Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1632: Precarious

Meng Qingzhi, He Yunze and Hua Tianjun watched in succession.

The content of the intelligence is simple.

It recorded a man named Zandra who was also a wicked man.

It was detailed that Zandela belonged to the orcs and was once a well-known slave trader outside the Shen River. He captured slaves everywhere, leading to many genocides.

A hundred years ago, Zandela broke through to the immortal realm. He retreated behind the scenes and the slaves continued to be run by his men.

"Such people should be killed!"

Meng Qingzhi said angrily that under the influence of Xianxian Academy, the Milky Way galaxy and even the Wuxingshan Starfield are now free of slave traders. The former slaves here were also liberated and freed. In the education of the Earth Federation, slave traders have long been defined as the poorest and most horrible people in the universe. Now there are also groups in the academy that specialize in combating the slave trade and aiming at the liberation of slaves.

"The slave trade is the easiest way to gather wealth, but it is also the bloodiest one. Many of the most promising races in the universe have not been exhibited, mostly because they were targeted by these slave traders, and the entire race was arrested and sold. .As a result, many races have become more terrible than the black slave trade in our early days. "Hua Tianjun also said slowly.

Their college is adamant against such behavior.

Therefore, in the rules and regulations of the college, there are many cases where the college will be directly expelled, and participation in the slave trade is one of the top ten among them.

"What are you waiting for, let's kill this Zandra now."

He Yunze already seemed a little impatient. His last transformation was too vicious. Dragon let him know that if he wanted to break through, he would have to fight more. This is naturally the first response: "This Zandela is five hundred years The immortal realm that broke through the road before is estimated to be a little stronger than Mike. We don't think it would be too difficult to kill him. "

Munchyeong and Hua Tianjun nodded secretly.

Wang Xing smiled: "Since this is the case, you are the main one this time, and Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun are here to help you."

After hearing this, He Yunze was looking forward to it.

The three went away and followed them about Zandela's position.

In the universe, an unknown desolate planet.

He Yunze and others came here, and according to the location of Wang Xing, this Zandela was hiding here.

The three could not help but surround the planet.

Next, He Yunze shot and blasted towards the planet. At once, the entire planet was smashed, and an orc man was drilled out of the planet.


Zandela was very angry at the moment. When he saw that there were only three king emperors, he immediately wanted to kill the three.

Dare to disturb him to practice, it is absolutely unforgiving.

However, at this time He Yunze shot immediately, stopped Zandela, and fought with him.

I have to say that Zandela is terrible. He is much stronger than Mike.

If it is said that Mike has just broken through, and the kingdom of God in the body has only one small thousand worlds, then Zandela has reached ten.

Of course it is said this way, but both of them are still in the lower realm of the gods.

At this time, Wen Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun did not rush to shoot, but watched the battle as Wang Xing ordered.

Time passed slowly.

He Yunze fought with Zandela for more than an hour. Although He Yunze was completely suppressed, and several times were surrounded by danger, but this stimulated He Yunze's potential. The power in his body was gradually captured by him.

He himself also understood that this power should be the blood power of Taixu Tianlong.

When will he be able to control this power himself, and be able to transform himself into a futuristic dragon, he will be able to break through the realm of Jinxian that he longs for.

And together, if he is enlightened, he can't have this kind of gain.

A day later.

Zandela died, still under the siege of the three men He Yunze.

He Yunze could not kill Zandela alone, but after this battle, he felt that the power in his bloodline had been slowly released.

Another immortal died, or was killed by three students of the Immortal College, which caused a greater sensation.

Among immortal colleges.

Wang Xing looked at the three of them and threw a word of information at one person.

"Go, kill him."

He said lightly, if it is not known that this is Xianxian Academy, it is estimated that some people think this is a killer organization.

The three looked, and this time they were going to kill a horn.


All three were a bit surprised, and the goals seemed different this time.

"The law of the origin of the universe has changed. Many of the lower-order immortals in Shenhe can easily come out of Shenhe, and many of them have come. These aliens are the life of another universe. They are related to our own universe. Living creatures have always been in an endless situation. This alien horn tribe you are hunting this time, he has lurked to the Vortex River galaxy, which is only ten large galaxies from us a few days ago, with the intention of subverting the Wuxingshan star field. "

Wang Xing said faintly, that is, the practice of this horn tribe is too low, otherwise he would take the shot himself.

Right now, the Horned immortal is left to test the three.

"The Horned Man, according to my guess, he broke through to the immortal realm only three hundred years ago, but Rao is so much better than Mike and Zandra you killed before." Wang Xing reminded, "If it is If there is no problem, you can think about **** this horned immortal. "

The three nodded and went out to discuss.

In the three-month boat, the three returned, and this time it was obvious that Hua Tianjun was hung up a little.

Fortunately, they have completed the task.

Wang Xing nodded secretly, he could see the progress of the three, especially He Yunze's distance to the Jinxian realm seemed to be one step closer.

Later, Wang Xing continued to arrange for them to hunt.

Anyway, it is not the immortality of the alien race, that is, the unforgiving person in this universe.

Fifteen years later.

The three of Hua Tianjun are trimming on a planet, and Wang Xing rarely gave them a month off.

But after a month, they have to complete the task.

In these fifteen years, they have killed fifty-two immortals at three to four degrees per year.

Although it is only the first-level lower **** of immortality, the impact is huge, and the names of the three have spread through the surrounding tens of thousands of star fields.

Many people also know that there are three such emperors who specialize in hunting aliens and sinful immortal deities, which has caused those immortal lower gods who have committed things to hide away.

"In the past 15 years, we have killed 52 lower-ranking gods of the first order of immortal immortality. The strongest one has almost reached the combat power of the middle god, but looking at the dean, we have no intention to stop us. "Mun Qingzhi said lightly, I don't know how long such a day will last.

Hua Tianjun pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Did you not have the present, the combat career in these years, experienced many times of life and death, our strength has increased several times. When we first besieged Mike, then Mike It's just a lower **** who has just broken into the immortal realm for twenty years, but we are all extremely embarrassed, but if Mike appears again before us now, I think any one of us can easily kill him. "

After hearing this, even He Yunze had to admit it.

This continuous fighting and fighting with the immortals has greatly improved their combat effectiveness.

Hua Tianjun said at this time: "I guess that the dean has tempered us in this way and put pressure on us. If no one of us can break through the Jinxian realm, he will continue to do so until there is one of us The limit is reached and it will stop after a breakthrough. "

In fact, there is no need for Hua Tianjun to say that Meng Qingzhi and He Yunze also have such speculations.

Wang Xing is pushing their potential and letting them break through.

"Now among the three of us, the most likely breakthrough is He Yunze." Meng Qingzhi thought about it and looked at He Yunze. "As long as you incarnate as an imaginary dragon, naturally you are the Golden Immortal realm. Fighting, I see that you are gradually able to transform yourself, although not every time. "

Hua Tianjun nodded secretly.

He Yunze's breakthrough is relatively simple.

"I can feel the power from the blood. The first time was when I was facing the crisis of life and death, that power was stimulated and made me into a virtual dragon. Now, even if I am I haven't faced the crisis of life and death, but as long as I concentrate my mind, you can complete the transformation of Taixu Tianlong. But this is obviously not enough. Since I have the blood of Taixu Dragon, I should be able to transform into Taixu Dragon without any conditions. He Yunze knows very well that he is not a golden fairy yet, but a half-step golden fairy.

"It's okay, we will hunt a few more immortals, and you will be in full control of that blood power." Wen Qingzhi said, it seems he has more confidence in him than He Yunze.

A month later, Wang Xing arranged for their next hunting target.

That turned out to be a median god, although it was a median **** who just broke through, but this meaning is completely different.

The three were also scared. The target they were going to kill this time was really too strong.

As for the name of the median god, Lisbeth, she is not an alien, but she has taken refuge in an alien. It can be said that this is even worse than a true alien.

"Over there!"

Munchyeong pointed to a void, and this is where Wang Xing gave them: "This Lisbeth was still the next **** a hundred years ago. It was because she took refuge in the alien race and got some resources. This was the breakthrough. When he took refuge in a stranger, one of his reputations was to destroy a large galaxy. "

What is the concept of a large galaxy, the Milky Way is now a large galaxy.

In other words, Lisbeth destroyed a large galaxy like the Milky Way in order to take refuge in alien species.

"Anyway, kill her!"

He Yunze thought about it. He knew that the battle must be difficult, but he couldn't back down.

Munchyeong and Hua Tianjun nodded secretly.

The three said, and found Lisbeth's nest, which turned out to be in another dimension.

"Three Emperors!"

Lisbeth was closing her eyes and suddenly opened her eyes: "Is this the three guys who claim to be immortal killers. They have killed 52 immortals so far. They are terrible. They came. What are you doing here? Are you here to kill me? They used to be immortal in the lower **** realm before, but I am the middle god. Did they choose the wrong target and really thought they could kill me? "

She murmured and stood up.

For the three of He Yunze, if she really came to deal with her, she would surely make the three of them dead.


The three He Yunze looked at the people in front of them, all of them had an astonishing killing intention: "I'm sorry, your death is over."

Lisbeth froze. Didn't these three specifically pick the next **** to do it, this time they really focused on themselves.

She immediately sneered: "I know that the three of you, the next **** who died in your hands, already have 52 people, and I am also very clear about your strength. You can never be my opponents. So You want to kill me. That's the wrong abacus. You can only die. "

"Don't talk nonsense with her, do it!"



The three immediately started, but there was no daring to look down on Lisbeth.

Lisbeth was furious. Since the three wanted to kill her, it was impossible for her to provoke them.

Then there is her legend ending the trio in the universe ~ ~ kill! "

Lisbeth said, with a sword in his hand, he slashed towards Munchyeong.

"not good!"

Munchyeong felt that Lisbeth's cultivation was almost ten times the strongest lower **** they had killed before.

The median **** and the lower **** are not a hierarchy at all.

He immediately summoned the Qibao gold tower defense, but was cut off directly by Lisbeth.


Lisbeth sneered and killed Munchyeong again.

Seeing that Meng Qingzhi was in danger, Hua Tianjun immediately came over to help him, slashing at Lisbeth and stopping her.

But then, Lisbeth attacked again, and the three of them could only passively defend.

"Too strong, not an opponent at all."

Munchyeong clenched her teeth, and her body was already colored: "If we go on like this, we will all die."

Hua Tianjun also saw this time, the three were really planted this time.

The median **** and the lower **** are really too far apart.

"No, we will not die."

He Yunze growled at this time, his blood power in his crazy communication body.

But now he can't calm down, how can he urge this power and complete the transformation.

"He Yunze, what you can do is this power that belongs to you, why can't you urge them." He looked at Hua Tianjun and Meng Qingzhi at risk, and the spirits were trembling.

"go to hell!"

Lisbeth once again cut to Meng Qingzhi, this time even Hua Tianjun couldn't help.

"Do not!"

He Yunze yelled at this time, he wanted more powerful power, and this desire made him break some restraint, and the whole person became different.

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