene made countless people stunned, feeling a sense of collapse.

Mike, the next god, was beaten and vomited by the two emperors. At first glance, he was seriously injured.

"Peerless genius, they are two peerless geniuses." Someone said with great certainty at this time.

Don't look at it two-to-one, but the ability is more than one immortal, which shows that both people have comparable or close to ordinary immortality.

In the realm of the emperor, it has immortal combat power, not a peerless genius.

"Stop it!"

He Yunze, Hua Tianjun and Meng Qing three surrounded Mike again.

If they can't even kill a lower **** who has just broken through twenty years ago, what a college outstanding student.

"and many more."

Mike said palely, "Who are you? I and you have no revenge. Why did you kill me?"

That being said, many people understand.

Mike, who was still very tough, was scared after seeing the strength of the three.

Obviously, the three really have the power to kill Mike.

"Senior high school third grade student, Mungyeong!"

"Third year high school student at Xianxian College, Hua Tianjun!"

"Yunze, a third-year student at Xianxian College!"

The three said separately that they did not need to hide their identities.

Immortal College!

When many people heard the name, they were stunned.

They thought a lot, but why didn't they think these three peerless talents would come from an unknown college.

It's the same with Mike, he hasn't heard of any immortal college at all.

But at this time, some people exclaimed: "I know this Xian Academy, they are a practice college in Wuxingshan Starfield. They are very strong. Thousands of immortals were arrested, and two of them existed in the realm of God. This incident spread to many star domains at the time, but many people were unwilling to believe. "

Many people were dumbfounded when they heard him. Is this fairy college so big?

They immediately went to the interstellar network for a query, and found that there really is such a college.

"I don't seem to offend your Xianxian Academy, why did you kill me?" Mike frowned. He didn't understand the reason for this, and he felt dead.

Others were also curious.

Is it that Mike offended the Immortal Academy, or else the students of the Immortal Academy ran so far to kill McGonagall?

"Offending our college?"

He Yunze thought for a while and shook his head: "That's not true. If you offend our college, maybe the dean has already shot you and killed you. Where can we get it?"

He said lightly, but everyone else had a feeling of fucking.

Since you haven't offended your college, why did you kill McGonagall, does the idle egg hurt?

It's the same with Mike. This is what's going on. If you want to kill me, don't ask the reason, what do you think of me?

Is it experience?

Munchyeong thought about it at this time, but added: "If there is a reason, you can understand that we are doing good deeds."

Speaking of this, He Yunze and Hua Tianjun nodded in approval.

After all, this is what the Dean told them. They killed McGonagall to do good deeds.

"Good people good things?"

Mike almost spit out old blood. What's the reason? Your college still popular this: "Nonsense, it's nonsense. It must be where I offended your college, then you will come and kill me."

He is more willing to believe this reason, what good people and good things are completely nonsense.

Looking at the entire universe, I haven't heard of which genius will take the initiative to do good things.

"Just think what you want, anyway, you will die today." Hua Tianjun said indifferently.

He felt that he didn't have to bother with a dead person, just go straight to work.

Simple and rude, this is the king.

"It seems that you die or I die today. You are very strong, each of them can be compared to the immortality that has just broken through, but if I take one of you to be buried, I can still do it." Mike threatened Dao, he knows that the three men work well together, and he wants to use this method to differentiate the three men.

But he was disappointed.

"There is so much nonsense."

Meng Qingzhi hummed, "If you can pull us alone for funeral, just come."

With that said, he killed the sword in the past.

He Yunze and Hua Tianjun also shot at the same time without any hesitation.

"You forced me."

He said that a slashing knife appeared in his hand, but he was desperately beheading towards He Yunze.

He completely gave up his defense.

In fact, his idea was very simple. He continued to entangle with the three people of He Yunze. He was bound to die. It was better to kill a way and run away.

He Yunze did not expect that Mike would break his wrist, let go of all defenses, and attack him alone. It really seemed like he was going to trade his life. .

At this moment, he immediately urged all forces to resist.

But all his defenses were broken a little bit at this moment, and that stab would cut his body in half.

"Do not!"

He Yunze roared. In the face of the crisis of life and death, all his potentials had erupted.

Suddenly there was some abnormality in his body, and some of the power contained in all his cells was completely excited.

There was a mighty power on his body, proud of the world, staring at everything.

As this force was stimulated, his body changed, and it became a virtual dragon that was thousands of miles long.


A sound of Long Yin came, and He Yunze completed the transformation.

He was dumbfounded by himself, and did not even think that he could complete the transformation of human form and too virtual Tianlong in anxiety.

He felt the power in his body at this moment, it seemed to be more than ten times stronger.

He looked at Mike's attacks again, but felt that it was no longer scared, only saw his dragon claws slammed, and caught these attacks to smash.

At the same time, his claws continued to grapple towards Mike, tearing him to pieces.

"What the **** is this!"

Mike shouted, but it was a retreat ~ ~ He Yunze's snatch, but he continued to bite at Mike, straight up a dragon, and broke both legs of McGonagall.

"it hurts!"

Mike yelled and turned into a mist of blood and fled towards the void.

"Want to go, stop dreaming."

At this time, Meng Qingzhi shot decisively, only to see a magic weapon flying out of his body. This magic weapon was like a pagoda. He flew out to cover Mike in flight.

McDonald felt immediately stuck in the quagmire, completely trapped.

This magic weapon is the seven treasures of Lingtian Lingbao, which was originally given to Meng Qingzhi by Wang Xing. Now it is one of his hidden cards.


As Meng Qingzhi trapped Mike, Hua Tianjun immediately cut into the kingdom of Mike's kingdom and completely destroyed his kingdom.

Losing the power of the kingdom of God, Qibao's gold tower shattered Mike's soul directly.

Mike died like this, and he didn't even expect to die in the hands of the three emperors.

The people watching the battle have not responded yet.

The three killed McGonagall, collected McGonagall's deity, and all the treasures, and they returned to life.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing watched the three of them come back, but it was no surprise: "Is it fast? This killed that Mike."

Then, he took a special look at He Yunze.

He can see the transformation of He Yunze. This time it was only in anxiety that he completed the transformation of Taixu Tianlong, and if it can be stabilized, then he can truly break through to Jinxian realm.

This is a good start. Wang Xing will naturally strike the iron while he is hot: "Look at this immortal material, he is your next goal."

Then, he threw another piece of information in the past.

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