Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1645: University, graduation requirements

Wang Xing has understood that the starry sky seems to be in front of him, but it is not in a dimension with them at all.

He stopped those teachers and students.

Then I did not immediately go to see other places in the university department, but communicated the system as soon as possible.

He's not stupid, how could he not see the magic of this starry sky.

As long as this starry sky is present, Xianxian Academy is definitely the first holy place for cultivation in the entire universe, and no cultivation force can compare.

It's just that the starry sky is too magical. It's like disassembling the original law of the universe and putting it in the college department of the college. But this is not to say the Supreme God, even the Universe God cannot do it. What kind of existence of the system can actually achieve this step.

It was just that he asked the system, but there was no response.

"Sooner or later, I will know all your secrets." Wang Xing thought to himself, walking towards the university department, teachers and students actively followed him.

Only the entire university department is seen, and all of them are floating island fairy mountains, corresponding to the stars in the sky.

Above the immortal mountain, Qionglou Yuyu, the immortal grass and spirit plant, the immortality is compelling.

What a fairy tale.

All the teachers and students looked excited, and the environment was almost a hundred times better than that of high school.

Then following the palaces, the teachers found classrooms, villa dormitories, cafeterias and other places in high school.

"Mr. Qingdi, come and arrange accommodation for teachers and students." Wang Xing thought about it and said.

"Yes," the emperor answered.

It goes without saying that many teachers who have nothing to do continue to browse the college and make amazing discoveries frequently.

Wang Xing is the same, walking in the university department.

A light-year diameter university department is enough for teachers to explore for a long time.


Su Yu is practicing. He finds himself in a state of enlightenment, and he can automatically communicate with the stars in the sky.

Then he will upload a lot of messages back from the rule of the stars, just like someone was explaining the law to him, shocking him.

After such a night of enlightenment, he found that he had been enlightened for a year before.

Other teachers and students also seem to have discovered that the next day the whole university department was full of enthusiasm.

Wang Xing had already expected this, so it was not surprising.

The magic of the university department was still spread, and it even stimulated the students of the elementary school, junior high school, and high school. The cultivation atmosphere of Xianxian College was very strong.

At the end of the university, Wang Xing looked towards the distance, where there was a layer of dense fog blocking him.

He wanted to pass, but was blocked by an invisible force.

He urged all the powers, but he couldn't escape this mysterious power.

"Sure enough, there is still a place behind the university department." Wang Xing muttered. He thought of the worldly postgraduate study, and maybe this university department is the corresponding state of graduate students.

He pondered for a moment, still asking about the system.

Fortunately, the system has responded this time.

"There is indeed a faculty after the university. This faculty is not named. After the host has unsealed the faculty, you can name it yourself." The system said slowly. Seven immortals, that is, the realm of the golden immortal of the mixed Yuan. "

Wang Xing didn't realize it.

Mixed Yuan Promise Golden Immortal Realm, that is not the realm of God and King in the universe now.

Oh my god!

Even in the universe today, the God King is considered to be standing at the peak of the universe.

For example, the four existences of Pan-Eastern Commercial Bank were founded, and they are just the realm of the **** king.

Like Jiang Lan, he is just the realm of God.

"It seems that the conditions for graduating from college are the mixed level of Jinxian Da Luo Jinxian Realm, which is the current realm of the main god." Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and he had realized this.

He then inquired about the system and it proved his guess.

Three days later, the graduation conditions of the university department were spread throughout the university department, high school department, junior high school department, and even the elementary school department.

The entire university segment is in four grades.

Jinxian first-level ordinary Jinxian to Jinxian third-level Luojinxian, corresponding to the lower gods to higher gods of the universe today, is a first-year student of the university department.

Jinxian Level 4 Mixed Yuan Jinxian, corresponding to the perfect realm of the universe today, is a sophomore in the university department.

Jinxian 5th grade mixed Yuan Taiyi Jinxian, corresponding to the great consummation of the universe today, is a third-year university student.

Jinxian sixth grade mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian, corresponding to the realms of the gods of the universe today, is a fourth-year student in the university.

After completing the university course, you can choose to graduate, or accept the assessment for further studies, after which you can continue your studies.

Only graduated from the realm of the Lord God, who would believe it in the outer universe.

The key is that you can continue your studies, which leaves you with unlimited imagination.

It lasted for a year and the college finally returned to peace, but it is obvious that every student is a little different.

The appearance of the university department gave all students a clear goal.

A hundred years later.

Suddenly Wang Xing felt the power of a law of fire heading into the void, and he was unconsciously heading in one direction.

That's where Tianhe Yanyu cultivates.

"It's only been more than a hundred years, and she actually realized the Law of Fire to the realm of the Lord God." Wang Xing pondered for a moment. "So, she has more time to advance the Law of Fire. Progression may be more difficult than pushing a first-class rule from the realm of realms to immortality. If she wants to succeed, she needs great perseverance, courage, and great fortune. "

Perhaps someone has already completed the advancement of the rule before, but it must have been accidental and caused by various coincidences.

But Tianhe Yanyu is not the same, she is an advanced rule of purpose.

Wang Xing's consciousness glanced over Tianhe Yanyu and saw that she was still practicing, so she no longer paid attention to her.

Whether success or failure, he is powerless.

On this day, Wang Xing calculated that it was the time for Wanjie Recruitment ~ ~, and several consecutive Wanjie Recruitments did not meet the requirements for hosting.

"System, how is Wanjie's recruitment this time? Has it met the interview conditions?" Wang Xing asked.

He knew, however, that at least three candidates would be required for the interview process to start.

The number of candidates is the most critical condition.

"A total of six Wanjie strong candidates have been recruited and can start the interview." The voice of the system suddenly made Wang Xing overjoyed.

Six people?

This turned out to be more than last time.

"Great, I'm the teacher who arranged the interview and started the interview right away." Wang Xing was already impatient, and for the teacher, he always wanted to be better.


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