Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1652: Hole card

What is the Lord God?

Even in the Shenhe, the main **** is not Chinese cabbage, and the ancestor of the space-based universe nation that the two followed is just a great fulfillment god.

How shocking they were to see the two main gods here.

Can the Lord God be free to travel to and from God River?

"It's just ... it's terrible. We actually saw the two main gods outside the river of God. Especially the female goddess, she could easily defeat a title **** who would be a level god, so that the other party could not fight back. . Her strength must have reached the pinnacle of the Lord God's realm, which is an extremely terrible existence in the Lord God. "Ahab spoke unfavorably, and he was extremely shocked in his heart. If this battle spreads, it will even shock God River.

"Yes, the key is that the male **** has sent out magic weapons, but was also blown away by the woman. And the male god's men, they all cooperated perfectly, and at first glance they came down from outside the battlefield. But Rao In this way, they did not treat the woman like a battle formation, but were easily cracked by the woman, and then they were defeated like an unmanned state. "Allegra said.

The strength and cultivation of the ruthless Emperor made him shocked, even full of admiration.


After the fierce emperor flew the magic weapon of Porsche, he attacked again.

Her figure was like a black light that cut through the sky. Her prime hand raised gently, as if to hold something, and with her movement, the entire starry sky was dark. It just felt like the entire starry sky was caught by her and she was at her mercy.

Porsche looked up, as if he saw the universe collapsing, the stars falling, and the world falling.

"No, no ~~~"

He yelled, trying his best to meet the palm of the ruthless Emperor. But his power is so fragile and so small under this palm, just like the ants trying to fight the elephant, they will only be trampled into meat.


The palm of the ruthless Emperor fell down, and when it passed through the space, there was a thunderous sound. Many of Bolsher's men around heard this thunder, only feeling that something had invaded their souls, and gave them a severe blow. Many people immediately held their heads and fell from the void, with extremely painful applications on their faces.

Facing the ruthless Emperor Bolshe, he felt deeper.

He felt like he was going to be torn to pieces, every cell on his body was going to be crushed, and he was about to disappear from the universe. At this moment, he didn't care about anything. He urged all the powers of the kingdom of God, all the powers of the gods, all the powers of flesh and blood. Hit the ground.


Under the impact of their strength, the void collapsed, and everything in billions of miles turned into nothingness.

Many of Polsher's men were spread, his body was penetrated by the force of the broken space, blood flowed, the body was broken, and the kingdom of God collapsed.

Even if the three Ahabs were hiding far away, under the aftermath, they were directly overthrown as if they were hit by a gigantic huge wave, and each spit out blood.

"Very well, you dare to urge all the powers of the Lord God Realm to fight me." Said Ruthless Emperor, "But in this case, the law of the origin of the universe must have locked you. Even now the law of the origin of the universe is in the stage of collapse, But he still can't sit idly by the immortality of the Lord God's realm and enter the river of God. "

When he heard this, Porsche was angry: "It's all you, it's all you forcing, I'm just trying to protect myself."

He looked up at the void, and the law of the origin of the universe really came.

A force caught him and wanted to take him away.

"No, I just came out of the Shenhe River. If I go back this way, I will become a laughing stock." He roared angrily, and at this time a disc-shaped magic weapon flew from his body, this magic weapon It slowly grew bigger, and finally reached the size of thousands of miles, covering him.

Under the protection of this disc-shaped magic weapon, all his breath seemed to disappear from the universe. The original law of the universe also seems to have lost its goal, and then slowly dissipated its power. However, at this time, it can be seen that a crack appeared on the disc-shaped magic weapon, as if something had cracked a crack fiercely.

"No wonder you have a master **** who can come out of the Shenhe River. It turns out there is such a magic weapon. But this magic weapon should have restrictions on its use. He resisted the power of the law of the origin of the universe for you, so a crack appeared on it. I It feels like two or three times at most, and your magic weapon will be completely damaged. "The ruthless Emperor slowly said, and instantly saw through the role of Polshe.

"Yes, you're right." Porsche's face was so dull at this time, "I didn't want to urge this magic weapon, because the value of this magic weapon is more than a third-order original artifact. But there is no way. In order not to be dragged into the river of God, I must do so. "

Ruthless Emperor was silent: "It seems you have any other cards."

Without a hole card, Polsher would definitely die if he stayed outside the river of God. He must dare to do so because of his support.

A reliance enough to turn him over, and he had at least 50% certainty.

"Yes, I do have a hole card." Porsche wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. "Originally, this can be said to be my biggest secret. All the people I have seen have died. Today you are no exception, for scrub My shame, I must kill you. Only then, even if I am forced to return to Shenhe, I have an account with it. "

The ruthless Emperor sneered and did not speak.

"Titan change!"

At this time, he heard only a roar of Bolsher, who had launched the secret he had said.

All he saw was his body suddenly change, and it was ten thousand feet in an instant. Every cell in his body seemed to turn into a small world. His eyes glowed strangely, like two burning stars. Around him, the void continued to collapse, and the law began to retreat. With his fists, he made a terrible sound, like two small universes colliding together. As soon as his feet stepped, the starry sky trembled.

"What is this trick?"

The ruthless Emperor looked, and he could clearly see that Polsjo's strength had increased tenfold.

Porsche heard the words of ruthless people, but was a little surprised: "You don't even know this method of me? Haven't you ever been to anything, have you ever been to an extraterritorial battlefield?"

The ruthless Emperor was silent. She had just arrived at Xianxian Academy, where she had been.

Polsjo looked at the ruthless Emperor, with some dignity: "Whether you really haven't been to Shenhe ~ ~ or haven't been there, I tell you that my method is not new, this is Blending the capabilities of alien bloodlines. And what I am merging is the bloodline of the most powerful giant **** race among aliens. "

"It turned out to be so good, it can actually increase your strength so much at once.

"Very good, do you think it's good?" Porsche laughed. "Do you know? In the Shenhe, people like us who are mingled with alien blood are called aliens, and everyone thinks We are disgraceful and think that we have insulted the blood of our own cosmic life. It is a kind of blasphemy. But who knows that we are only to become stronger and to survive in the extraterritorial battlefield. The fusion of blood is simple, and who knows what we bear With such a great risk, only one or two of the ten people who have merged with the blood of other races can succeed, and the person who fails will become a ghost or ghost, or even die directly because of the blood pulse. There is also the largest One problem is that even if the fusion of blood vessels is successful, because of the rejection of the two cosmic life blood vessels in one kind of meditation, our life span is less than one percent of the life of the normal universe. "

Fusion of alien blood is a taboo in Shenhe.

Porsche said that this was his biggest secret, precisely because once he revealed that he had merged with the blood of the giant deities, it was likely to become the target of public criticism.

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