Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1634: Target Su Yu

The two flickered and disappeared.

They returned to the academy and immediately reported the situation of this battle to Wang Xing.

In the dean's office, Wang Xing nodded after listening, "I asked you to hunt Lisbeth. I have expected that you are not her opponents, in order to oppress your potential so that some of you can Break through the realm. Now that He Yunze successfully breaks through, it seems my method is feasible. Next, when He Yunze returns, I will give him a generous reward for the breakthrough, and you must work hard. "

After hearing this, Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun felt pressure.

"Dean, He Yunze is going to run after Lisbeth by himself, isn't there any danger?" Meng Qingzhi said with some worry.

"No." Wang Xing said, and an image appeared before waving his hand. It was He Yunze's picture at the moment. He entered a starry field full of dense fog, and Lisbeth was fleeing in front of him.

But no matter what, Lisbeth couldn't get rid of He Yunze.

When Meng Qingzhi and Hua Tianjun saw Wang Xing waving his hands, he could ingest scenes beyond 100 million light years, and secretly shocked Wang Xing.

Ten days later, He Yunze returned.

His return caused a huge sensation, and everyone knew that he was the first to break through to Jinxian Realm and was the first college student of the college.

Of course, this also requires him to pass the assessment for further studies.

He Yunze came to Wang Xing's office, and several teachers of the college were already waiting for him.

"Yes, it really broke."

Qingdi first said that he could see the transformation of He Yunze, and now He Yunze looks like a hot star: "Next we will arrange a further assessment for you. After passing, you will become the first student of our college. A student. "

He Yunze would naturally have no opinion on this.

The elementary school is promoted to junior high school, the junior high is promoted to middle, and the high school is promoted to university. There is an assessment. This is the practice of the college.

In general, assessment is not too difficult, and few people fail.

"If it's okay, go back and write a summary of your practice breakthroughs." Wang Xingdandan said, everyone's breakthrough experience is precious, which can be used as a reference for later generations.

In particular, the practice summary of these geniuses is even more valuable.

He Yunze nodded, and walked out arrogantly.

Next, the entire college was swept by He Yunze, and even the entire Earth Federation was affected.

Everyone knows one thing. The first batch of students of Xianxian Academy is about to break through Jinxian Realm, and the new era of the Academy has arrived.

A month later, the college officially announced the reward to He Yunze.

30,000 mission points.

Five Talent Shards.

And the college library chooses one of the exercises and one of the magic.

Seeing this reward, everyone was shocked and envious.

Needless to say 30,000 mission points, how many college missions will it take to accumulate so many mission points.

He Yunze himself currently has less than 6,000 mission points, which is equivalent to doubling his assets.

The same is true for the five talent fragments. Now that He Yunze's talent has reached the galaxy level, next he wants to upgrade his talent to the astral level, and just needs five talent fragments.

Obviously, this is considered good by the college.

He would have spent nearly 20,000 mission points to redeem these five talent pieces, but now he can save them.

Finally, choosing one of the exercises or immortals from the college library is enough to increase He Yunze's strength.

The college then made a separate explanation for the award.

All students who have broken through to the realm of Jinxian will be rewarded with a thousand mission points in the future. This has never happened before.

In addition, the next breakthrough student up to the ninth Jinxian Realm, the reward is still very generous.

Many high school students who had no idea at this moment are all excited.

In particular, He Yunze's breakthrough method did not know who was spread out, which led some people to follow suit.

So after Meng Qingzhi, He Yunze, and Hua Tianjun, three teams of hunting gods appeared one after another, and they sought Wang Xing for some aliens or those immortal intelligences, which were specifically hunted.

Time passed slowly.

One year later, He Yunze completed the college assessment task given to him by the college and officially became the first university student of Xian College.

However, according to Wang Xing, it's holiday time, and the university's official start is still early, and He Yunze just can't get into the university.

Of course, in fact, three students must break through the Jinxian realm to unlock the university department. Wang Xing naturally will not tell the truth, so it seems so shameless.

Baiyueshan Star Field, Furuhe Galaxy.

The figure of Su Yu appeared here, his cultivation has been stagnated for a long time in the ninth stage of the kingdom of the kingdom, and he was also the first emperor of the college.

The Great Star, this is what he is called in many universes.

However, many people wanted to break through after they became emperor, but Su Yu did not do so, he had his own plans.

He has to comprehend the second first-class rule, which is Wang Xing's suggestion to him.

At this moment, Su Yu came to a continuous mountain of stars and sky, with a length of dozens of light years.

This giant mountain is called the World Mountain, and it is said that a strange place formed after the collapse of the Zhongqian World.

The second law he wants to enlighten is the world law, so this is a valuable place for him to enlighten.

"He Yunze has broken into Jinxian Realm for almost thirty years, and I have to hurry up." Su Yu looked at the endless World Mountain and secretly said.

If he was not to understand the laws of the world, in fact, he could have already impacted the Jinxian realm.

Now, because he wants to understand the second first-class rule, he has actually fallen behind many people.

As the figure flashed, he entered the world mountain.

The World Mountain is a big mountain, not very barren, but there are some beasts hidden in it, which contain some dangers.

He shuttled through it, trying to trace back to the situation when the Zhong Qian world collapsed.

Just with little effect.

On this day, he was about to move on, but suddenly he felt a strong breath.


Su Yu froze, looking up.

I saw an immortal crystal man coming straight at him and locked him firmly.

"Su Yu, the goal is confirmed."

The crystal man came all the way to Su Yu: "The immortal college is super genius, masters the first-class rules of the stars, and is named the star emperor. The genius hunting list currently ranks No. 169 in the realm of realms. . "

He said lightly, a lot of Su Yu's information appeared before his eyes.

Su Yu frowned. He knew that the aliens had been hunting down their geniuses of the universe, and the same was true of the practitioners of the universe. They could kill the geniuses of the aliens.

There is also a list on their side.

But his ranking has even entered the top two thousand, which is actually very high.

It is said that if you enter the top ten thousand, you will enter the alien's must-kill list and will be targeted by the alien, not to mention the first two thousand.

It was just that he used to be in a relatively safe area, and the aliens could not take him. This time as soon as he left, the aliens immediately came over.

Of course, this is his own intention, without hiding his identity.

"The crystal tribe, the other tribal tribe, ranks second. The crystal tribe's body is composed of small crystals, the crystal tribe of immortal realms, these small crystals that make up their bodies have become their own world." Su Yu's face was gloomy Unless the practitioners of the same universe in the same realm practice first-class laws or have starry beasts, they are rarely opponents of the crystal family.

Although Su Yu has also comprehended the first-class rules of the stars, but his realm is only the realm of realm.

As for men, although his cultivation is only the first order of the immortal realm, but his combat power is comparable to the second order of the immortal realm of the universe.

Definitely not an opponent!

Su Yu knew in her heart that she was secretly thinking of a solution.

"Stop it!"

The man said, "Remember my name, the crystal warrior Garnett."

He said, slashing at Su Yu.

The long knife cut through the void and cut the void directly into a space-time crack that stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

Where did Su Yu dare to hesitate and summon the Star Gate immediately.

This magical power can transfer the attack on his body to billions of stars, which is a strong defense method.

Wang Xing once evaluated this defensive supernatural power, saying that it is comparable to the gods' pure land of idols.

The door of stars appeared, and the countless stars above it circulated, echoing the hundreds of thousands of stars around them.

However, Garnett's sword fell down, but the Star Gate was cut directly into a crack, and dozens of stars were attacked by Su Yu's transfer attack.

So strong!

It's not that Su Yu hasn't met the next god, but Xiang Jianit is the first.

The crystal clan's fighting ability is well-deserved.


The door of space finally couldn't bear it, and it broke apart.

At this time, Su Yu turned and turned into a starlight, and immediately fled towards the distance.

Garnett sneered, naturally he wouldn't let Su Yu leave, and immediately caught up with him, as fast as lightning.

Su Yu was just the emperor. Even if he practiced the first-rate rule of the stars, the speed was not as fast as Garnett, and he was soon caught up.


Garnett yelled, and cut again with a single stroke.

This knife was completely chased from behind Su Yu, but Su Yu turned back much later.


He flew upside down, and a defensive artifact on his chest was cut in half.

If it were not for this defensive artifact, he would have died.

"It wasn't dead, but I'm going to kill you, you will die."

Garnett shot again, trying to kill Su Yu with one shot, and not give Su Yu any chance.

But at this time, Su Yu was the first to be strong, only to see Su Yu urge all stars within billions of light years, the endless star power fell down, covering the two.

Around, a star field was formed.

"What is this trick?"

Garnett didn't understand yet, and didn't feel any threat to himself in this area.

However, Su Yu raised her corner of her mouth and sneered.

"Starry World!"

He said that the realm of stars in front of it suddenly changed. It was no longer a realm, but a real world.

Garnett was caught in it, as if it had been put into Wang Xing's glass bottle.

"not good!"

Garnett realized that it was wrong: "This is definitely not a simple rule of the stars, but also the law of the world. He actually realized two first-class rules."

Under this starry sky, he felt the power of two powerful laws.

The two kinds of forces merged together, and the kind of world prison that formed him trapped him.

Garnett was shocked and panicked again.

What kind of genius is actually, after realizing a first-class rule, he didn't want to break through to the immortal realm, but went to understand the second first-class rule.


At this moment, Su Yu is overjoyed. This trick ‘Starry Sky World’ can be said to be the essence of all his enlightenment over the years.

This contains the first-rate rules of the stars he comprehends, and some of the world rules that he comprehends. The two blend together, and can even suppress ordinary lower gods.

But he knew that it could only be suppressed for a moment.

And this is his chance.

While Garnett was busy getting out of trouble, he condensed the star power of countless stars, and then pointed out and headed for Garnett.

This is Xinghe's finger, which is his strongest attack.

All his power is condensed on this finger, and can even penetrate Xiao Qian and destroy a star system.

If Garnett is hit, he must be dead.

But just as the beam of light turned into Garnett's head ~ ~, he felt dangerous and shook his head strangely.

This finger then deviated from the key point of Garnett, just brushed from his face, but even then he ruined half of his face, exposing Sensen's bones.

"You **** it!"

Garnett yelled at the pain in his face.

One of his lower gods was actually clicked and killed by Su Yucha, which made him feel a great shame.


He broke free of Su Yu's starry sky world, and a powerful knife came towards Su Yu.

"not good!"

Su Yu felt the danger, only that her soul was locked by Garnett.

The starry sky gate, can't help it!

The defensive artifact on him was also completely broken.

He spit out blood and felt half his life gone.


He looked behind him, there was endless space turbulence, and even if it was dangerous, he could only get in.

This is his only chance.

"Want to leave and stay for me."

Garnett immediately chased it up, but at this time Su Yu clicked a finger again, and thinking of the horror of Su Yu's finger just now, Garnett's conditional reflection was to avoid it.

But soon he discovered that Su Yu's finger was completely makeup-like.

However, Su Yu was so delayed. When he caught up again, he found that Su Yu had disappeared.


He looked at the turbulent flow of space, and the crystal wall system was a little surprised: "This mountain has a crystal wall system. Seeing this, it also forms an independent space with the main universe. In this case, Su Yu would even escape There is no way to escape the spatial scope of this mountain. "

In other words, Su Yu is still in this world mountain.

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