Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1643: mission completed

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Wang Xing could feel Tianhe Yanyu's heart beating.

However, it is no wonder that anyone who beats this bike to a motorcycle will be tempted.

"If I choose the third option, what do I need to do?"

Tianhe Yanyu finally spoke slowly, then hesitated a bit, "And, what price do I need to pay."

She did not believe that Wang Xing would help her for no reason.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment, and smiled, "You give a helping hand to our college students at a critical time. These are enough. You don't have to pay any price. If it doesn't, I won't let Mr. Zhongshan bring You come to college. "

Tianhe Jiuyu was inexplicable for a while, but did not expect to save himself.

One drink and one peck.

Wang Xing continued at this time: "As for what you need to do, to be honest, if you now have the practice of the sixth-order master of the immortal realm, it will be much easier to advance your law of fire, but now you only have the Great Perfection To do that, you must first understand your rule of fire to the realm of the Lord God. "

Although according to Wang Xing's theory, any realm in the immortal stage can advance the rules, but only after understanding a rule to the peak can it be the easiest to advance and the strength will be the strongest in the future. Kui Shi, the main **** of the orc alliance that Wang Xing has just exemplified, Wang Xing guessed that he had completed the advanced rule before the main **** realm, so now he cannot break through to the realm of **** king, and it is a bit hot.

Hearing this, Tianhe Yuyu couldn't help crying.

If she could understand the law of fire to the extent of the Lord God's realm, she would have broken through to the Lord God's realm long ago.

"It's okay, I will help you understand the law of fire to the realm of the Lord God." Wang Xing said, "Come with me, I will take you to a place."

"Um." Tianhe Yan Yu followed with some curiosity.

I've been to a huge research room, which says 'The Law of Fire Research Room'.

Inside was a group of isolated flames, as many as eleven, burning.

Tianhe Yanyu looked closely, revealing a shocking look, because she found that this group of flames turned out to be the law of fire at different levels.

"This is the eleven levels of the fire law that I have organized. Mastering the fire laws of the first ten levels means that you have fully grasped the fire law, which is the realization of the fire law at the level of the Lord God. Eleventh This level is the ultimate fire law after the advanced, even the original law of the universe can burn, the cosmic **** dare not resist. But if the law of fire is advanced once, it cannot reach this level, which can only give you As a reference, you can help advance the law of fire. "

Wang Xing said lightly, with a smile on his face.

The eleventh flame was the fire of his cohesive origin, as well as the flame in his universe furnace.

Tianhe Yan Yu was speechless for a long time.

She was shocked in her heart, and she could divide the law of fire into eleven levels, and show it plainly, even those master gods who understood the realm of the law of fire could not do it. And the final eleventh group of flames turned out to be the ultimate fire after the advancement of the law of fire. Even the law of the universe's origins could burn, which made her see hope and increased her confidence.

"Because you only have a life span of 10,000 years, you have to do it all within 10,000 years. Next, you have to stay in our college for a long time. If you do n’t understand anything during this period, You can ask me at any time. But after ten thousand years, if you still cannot advance the law of fire and regenerate your nirvana, then I can't guarantee that I can save your life.

Tianhe Yan Yu nodded.

After 10,000 years, it is not the same as now. At that time, her life was coming to an end. It was more than 10,000 times more difficult to save her life than now.

"I know."

Tianhe Yanyu said with some dignity: "My fire law has reached a critical point, and with such a unique cultivation environment here, I should soon be able to comprehend the law of fire to the realm of the Lord God. Then the law of fire Advanced, it ’s up to you. If I fail, I have nothing to do with Xianxian College. "

Wang Xing nodded. He could only provide so much help to Tianhe Yanyu.

Success, the future is boundless.

Failure, there is no doubt that it is bound to die, it can be said that the soul is flying.

"Then you can prepare and start practicing as soon as possible." Wang Xing thought about it. He originally wanted to invite Tianhe Yuyu to make her succeed in the post at Xian Academy, but now she knows that it is not suitable to speak.

Tianhe Yanyu obviously couldn't wait any longer, went back and explained his own affairs, and then settled down at the college with ease, and started practicing.

As Tianhe Yan Yu entered the practice, the college's reward for Su Yu also came out.

20,000 mission points.

Three talent shards.

And the college library chooses one of the exercises and one of the magic.

The sensation caused by Su Yu's breakthrough is no less than He Yunze, which has stimulated many people.

In Su Yu's residence, he is merging three talent fragments, and when his fusion is over, he will become the second star-level talent student in the college.

The mission required three students who broke through the Jinxian realm. At this point, there are two, and they are one.

Wang Xing waited quietly.

Ten years later, one student broke through and turned out to be Pang Zhen.

Pang Zhen's breakthrough and even Wang Xing were somewhat unexpected. Although Pang Zhen was also the earliest group of students, Pang Zhen's rule was only the third-class rule.

His talent is really not high, and his understanding is also worse than many students such as Su Yu, and Wang Xing has always felt that he will wait for at least one second-class rule to be broken before breaking through.

Unexpectedly, he could not wait.

Now that Pang Zhen has broken through, Wang Xing is helpless. Fortunately, if his advanced theory of rules can be verified on Tianhe Yanyu, Pang Zhen may not be able to use the advanced method of the rules to impact the supreme state above the main god.

"Dean, I let you down."

Pang Zhen was a little embarrassed. He broke through to the Jinxian realm with the third-class rule, which was really a shame.

So for the first time, he didn't come to seek news from Wang Xing, but to ask for sin.

"Why should I be disappointed?"

Wang Xing smiled: "Break through, break through ~ ~ This is your choice. In the future, work harder, and the third-class rule is not without spring."

Pang Zhen nodded and moved immensely.

Subsequently, the college also issued a reward for Pang Zhen.

Ten thousand mission points.

A piece of talent.

And the college library chooses one of the exercises and one of the magic.

This reward is a little worse than Su Yu, but for Pang Zhen it is a huge training resource.

The reason why he broke through is exactly that.

At this time, the tasks issued by the system were also completed. The key is that the university department can finally be unblocked.

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