Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1639: Causal power

She never thought that there was a Lord God outside Shenhe, but the truth was there, and she had to believe.

At this moment, she was full of curiosity about Xian Academy.

What kind of academy is it? There are teachers in the realm of the Lord in it. Will the dean of this academy be stronger?

At this time, Zhongshan had already shot.

He was like a five-pronged golden dragon incarnation, and with a lot of power, he was going to tear Bahrain into pieces.

"Lord, Lord God!"

Bahrain also felt the power of a thousand levels, which is the power that the Lord God can possess.

The power that the Great Perfection God can master is just a force of a thousand.

The gap between the power of the Great Perfection God and the Lord God's realm, even the giant gods and even the top ten starry monsters, cannot guarantee the defeat of a Lord God by the Great Perfection. That kind of gap is bigger than the gap between the superior **** and the perfect god, and all who can cultivate to the realm of the main **** are those with great perseverance and great luck.

"Do not!"

Bahrain found that all his resistance was useless. He was like a duckweed on the sea, and a big wave could overthrow himself.

Tianhe Yan Yu also clearly sees that Zhongshan's strength is extremely strong even among the main gods.


Bahrain flew out, covered with blood.

He tried his best, even burning a tenth of the crystal world before he escaped Zhongshan's blow.


He was extremely angry, but knew that he was definitely not Zhong Shan's opponent, and he almost fled away without hesitation.

At this time, he had given up his task.

Zhong Shanxi laughed: "If I let you run away in my hands, I won't be laughed to death. The great consummation of a crystal family is of great research significance. I will catch you alive and put it into the anatomy of the college On the stage, look at the difference between the great consummation **** of the crystal family. "

The college has a special research department, and studying aliens is one of the projects.

The special life of the crystal family is even more worthy of study.

He said, a dragon claw flew out of his body, and hurriedly pressed towards Bahrain, like pressing a grasshopper to rub him in the void.

Bahrain was terrified, and found that he could no longer escape the capture of this dragon claw, and knew immediately that he was finished.

But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly ruptured the space.

This force was indescribable, but it directly blocked Zhongshan's dragon claws and gained time for Bahrain.


Zhong Shan was shocked. He didn't realize how this power came.

But at this time, the power turned to Su Yu, and even Zhongshan could not stop it. It seemed that this power existed in another dimension.

Zhongshan secret road is not good, we must push Su Yu away.

But all of a sudden his body seemed to be immobilized. At that moment, his head was empty, there was no thinking and consciousness, and the universe in front of him and even the entire academy had nothing to do with him.

He also had no reason to save Su Yu, and even stopped shooting.

At this moment, even Tianhe Yanyu had the same idea. Everything had no cause, as if some kind of causality had been cut off.

Bahrain was extremely excited at this time. He knew that the adult had shot, and only that adult had such a strange power.

"Dead, go die!"

He said with excitement, that the stubbornness had just swept away.


Suddenly there was a thunderous thunder in the void. This thunderous thunder is a thunderous thunder that can create everything and destroy everything. At the moment when the thunder sounded, everything was back to normal, as if all things were recovering and the world was sprouting. Zhongshan and Tianhe Yanyu have sobered from their unconscious state, and the causality has returned to them again.

Zhongshan recovered and saw that power was still heading towards Su Yu.

Suddenly, a mysterious and mysterious power of fortune emerged from his body, turning it into a golden dragon of fortune, and the power was shredded with a brush.

Su Yu took a breath of air at this time, and at one ten thousandth of a second at night, he was really killed by that magical power.

"Thank you Dean, this time I care."

Zhong Shan thanked him and immediately urged a lucky dragon to wrap him, Tianhe Yuyu, and Su Yu.

The power just made him a little bit afraid.

Tianhe Yan Yu was very surprised at this moment. Was the magic thunder just started by the dean of the Immortal Academy? What **** thunder was it that could wake them up.

In the void, after the force was defeated, it was condensed and formed again, but then it no longer faced Su Yu, but grabbed Bahrain and took him away.

"Want to go!"

Zhongshan angered, and a golden dragon flew out of his body and chased after him.

But that power seemed to ignore the generality of space and time, and suddenly went out without knowing how many light years.

Zhong Shan looked helpless.

With that power completely gone, Bahrain was rescued.

Crystal family, a secret base.

"Thank you, sir."

Bahrain appeared here, and it was just this man who was enveloped in darkness that rescued him.

The man was about to speak, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I only saw a force that followed them to the base, then turned into a huge palm of hundreds of millions of miles and shot at the entire base.

At this shot, there seemed to be thousands of forces bursting out, killing everything and overthrowing everything.

The man's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't believe it: "It was here that I followed my causal power. What a supreme existence this is, really **** it."

He said, immediately urging all forces to resist this palm.

Bahrain and others also mobilized their forces to resist, and the entire secret base seemed to have fallen into the end.


This palm still fell down ~ ~ Countless planets and buildings in the base turned into flying ash, countless immortals have died of soul collapse because they couldn't withstand this power.

The entire base completely collapsed.

"The **** has ruined our crystal family's base outside Shenhe." The man was extremely embarrassed and very angry at the moment. He had just swept the entire base, and at least one-tenth of one hundred thousand immortal died. The formation method, the accumulated wealth is also turned into fly ash.

Years of accumulation, burned.

But no one responded to the man, and the entire base of Cangyi was silent.

Tianhe Mountain Star Field.

"Mr. Zhongshan, please go back to the college first, remember to bring this woman named Tianhe Yanyu. She was seriously injured, and only I can save him." Wang Xing's voice slowly passed into Zhongshan's mind. "I have taught them a secret organization of the crystal family, and you don't have to blame yourself. The power just now belongs to the law of cause and effect, and few people can break free."

Hearing this, Zhong Shan was shocked.

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