Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1638: Zhong Shan Appears

Hearing this, Su Yu couldn't agree.

If the crystal warriors are invincible outside Shenhe, what is their chief?

He can be sure that the crystal perfection **** can't survive the dean's hands.

"What are you waiting for, go!"

Tianhe Qiuyu simply stopped speaking, shouting at Su Yu.

She can die, but she has to get a chance for life in Su Yu. This is not selfishness, but from the instinct of a Shenhe fighter.

Outside the Shenhe, the creatures of this universe fight against each other, but in the Shenhe, all the life of this universe has only one enemy, that is, the alien race.

Without extermination, the souls of the universe will have no way to live.

"None of you can leave."

Bahrain shouted, distracted and locked Su Yu: "Tianhe Yuyu, I have seen through your flaws. You are indeed a great Shenhe fighter. Combat experience and combat consciousness are rare in the world. This allows you to rely on You can fight me with the third-class rule. However, you do suffer a serious injury and you ca n’t reach your full strength. So I deliberately consume it with you and let your injury continue to increase. I believe you will soon I can't hold back the injuries in my body. Hey, I want to kill you at that time, it's almost effortless. "

He said, somewhat proud.

From his point of view, there is nothing invincible. The battle is to win, and to kill the opponent, so you can do everything you can.

Tianhe Yan Yu's face turned white, and a spit of blood came out.

In fact, she has reached a limit, just now just supporting it.


Bahrain became even more proud: "I didn't expect the famous Tianhe Yuyu, the goddess of the League of Nations will be beheaded and killed here by me. Haha, I just took the time to check your information, I didn't expect this check to be okay, really I was taken aback. Tianhe Yanyu, one of the League of Nations titled gods, entered the extraterrestrial battlefield several times, beheaded and killed millions of aliens, and even a wounded horned **** died in your hands. One hundred years ago, You were ambushed by a great warrior of the giant deities and escaped with serious injuries, but you did not expect to come outside of the river of God. "

He said, his eyes hot.

Killing Tianhe Yanyu is more sensational than killing Su Yu.

Su Yu also looked at Tianhe Yanyu in surprise. He had actually checked Tianhe Yanyu's information on the interstellar network, but he could not find it. He was shocked to hear Bahrain talking about the deeds of Tianhe Yuyu.

How powerful this woman is, she has killed the Lord God, beheaded and killed millions of aliens, the title **** of the League of Nations, this resume is really dazzling.

The point is that she just realized one of the most common third-class rules. She is like a legend.

"You still have a chance to run away, leave me alone. Based on your cultivation, if you want to run away, I think this guy can't stop you at all"

Su Yu thought about it, and now he felt that it was too sinful to let Tianhe Yuyu die here: "Relax, even if I die, as long as my soul does not die, the dean will lead me into the reincarnation. "

Of course, this premise is that his soul is not destroyed.

When the soul escapes at the critical time, this is the best way to go, and it may not be successful.

"Your kid really makes me look down on me, let me tell you the truth. I came to Shenhe this time to say that I am wounded. In fact, my injury is more serious than everyone thinks. The future potential has also been exhausted. My contribution to our universe is here too, but you are different, you have realized two first-class rules. If you later reach my realm, you can even Strive for the Lord God. "Tianhe Yan Yu smiled beautifully, this is her purpose to rescue Su Yu.

Perhaps from the very beginning, she had planned for the worst.

Su Yu looked at Tianhe Jiuyu, admired, and had to sigh that she was really a silly woman.

Tianhe Jiuyu is a real warrior, just like those revolutionary ancestors in the early days of Huaxia. He can give everything for the justice in his heart.

"It's so much talk, I'll send you two on the road now."

Bahrain sneered, but instead rushed to Su Yu: "Tianhe Yanyu, aren't you trying to save him, then come and act as a shield for him."

He said that Tianhe Yanyu had been expected not to give up Su Yu.

Sure enough, Tianhe Jiuyu saw Su Yu in danger and immediately blocked Su Yu in front of her and held Bahrain.


She yelled, and the fireblade in her hand forced Bahrain back: "Don't let my sacrifice be meaningless, and only if you leave, I will have a chance."

Su Yu gritted her teeth and finally made a decision.

"Okay, I'll go."

He is not a twiddler, and at this moment he is full of gratitude to Tianhe Yanyu: "Relax, I swear to Heaven that Su Yu will avenge you."

Hearing this, Tianhe Yan Yu nodded approvingly.

Bahrain was unhappy at this time, he immediately wanted to stop Su Yu.

"Huh, your opponent is me."

Tianhe Yan Yu sneered, but stopped Bahrain completely regardless of the injuries in her body.

In her body, the kingdom of God was collapsing.

Her personality was also dissolved and disappeared a little bit.

"You woman is really crazy."

Bahrain was so angry that the first time he saw such a deadly woman, he really did everything for a stranger.

Su Yu finally glanced at Tianhe Yanyu and turned to leave.

But at this moment, a person held his shoulder: "Don't panic, just wait."

Su Yu looked back and was surprised: "Mr. Zhongshan?"

The person holding his shoulder was the teacher Zhong Shan from the college, and he was a teacher he admired.

Zhong Shan smiled and nodded.

When he came to Tianheshan Starfield, he found Su Yu, but later Tianhe Yuyu appeared, and he secretly hid.

"Teacher, please rescue Tianhe Yanyu quickly."

Su Yu immediately said that he knew that Zhong Shan's cultivation was absolutely capable of suppressing Bahrain.

Because Zhongshan is a sixth-order cultivation of immortality, they are also called the main gods in their universe, and they control the power of thousands of world levels.

Zhongshan naturally would not refuse. He looked at Tianhe Yanyu, who was playing against Bahrain, and just grabbed it.

That hand was like a dragon claw, the golden light flashed, penetrated the void, and directly tore off Bahrain's attack, then protected Tianhe Yanyu with one hand and took her directly to her.

Tianhe Yanyu only felt the change of time and space ~ ~ I didn't understand how it happened, I saw Zhongshan standing next to Su Yu.

"In Zhongshan, the university teacher of Xiaxian University, I would like to thank the girl for helping our college students." Zhongshan looked at Tianhe Yanyu, and he could feel that Tianhe Yanyu's condition was very bad. This crystal warrior was given to me. "

He said, full of confidence.

Tianhe Yanyu was dumbfounded, she found that she could not see through Zhongshan's cultivation at all.

At this time Zhong Shan had already raised his hand, and a horrible force was enough to tear out thousands of forces, and she was trembling.

Lord God!

There were only these two words in her mind.


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