Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1635: Su Yu breakthrough

In fact, it is exactly the same.

After Su Yu entered the turbulent space, this world mountain turned out to be a whole. He could not escape the turbulent space of the world mountain from the turbulent space.

He was secretly shocked that he would not have seen it if he had not entered the turbulent space.

"It's really dangerous this time."

Su Yu smiled bitterly, this world mountain is a prisoner's cage.

He couldn't escape, it would surely be found by Garnett, just a matter of time.

As for the turbulence of space, he did not dare to stay in it for too long, because he could not absorb energy, and was full of danger. He had to leave.

A day later, Su Yu broke through the space and came out.

As he guessed, he was still within the range of the World Mountain, but was no longer in the original place.

Immediately, he hid himself.

He already felt that the whole world mountain was shrouded in a sense of God. Needless to say, it was naturally that Garnett. If he slightly changed, he would definitely be seen.

Just hiding the tracks is definitely not enough.

He placed a few hidden arrays around him, only to feel a little relieved.

However, he also knows that although the formation method is mysterious, if Garnett can't find him, he will definitely go to the World Mountain, and then the anomaly here will still appear.

Fortunately, the mountains of the world stretch for dozens of light years, and it may be decades after Garnett found it.

In other words, in these decades, he must have the ability to compete with Garnett.

After careful consideration, there are only two methods available.

The first is that he has condensed out the world laws completely. At that time, the "star world" formed by the fusion of the world laws and the stars will surely trap Garnett. In this case, not to mention killing Garnett, but self-protection is not a problem.

However, he has understood 100,000 years, and the laws of the world still cannot be fully understood.

In the next few decades, it will be even more difficult to understand the laws of the world.

He doesn't even have 10% confidence, and if he doesn't understand the laws of the world by then, then he will definitely die.

This is simply betting with his own life. Losing a bet is an end in despair.

The second way is that he gave up understanding of the laws of the world and focused on breakthroughs.

As long as he breaks through to Jinxian realm, plus the strength of the first-class rule, it will be enough to counter Garnett.

This is much easier for him. He could already break through to Jinxian Realm, but only to realize the second first-class rule, so he has been slow to break through. However, the consequence of this is that it will be several times more difficult for him to continue to understand the laws of the world. Breaking through to the immortal realm, condensing the goddess, will inevitably exclude other laws. In the future, he cannot consolidate the laws of the world.

This probably means that his 100,000 years of hard work failed.

But to save his life, he must now choose the second method, which is also the most secure method now.

If life is gone, it is meaningless to comprehend any more first-class rules.

Suddenly, Su Yu had a decision.

He entered a state of cultivation and began to try to break through the Jinxian realm.

At this moment, the laws of the world seemed to be abandoned by him, and all his thoughts were placed on the laws of the stars.

There, Garnett was still looking for Su Yu.

He had been looking for a month, but now Su Yu seems to have disappeared.

"The World Mountain is a world of its own, and I want to escape from the space of the World Mountain. I can't hide my consciousness." Garnett meditated, and he had already checked the World Mountain with the consciousness. "Su Yu must still be In the world mountain, I just don't know what method he used to hide it and escaped my consciousness. "

Garnett was not stupid and immediately thought of the only possibility.

"I heard that Xianxian College has a course called" Mathematics Course. "You can realize all kinds of powers by arranging the formation method. Hiding breath and tracks is one of them. Then Su Yu escaped from my spiritual inspection, maybe it was in myself The whole body is arranged. "Garnett is still very familiar with the situation of Su Yu and Xian Academy.

He understood this and soon had a countermeasure.

Whether it is the formation method or the method of concealing the breath, it is actually a method of obstructing the eye, and the consciousness cannot be found, but if you check it with the naked eye, you can definitely find the difference.

This is also expected by Su Yu.

Time passed in this way, ten years in a blink of an eye.

Garnett was not in a hurry. He felt that Su Yu was the only one among them. Finding Su Yu was a matter of day and night.

At this moment, Su Yu is also very calm.

From his decision to break through to Jinxian Realm, everything went smoothly.

Among his soul, the laws of the stars are about to form a golden figure, which is similar to a godhead, but not a godhead.

This is unique to Xiuxian people, and is called the soul Jindan in the college.

"It's almost successful."

Su Yu knew in his heart that the breakthrough of the stars rule had been interpreted tens of thousands of times in his mind.

He combined Qin Yu's experience and naturally there was no reason for failure.

The next step is to unite your kingdom.

The kingdom of gods is the source of strength, but the kingdom of gods is actually called the kingdom of gods.

Twenty years later.

Su Yu's immortal kingdom has gradually taken shape. During this period, he did not dare to absorb external cosmic energy, but has been using immortal crystals and immortal stones.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but once it is used, it will inevitably cause changes in the external energy, and it will definitely alarm Garnett.

But now he has to absorb outside energy.

Because his immortal stones and immortal crystals, and even some other energy gems, are all used up.

The most important point is that although his kingdom of God has also taken shape, the kingdom of God and his own soul, Jin Dan, have not formed a connection. Once the connection is formed, the heavens and the human are inducted, and the soul controls the immortal kingdom, which will cause many visions. .

At that time, it was really a breakthrough to the realm of Jinxian.

At this time, Su Yu showed a will to cover the area where he was.

"It's time to come."

Su Yu looked up and really saw Garnett.

He found it, and it showed anomalies.

"found it."

Garnett sneered: "Su Yu ah Su Yu, I knew you couldn't escape my palm. If I had told your family the news, everyone would come to find your hiding place together, you must be I ca n’t hide it for a year. But in order to swallow all the rewards and honors, I spent 20 years looking for you, but I did n’t expect to find it. This time, I will not let you escape. ”

Garnett said, punching in the direction of Su Yu's hiding place.

Under this punch, Su Yu's whole body layout was broken in layers, and dozens of millions of huge mountains were shattered.

At this moment, a figure rushed into the void.

That's Su Yu.

At the moment of his appearance, all the stars within tens of thousands of light years were shining brightly, and the entire Baiyueshan star field was covered with a layer of star glory.

All these stars shot out a force of stars, and came towards Su Yu across time and space.

"I'm finally breaking through."

Su Yu felt the power of the stars infused into his body, poured directly into his fairyland, and opened up a small world in an instant.

As a result, dozens of small thousand worlds are about to form.

At the same time, his soul, Jin Dan, enveloped the entire immortal kingdom and became the brain or the host of the immortal kingdom.

When his soul Jin Dan moved, all the power of the immortal kingdom was under his control and he could use it.

Garnett also saw this, and he was dumbfounded: "He, he broke through?"

He didn't expect Su Yu to break through, which caught him off guard for a moment.

The endless power of the stars is still entering Su Yu's body, and the small thousand worlds are slowly taking shape.

Su Yu looked at all this thoughtfully, especially the process of the formation of Xiao Qian World, which suddenly made him feel a sense of sudden realization.

The laws of the world!

He felt the mystery of the laws of the world, and many places he didn't understand before were suddenly bright at the moment.

He was a little bit crying, and he was lucky.

However, if you think about it, it is not his luck, but this process of condensing the small thousand worlds should be the last link of his world laws.

At this moment, the laws of the world have condensed out and entered his soul, Jin Dan.

His second first-class rule was done.

At this moment, the laws of the world are also working. The originally condensed Xiaoqian World has stopped expanding, but it is once again consuming the power of the stars and starting to grow.

There, Garnett was a little confused.

In front of it, Su Yu broke through to the realm of Jinxian, but how Su Yu's breath became stronger again, as if she broke through again.

Did Su Yu just break through and continue to break into the second-order immortality.

"Can't let him continue, kill him while he has just broken through." Garnett felt the danger. Su Yu had first-class rules. Although he had just broken through, he could not be underestimated.

He rushed to Su Yu, and the sword broke everything and cut to Su Yu.

"Good job!"

Su Yu sneered, but it was the gate of the stars.

No, this should not be called the gate of the stars, but the gate of the stars world, and all of Gannett's attacks fell on it, not only was he transmitted to countless stars, but also the endless dimension world.

The attack that finally fell on Su Yu was less than one tenth.


Garnett froze. He attacked the same before, but cut off the Star Gate in a split second.


Su Yu looked at Garnet coldly, spurred the power of the fairyland, and punched out countlessly.

Fist shadows are everywhere in the starry sky.

Garnett immediately resisted, but was also beaten back constantly.

He was surprised, even if Su Yu had just broken through, he was no weaker than his crystal family.


Su Yu rushed towards him again: "Starry World!"

In the same way, a world made up of starry sky shrouded Garnett.

But at this moment, Garnett feels that this 'world of stars' is more than ten times more powerful, especially the world law which was originally short of it seems to be complete at once.

"what happened?"

Garnett couldn't believe that Su Yu didn't break through the realm of the emperor with the rules of the stars, why his world rules still exist.

Soon he wanted to understand.

He was full of horror: "He not only broke into the immortal realm, but also condensed the laws of the world, so I just thought he broke through twice in a row. Terrible, really terrible.

He has seen many geniuses, but Xiang Su Yu is really the first one.

If he raises these obituaries, Su Yu's ranking on the Genius Hunting List will rise to the top one hundred.

But at this moment, he had no time to think about it.

Su Yu not only realized the two first-class rules, but also broke through to the immortal realm. Su Yu's strength can be said to be not weaker than him at all.

You can even squeeze him.

Feeling the world around him, he desperately wanted to break open.

He was also guarding against Su Yu, because at this time Su Yu outside could at any time give him a fatal blow.

This is also true.

Su Yu pointed out, and Xinghe pointed again.

This is his most powerful attack, perfected by him several times. As long as he is hit by the key, the opponent will definitely die.

A beam of stars came towards Garnett, but at this moment the guarded Garnett felt it.

His figure showed a peculiar jitter. It was not a teleportation in space, but a teleportation feeling.

He was a little proud, but at this time his body suddenly hurt.

Just looking out of his chest, he suddenly shot a sword gas, tearing his chest with a big opening.

"How is this going?"

Garnett spit out blood, his face panicked.

He didn't know at all that this was actually the high-level fairy magic sword-moving technique of Xian Academy, which was derived from Teacher Lu Dongbin's Heavenly Sword Technique.

Su Yu realized that Xinghe couldn't kill Garnett with one finger, so he actually moved both fingers at the same time.


At this time, the starry sky is also broken.

"I didn't expect it to be just twenty years. Our situation is completely reversed." Su Yu looked at Garnett. "You have no resistance, can you tell me your name before you die?"

He said lightly, without any contempt.

Once, the other party almost killed him.

If it hadn't been for his breakthrough, it must have been him now.

"Crystal Warrior, Garnett."

Garnett said, but yelled, "I didn't expect that you were so strong just after you broke through. If I knew it early, I would definitely contact the clan and kill you as soon as possible. But you want to kill me, too It's not that easy. I'm a crystal, a born warrior, I ... "

Before he could finish speaking, he saw an altar in the sky and smashed at him.

That's the immortal altar!

One of Su Yu's magic weapons has long been ambush in the void for a long time in order to prevent Garnett from escaping.

Su Yu has more preparations for his prey than Garnett.

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