Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1657: What are you waiting for

After Wang Xing heard it, he shook his head: "I don't know where your master got the information from our college. I actually think that our college has only one **** king and is still in the river of God. I can only say one thing, Your master knows nothing about our academy. Our academy is many times stronger than your master thought, otherwise you think we dare to challenge the ancestral religion. "

Ruff didn't realize it, and panicked.

But soon he calmed down: "Everything in your fairy college has been seen through by my master, I think you are bluffing, and it is broken at one point. Our ancestral gods stand in the universe and do n’t know how many epochs, as one of the giants in the universe First, is it that you, a small academy who does n’t know that it has just risen for a few years, can be shaken. If the original law of the universe is still sheltering the starry universe, our ancestral gods have already sent troops to destroy your academy and have everyone in your fairy academy They've all been caught, where would they bargain with you like now. "

"Ha ha!"

"You don't understand the essence of ancestral religion."

Raf said indifferently: "Now I ask you one more question, you can't give up the person, otherwise I will urge the master's avatar now, and wipe out all the painstaking operation of your fairy college."

"If you do that, Porsche will be dead."

"They died when they died. Our ancestral gods have billions of immortality. Although Polsjo is one of my master ’s disciples, but my master has disciples of more than 10,000. Among them, there are no less than a hundred people in the realm of the gods. Do you feel dead? Will one of my family be distressed if he is one? That ’s why he is my disciple. If you do this, you will lose the face of my host, otherwise my host wo n’t bother you. ”

Raf said indifferently that it was worthless to downplay the importance of Polsjo and others.

However, Wang Xing knows that this is definitely not the case. Perhaps the King of Thousand Hands really has so many disciples in the realm of the Lord God, but Porsche is definitely one of the best and one of his most promising disciples. Otherwise, he will never shoot first, and this way. After all, if this matter was falsely accused to others of the ancestral religion, it may be that others will not live or die of Polsjo, and it will be a thunderous attack on Immortal College directly.

"Since you have said so, then do it." Wang Xing laughed, "whatever I said, you all think that our immortal college is pretending to be superficial. Then let's see if your master's blow can Ruined our college, destroyed the Earth Federation, and let us humans disappear from the universe. Your master is too self-righteous, so is your ancestral religion. Only if you really see the strength of our fairy college, will you be afraid, Only then can we know that our college can't mess with it. "

Raf's face changed slightly, he did not expect that Wang Xing really dare to let them launch an attack.

Is there a **** king hiding in the fairy college?

"Come on, don't hesitate, what are you waiting for?" Wang Xing said leisurely.

"You really don't dare." Raf said angrily, immediately a divine power was input into the clone of the Thousand-Hand God King, only to see the bright green light from that clone, constantly growing, and it was enveloped in an instant. The entire planet, "I didn't expect to have come this far, and then wait to bear the anger of my master. The blow of a titled **** king will make your river system history."

"Well, keep blowing. I'll see how your host destroys the Milky Way." Wang Xing smiled.

"Death is imminent, even dare to speak madly." Raf said, only to see that the head of the thousand-hand **** king had flew into the Shenhe, expressionless, full of supreme majesty. At this moment, the entire starry sky is fading. Many cosmic energies are extremely irritable. All the laws of the universe seem to be frozen. Some free life in the universe, bacteria, etc. have all lost their vitality in an instant.

Even some planets were drained of energy in an instant and went to the end of life and turned into dust.

"Ignorant, die!"

The avatar of the Thousand-Hand God King made a cold voice, as if he was making a judgment.


I just saw that this puppet gathered a tremendous amount of energy and formed an energy light cluster, just like a small energy universe.

Seeing here, he was far away from the Milky Way and hid away.

Wang Xing was also somewhat surprised. He did not expect that an attack by the King of Thousand Hands turned out to be such a thing. This was simply an energy bomb condensed to blow up the Milky Way. Anyway, it turned out to be just such a low-level method. It wasn't like he thought it was, and he thought it was a terrorist attack involving God-level secrets.

However, such a powerful energy intensity is indeed not something that the Lord God Realm can resist.

Because of this terrifying energy body, the entire galaxy has experienced strong spatial fluctuations, and many people are disturbed. This is an instinctual induction of danger.

"Well, even if the Immortal Academy can escape the calamity, the Milky Way galaxy will definitely turn into a fly ash. I do n’t know that the dean of the immortal Academy dare to offend the master, this is a lesson. If he is smart enough, let it go Man, maybe the master will give him a way of life, otherwise the one who is waiting for him will be perished. The majesty of the titled **** king will pay the price for anyone who provokes. "

Love was standing in the void, waiting for the collapse of the Milky Way.

But at this moment, he saw that the dean of the Immortal College took action. Suddenly a huge melting pot shadow appeared from the opponent ’s body, which seemed small, but it was like a universe, and it was alive, just like a fierce god, only knowing that all the beasts that swallowed everything up, The entire dimension and even the universe are swallowed up and become their own food.

"What is he going to do?" Raf was confused ~ ~ has an ominous hunch.

At this time, this huge furnace suddenly opened a big mouth, and flew towards the energy body condensed by the King of Thousand Hands, then swallowed it, like Tengu Food Day, with thousands of hands. The king's uncle's clone was swallowed up. The energy body condensed by the Thousand-Handed God King entered the cosmic furnace and hit the crystal wall system of the cosmic furnace, but there was no movement after a few moments, and then the cosmic furnace seemed to be full and spit out Thing is the clone of the Thousand Hands God King.

However, this avatar has no energy now, it is just like a doll.

At this moment, Wang Xing's heart moved, and the melting pot of the universe slowly integrated into his body again, and he grabbed it at will, and the hand of the King of Thousands of Gods fell into his hands.

"how can that be?"

Raf couldn't believe it. The attack from the God King was taken so easily. Isn't this too childish?

He didn't think about it, but turned and ran away.

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