Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1640: Enter college

Zhong Shan heard Wang Xing's voice and immediately knew what to do.

At this time, Tianhe Yanyu spit out a blood, and she would fall down when she was unstable. Fortunately, Su Yu immediately supported her.

"I'm fine."

She said very reluctantly: "Since you are safe, send me back to Tianhe Universe."

Su Yu looked at Zhongshan with some embarrassment.

Zhong Shan nodded: "Girl Tianhe Jiuyu, your kingdom of God is collapsing, and the goddess of the primordial law is collapsing. Now if you send you back, you have to wait quietly to die. I just received the dean's Chuan Yin, he invites you to visit our college, and only he can save you. "

Hearing this, Tianhe Yanyu froze.

She did not expect that the dean of Xianxian College would invite her to Xianxue College, and said that there was a way to save her.

"You don't know my current situation at all. In fact, I am more serious than you said. I can feel the call of the universe's original laws. I am not far from death." Tianhe Yanyu slowly said, "Even now It ’s because the universe gods can't save me. I am led by the kindness of your dean. "

She said that she had determined that the dean of Xianxian College could not save herself, so she did not want to waste this time.

Su Yu was anxious: "Tianhe Yanyu, you have never seen our dean, and you never know his magic. He said he can save you, then he will definitely save you."

Tianhe Yan Yu was silent.

"Since the dean has invited you, you should go and see." Zhong Shan also advised. "The dean is really amazing. He is very knowledgeable. He is unique in studying the laws of the universe and life. Besides, you have to Knowing that our immortal college already has many means that the universe does not have, not to save you, it is certainly possible to stabilize your injuries for you. "

Tianhe Yan Yu pondered for a moment, and was finally moved.

"All right, I'll go to Xianxian College with you."

She said that the dead horse was treated as a living horse.

The three began to return to Xianxue Academy at this time, and just three hours later, Tianhe Yanyu received a message.

After she saw it, she was very surprised: "The crystal family's base" Black Night "outside Shenhe was destroyed. I really don't know who has the ability to find the" Black Night "base and destroy it."

Zhongshan and Su Yu are both at a loss, they don't know this base.

"The aliens have some bases outside Shenhe. These bases are like offices of aliens, and some of the great forces in our universe also have such places, like the ancestral religion, the universe arena, etc. The outer base is called 'the dark night', which hunts down some of our geniuses in the universe. The crystal perfection warrior who came to kill you should come from the dark night. "

Tianhe Yanyu said slowly, she did not expect that the front foot they had just encountered a ‘night’ great consummation god, and the back ‘night’ base was destroyed.

Su Yu nodded secretly, and smiled, "I really don't know who it was, but I was so angry."

Hearing here, Zhong Shan couldn't listen.


He pretended to cough, and attracted Su Yu and Tianhe Yan Yu's idea: "Who else can you say is the Dean. When that mysterious power rescued the Jing Clan great consummation, the Dean's power followed. Go past, and then appear to destroy their 'Night Night' base. The dean is giving you a breath and a lesson for the Jing people, letting the Jing people know that our college is not easy to mess with. "

Tianhe Yan Yu suddenly felt Tian Lei rolling, unbelievable.

It turned out to be the hand of the dean of the Immortal Academy. Then how did he do it? I don't know how many **** kings once wanted to destroy the night base, but he couldn't find any place.

Su Yu has been so touched, the dean who cares for such shorts is really awesome.

Smoothly, the three returned to the galaxy.

"Our college is in another dimension, the credentials needed to enter our college." Zhong Shan slowly said.

Su Yu has her own student ID, and Zhong Shan also has her teacher's ID. As for those outsiders who want to enter the college, they also have special IDs.

This certificate was produced by Wang Xing, and his dean plays the role of management of the college dimension, allowing people to enter the college dimension, or he can be expelled directly.


Tianhe Yanyu said, seeing Zhongshan handing himself a certificate.

She learned Zhong Shan and Su Yu to wear the documents around their necks, and immediately felt a magical dimension. At the same time, many messages of this dimension came to her mind.

Immortal College!

She was so surprised that she was the first time to see such a magical college.

"Let's go."

Zhong Shan said that the three had arrived in the college.

Tianhe Xiuyu's consciousness was released. Thinking about the immortal college, it was discovered that the consciousness here was completely suppressed.

However, she saw with naked eyes that the floating islands of Xianshan, fairy beasts, strange buildings, gave him a feeling of entering another world.

"Welcome to Immortal College."

Zhong Shan turned back and looked at Tianhe Yanyu with a smile: "Let ’s go, I have received a message from the dean, and he said that I would arrange a place for you first, and then take you to see him tomorrow."

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded, but somehow hesitated.

She doesn't know who the dean of the Immortal Academy is, but she can certainly destroy the 'Night of the Night' base of the Crystal clan, certainly not an ordinary person.

In the college, at night.

"Su Yu."

Tianhe Yanyu was surprised when he saw someone.

Su Yu nodded and smiled. "During the day, I was busy reporting my breakthrough, so I was a little bit sorry."

He is very grateful to Tianhe Yuyu.

He wanted to take Tianhe Yuyu to visit the academy during the day, but in the end he had to give it to others because of his own affairs.

He waved casually, two cups and a pot of immortal brew appeared in front of his eyes.

Tianhe Yanyu complied, and sat down with Su Yu: "You have broken through to the immortal realm and mastered two first-class rules. It must be the first day of your college ~ ~ Your college will definitely You have countless rewards, and you will cultivate you in the future. "

Hearing this, Su Yu shook her head.

"What is my first genius? In our college, there are more people than me in genius." He said slowly, "don't say this, you don't know about our college."

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded. She checked the situation of Xianxian College before she came, but after arriving at Xianxue College, she found that the Xianxue College she had inquired about was just the tip of the iceberg of Xianxue College.

The real fairy college is really a very magical place.

The cultivation atmosphere here is very strong, and cultivation has become less boring. Instead, it is more like studying cultivation as a discipline.

"I'll see your dean tomorrow. Tell me about your dean." Tianhe Yanyu thought about it. She should have rested earlier, but because she's going to see the dean of Xian college tomorrow, She couldn't settle down anyway. Even she had a feeling that the dean of the Immortal Academy might be within a few miles of her, and she could know everything about her when she moved her mind.

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