Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1644: University, Law of the Stars

The reward of the task is very simple, ten talent fragments and all the cultivation methods appearing in the world.

Wang Xing received it as soon as possible.

It goes without saying that there are ten talent fragments, and there are hundreds of exercises in the Cangmang world, and some of them are immortal.

For example, "Magic Sun Code", "Seven Puppet Xingji", "Yin and Yang Sword", "Purple Demon Xuan Gong", "Ten Puppet Xingji", "Six Masters of the Devil", "Tian Yan Secret Volume", "Xuan Wu" Secret Code "," Red Dust Refining Heart Song "and so on.

After collecting these, Wang Xing immediately arranged an assessment of Pang Zhen's further education.

After all, they can only be considered university students after they have advanced to university.

"Pang Zhen, this is your assessment task for further studies." Some teachers have found Pang Zhen. "The task requires you to serve in the Qingshen Army for one year, as the commander of the Qingshen Army, and to manage all the affairs of the Qingshen Army. If you are not qualified for the position of commander of the Qingshen Army, it is considered a mission failure. You can only apply for the second assessment after one hundred years. If you fail to pass the assessment three times in a row, you will always lose your chance to enter the college. "

Pang Zhen nodded, which is also the practice of Xianxian Academy.

Progression assessment is not difficult. If you fail to pass all three opportunities, it basically means failure in advancement. You will have to leave the college in the future, which is another kind of graduation.

However, looking at the history of Xianxian College, no one has failed three assessments, but one or two.

"I know."

Pang Zhen nodded and looked at the task in detail.

Originally, he was allowed to serve in the Qingshen Army for one year. In fact, it was only the temporary commander of the Qingshen Army. The current commander of the Qingshen Army took the opportunity to take a year off.

Let's look at the current commander of Qingshen Army, it is the teacher Lu Dongbin of the academy.

Pang Zhen immediately went to the floating **** base of the Qingshen Army. When he saw the arrogant Qingshenjun instructors, he understood that this was the content of his assessment. Teacher Lu Dongbin was able to shock these people while he was there. If he couldn't control these people in his temporary year, the assessment of his studies would be considered a failure.

One year later.

Pang Zhen returned, and his assessment task for further studies was completed, and the evaluation was a.

Immediately, Wang Xing announced the official opening of the university, and three freshmen from the university will join him to rise to the university.

On this day, there was a lot of enthusiasm in Xian College, all the courses stopped, and all the teachers and students came out.

Everyone looked at the void, where the fragrant fog was green, the clouds were red, and a golden avenue was connected to the university department from the high school like a galaxy.

He Yunze, Su Yu, Pang Zhen, a group of teachers who are about to go to the university are all there.

Wang Xing is at the forefront, looking at the university department.

"The dean is invited to speak below." At this time a voice sounded, and it looked carefully that it was the emperor.

At this critical moment, the dean naturally wants to speak.

Many students and teachers have looked at Wang Xing unconsciously, and are extremely excited.

Wang Xing turned around and glanced over every teacher and student: "Since the establishment of Xianxian College, the elementary school, middle school, and high school departments have all been unsealed. The final university department is finally open to you today. Gate. I think that since you have become a student of Xian College, how can you graduate from college, otherwise it is not a trip. Since you can be accepted by Xian College, you are definitely the best. I believe you can Come to university. "

The students below are all listening with confidence.

"Besides, I would also like to thank the teachers of our college. Without their selfless dedication, our college would not have been able to produce Jinxian university students so soon." Wang Xing continued.

The teachers were slightly excited, and this was the first time Wang Xing thanked them in public.

"Well, the teachers from the university department will also fly to the university department with us and start a new journey." Wang Xing said, one step has already stepped on the Jinqiao, and then the whole person's body leaps into the void with the Jinqiao, toward Go in the direction of the university department.

"University, I'm here." He Yunze sighed and was very excited. "Dear students, I am waiting for you in the university."

"I went to the university stage of Xianxue College, and I will be regarded as a real college student in the future." Pang Zhen followed with emotion and flew to the university department.

"University, a new beginning." Su Yu smiled, but it was free and easy.

"Mr. Zhongshan, let's go in, too," said Xu Taixuan.

Other university teachers also followed up one by one.

The rest of the students saw this scene, and they were full of motivation when they were envious.

As Wang Xing said, since I came to Xianxue College, I really did n’t come to university without going to college.

Liu Fan, Yao Jie, Qin Yan ...

These students disappeared in an instant, and now the three of Su Yu have led them. If they don't hurry, they will definitely be thrown farther and farther.

University Department.

After Wang Xing came in, he found another scene. The first thing in the entire university department was large, with a diameter of one light year.

Looking up into the sky, the stars are faint, but if you look closely at the stars, each one is different, and it seems that there is a force of law flowing on it.

Wang Xing was stunned and shocked.

He found that this star actually represented a rule, and the number of densely packed stars exceeded 100 million.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing's consciousness headed towards the stars in the void.

Originally, it was not far away, but it seemed to be separated by countless spaces. In the end, his consciousness fell on a star, which turned out to be a star formed by the law of fire.

This star is not very big and not very bright, but it has the same connection with countless surrounding planets.

"Don't ..."

Wang Xing thought of a possibility ~ ~ Return to consciousness immediately.

He saw it.

Among the stars in the sky, there are tens of thousands of third-class stars like the rule of fire. Strictly speaking, it is 11,164, which coincides with his previous reasoning. The third-level laws are spread throughout the starry sky. The reason why other stars are related to them is actually that these laws are composed of these third-level laws.

Among them, he also found that the higher the level of the law, the brighter the stars represented.

But the brighter the stars, the more distant they appear, and some of them cannot even reach the star.

Wang Xing still doesn't understand, this is not an ordinary starry sky at all, but a starry sky with laws.

Other teachers and students also found out that they wanted to fly up and see if the stars in the starry sky had more secrets, but they moved countless times, and they were all hundreds of millions of light years away. Reach among those stars.

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