Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1653: 1 hair

After the ruthless emperor heard it, he didn't have any expression.

In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with merging blood if it is only to become stronger. But the integration of alien blood is like racial discrimination in the early days of China. It is normal to be rejected.

However, this has nothing to do with her.

"Come on, let me see your strongest attack."

The ruthless Emperor slowly said, some looked forward to it: "After this attack, you should never be able to play a second attack. Treasure this opportunity, don't let me down."

She is eager to fight, especially to fight against strong men of the same level.


Porsche laughed: "After this blow, you will not be disappointed. Because you will only die, I will crush you to pieces with my own hands, make you feel bad, and then throw your corpse to the gate of Xianxian College and tell This is the end of the dean of Xian University. He dares to catch my brother. "

He has only one younger brother, and Gerda means a lot differently to him.

Then he gathered all his strength.

His entire body glowed with a strange blue light. Every cell, every drop of blood, every inch of his muscles exuded amazing power. His godhead turned at a high speed, like a computer chip reaching the maximum load, and the endless energy in his kingdom of God was pumped away, like a cracked earth that was drained of water.

He waved his palm and shook it into a fist. The fist was burning with a strange **** flame, as if to burn through time and space.

His body arched back, and his body looked like a bow, and his fist was an arrow.

All his powers were gathered on this punch.

Everyone around me looked at this scene, all trembling and trembling.

Such a terrifying power has definitely reached the extreme of the realm of the Lord God, and I am afraid that it can be comparable to the King of God.

"go to hell!"

He shouted, his voice was still ringing, but his figure had cut through the void, as if he had ignored the laws of space and time, and stepped in front of Ruthless Emperor.

His fist blasted at the ruthless Emperor, and that punch seemed to destroy the entire universe.

The ruthless emperor is also unprecedentedly dignified. At this time, her body flickered at a strange frequency, and her body was gradually getting smaller, like a black spot.

It's like the singularity of the universe.

Then, there were no black spots, as if it had completely disappeared in this universe.


Bolshey penetrated the whole void with a single blow, like a star ten times the sun out of its orbit, breaking through the starry sky and rushing into the unknown area.

In an instant, it passed through dozens of large galaxies.

It's like splitting these big galaxies into two, which is terrifying.

"This ... Is this still the power of the Lord God's realm, it's about to pierce the entire star field." Ahab said in panic.

There are also a number of star fields in the universe. Generally, it is not bad that a river can be destroyed with a single blow from the main god-level powerhouse.

But the power launched by Porsche actually penetrated dozens of large galaxies, and the aftermath caused many planets to explode, and many small worlds were destroyed.

This power is really terrifying, they can be said to be the only thing in their lives.

"The goddess is dead, she's too arrogant." Allegra thought for a while, "The blow was obviously the heroine's desperate effort, and she went all out, but she didn't block it, letting the opponent play the best Instead, it hurts herself. You see, I can't feel her breath. It seems that she was directly hit by the other party into a cosmic particle, and even a corpse was not left. "

"Yeah, if the goddess was chasing after victory, she should have a great chance to win." Ebson also said, a pity.

The three thought so, and those of Polscher felt the same.

In the void, Porsche looked at the nothingness in front of him, and determined that he had killed the ruthless Emperor: "Did you finally die? I didn't expect you to be like this. Under my full blow, I couldn't even keep the body Come down. But that's okay. I'll hold your body and throw you to the gate of Xianxian College. "

At this moment, Porsche calmed down like never before.

But at this moment, a faint vortex suddenly appeared in the calm void in front of me. How to describe it, the vortex is like a kind of faint ripples that fell on the surface of the lake with sand. You can't even notice if you don't look closely. But Porsche was the realm of the Lord God. He discovered the anomaly here as soon as possible, and the godly sense immediately locked the past.

He already had a bad hunch.

Sure enough, I only saw the faint vortex that was like the fire of the stars, and it was instantaneous.

Within a few seconds, the whirlpool was already the size of a millstone, like a lotus flower, and a figure slowly rose from the whirlpool, which was the ruthless emperor.

The ruthless Emperor at this moment looked at Polsjo, but slowly said, "Very good!"

Poulsher trembled, unbelievable: "How could you possibly have nothing under my Xeon blow, this is impossible."

Others are also incredible.

Ahab immediately said, "She is still alive, but she is still alive. What is going on?"

Allegra and Ebson were also full of doubts. They also wanted to know how the ruthless Emperor did it, and they took a powerful blow from Porsche.

The ruthless Emperor looked at the sky, and the principle of origin once again shrouded Porsche. At this time, she said lightly: "It's not that there is nothing, your Xeon blow still hurt me."

Then, she held out her palm, and it turned out to be a piece of green silk.

After seeing it, Polsjo didn't have any pride, but felt that it was a shame, and it was a shame.

His strongest blow made the other person lose a hair ~ ~ Others are also speechless. Is there anything more striking than this?

"You've done everything, there are no other powerful tricks, it's my turn." Ruthless Emperor, she looked at the power of the law of the universe's origins and said slowly, "I said that I would catch you back to college, so Absolutely. "

"Impossible, I will be drawn to the Shenhe River next time, you can't stop me." Porsche said coldly.

"You can't go back." Then, the ruthless Emperor shot decisively.

She launched the fiercest attack against Porsche, only to see the shadows of fists and feet in the void, and each strike could destroy a galaxy. In fact, it is exactly the same. Hundreds of surrounding galaxies have been destroyed and turned into ruins.

Bang Bang!

Polsjo was shot down into the stars, and there was no fighting back.

At this time, the ruthless emperor saw that the time was almost up, and a glass bottle appeared in his hand.

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