Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1656: Arrogant

Speaking, King Thousand Hands shouted, "Ruff."

Immediately came a man who was close to three meters tall, wearing a black robe, a pair of dead fish eyes, a pointed nose, enlarged ears, and a mouth almost reaching the neck.

When he reached the King of Thousand Hands, he immediately knelt down and said, "I've seen the master."

Yes, he is one of the slaves of the Thousand Hands God.

In the universe, many **** kings will have servants, which is a symbol of their status and status.

Love is a peculiar race in the universe, called the Necromancer. He has been a servant of the King of Thousand Hands for dozens of years, and is currently the cultivation of the God of the Great Perfection.

However, his strength is comparable to that of the main god, but it cannot be underestimated.

"You took my avatar to take a trip outside of Shenhe, and let the dean of the Immortal Academy release all the people of the ancestors ..." said King Qianshou.

"Yes, master," Ruff responded.


Among immortal colleges.

In addition to Wang Xing's class, he is doing some research in practice, but he is also very fulfilling every day.

In his office, he looked up at the shelf: "Surely someone was sent over again, are n’t the gods still dead?"

Wang Xing felt that in the outer void of the universe, there was a flood of information, which was a way for the immortal gods to communicate, and only the immortals could receive it.

Needless to say, this is what Raf passed over just to see him as the dean of the Immortal Academy.

After all, the Immortal Academy is in an independent dimension, and Ruff could not find it at all, and this way of transmitting information, as soon as a teacher of the Immortal Academy receives it, he will definitely tell Wang Xing.

As soon as the figure flashed, Wang Xing came to the void.

Here is a barren planet on the edge of the Earth Confederacy, where Love is standing, expressionless.

Suddenly, a wave of space came.

"I heard you want to see me."

Wang Xing stepped out of the space lightly, with a light cloud.

Raf looked at Wang Xing and found that Wang Xing's breath was not very strong. He immediately sang, "You are the dean of the Immortal College. You are so brave that you dare to catch the master's disciples. You still don't kneel to admit it Are you waiting for my master to level your immortal college? "

He was very imposing and terrifying.

Wang Xing smiled: "If your master has this ability, he will come by himself. If you pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of me, I dare to catch Polls, and naturally make the worst plan."

Hearing this, Ruff looked dull.

He didn't expect Wang Xing to be so strong, he hated, "Don't be too proud of it. Now, although the King of God cannot come out of the Shenhe River, it does not mean that he cannot."

Wang Xing sniffed, who are you threatening?

What happened when the God King came out of the Shenhe River? Is there no God King in our college?

"If you came to me just to talk about this nonsense, then I can only catch you." Wang Xing said indifferently.

"You ..." Raf was extremely angry. In his opinion, Wang Xing was simply lawless. "Well, I admit that my master can't really come out of Shenhe, but my master is the titled **** king in Shenhe. It ’s powerful. Your Xianxian Academy offends my master. Do n’t you fear that my master will take revenge. Now my master can give you a chance to admit mistakes. As long as you release the arrested people of our ancestors, my master can never be blamed. "

Wang Xing didn't feel hehe.

He knew this routine most clearly, saying that the owner of his family had never been blamed, but he did not say that the ancestral religion had never been blamed.

At that time, when the **** king can come out of the **** river, the ancestral gods teach a bunch of **** kings to kill them, and the other party will not have the slightest softness.

Of course, even if the ancestral **** said that he had never blame, he would not believe it.

This kind of commitment in the universe is the least valuable, and whoever believes is foolish.

"My master has guessed that you caught so many people in our ancestral religion and did not kill it because you did not dare to kill. You are afraid of revenge on our ancestorism. If you want to reconcile with our ancestorism, this is the best opportunity. After all, you have captured so many of our ancestral gods, but it is only a last resort. It is still our ancestors to be the supreme religion of this universe. "Raf continued, this is exactly the thought of King Thousand Hands God. Repeated conclusions.

There is only one possibility of catching and not killing, and that is to dare not kill.

"Hehe." What can Wang Xing say?

"This is the only chance, you think carefully." Raf threatened.

"Don't think about it." Wang Xing shook his head at this time. "Your master thinks too much. I arrested your ancestors and did not kill them, not because I was afraid of revenge, but because I didn't like killing people. But Since they have offended our Xian Academy, if you want to save them out, there is no other way, then redeem it with treasure. "

"Redeemed?" Raf's face changed slightly.

"Yes, I will give you a quotation according to Xiu Wei, like the Lord of the Sixth Tier of Immortal, such as Porsche, and less of a second-order original magic. Those who are completed by the Great God, a first-order original. The magic weapon is all right ... "Wang Xing faintly said, it was all about selling catties.

"Don't think about it." Ruff didn't wait for Wang Xing to finish, and he was angry. "You really ca n’t help my master to take your fairy college. Although I do n’t know where your fairy college is, it must be in the space where the Earth Federation is located When my master came here, he had already made the worst plan. This is an avatar of my master. There is an attack from my master on it, and the attack of a **** king. No one outside the river can receive it. Down. As for your immortal college, there is a realm of **** king, but the **** king of your college is still in the river of God? "

Then, a puppet appeared in Raf's hand, and his appearance was almost exactly the same as the King of Thousand Hands.

Wang Xing frowned, "You did n’t say this at the beginning ~ ~ It seems that you are trying to resolve the grievances between the Immortal College and the Patriarch. It would be a fool. If I were I really listened to you, let go of your ancestral gods first, and you will surely urge this avatar, and I will be invincible by then. I have to say that your host really has a very vicious mind. "

Yes, this is exactly what King Thousand Hands intended.

Raf snorted, it was the default.

"Release people, otherwise I will turn your college into flying ash now. I told you that an attack by the King of God is enough to turn a river system into nothingness. By then, it will not only be your immortal college, but your earth federation and your human It's going to be history, "Raf hummed, a little bit fierce.

After listening, Wang Xing laughed: "Are you so sure that no one in our college can attack this next?"

"Why, the only **** king in your college is also in Shenhe." Raf must be extremely incomparable.


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