Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1654: Ancestral continent

When this glass bottle appeared, many people didn't know what was going on.

But looking carefully at the glass bottle, it seemed to have a strange power, very mysterious.

The law of the origin of the universe has shrouded Bolshe, pulling him towards the river of the gods. Because he is the Lord God, this traction power can be said to be immense, no one can cut off this power at all, unless it is the Supreme God's shot.

"She can't stop the general."

Porters's men thought that although Polsher was integrated with the blood of the Titans, Polsor took them to fight in the extraterritorial battlefield for countless years. They have long been dead-hearted towards Polsher, which can be said to be Polscher's confidante .

They will not discriminate against Polsjo, and even some of them have long known Polsjo's secrets.

But at this time, they saw something. I saw the ruthless Emperor manipulating the glass bottle to cover the house. The glass bottle released a force to **** the house, and then this force cut off the connection between the universe's original law and the house. Instead, he led Porsche towards the glass bottle, and wanted to collect Porsche into the glass bottle.

"No, no ~"

Porche shouted, desperately trying to break free of this power.

Many people have already been stunned. It is unbelievable that the ruthless Emperor has such a magic weapon, and even the power of the law of the universe's origin can be dispelled.


The ruthless Emperor shouted at this moment, as if thundering, and made Porsche immediately stunned, his expression sluggish.

At this moment, Porsche was sucked into the glass bottle.

"She caught the general!"

Many of Polsjo's men finally realized this after seeing this scene.

"Go back to Shenhe!"

I don't know who said something, all of them went towards Shenhe, because they knew that only when they returned to Shenhe could they move to rescue soldiers and save Polsjo.

Watching these Polsher men flee, the ruthless Emperor knew that he couldn't catch them all, but he wouldn't stop them all. You must know that there are more than twenty great gods in these men. So she shot the first time, incarnation of dozens of people, each with one-tenth of her strength, each holding a glass bottle, entangled with one of Polse's men, and then arrested, the figure spread More than half of the star field.

Looking at the glass bottle in the hands of the ruthless Emperor, these Porsche men were very scared one by one.

The three Ahabs were frightened as they hid far away.

Ten minutes or so later, only about ten people were caught by those who were caught by Polsjo's men.

Those incarnations of the ruthless Emperor returned, and one glass bottle was handed over to her, and the number was carefully counted to be 107. If you add the one from Porsche, it is exactly 108.

"Sadly escaped a few."

The vicious man sighed and was not very satisfied with his shot this time.

At this time, the three of Ahab knew that it was impossible to conceal the godly sense of the ruthless emperor, and immediately appeared, flying over in reverence.

"I've seen Lord God."

The three were talking, but also a little uneasy.

"What kind of power do you have, dare to peep at it." The ruthless Emperor looked at the three of them without arrogance.

"Master Hui, we are the immortality of the space-based universe, and we have just come from the Shenhe River. Your position is now within our space-based universe, and we feel ... feel the anomaly here, so come and check No intentional peeping, "Ahab replied.

He lied.

Where did they feel the anomaly here, but it was troubled by the Emperor Tianji to come here to find the cruel emperor. But if the truth is said, who knows if the ruthless people will blame their space-based universe, and destroy the space-based universe at their convenience.

"Is it?"

The ruthless Emperor murmured, but was too lazy to think deeply and turned away.

When the ruthless Emperor left, the three took a breath, as if they were walking from the edge of death.

"Let's go back and find the owner of Tianji Guo."

"Yes, you must not let him go."

"This **** guy almost didn't kill us."

The three had a decision almost instantaneously, and even the adults in Shenhe would not blame them for it, after all, it was the Tianji Kingdom who almost harmed them first. It can be imagined how miserable the space-based lord is next.

Among immortal colleges, the ruthless Emperor returned.

"Reverent teacher, you have completed the task so quickly." Wang Xing smiled and looked at Ruthless.

"One hundred and eighty were arrested and eleven escaped." Ruthlessly said, more than a hundred glass bottles appeared in front of him, and a personal figure inside was still visible.

"Well, good." Wang Xing nodded, and put these glass bottles on the shelf with a wave of his hand. "Tough work, you go back to rest first, and the college will give you some task rewards later."

"Okay." Ruthless Emperor said, turning and leaving.

"That ... wait a minute." Wang Xing stopped the ruthless Emperor.

"Anything else?" She seemed strange.

"It's okay." Wang Xing shook his head again.

Watching the ruthless Emperor leave, he was a little bit crying. It turned out that just when the cruel emperor was about to leave, he found that the 108 immortals arrested, all of them were ransacked by the cruel emperor without any valuable things on his body. However, his dean could not be forced, so in the end, although he shouted the ruthless Emperor, he did not feel comfortable speaking.

Ten days later, in the Shenhe River.

A huge piece of land, which is 10 billion light years long and wide, with the peaks above it, the universe has abundant energy, even the most energy-rich places outside the Shenhe River cannot be compared.

This continent is called the ancestral **** continent, which is the sacred place of the ancestral **** in the Shenhe.

At this moment, the eleven people returned with a look of horror in the continent of ancestral gods. They were the men of Polsjo.

"The King of Thousand Hands is here. We want to see the King of Thousand Hands!"

They said ~ ~ extremely anxious.

In front of them, it was a man dressed in gold armor, looking prestigious, and this gold armor man was actually just a guard.

The man named Jin Jia recognized the eleven people, and he frowned, "Aren't you under the authority of Lord Porsche? I remember that Porsche has been sent out of the river of God and presided over my teaching in the river of God. Something else. You should n’t have been there long, why are you back now? "


Eleven people hesitated. They didn't dare tell the truth to the Jinjia man.

"We want to see Lord Thousand Hands God, and the reason we are back, we can only tell Lord God King." At this time, a man stood up and said that the reason why they found Thousand Hands God as soon as they returned to Patriarchalism, the main One reason is that King Thousand Hands is the master of Porsche.

There are many **** kings in the ancestral religion, and there are many factions. This time Polls accident, it will even affect the thousand gods.

And they can only ask the King of Thousand Hands for help.

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