Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1650: Just bear with me

As for the strength of the ruthless Emperor, it is enough to suppress Polls and others.

Then the ruthless emperor set off.

You can reach any star field by going out of Xianxian Academy. She didn't run too far, but went directly to a universe country bordering Wuxing Mountain star field.

Yokohama was on the road that Porsche and others must pass, waiting for their arrival.

"Captain, there is someone in front."

A soldier said, a signal of life was also found in the signal detection of the battleship.

The captain listened.

In the endless void, light and darkness are intertwined, and from time to time, meteors cut through the night light and illuminate an area.

Under the faint starlight, the captain saw a woman who didn't know when it appeared, but with her appearance, the void in front of her condensed a crystal clear and shining strange seat. Countless rays of light around, energy from various planes and dimensions in the universe are all attracted to the past. The woman stepped forward and sat on the seat of the god. Susu put her hand towards the armrest of the chair, then raised her forehead with one hand, and closed her eyes lazily.

"This woman is terrible."

The captain's body was a spirit, he was the cultivation of the creation of the realm and could not even see the cultivation of the woman.

This shows that the woman's cultivation must be far above him.

"Captain, are we going to take a look?" The soldier thought for a while, "Here is the sphere of influence of our space-based universe. This woman is unknown. She appears in our star domain. We don't know if she will What threats our star field poses. "

The captain thought about it, and this was their daily task.

"Go, look over."

He gritted his teeth. After all, their space-based universe was also a giant universe, and most people did not dare to offend them.

So he steered past the space-class battleship.

"It's over."

This woman is naturally a ruthless emperor, and at this moment she slowly looked at the space-class battleship.

Everything in the surrounding area was shrouded in her consciousness. Naturally, this battleship could not hide her consciousness.

"This lady, this is the territory of the space-based universe."

The captain thought about it, and said, "I am the 69th patrol fleet of Space-based Space Country, responsible for guarding the frontier security of Space-based Space Country. You have entered the territory of our Space Country. Now, please cooperate with us. We will conduct routine inspections and inquiries. If you refuse to cooperate, we have the right to take coercive measures against you. "

"Forcing me?"

The ruthless Emperor laughed lightly: "I haven't heard such an interesting thing in a long time. There are people who can suppress me in this universe, but you, including your space-based universe, must not be among them."

The captain heard this, a stimulating word, so arrogant.

What else did he want to say? At this time, the ruthless Emperor looked at him, and he felt that his soul had been stripped from his body.

He was terrified, struggling to say something, but he couldn't make a sound at all, as if his voice was being pinched.

"My name is Ruthless Emperor, of course, this is what other people call me." Ruthless Emperor said very indifferently, "Some people will come out of the eye soon, I will deal with them here, if our battle is for your universe country What kind of loss has I brought, I can only say something very sorry to you, and you can bear it. "

After she finished speaking, she slowly retreated her gaze.

At this moment the captain felt that his soul was back, and his forehead was already sweaty.


Then a voice came, and he was pardoned.

"Go, hurry."

He wasn't terribly scared, so how dare he stop here.

He jumped dozens of times in continuous space, leaving thousands of light years before he stopped.

"Quick, get me the military."

The captain said, and immediately reported the incident.

Those who received the news from the Space-based Space Ministry of Military Affairs immediately reported the matter to the owner. The matter must be decided by the owner.

"Her lord?"

The owner of the Space-based Kingdom frowned and was a little angry: "It is just an emperor who dares to be so arrogant and does not take our Space-based Space Country into account at all. Now this era is not the past, and I do not know how many immortal gods have come Outside Shenhe, three of our immortal gods in the space-based universe have returned. Hum, isn't she going to fight with anyone, and also said that if we bring any loss to our universe, let us bear it. Then I'll catch her first and let her endure first. "

Then he contacted the three immortals.


Two men and one woman appeared, and the immortal breath circulated on them, which is definitely the immortal spirit.

In the universe, the ancestors of the space-based universe are also some famous people. These three immortals are actually his men.

"Yaha, Ebson, and Allegra, three gods, there is an emperor who dared to challenge our space-based universe and asked you to arrest her." The land-based leader said completely by order the way.

The three Ahab looked at each other and nodded.

They are under the control of the space-based universe, and even if they are dissatisfied with the incumbent space-based nation, they dare not directly oppose it.

Then, the three set off.

In the starry sky, Porsche has entered the star field where the space-based universe is located.

"Wuxingshan Star Field is ahead."

Porsche said, after moving again, he came to the edge of the space-based universe nation that meets the Wuxingshan Star Domain.

His men also followed one by one.

But as soon as he arrived here, Porsche felt an immense sense of shroud covering him.


With a change in his face, he followed this consciousness and looked into the distant void.

He saw the ruthless Emperor, and the other side looked at him at the moment, with a playful smile.

"You are finally here."

The ruthless Emperor said ~ ~ and slowly sat up straight: "The dean knows that you are bothering us about Xian Academy, and has sent me here waiting for you for a long time."

After hearing her words, Porsche's face changed so much that someone could predict their actions.

"Did you mean the dean of Xianxian College?"

He whispered, thinking: "My brother Gerda, where is he?"

"He is on the shelf of our dean." The ruthless Emperor smiled, "and soon, you will go with him."

"Asshole!" Porsche was so angry, he didn't expect the ruthless Emperor to admit it like that, without any sophistication.

Suddenly, he issued a startling killing.

His subordinates also sent out an astonishing killing intention, one by one the fighting was turbulent.

While the two were talking, the three immortals of the space-based universe were also here, but when they appeared, they were scared by the situation in front of them.

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